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Noeller last won the day on May 11

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About Noeller

  • Birthday 1980-03-23

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  • Location
    Rural AB by way of Pinawa-Brandon-Dauphin-Winkler
  • Interests
    CFL, Curling, New breweries, Fishing...

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  1. Man, Snoop starting to look that age....
  2. It's the entire board right now.... Just a depression factory.
  3. I was worried that everyone would be all like "ugh, the last thing we need is another 30+ guy..." But honestly we could use him....
  4. If you ever get to talk to Doug Brown about Wade, he'll tell you some stories about how Wade ALWAYS gets **** done. He's been successful in basically every aspect of his professional life because he doesn't settle for/expect less than the best. I've said it before and I'll say it again... My faith isn't necessarily in Osh or Kyle, but Wade. If Wade can't fix this, nobody can.
  5. This is the season, right here. The past couple years we won a lot of close games that we just as easily could have lost. Now we're just barely losing them, instead of just barely winning.
  6. Not to be political, but this province is run by morons who believe the fires are caused by arson and not climate change. Backwards hillbillies.
  7. The picture is somewhere on my FB... What a night. "Everybody kept saying where's Dave..."
  8. The negativity is because we've been at the top of the mountain destroying everyone for like 3 or 4 years... And now we're not. It's a bitter pill.
  9. It would be kind of funny, in a sick sort of way, if Grimey made the roster before Lucky ...
  10. Ya I have exactly 2 Bomber games on my PVR right now and even those I don't particularly care to watch. This season has been mostly hot garbage.
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