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Noeller last won the day on January 31

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About Noeller

  • Birthday 1980-03-23

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  • Location
    Rural AB by way of Pinawa-Brandon-Dauphin-Winkler
  • Interests
    CFL, Curling, New breweries, Fishing...

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  1. I wanna see Goeveia try and trade for Jake... Just to see the reaction here.
  2. Goeveia gets another one, signing WR Josh Johnson...
  3. The thing you posted from Dunk the other day saying the general consensus is to just give eveeyon a raise... That makes sense. I don't even think someone as crazy/desperate as Hervey is going to start playing silly buggers with this extra money...
  4. Valley Fibre is a Winkler product that is quickly becoming available across Manitoba. Lots of Pinawa people getting connected with "fibre to the premises"...
  5. I still believe in Collaros because we saw flashes of it last year, even without his best weapon and a worse than lackluster OL. Yes, maybe he's making too much money to need that much help, but with that aside, I think he can still be the best QB in the league when he's got protection, an RB and some decent receivers. We're not that far removed from 2022/2023 where he was the undisputed best QB in the league.
  6. This is just an absolutely wild take. Not even sure where to begin. I mean, first off, I live part time during the year in Fort Garry, which I absolutely adore. So no "rose coloured memories" required. And you can say what you want about the city, proper, but even living just outside the city in Oak Bluff (or similar) is fabulous for the rich athletes (Buff and Doug Brown, just to name a couple...) that can afford it. Then this take about having too many "undesirables" is just gross to even say out loud. Now, as far as comparing Winnipeg to other markets... Winnipeg is probably most similar to Edmonton, which used to be way up there on these types of lists. Now, Edmonton is nowhere to be found. They built up the organization to the point where players actively want to be there (Connor and Leon help), and there's no reason the Jets can't do likewise. tl/Dr - Negative impressions of the city are ignorance on the part of young players who just don't know b cause they haven't really experienced it.
  7. Or the Big Green Bastard from Sunnyvale.....
  8. I have this image in my head of a little kid waking down a gravel road.... hands in his pockets, kicking rocks down the road, tears in his eyes and snot running down his nose... "...stupid O'Shea...."
  9. And also, if we can bump the number then the other teams are going to bump THEIR number. Regardless of what the overall pot is at, it's all about percentages of that pot. So, if we said we'd bump 10% above what Ham offered Woogie, then I'm sure Ham is willing to also bump 10% beyond that...
  10. It's just ignorance.... If you've never lived it, then you can't possibly know how great it is. There is no other place I'd rather live right now.
  11. This is my only "concern". Lawler I'm fine with... Dobson too... But if there was all of a sudden a chance to bring him home......
  12. O'Shea told Friesen today that they didn't know until today. I'm legit curious if some of the Deals In Principle will change because of this information.
  13. I can't remember which thread were talking about this in, but.......
  14. I think too many assumptions here about what goes on between The Trinity. We know that Osh and Walters have been close friends for many many years and we know that Wade is often in on personnel conversations, but the extent of each piece of that puzzle... We really don't know.
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