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SpeedFlex27 last won the day on March 15

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  1. If they take away Dickenson's HC gig & kick him strictly upstairs to GM. look for them to fill the HC position from within. A reward for failure. The Stamps will be bad for a long time.
  2. Bad ownership, bad coaching, bad quarterbacking. Bad Canadian Drafts. John Hufnagel aging out & really wanting to permanently retire.
  3. Finishing second in the West may be a good thing, ultimately. It may force Walters & Osh to take stock of the entire team & be aggressive in free agency to shore up our holes. If we want to be in the 2025 Grey Cup at home.
  4. Disagree. CTV asked a stand up comic (Bullard) with no experience doing any kind of interviews to host a talk show. Thus, he was out of his element. I thought he had improved a lot when his show was cancelled. It's hard to be entertaining as a host for an hour as everyone associated with the show found out.
  5. He was a stand up for years & I guess a CTV executive must have seen as well as liked him. I thought he was a folksy kinda guy in a two day unshaven kinda way.
  6. Kelly played well & had our secondary off balance. Especially in the first half. Both our lines sucked.
  7. The RedBlacks offense looks like it just can't score. Game in & game out thst O struggles to score points.
  8. The entire offensive line struggled tonight. They killed us on both sides of the line. Jake Thomas was even more useless than I even thought he could be. Please retire. Go into coaching. Do whatever Jake but quit playing as it's killing us. No kidding. You'd think Buck & Osh would have learned from that failed goal line call. But nope. Buck's at it in the second half. calling the same ****.
  9. Living here in Calgary as I do, I'm sure others here on this forum that do as well would concur that Stamps fans are not excited about Walker. They aren't even curious. To them, it's just another stupid Dickenson move to bring a qb in now at this time when it;s too late with just 2 games left in a disastrous season. At his age (30) & lack of CFL experience everyone knows it'll take years for him to learn the Canadian game. The backlash against Dave is certainly real as he stuck with Maier every week for much too long going back to 2023. Even playing Logan Bonner, the rookie was perceived as Dickenson's way of saying "Eff You" to the fanbase. As in, there you wanted a change. You got it & see? Bonner threw 5 picks. He's not even close to being ready. Now STFU as I know better than all of you." Thing is, it just exposed how bad things at QB were behind Maier. When Schilz injured his ankle in practice 2 months ago, no effort was made to bring in another qb with experience. When Schilz was healthy before his injury, Dave refused to play him making fans question why Dickenson signed him in the first place. He was seen as being stubborn in his refusal to play Schilz. The few thousand fans that are left & who still care about this team are pissed off & are leaving in droves. My friend who has been a Stamps STH for 34 years had had enough of Murray Edwards' bad ownership & a stubborn Dickenson. He says he won't be renewing. He sat through the F Troop Years & he feels this is worse as there's no hope. You hear a lot of that. That there's no hope. As long as ownership doesn't sell the team & allows it to waste away. The team has been bludgeoned to death. This is how bad it is for the Stamps. They used to have 30,000 season ticket holders twenty years ago & over time the number has been eroding to where it's now just 1/10th of what it was back then. For this year's LDC, the team was tweeting out on X.... "OMG, Section C is sold out. Let's see if we can sell out Section D". Then a couple of days later. "OMG, Section F is sold out. can we sell out Section G?" And so on, blah, blah, blah. It just looked so amateurish. They ended up with 28,000 at the game which was the best crowd hands down of 2024 but still one of the worst crowds in LD history with the Elks. A full 7,000 under capacity & an embarassment to the CFL & the City of Calgary. Are Stamps fans are excited about an old UFL qb? Nope.
  10. Someone will buy the team. If the fans knew ownership cared then they would too. However, Murray Edwards has alienated the entire city not just with his indifference to the Stamps but the same with the Flames. Even if an ownership change happened, it'd take years to get the fans back to McMahon.
  11. So, 52/48 or 48/52? Comme ci, comme sa...
  12. The biggest idiot is Calgary Herald & Sun writer danny Austin. He'd put 10 Stamps on the All CFL team. He seems to think all the players are his buddies & pumps their tires constantly. Although he did seem to turn on the team a bit this past weekend after that loss in BC.
  13. The story is he's a big time prospect. They said that it could be the biggest FA signing Dickenson has ever made. The problem is, he won't pick up the Canadian game with the snap of his fingers. Walker is 30. By the time he understands the CFL playbook & defenses he'll be 33/34 years old & time to retire. So, for me, if that's the projected Jake Maier replacement it's a ******* dumb signing. I saw it on Saturday after the Elks-Rider game. I believe Jamie Nye tweeted it. Since then, silence by the Elks & also by Nye.
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