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Booch last won the day on July 26

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About Booch

  • Birthday May 11

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  1. He truly thinks all.is fine...got the adequate players in the lineup...it's just small tweaks and issues with preparedness..fixing errors..etc..etc...he's literally clueless to what's killing this team...and it's all at his feet...it's him
  2. Giving Kramdi almost 140k also doesn't help...anything Thomas gets as a Canadian vet didn't help either...even BO making 70k more than next highest back is a hindering issue too
  3. Hello Mike Oshea...but...but....ZC is best in league...Jake can't be stopped...Kramdi plays like a prick...Biggie is hall of fame...BA is like a coach out there...Kolo practiced hard...guys love it...and on and on it goes
  4. Hard to tell when only 2 saw any significant reps on the actual defence...and 1 of those 2 sucked...badly again....but still gets all the reps lol
  5. release Whitehead would be dumb...He can play...knows "how" to find space in the CFL...and he "can" return if need be...You release Mitchell...who knows neither...you release or bury Johnson on PR for "next yr" as he has shown not much and his very green to the Canadian game and needs to have a yr on PR learning....not forced to learn under on the fly like we are doing....You release Alston as he was not good enough before in Osh eyes...even with 3 recievers bagned up to close out 2023...and was also cut this yr once before..... We seen last 3....4 games that these green guys are not helping out the overall offence performance one bit....and if we re gonna run with ZC all yr...he needs guys who know soft spots...and guys he is familiar with This yr if we have a quartet of Lawler..Demski..Woli and Bailey....we can allow a Wilson to grow......and used in rotation with a guy like Whitehead....and at same time have another guy..or 2...Wheatfall and Johnson learn from the PR....So that 2025 they hit ground running....Keeping the extra 2..3 others now is pointless....we have needs elsewhere. We are gonna have Lawler and Schoen..Demski...Clericus and Woli back for sure next yr....so you round out the 5th and extra guy with who we groomed this yr,,,,and restck the cupboard as how mentioned this yr...we dont do that Thats also what should be on the PR in lieu of some of the dead weight...DE's and LB's for same purpose...but it appears as long as Osh is in full command or not having to justify his roster...we are gonna be saddled with "his" guys and poor choices, and not develop anyone
  6. sad use of PR...strikes again....good thing we have those extra WR there...for no reason whatsoever...and couple import lineman as well...for no particular reason
  7. I didt include him as I dont expect him back for this yr...But we def have some options to consider/develop while we wait on Schoen...Who may/may not be ready by start of 2025...and even so...may take him half a yr to be back to Schoenesque form So carrying Mitchell...Alston...Johnson on PR is just wasted space...use that for some actual true defensive ends....maybe an actual import guard...not some tackle convert...a legit punter.....make the PR useful and one where an actual potential starter can be developed....ther's a thought Osh...Ya doofus
  8. once Lawler is back...for this yr I would be more than happy with a group of Lawler..Bailey...Demski....Woli and 2 of Wilson/Lucky and whomever on the roster....with Clericus...at this point...that be our best group...Lawler for his big play/deep/contested/shitty ZC throw ability....Bailey for grit and toughness....leadership...Woli for his reliabilty and work in run game...Demski playing his usual role and not having to be "the guy" and Lucky for a myriad of reasons.....Wilson can be allowed to develop...and see if he is actually legit....
  9. you mean Schoen...and Bailey....and Demski...all 3 were pointless being out there forgot to add...Bighill as well...and sprinkle in a couple poor roster moves on top...and a few guys BOLO and there was another I cant recall...he didnt even step on the field...and well the result was not shocking...and the beat goes on this yr....and the record reflects
  10. Tre Thomas would have looked good here rotating in in all kinds of spots...SAM...Wil...prob would been a killer safety too
  11. Roster just keeps getting weaker and weaker....I don't recall Wilson ...who's been one our best defensive guys of late go down....but now he's out.....McGhee?....for Cole?....good god...again....no vet presence added as a receiver to help out..the usual suspects still in their appropriate spots.....chalk up another L
  12. I have zero faith in Osh fixing it...noe.....and why would I/we...proof is in the puddin....the recent success thats back in the rearview now...and getting smaller bythe minute wasn't a result of just him and some secret sauce he had that nobody else ever knew about...he gets way too much credit truth be told
  13. with Schoen's money off the books for rest of yr...be an easy add at a prorated deal we definately need his leadership and fire to get this group back on course Lawler..Sheed...Demski...Woli...Lucky...With Wilson in the spot Mitchell had on sideline...but he gets actual offensive reps and learns and not relied on as a main target...Clericus as a sub...learning from Sheed....I like that lineup I'd prefer Smith over Case as the returner as well as he could be the BO change of pace back/injury replacement and also if used right, in packages with Strev and BO in the backfield...Case I see no reasoning for....we dont need another offensive guy in his mold...and he showed zipp as a returner last week....maybe he shows more this week....who knows but I thik its a non-optimal move maybe he wanted out...knowing he could land back here...his bestie Lucky is here too...maybe they been chatting
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