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wbbfan last won the day on July 20

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  1. Boy we shoulda kept brown. Mbt is one thing, we didn’t invest that much in him. But we invested soo much time and work with brown this one really stings.
  2. How is Ayer’s soo far behind at lber? This is the guy we kept out of a bumper crop of lbers, just doesn’t make sense. Why are we rostering 3 back up imp dbs? Sucks kyrie is hurt.
  3. Wade has definitely been a beast as a business man, here and in his own endeavours. He’s as intelligent as he is hard working.
  4. That’s stunning imo. He’s seemed pretty solid for them to me. I’d love to have him back at a decent deal. Lfg our wr who art in to. Sheed be his name. Sign with us this week, and forgive us our trespasses…
  5. I wonder what he thinks of captain boomerang and his constant shanks.
  6. It has happened a few times. I’m not sure old bob wants to come to camps and then coaching cap restricts it as well.
  7. Sheed really struggled to start that year, bad case of the drops. Really struggled with the young guys. He came onto the pr and every one stepped up. I firmly believe that fire under sheeds butt took him up a level. Think he sat on our pr for like 6 weeks?
  8. Namaan 2.0 imo if he’s not on the ar this week he won’t be barring another pass of multiple starting wrs going down.
  9. Abuse of the ir and suspended list is kind of silly. The league should make adjustments in the off season. Cap the suspended list, maybe introduce a new extended ir for more savings and roll the 6 into the 1.
  10. In most cases I’d agree. Cole is a guy who’d run through a brick wall get a concussion then do it 10 more times. I would think arm/hand/shoulder injury or maybe neck. Type of thing that used to be played through with a cast maybe.
  11. Cole off sucks almost as bad as bridges on. Having two imp lbers backing up and griffin backing up / dime as an imp bridges to the ar doesn’t make sense.
  12. Don’t put that evil into the world! Probably though. I could actually see it. They dress guys on D not to play them though. I wouldn’t be mad if we cut Johnson put in lucky and tony for grimes. Give em a game to make the team from the bench. We didn’t use Ayer’s or tony on D any way. Cut bridges and Alston bring in young guys to push grimes and lucky. If they don’t win a spot cut em.
  13. We haven’t had good pr useage in a while. I don’t think you can assume it’s a flyer and he will be cut in two weeks if he has nothing left. Lucky is still sitting on the pr in that kind of flyer role. I mean we had a punter most all of last year on the pr with a bad punter on the ar. We have 4 wrs on the pr, one early tc cut who couldn’t crack the team last year either plus a flyer on lucky. 2 imp guards that failed at switching to T previously. Our best kr, our worst camp db, a bad global db, a global rookie and a Canadian teams lber. If we were making sensible moves we would’ve cut bridges for grimes or lucky. Or made moves to bring in positions of actual need like de, wr/kr, T, etc. NFL cut down day doesn’t yield what it used to. The pr expansion and amount of guys that shuttle on and off now keeps guys hanging around waiting for a pr shot. You can still find value, but it’s not an immediate value add or a good trial for next tc any more. We need better pr management all year.
  14. Grimes screams of a guy we wanted a long time ago when he was good but couldn’t get him. Now he’s available and we are fulfilling a want. we could’ve had moncrief, who what ever he has left is better and who made grimes expendable in edm lol. Just ugly ugly move. Either Walter’s/wade are losing their mind or we are going to be losing ours for a good while to come.
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