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TBURGESS last won the day on January 12 2020

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  • Birthday 1957-05-06

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  1. I had no problem with the short practices when we were winning. Now that we're losing, it's something we can change to see if we get better results.
  2. To those who keep say we should have kept Brown over Collaros. Collaros has a guaranteed contract that we'd have to pay out or trade him.
  3. Sure, but he's beaten that kind of pressure a bunch of times before. Personally, I think it had more to do with the gusty wind that affected the throws, but I've got no proof.
  4. Grymes used to be good, but I wonder if he has anything left?
  5. Most folks aren't pointing just to the playoffs last year. They are saying they saw it coming since the 3rd game of the season. We're talking about a QB that went from a QB rating of 118, best in the league last year to 77, worst in the league this year. That's a huge difference. Collaros had two bad regular season games last year... BC & Hamilton. He's already had more than that this year. 20-20 hindsight says we should have traded him in the off season when he still had value and another team MIGHT be willing to pick up his stupidly large contract. A QB tandem of Brown & Streveler would obviously be better this year.
  6. Stats never tell the whole story. Are you suggesting that the stats don't matter at all? Your pointing to the 3rd game of last season as to when Collaros went bad? If that's so, how did Collaros get the best QB rating & the best TD % in the league at the end of the season.? We were the 2nd best team in the league despite the so called boneheaded decisions. That's all on receivers making great plays and BO right? Nothing to do with Collaros who was in the talk for MOP right up to the end of the season. Collaros' last 2 full games of the season, both wins, we scored 31 & 34 points. Collaros threw for 258,389 yards. That's not a QB who had lost it in week 3.
  7. I'm not making any excuses for the Lions. I'm saying VAJ had a terrible game and the team still lost by 1. You said that could be said of any team, perhaps because you didn't understand what I wrote. I challenged your opinion by asking a simple question which you refuse to answer because it makes your point sound ridiculous, which it is. The Lions also took a bunch of dumb penalties, went deep too often when they only needed 10 yards and got beat on their OL over and over again. None of these are excuses, they are reasons that the Lions lost.
  8. Lower %, not zero % which is what VAJ did this week on deep balls. Still haven't answered the question eh? When was the last time we tried 6 or 7 deep balls, let alone missed that many to lose?
  9. Typical... Don't answer the question, just make a stupid comment.
  10. When was the last time we tried 6 or 7 deep balls, let alone missed that many to lose? Note that the receivers were open, VAJ made the right read, he just didn't deliver a good ball.
  11. Folks who say they saw this coming have 20-20 hindsight, but the stats don't agree with them. Collaros 2023 2024 QB Rating 118.8 77.4 Yards/Game 236 200 Comp % 69 65.3 - Only Dru Brown is worse YPA 10.1 8.1 - Kelly was the only QB that was higher in 2023 TD % 7.8 1.2 Int % 3.5 4.0 Bold - league leading Italic - Worst in the league
  12. VAJ missed 6 or 7 deep balls. Completing just one of them turns this one from a loss to a win. VAJ also threw a stupid pick that took 3 points off the board at the end of the half. If the DB simply held onto the fumble, BC would have likely won. Riders on top of the west surprises everyone.
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