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  1. Past hour
  2. Alright watching Dru Brown tonight. I was one of the fans here that said keeping Zach Collaros over Dru Brown was the best move by the Bombers. I never expected Zach's game would crater the way it has. And it's stayed at an unacceptably low level. It's bad enough seeing Janarion Grant have a great season returning punts & kickoffs. Now, the first young qb we signed & developed since Dieter Brock was allowed to go to Ottawa as a free agent. The personnel decisions that's been made have been mind boggling. Seeing Brown find success gives me indigestion.
  3. Today
  4. He truly thinks all.is fine...got the adequate players in the lineup...it's just small tweaks and issues with preparedness..fixing errors..etc..etc...he's literally clueless to what's killing this team...and it's all at his feet...it's him
  5. **** we've all seen plenty of bad losses, it's the losses that don't have to happen and the refusal to change the approach that led to those losses that causes the anger.
  6. Money... Bailey could get more elsewhere so they let him, already having Lawler, schoen and Demski... well now they only have Demski so, and schoen isn't coming back this year so you have room for Bailey now.
  7. Giving Kramdi almost 140k also doesn't help...anything Thomas gets as a Canadian vet didn't help either...even BO making 70k more than next highest back is a hindering issue too
  8. Hello Mike Oshea...but...but....ZC is best in league...Jake can't be stopped...Kramdi plays like a prick...Biggie is hall of fame...BA is like a coach out there...Kolo practiced hard...guys love it...and on and on it goes
  9. Whoever made the decision to let Brown go, and go with Zach should be fired. Period.
  10. The Stumps look like a beaten team.
  11. Our QB messes it up also. Could release Zach and signed Dru
  12. Its not the losses per se. Its the infuriating way O'Shea fumbles away talent and opportunity and sleepwalks into losses.
  13. I mean, that’s how I personally am to a point but I’d hardly say the whole city. I think that kind of overestimates the emotional investment of the average casual fan.
  14. Demski is also the fourth highest paid receiver in the league. We need to have a serious discussion here whether or not that’s money well spent. The sad thing is having three of the four highest paid receivers in the league and two of them are out for most of the season has really messed up our cap situation.
  15. Only using Demski all the time is the issue. Its hard to disguise a sweep or the corner route when hes the same guy used every time for it.
  16. You sign Bailey and you go Lawler lucky Bailey Demski Woli. Until Kenny back, Wilson gets a chance still but 1 game does not make him more important than demski.
  17. But O'Shea waxes poetic in describing his talents and potential. And yes, Case will be the starting kick returner tomorrow.
  18. How long will Dickinson stay with Maier at QB. Jesus he sucks
  19. Money, plain and simple. He turned down much bigger offers to stay last year but it's not realistic to expect a guy to keep doing that so they knew he wouldn't be back this year. I'm sure that if they had been able to make the numbers work, he would not have left.
  20. Fair enough. I actually forgot we are currently starting Clercius. He should definitely be our extra receiver. I'm really down on Demski these days. But him being a 3rd or 4th option and not running as many plays down the field would be good.
  21. 100% Exactly what many said last offseason. Bombers rarely develop a QB and when they do they let him get away. But then the club was hamstrung by Zach's big contact.
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