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  1. Chances Calgary will have more wins than the Riders by the end of the year.
    6 points
  2. Mike

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    There’s no way the Bombers trade Kongbo
    6 points
  3. bustamente


    You don't need to the new Government dashboards to know who is fueling the 4th wave and they will continue as they attend rallies for an idiot who has no chance of winning and getting together for there anti vac liberty crusades.
    6 points
  4. Just establish things from the get-go: Get Harris going early, and set up some play action passes. Smack Commander Cody, early.......that hit by Bighill, got him nervous in the service... Run a punt back for more than 5 yards Tighten up on the kick return coverage Bring the serious noise.....bust the decibel meter
    5 points
  5. 50 tickets left for the Banjo Bowl!
    5 points
  6. A run blitz is when you send extra defenders, generally linebackers into the back field, but instead of running in in pursuit of the qb they are fixated on the RB and more cautious and aware of angles. You might send a lber off the edge but in a contain rush. Very much the same as you might do to a qb whose primary skill is running. Its often mixed with twists where rushers switch the rush lane from the one they line up in, it helps disturb inside zone runs like ours. Technically a blitz is when you send 1 more rusher than the offense has blockers, but its generally used for sending any rushers other than the DL. Sending pressure that is less than a blitz (like we frequently do with Bighill and our wils) is technically a stunt. Toronto mixed run blitzes, twists, Gap cancellation (dl and lbers attacking the gaps rather than the OL infront of them) and edge contain very well. They also anchored and released. Engaging with the OL, but not trying to rush. Waiting for the rb to get close then rip away from the OL to make a tackle. Basically trying to hold your ground with the OL, not mash them or beat them. Pretty much tldr yes.
    5 points
  7. I rewatched the LDC and took a detailed look at the offensive play call. Man its strange. We are deadly allergic to using play action in the pass game. When we used jet motion to spread the D for the inside zone runs no one follows the motion. We havent used the jet sweep to set up a screen pass, it couldve scored an un touched major every time if we just PA'd harris and tossed it to the sweeper. We used the jet sweep to the same side as our fake power toss to harris. A power toss we havent run all year. And we had a slow blocking scheme with 2 pulling ol. And maybe the strangest part is we pulled the guard right in front of the sweep hand off. Lanier the riders back up dt just walked right into the back field and instantly tackled Bailey. We didnt run it or any of our run plays as a read option. If it had been a read option collaros couldve walked the naked bootleg for 20 +yards. Woli really had another phenomenal game blocking. Bailey not soo much. But I mean he ended up on the wil a couple times. Woli can turn a will inside out. Bailey struggles with Sams. The riders like most teams really crowded the box to take our run away. We frequently run into 7-8 man boxes with 6 blockers and no read to occupy 1 extra man. If we started mixing in some outside zone runs and walling off the over zealous pursuits of harris and let him cut it back he'd be getting a lot more 7+ yard runs in place of fighting tooth and nail for 1-3 yards. Our heavy set with Eli and miller eats up defenses. Especially when woli is also on the field. Its 7/8 blockers and we just eat up opposing defenses. Teams just dont have the depth of front 7 players that can get off the great blocks of those 3. Its a man handling. I dont expect to see us start to adopt RPO this year. But if we mixed in draws, out side zone runs, screens to jet sweepers, and attacked Lbers positions on play action with crossers and yankee concept (combo routes with some one attacking the mid field with another wr running off the S/HB with a deep route) we'd torch defenses.
    5 points
  8. Wait hold up if we're playing that game.... IF the bombers don't drop 4-5 passes they win that game easily by another 6-13 pts... Also IF my parents were related well, I'd be a rider fan 😛
    5 points
  9. "The second level? What's that?" - Nelson, probably
    4 points
  10. Gainey being out means nothing. Most overrated db in the west. Now it just means someone else is going to take a PI in the endzone.
    4 points
  11. Ease up on him, it's his birthday!
    4 points
  12. We are surely setting Nelson up for success, this weekend.....
    4 points
  13. Whoa, whoa, whoa… Let’s not get crazy wishing for stuff.
    4 points
  14. Bigblue204


