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Booch last won the day on October 10

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About Booch

  • Birthday May 11

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  1. if you were a betting man..??......what would you bet? loI bet one of Cole/Ayers/even Griffin will lose a spot for Wilson....cause thats just Osh doing his Oshin'
  2. exactly...and his eyes have seen it all.....if BA is parked...and no offence to him but hope he is..Taylor inserted there and leave everyone else alone is the smart move......and also the best...Play off football now...U can't afford rookie blunders now.....and we all know Osh will play his vets till a limb falls off even if they not the best choice.....so Taylor in should be a no brainer?...He wasn't brought in this late for a "look" toward 2025 That being said Osh has a bad history of playng guys with missing limbs or ones that don't work...so BA at safety for the WF/WSF won't shock me in the least....sadly....And I am sure Wilson will be there too...rusty...not in game shape....and likely not 100 percent
  3. Don't know whythey just don't put Taylor at safety....he's olde...but still has elite speed...also knows all the nuances of CFL offenses so back there he would know exactly where to flow too...no need to make 3 moves to satisfy 1 injury...thats just bad management no matter how much a coach or players say they know all the positions Taylor at safety...Bonds and Ford at corner....Anders Holmvic at HB and Griffin as the all around ace.....easy peasy
  4. i would hope....tho some the outliers can still come back if on the PR... Person is the guy who as soon as we grabbed him I wanted inserted....I believe he is gonna be one the answers for the 2025 starting unit...maybe he will be that late season add this yr...he's legit....I was pumped when I saw we picked him up
  5. we were....1 inch and Nichols doesnt make that play....if Masoli was in all game too....prob a different outcome as well. Nobody is taking away anything, but in sports...and high levels if you have ever played at times luck comes into play...alot....you can't deny it in any sport...and like they say....Good teams are lucky more than not People can applaud for perceived good things with no problem....but how dare someone criticize in what a lot of times is blatant mismanagement/coaching/playing/attitude...whatever it is....You can agree...disagree....dispute....challenge...discuss....interpret however you wish...not just you but all of us..thats the beauty of open discussion on an open fanboard......but it's pretty clea in several regards that some.....red carefully here before you get your knickers in a twist...but some of our success was in spite of some real poor decisions...while we had the good fortune of having the best roster....and when we went to the well too many times since Cup #2 and didnt have foresight to maybe transition guys, and better maintain an active game ay roster and PR...while riding some aged out vets, and some "good guy" players who really...were not adequate for the roles some were given....well what we have....a couple shiny reg-season records....but 2 cup losses ...and then games this yr where we have struggled...a lot...look nothing like the prime 2019-2022 squads, None of that is an outlandish take at all....it's right there in front of us to witness. A team...player...and yup a coach can be good to great and have serious flaws....pretending they are not there with only support to dispute it is "yeah buts" from Cup wins now pushing 3 yrs ago....to me is pretty outlandish I support the team and organization as much as anyone....season ticket holder and also give 2 tickets away most games to local youth....and give respect as much as anyone when and where warranted....but also won't pull punches and call things out...you dont have to like what i say....and I encourage discussion and point/counter point with factual and pertinent points....every story has 2 sides to it.
  6. from going thru it 2x myself....he's a machine and gonna do an Adrian Peterson type recovery I bet
  7. whats outlandish about bassically poor coaching decisions cost us likely 2 cups....and if were not the sole reason...were very integral in it I praise Osh where it's warranted....but I also call out and will lambast the stupid stuff too....that in many area's he still dos and hasn't learned from An exceptional roster of players who were top of the league in their prime glossed over a lot of it....pages have turned...time has moved forward and some the glossing isn't happening now....and he has not learned or realized it...thats all I am saying....and for all that has been accomplished....a whole hell of a lot more could have....and easily too....I played....coach....and train....and every person I have been involved with...past..present....and I am sure in future have learned...evolved and adjusted.....it's not hard to do when you drop some of the stubbornness and belief your way is only way...and I have crossed paths with many a stubborn hard headed people in the game....You can still play it "your way" and still tweak and augment...nobody will look down on you....but majority will applaud
  8. never said we were lucky to get to them....but were damn lucky to win 2021.... But the lossess in 2022 and 2023...are very easy to pinoint.....just cause yu cant see the good...with the bad doesnt make you better or have any less of a different agenda...you tend to use yhour opinion as be all end all as well quite often....and I wonder at times where you are coming from with the blind ignorance of a lot of whats went on
  9. well...really the Als were best last yr....Argo's yr before....and truthfully we were lucky as hell to come out with a 2021 win too....we had good records in season...and were able to gloss over some faults...but many of those same faults are still there....but are talent isn't...and our record reflects it...we have a lotta work to do despite all the back slapping and glad handing of our team...ie...Coaches....we have transitioned a bit, but anyone with half a brain knows we were forced to due to injury and if they didn't occur we would have made next to no change....We squeezed every drip outta some of our players and are still trying to now, and our coaching failed us in consecutive Cups....and I have not a lot of faith that they won't again this playoffs....but we will soon find out who won last 2 cups?....making them the be st???....no? for all the accolades...thats a reflection on coaching and prepardeness sadly...and hope I wrong but I have a unsettling feeling that come play-offs....some of it will reer it's ugly face again hopefully.....but talk is cheap if you don't have the tools to enforce things sounds like we actually doing some coaching with urgency and have closed the country club aspect
  10. if Hart failed showing anything more than Mitchell...then we have a deficient PR Yup....sad PR...totally have some pointless carries and zero depth/options in some areas...and too much in another that showed nothing in their chances
  11. there are some PED's that really offer no health risk....but are banned none the less....the league just needs to schedule things so there no 4 day turn arounds...even with odd number of teams no real rrason for it...if you have to bump up season a week or 2....big deal
  12. yeah yup....sorry wasnt online much lately been outta town
  13. Def looks past the stick..but where did ball go out
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