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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-16 in Posts

  1. But, Rhymes didn't give up on the play... he was still refusing to go down... the whistle wasn't blown, so BA forced him down... and then he whines like a little baby. What did he expect, to be cradled and coddled?
    7 points
  2. Mark H.

    3 stars plus hh

    Mostly a second string OL, inexperienced QB throws for 325 yards & we lose by 8 points. D could have been better stopping Butler, ST needs to tighten up. But there's a whole lot to like about this game.
    7 points
  3. Our backups gave BC all they could handle. A w in the moral victory column
    6 points
  4. Half our special teams tackles are by a long snapper, a kicker and a right tackle. That's a bad special teams half.
    6 points
  5. Honestly if BA let's up Rhymes probably finds some fight in him to try and get away. Whistle hadn't gone, he's gotta expect the db to finish the tackle. Don't be a puss.
    5 points
  6. Our backers blitz a ton. Thought our DL looked pretty stout, backers weren't ready to clean up. Key to defending zone run is not run into the wash, force the line to be mobile opening up the gaps for the first wave to break their blocks and get a shot at the back. Clements is brutal at this, just runs right into the pile, makes it easy to block up and gives tons of space to cut back/run counters. Darby made a couple of poor reads too that opened up huge lanes, especially on the one big run. Bighill filled the last gap on the play side to force the back across field but Darby followed Bighill into the gap instead of being patient and cleaning up. Love that the 3down doofus insists that tackle was after the whistle. Clearly was not. Problem on that play was Rhymes quit immediately at the pop and then left himself prone for the finish. Extremely lazy play by Rhymes and he paid for it. Should be trying to fight himself. All I'll say about trying to fight guys post-game is that you have 60 minutes to get that violence out on the field. If you have the energy to try to go at someone post-game you're doing it wrong.
    5 points
  7. BA and the rest of the squad to Busted Rhymes:
    5 points
  8. Haven't seen this anywhere else but apparently Rhymes tried to go after BA post-game according to 3DN. "Unfortunately, the press box conversation after the game was that Rhymes felt well enough to cross the hallway to the Bombers’ locker room and attempt a confrontation with the safety — the second time the Lions have been accused of that type of behaviour this year." https://3downnation.com/2022/10/16/lions-show-that-its-dangerous-to-terry-and-eight-other-thoughts-on-b-c-beating-the-bombers/
    5 points
  9. Lol what a dumb rule. That's like in Trailer Park boys when they dragged patio furniture to the curb. "It's not stealing it's garbage" just like that rule. Garbage.
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Haha what a bunch of passes. Hope BA pops him again next game.
    4 points
  12. Goalie

    3 stars plus hh

    Our kicker makes his kicks and we win. I'd be concerned if I'm BC. Tsn acting like the lions just won the cup is interesting.
    4 points
  13. Brown threw 5 TD passes, and yet we still lost.....
    4 points
  14. HardCoreBlue

    3 stars plus hh

    His throw on the runs while looking off a defender is what caught my attention.
    4 points
  15. 17to85

    3 stars plus hh

    What a puss. Hopefully he is looking for BA every time from here on out. Nice to have a guy like that back in the middle of the D. Felt like the Bombers D stepped up the physicality a lot in the 2nd half. Get some bodies back and they can go back to grinding teams down over the course of a game.
    4 points
  16. BBlink

    3 stars plus hh

    Also have to give credit to Dru Brown. If he has our full offense (o line, Brady) for a full game then we probably win. He was far from perfect, obviously. But watching film and making throws when the bullets are flying is a huge difference. He only gets better with playing time.
    4 points
  17. 17to85

    3 stars plus hh

    and I will fight to the death that the PI they reviewed was complete horseshit. Ball so underthrown the receiver has to go back through the DB to even be in the same area code, but uh oh, naughty DB, that's interference. Complete horseshit even if technically it's contact on a receiver. uncatchable ball.
    4 points
  18. They should really change that rule. It kinda punishes kickers for managing to have the ball settle in the field of play near the sideline, which sometimes is what you want.
    4 points
  19. 4 points
  20. Well we know if ZC goes down we not dead in water Think we found that new DB in Lawrence BA looks back in groove
    4 points
  21. Great ball there...was a bit scared with Brown throwing off back foot kind of falling backward there. He's with the wind this quarter.
    4 points
  22. 4 points
  23. Rhymes pushing off and still can't get ball. Two hand shove on numbers on back of DB's jersey...should call that crap.
    4 points
  24. Bad toss. Not a bad showing for the kid though
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. Not sure why we never play Cooper or Cole on D. Even tonight. Maruo sometimes plays kind of a 3-4 rush LB when we go 30 front, but yeah we need that rotation to save some energy for the DL.
    3 points
  27. Hard for BC believe that a receiver could make that adjustment to the ball without shoving the DB.
    3 points
  28. I don't mind Dru at all,you can tell he needs the reps but it's obviously tough when you've got the MVP in front of you. These are good reps that will only benefit Dru and Co.
    3 points
  29. Teams have been awful. Giving bc everything and their O doing **** all save for drawing a lame assed PI on a brutally underthrown ball. Throw in a pick 6 by a young qb making a throw he shouldn't have and here we are . Also sick of tsn just ignoring that our top db is sitting this one out too which shuffled everyone around in the backfield plus 2 different outside linebackers
    3 points
  30. I’ll say this now .. backups or not I ******* hate giving a team confidence going into the post season. And our run defence is still a total **** show.
    3 points
  31. Just a few inches short. I know how he feels 🤣🤣
    3 points
  32. Should give McCrae some tailback looks here. Augustine should be our 3rd string.
    3 points
  33. Good learning experience for brown
    3 points
  34. Lawrence making it difficult to take him out of the lineup
    3 points
  35. Parker might be a SAM eventually. Aggressive tackler.
    3 points
  36. Someone tell tsn there's a **** ton of starters not playing on D also.
    3 points
  37. 3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. Good first drive to get the jitters out
    3 points
  40. But does it also double as a crutch like Cfs does? I have a body like Dobson… when he was drafted. But I can’t dunk.
    3 points
  41. Honestly that’s better than some qbs we’ve had in the last 15 ish years lol
    3 points
  42. Omg the elks are gonna lose lol Wow…… just wow. I can’t see them beating BC next week so it might not be until summer of 2023 before they win another home game…
    3 points
  43. I know Brown is under contract for next year but this could be the game that determines how many suitors will be on his doorstep for a trade this off season.
    3 points
  44. With your posting style, the last guy you should criticize here is Booch. Unreal. You love arguing & stirring the pot with everyone. So you were called a name. Get over it. Ever thought that your arguing is becoming so damed annoying.
    3 points
  45. Can we at least agree that if Rourke's foot comes off playing the Bombers, then it's clear that they rushed his recovery a bit?
    3 points
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