    He seems to be really going over the edge. Hopefully he's able to get some help cause that tweet doesn't make sense on any level. My kids dont have a passport, kids (not mine...yet anyway) do have phones that track their location...that we know the Government (I'm assuming he is referring to the elite pedo rings IE Epstein) has the ability to track. It's honestly surprising just how out of touch some of the anti-vaxx crowd is with how this world has been operating for decades now.
    4 points
  15. If we had Streveler he’d prob play the whole game in nothing but a fur coat.
    4 points
  16. our Oline...Harris...Oliviera....that hard hitting defense...the 3 game run last winter..I like our chances in cold weather ball, as this team knows what it takes and won't be fazed
    4 points
  17. The most worrisome thing about Nelson is his lack of production vs guys like Bede and Jon Ryan. Half the time they outkick their coverage by about 15 yards so if you catch the ball and just move upfield you've got 10 yards before you're even encountering a tackler. On some of those kicks Nelson goes east-west like he's going to outrun the angle of 10 guys. He needs some coaching, which I'm sure he's getting, and maybe not all that receptive to. But catching the punt is a skill unto itself.
    4 points
  18. And yet we have a party pushing close to victory by promising to scrap the carbon tax in favour of a carbon savings plan because "everything is getting too expensive". I shudder to think how we will be looked upon in a few generations when it has been clear what is happening, obvious what can be done about it, and still we have halfhearted efforts even in so called "progressive" schools of thought.
    4 points
  19. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Is it bad that I am more surprised the PPC candidate deleted that post more than I'm surprised he actually posted in the first place?
    4 points
  20. the watcher


    ......adopted a "disparaging and accusatory tone" toward the unvaccinated. "People refusing COVID-19 shots were painted as culpable for creating challenges to the health-care system," he wrote in a letter to constituents posted to his social media. And in other news people who run Stop signs may be culpable for creating accidents. Lol , these anti everything's are such bunch of entitled, whining wimps. Buck up, get the shot and shut up. It's a pandemic, do your part.
    3 points
  21. Nice to see Wilson and Roquemore limited now...Wilson back would be huge
    3 points
  22. Aaaaaand I couldn't even enjoy the video after hearing Rod Black's opening "Prairie Dogs" quip. Damn you, Black! Also LOL'ed that Gainey took a PI in the end zone in that game too.
    3 points
  23. If Fajardo was getting frustrated at home... How will he handle staying focus from all the noise this weekend? If we get pressure on him then game over.
    3 points
  24. The crowd will go insane if Nelson busts one for 9 yards. I might fall from the second level.
    3 points
  25. 295 touches in 19, 297 in 18, 317 in 17. In 19 nichols threw 240 times in 18 392 and 572 in 17. Stanback in 19 had 214 touches. Harris was our no1 and no2 option on most plays and at worst our no1 and no3. Its insane how well hes held up.
    3 points
  26. WildPath


    The one good thing is that, after years of peddling bullshit and reaping the rewards of blind followers, conservative provincial governments are starting to have to deal with what they have sewn.
    3 points
  27. We might get a chance to see maas throw his head set and have a tantrum if our defense repeats the performance from the LDC in the BJB. Idk Fajardo previous to this year didnt seem like the tantrum type. But it was his worst game as a pro and he is fiery. At best I think it would be enhanced by maas, and maas sure isnt the guy whose gonna calm a QB down.
    3 points
  28. yup....but Mass isn't a calming influence w=either and if they start to sputter again we will see him lose his **** too.....it's inevitable. All we need to do on Saturday is crank up the heat right outta the gate, bring it from a few different spots initially to totally confuse their game plan for it and smack him a few times and it will be game over, especially with the crowd noise factor and not being able to audible, and with that weak and relatively unfamiliar with each other O-line it's going to be a sack and hit fest all game...and they will have no answer I think if we pounce early and fast...this will be a runaway win and doubt the Faj finishes the game...everyone out West, and in media keep trumpeting this "Fajardo had an off game" or "he played worst game of his career" etc...etc....no...It was more of Fajardo isn't elite and can't carry a team to a win with a good defense in his face....period Guess we will see Saturday, but I expect nothing less than a convincing win...2 score minimum and if they don't score a TD on us in 1st quarter...I can see another 4 quarters of no TD's
    3 points
  29. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    The problem with the current Liberal platform is not the platform itself but the messenger. Even if you like (or liked) Trudeau he's lost his shine and he's not changing. He's becoming toxic, the way Harper became toxic. People are sick of him. There is no middle party right now. The CPC are definitely not in the middle. A centrist party wouldn't deny the existence of human made climate change with the generations of scientific evidence. A centrist party wouldn't have the campaign run by a gun-nut lobbyist. You can have a leader that espouses centrist ideas but the party is not centrist.
    3 points
  30. For sure. Everyone remembers the 10 yard runs but no one is remembering the half dozen times he was stopped for minimal gains before each of them. For the most part when they tried to utilize Powell they were left in 2nd and long. They need to challenge the flats more and spread our defence out. Bighill was teeing off all game long because the Riders tried to do everything between the tackles and didn't have the horses to make that happen.
    3 points

