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SpeedFlex27 last won the day on March 15

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  1. Alright watching Dru Brown tonight. I was one of the fans here that said keeping Zach Collaros over Dru Brown was the best move by the Bombers. I never expected Zach's game would crater the way it has. And it's stayed at an unacceptably low level. It's bad enough seeing Janarion Grant have a great season returning punts & kickoffs. Now, the first young qb we signed & developed since Dieter Brock was allowed to go to Ottawa as a free agent. The personnel decisions that's been made have been mind boggling. Seeing Brown find success gives me indigestion.
  2. With those stats as the number three or 4 receiver, most teams would take that production. It has to be something else.
  3. It's just sad how this team has been allowed to step off a cliff.
  4. Their real strength was our defense in 2019 & 21. Teams found it hard to run, pass & especially score on us back then. We put a ton of pressure on the pass rush. Then, Walters just let that great defense age out & wither away. Stove hasn't played for us since 2021. Three years later, we still haven't found his replacement. Walters refused to go after any nose guards or D Ends in free agency. So, here we are. It used to be our offense would outscore the other guys. Now, we can't do that anymore. They saw this coming. THEY HAD TO!! God Almighty, that's the job of the HC, GM & Scouts. To see & recognize when players need to be replaced. Yet, very little was done. We keep guys like Jake Thomas & let Janarion Grant & Rasheed Bailey go to free agency. Coaches favourites still play. What the Hell happened to the decision making on this team? How has it been allowed to come down to this?
  5. Only a coach who has no fear of his job does what Osh does. There seems to be little accountability to the higher ups. I don't understand it. No one should be that comfortable especially at the pro level. Winning should be everything. Nothing else should matter. However, the way this team seems to operate, I could see O'Shea having multiple losing seasons & he would still have a job.
  6. The Town of Jasper is on fire. I watched reports on Global TV Calgary this evening. Some on social media like Warren Kinsella are blaming Danielle Smith & the UCP but this is a town within a National Park. Jasper National Park was ravaged by the Mountain Pine Beetles in the past decade. A friend of mine who is an actual firefighter on the scene said tonight on his Facebook page that Parks Canada policy was that no dead trees be removed so the town didn't even have a fire break to shield the town from danger. They just let the tinder dry dead trees lay where they fell or stood as per Parks Canada policy.. These millions of dead trees would have been like adding gasoline to the fire! For privacy reasons, I won't publish my friend's name as he isn't a member here but this is what he had to say... They could have logged all of those Mountain Pine Beetle infected trees but NP policy dictates that no logging is allowed within National Park boundaries. They had the chance to mitigate this disaster but chose not to even though they knew what was eventually to come and now here it is
  7. I just feel a total disconnect from the team. Or like they've circled the wagons & pointed their rifles out to beat back the hordes of fans riding in circles around the wagons wanting answers. I haven't reached the point of total frustration yet but to me this does feel like 1967, 1973, & 2012. Total collapses after great seasons. I've been through it before & I'll get through it again. Do I feel that a GC winning team is now years away? Yes, I do. However, this regime's time is over. I don't think they themselves can rebuild this team anymore. The Grymes signing confirmed that for me. It made absolutely no sense. I think that Mike O'Shea especially needs to leave. He's the mastermind behind everything. He seems to be in total control. His decisions have made or broke the team. His smug stubborness, smirk & inability to really keep it real with the fans & media has really left a bad taste in my mouth. His act was like Bill Belichek. Okay when he wins. Gets real wearing when he lost.
  8. I wonder about that as well, Booch. Especially at training camp where's there's virtually no hitting anymore. Yet we seem to have 15 guys out after the fourth or fifth day every year. Some with serious injuries. All they're doing is running around with no pads on. Maybe the answer is to put the full pads on & start hitting. Football is not a sport to play at half speed which is what it is with no pads. If players are going to get hurt, at least get hurt working hard. I remember going to watch practices when Jim Spavital was Head Coach & he had the players hit everyday. Brutal two a days full pads for nearly 3 weeks in thee hot, blazing sun at St. John's Ravenscourt in Fort Garry. I know as for 2 years I made every TC practice. Rode my bike to every practice as a teenager. The players saw me enough to come over & say hello. Even with all that hitting going on, injuries weren't as prevalent as today. Less than half of the guys back then were in sick bay like now. Guys got hurt for sure back then but seldom was anyone lost for any length of time. They only had 32 positions available back then with 3 "taxi squad" spots & CFL teams usually came to camp with 65 players. And from what I remember, Spavital wasn't the only CFL head coach who ran tough training camps. Yet, across the CFL, guys weren't going down in record numbers. Today's training camps in the CFL are vacations compared to what the veterans of yesteryear went thru. The players workout in the off season so right awy they're ready to go. No two a days anymore . One practice day at times. Players today are in better shape as they train constantly compared to their counterparts in the 70's. Today's players are stronger as they hit the weights, they have better nutrition & cardiovascular than the guys in 1972 with the beer bellies reporting to camp 20 lbs over weight to get in shape. Yet, more guys today get hurt....
  9. Punting into the wind has everything to do with ball placement. Lower release point so the ball doesn't go as high. More of a line drive. Lower trajectory into the wind is what punters strive for. At least they used to. Now with the Aussies doing their thing, I've seen pooch punts, end over end... Whatever works, I guess.
  10. Signing an old, over the hill DB who hasn't played in 3 years to the PR? The Bombers have gone from a model CFL franchise as recently as last year to a complete joke by the fanbase in just one off season. Personnel decisions since last season are head scratchers. Very sad.
  11. I could punt back in 1975, My two artificial knees are ready to go.
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