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Goalie last won the day on March 31

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About Goalie

  • Birthday 1985-07-12

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  1. Our QB messes it up also. Could release Zach and signed Dru
  2. You sign Bailey and you go Lawler lucky Bailey Demski Woli. Until Kenny back, Wilson gets a chance still but 1 game does not make him more important than demski.
  3. How long will Dickinson stay with Maier at QB. Jesus he sucks
  4. So you want to trade for a guy who can’t throw a ball accurately and just runs? Ok
  5. To be fair Okay, so you're a rocket scientist That don't impress me much So you got the brain but have you got the touch Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night
  6. Sad face but you hate to say it.. doubt Zach stays healthy much longer if he takes anymore shots also.
  7. Yup. Agreed. But it’s almost like a F you to lots of folks on here. I wanted to keep Dru over Zach. Logically a 35 36 yr old ain’t got much time left but the kid we groomed did. Man that’s a bad word in today’s world so I’ll say the 1st blue bomber qb we developed in years. We chose old Joe over Steve young. It’s just maddening. Old Joe tho had a good year or 2 left. Zach appears like he don’t. It started there for me.
  8. He probably didn’t think Aldrich would do anything. Like are you really that guilty if dude you work with molests another dude ? All the rest is after the fact, nobody ever really thinks the guy you know well can do terrible things. If bowman is guilty of anything it’s believing nothing would occur. If my friend killed someone and after he did I thought hmm should have maybe noticed the signs when I wasn’t even looking for them in the first place, I’m not really guilty. I’m guilty of believing good ppl exist. The dude who molested beach is the guilty one.
  9. Cocaine Bear was better if you watched on cocaine. ( I didn’t do things you could OD on instantly tho)
  10. Sounds like he tried hard to better himself. He’s not a murderer. He didn’t do anything to Kyle beach. He deserves another opportunity
  11. I’m in my 30s and used to kick soccer balls 70 yards. Maybe I can be our over 30 PR punter.
  12. This seems like an O’Shea move. It would be interesting to hear from walters tho.
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