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Goalie last won the day on January 19

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About Goalie

  • Birthday 1985-07-12

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  1. Honestly. They been to the cup 5 straight years. These are the good times whether you can admit it or not. piss poor management. Honestly. Joe Mack and Mike Kelly say hello. You’re so far gone with your hate of O’Shea that it completely clouds your judgement. Do it my way cuz that’s the only way.
  2. Hamilton was in their home grey cup a few years ago. Don’t recall them blowing their wads to get there. Just cuz you overpay people don’t guarantee anything. Actually history has shown that the teams who overpay during free agency usually don’t end up in the game otherwise Hamilton and BC would be grey cup champs every year. Hamilton has the longest cup draught in the league. Over spending doesn’t guarantee ****.
  3. Man. Dying on a hill Paul Friesen created is wild. You do realize Kenny already said his good byes right? Move on, bombers have and Kenny has. What’s done is done. Lawler will be a ticat. Dude literally said good bye to Winnipeg. He ain’t coming back. Here’s a wild thought, bombers didn’t think Kenny was worth 275. Ppl need to accept this.
  4. Didn’t Schoen sign for like 175 plus incentives. Why would anyone think bombers would be willing to give lawler 100k more in guaranteed money. It’s obvious they weren’t willing to overpay and 275k for lawler is an overpay, extra 400k or not. Was reported Calgary offered him 250k. Bombers probably didn’t even go that high because it was around that time that we were told Kenny’s agent told Walter’s he wouldn’t be back. Bombers weren’t gonna go 250 never mind 275 or more.
  5. If they were willing to spend 275 he’d be a bomber. They aren’t willing to spend that on 1 receiver. It changes nothing.
  6. If the bombers weren’t gonna offer lawler 276k before, why would they now? He’s a ticat. Time to move on. I say 276 cuz we all know Kenny would have Taken the 276 over the 275. Bombers weren’t willing to pay him that. Who cares what Zach thinks. Oh look Kyle an extra 400k. Let’s give it all to Kenny eventho a week ago we didn’t wanna overpay him but hey now we do. I don’t think so. Bombers signings indicate lawler is a goner.
  7. Why do you compare Winnipeg to Vegas and not St. Paul or Edmonton or buffalo or I mean what’s next comparing us to New York? We aren’t Vegas. Hell most cities in the world never mind nhl cities aren’t like Vegas. Compare us to Chicago or St. Louis St. Paul Detroit Edmonton Calgary even.
  8. If we being honest receiver should be the easiest position to fill outside of probably running back but I like our local hero.
  9. But lawlers agent told Walters he won’t be back. I think going public with that means he’s not going to be back because Winnipeg is prob not willing to pay him 275 or close to it. I don’t see how adding money means they willing to overpay now. He’s a ticat for all intents and purposes.
  10. I can’t fault MOS for believing in people. Maybe not enough do these days plus he was a former player who had to be told when to hang them up so you can’t fault the guy for being who he is. He knows exactly what a bighill would be thinking because Osh thought the same likely. It’s crazy. 2 of the best linebackers in cfl history are O’Shea and bighill so really it’s that drive and never give up approach that made them who they are and were. Bighill was a beast for us. Nothing but respect there for him. Dude destroyed his body and willingly played hurt for my entertainment
  11. That Osh call is interesting only because it appears they have contradicted what he said they were doing already. In regards to moving on from players and guys being ready to go in their places. Explain Jake and Kyrie then Osh. Please. but besides that it’s pretty uneventful. Osh went to the Chevy school of media speak. perhaps most interesting is Osh being pals with Paul Friesen it appears. Calling him Frieser and everything. Man those sports nick names are so creative huh. ps. I’m not yelling at anyone. I’m sharing my thoughts as a prob 30 year fan of the bombers. I wasn’t the first few of my life but yeah I flip flop at times cuz that’s what fans do. I can like moves now and hate them later, what’s it matter really. I’m not looking for a job with the team, I’m just a fan. This site was created for fans and different opinions and thoughts on everything except political (eventho all our lives depend on that stuff). it’s cool. There’s no hate or anger on my internet. I’m a chilled smiling happy guy. Got a kid and she’s awesome. Congrats @Mike you will learn being a girl dad is much better than a boy dad. Girls less dramatic these days.
  12. With BLM Powell and Tuas Brother, don’t think that’s happening. It wouldn’t shock me if Streveler was done as a player. It’s here or nowhere in my opinion with Streveler. And I’m not convinced they gonna bring him back here. I felt that way before they released his bro and best bud Woli and I feel that way even more after releasing him. Just don’t see the upside with Streveler anymore. BA and lucky seem like guys who will retire. I thought I read somewhere someone did sign Cole already. Maybe Hamilton even. Maybe not tho.
  13. Lots of pro wrestlers from parts unknown. Osh hanging with the Missing Link and Bastion Booger.
  14. OBJ. What a catch but outside those what a catches goes quiet for way to many games. 275k to me means you better show up every game not once every 3 or 4.
  15. It comes down to the 275 k. If someone offered 276k Kenny would sign with that team. I’m not upset with him but if there’s ever an example of a player taking the money it’s Kenny. Dude went to Edmonton for 300k. Kenny probably doesn’t care about winning as much as he does his paycheques. It’s beyond obvious at this point. Some players will take less to win. Some will take more knowing full well they won’t.
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