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TrueBlue4ever last won the day on April 10

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  1. Ok. I did not see the comments as political, difference of opinion there. I am torn on this issue. I think there is some dubious application by the rules and testing done by the IBA in this case that has led to some incorrect and unfortunate labelling. In the same breath, there needs to be a clearer standard for what category an athlete falls under based on genetic or hormonal or biological testing rather than what a passport says. Maybe it makes no difference, since some countries have an unfair advantage anyway with doping technology, money, or influence with the governing body. I do not believe that someone would change genders just to re-classify as female just in the hopes of gaining advantage to win a medal and for no other reason than that, seems extreme to me. But I would not disapprove of having a 3rd “transgender” category of competition if that is what it took. Thoughts?
  2. But why does the issue of an athlete competing become “political” rather than being identified as a human rights or sports issue? One does not need to be conservative or liberal to have a viewpoint. If one political party has made it a central plank of their platform, is it politics as opposed to religion? And if it offends the specific “code of conduct” rules here, OK, but the consistency of applying those same rules seems hit or miss in the football forum. And if the intent of the forum is to purely stick to football, then maybe the entire general and hockey forums should get wiped out, I guess that is the Mods’ call, but they set the precedent by allowing discussion in other topics, just wondering why this can’t be a discussion about XY chromosomes, transgender distinctions in athlete categories, and how the new standard could be applied to competition, rather than calling it “political” as a means to silence discussion or label it as something else. But at the end of the day, it’s Rich’s forum, so his call.
  3. Too bad. I’d welcome discussion, even passionate discussion on contentious topics worthy of debate, be allowed here and let the dissenting opinions play out rather than being muted by the mods because the topic is one that can inflame passions. Especially considering some of the personal insults and name calling, character assassination of players and coaches, and disparaging of those who disagree with others’ opinions that the mods let slide because it is a Bomber discussion. JMO.
  4. Broken arm, scheduled for surgery as early as today is what I heard.
  5. Chris Ike with the drop. Damien Jackson would have caught that.
  6. Well people complained last year that no new faces got training camp reps and the old boys were gifted spots. This training camp we had open competition for new guys and people unhappy the vets didn’t get reps. Pick your poison. Pre-season too short, need 4 games.
  7. 60-3? Winning “the hard way” again I see.
  8. Wow, good move to get more network eyeballs on the league, although since Bell owns both CTV and TSN, doubt there is an increase in TV rights payments. Still a step in the right direction. Keep this up and Speedflex will have to go back to complaining about Ambrosie’s scarves in lieu of anything substantive! (I kid, still plenty of legit gripes to make).
  9. LaPo 16-28 Osh 23-31 (but he was also 16-28 through the same number of games) Glenn was not the QB in 2011. He got hurt in 2007 when Doug Berry was the head coach.
  10. Didn’t help that he had an injured starting QB almost every year he coached. But one of his biggest flaws, self-admittedly, was that he was a micro manager as a head coach and did not put trust in his assistants to run their units, especially the offence. When he was simply the OC, whatever deficiencies with the play calling that people disliked, the results did quite often place the Bombers near the top of the league in offensive performance.
  11. I guess look at BC’s crowds with their concert game attendance for a possible answer. How many new fans would the Headstones draw, as a comparable? Or the Tragically Hip? This is about selling one game experience and bringing in advertising dollars, not creating a new football fan based on a concert performance.
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