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17to85 last won the day on July 22

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  1. **** we've all seen plenty of bad losses, it's the losses that don't have to happen and the refusal to change the approach that led to those losses that causes the anger.
  2. Money... Bailey could get more elsewhere so they let him, already having Lawler, schoen and Demski... well now they only have Demski so, and schoen isn't coming back this year so you have room for Bailey now.
  3. Demski as a #1 is miscast. As a #3 (which he normally is) he's a dangerous weapon.
  4. Ayers and Jones were already on the roster! We just took 2 off and added more DBs without subtracting any DBs (Never mind that the 2 LBs coming off are the two best ones). The bolded is entirely the problem.... there were a handful of LBs from preseason that showed well they could have kept to be used in just this situation, instead we're left with "The only other linebacker they had available to elevate would have been Fabian Weitz"
  5. In: McGhee, Bridges, Charbonneau Out: Wilson, Feltmate, Cole You saying that those moves make sense? 2 linebackers out, 2 DBs on the roster... Teamer for Teamer sure fine, but our front 7 already sucks and they did nothing to address losing 2 of those guys.
  6. Well which Wilson are we getting? The one who played against Calgary or the one who played every other game?
  7. Though I do think his placement when kicking from closer to midfield is very good, a real strength. But yeah, flipping the field by unleashing a massive punt from deep? Never gonna happen. We punt from deep the other team is getting a field goal minimum
  8. Problem is they're fixated on most of the losses being close, so just clean up a few things... well most of their wins the last 5 years were close too... used to be we had the talent and depth to make the plays needed to win the tight ones, now they don't have either. They need to realize that before they can fix it.
  9. 100% this. Would have been the easiest thing in the world to avoid this fall... instead they doubled down on not avoiding it.
  10. Awww christ now Noeller is gonna tell a Grey cup2019 story about that
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