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CodyT last won the day on May 19 2023

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About CodyT

  • Birthday 1993-01-17

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  1. I mentioned this a few weeks ago. That Montra was used a lot when osh was rebuilding a team I think he needs to go back to what he was then.
  2. I think there is a real test in front of Oshea as a man as a coach right now As a man who's been a headcoach for a long time now, I'm not sure he's seen adversity like this. I'm rooting for him and I hope he learns from his mistakes and turns the ship around
  3. Yeah I don't know what @Noelleris talking about here. We've endured much worse times for much longer I don't even think the season is lost yet
  4. Can he play? Was he ever actually a stud receiver or was it more flash in the pan I'd say you could put him on kr but that smith kid showed some flashes tonight If I can't bet on the Bombers I don't bet at all. Sac religious man
  5. Noted. I guess at that point it's an on the field issue
  6. Yup. Maybe your right. What I don't understand is why they aren't using more of a 2 qb system. Strev comes in and never passes the ball. He's got that type of style where he can create plays and throwing lanes off the cuff. Use him to his potential instead of just gadget runs.. Your right but our defence has played relatively well. I don't hate the secondary play. Terrible on the line and poor linebackers They must have run that hitch screen to the wide out 8 times tonight. Why no adjustments?
  7. Well said. There's no identity. No obvious glare of strength. I hope this wakes osh up. If nothing else. We need to see some urgency and fire
  8. It's more than an inclination, it's a certainty. Collaros has lost that mobile ability somewhere down the line and he's no longer a dual threat. I'm eating a lot of crow because I had faith in the organization on knowing what's best. A lot of posters here pointed out what seems to be glaringly obvious now that I overlooked. That being said, I'd probably go back to Zach one more game. If he can't show signs of life next week then it's time to see what we have in strev
  9. Cmon bro. 0-18? Ru kidding me lol We've played badly 4 weeks in a rough and been a play or two away from being 3-1. I'm not dillusional, we're in trouble. But certainly not to the extent your suggesting
  10. Well, I thought I'd give a larger sample size to freak out about the rough start. Yeah we're bad. The posters who wanted to move on from Collaros, were probably justified in saying so. I'm not sure how the team moves forward but it's a long way back. The team does not have an identity right now.
  11. A lot of holes on our team rn... Secondary issues Now d line issues O line issues Zach collaros issues Reciecer issues God is our special teams brutal I am not as jumpy as a lot of this group, but if we want to be competitive for the cup this year its going to be more of a grind than it has been in recent years. I wonder if Osh has the same fire he's had in the past years. The family atmosphere seems to have faded a little. When Osh started here he preached 1-0. One week at a time and the previously week was completely washed. I sure hope some adversity early in the year wakes these guys up. Bombers again beat themselves tonight. No urgency and no passion. I don't know. Somethings missing
  12. Yup, ugly start .. Picking up where we left off. Not good
  13. I'm willing to write week 1 off as a mulligan. If we look bad and lose to Ottawa I'll be much more concerned. The Bombers beat themselves last week. Montreal didn't play outstanding ball either
  14. I'm surprised how reasonable this forum is tonight lol. Some of the people behind me at the game were already jumping off the bridge. God help us if we get whooped by Ottawa next week
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