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Wanna-B-Fanboy last won the day on December 26 2023

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  1. I wonder when his contracts up.... he seems better than Zach... time will tell
  2. I am talking about the fanbases reaction to the incidents, not the players themselves.
  3. I recall this forum when Marino hit Collaros. The two fanbases have more similarities than differences.
  4. Ok, help me out here- on the replay there were no receivers running routes to score, they looked like they were just around the los and blocking.- please correct me if i am wrong.
  5. Thanks for that. isnt this why they go for victory formation. Seriously- wtf didnt they go into V-form Oh, never mind- A time out was called before the last play by riders Not nearly close to what everyone is all up in arms about.
  6. What ever- he doesn't even hold a candle to Mitchel... oh wait I mean smith- wait... no Case. Yeah- we were right to move on from Grant!
  7. Well. 2 and 9 is looking like a distinct possibility come September. I don't think we make the playoffs this year (which is ******* crazy considering where we were less than a year ago). I would have more faith in our team if over the past 3 games or so, seen some sort of desire from the coaching staff and tall foreheads to get better- but not only urgency, just something to show thatvthey want improve. I don't see anything indicating they want to improve (I know this isn't the case, but I see no signs).
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