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    I think Gray is a healthy scratch every week because we don't want to put him on the PR and possibly lose him.
    3 points
  32. TrueBlue4ever


    Not just running the world. Idiots are everywhere in all walks of life, and always have been. It’s just that 24/7 instant information in a digital world has made them more visible, and the advent of social media has given them a platform to expose and share stupidity with everyone cares or doesn’t car to listen. The cynicism is strong with this one today.
    3 points
  33. I would like to see Micah back so our OL can prove how pricy washed up he is.
    3 points
  34. Maier is likely a free agent after the season as he signed with Calgary in 2020. Should be an another interesting off-season for quarterback movement.
    3 points
  35. Jake Maier looks to be better than Arbuckle ever was. There definitely is an aura about the kid that even a lot of veteran qbs don't have. If Hufnagel keeps Mitchell over him then he is nuts. They have a young team so why play the hugely expensive old veteran with a banged up body & lose when they can lose but develop with a cheaper & talented young qb? It makes no financial sense to keep Mitchell next season.
    3 points
  36. Could also have put this in the “Good news” thread. Just a reminder that when we dump on players, there are human beings behind the jersey. And also be mindful that this was done without fanfare or publicity, only came to light by an independent 3rd party.
    3 points
  37. Mark H.

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Wow - that's about as harsh as it gets with Lapo.
    3 points
  38. bustamente


    Allergic to Reality is my new go to saying to the insanity going on
    3 points
  39. This article isn't new, but it's a fine representation of the great BB coach, Dave "drink the sweet water" Ritchie. https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/winning-is-a-universal-language-cfl-legend-dave-ritchies-european-adventure/amp/
    2 points
  40. Tracker


    There is a part of me that wants them to be treated with Hdroxychloroquin and Invermectin, thoughts and prayers and nothing else
    2 points
  41. First few games I thought the blocking was a bigger issue, but this past week he did himself no favors. He just didn't commit to anything and danced around for no yards.
    2 points
  42. Theyve got a Ponderosa in Regina?!?! Well, im going to have to have to g.....................................Nope, still not a good enough reason to visit that cesspool.
    2 points
  43. However, when he said that he bought a new tie in Regina…well you couldn’t have pulled me away from the tv with the jaws of life. Deeply saddened that it didn’t look like the rolled up Ponderosa steakhouse bib I was hoping it would be.
    2 points
  44. blue_gold_84


    2 points
  45. man...looking at things you gotta like this defense and the adjustments they make mid game...to date...we have given up 15 points in the 3rd quarter, and only 3 in the fourth all year...damn!! even from last game of 2019 through to grey cup we gave up 24 in 3rd and only 6th in 4th...Thats some impressive work
    2 points
  46. The PPC is a disgrace to humanity. What the **** is wrong with these people?
    2 points
  47. Damned if that didnt warm my heart thanks for sharing it. Id love it if he could be a part time international scout for us or some thing. “I’d usually start training camp with ‘Well, you rookies look left and right because tomorrow you’re not going to be here’,” the old coach chuckles. The old bugger hasnt changed a bit!
    2 points
  48. Saskatchewan announced 393 cases of Covid today. Anybody else glad they were not there yesterday?
    2 points
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