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Brandon last won the day on August 19 2021

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  1. No I see the Riders signing Masoli next season
  2. See other clubs can cut under performing veterans... why can't we do the same?
  3. Were you not around on these boards last season when as the season went on people were discussing the cracks in Zach's game and how it was a concern going into the play offs?
  4. Didn't that Strev guy play in the NFL for several years... I'm sure Ford being benched and at times dropped to 3rd string in the CFL is a much better QB.....
  5. Even if it's a minor upgrade... it could help at least ease the transition until the NFL cuts where maybe we can sign a big upgrade late in the season.
  6. Why does it feel like O'Shea will make the tough decisions (i.e. benching the vets who are playing like crap) late in the season and once they actually insert new players who are hungry the team will regain a pulse and come alive and win several games late in the year when it is already too late? I feel like we've seen smaller versions of this story several years ago where it was glaringly obvious that a few positions needed a new face and when they finally make the change the team sees an instant improvement. Why not give Strev 3 - 5 games to see how he can progress and play? It's not like it could be much worse then Zach and his non existent TD's? Why not sit Bighill for at least 2 games and see if his replacement can make the tackles that he can no longer make? The team can no longer use the excuse of "extended pre season" or needing to shake the cob webs... what we see is what we are getting at this point so why wait until its late in the year to make a change?
  7. Once again...will O Shea have the balls to sit him?
  8. Worldwide its definitely Ronaldo or Messi. Those guys are making crazy money on endorsements. I'd assume locally it's McDavid or LeBron. At the schools for where my children attend I do see lots of Jets jerseys but it's a mixture of the players. We don't have that one go to guy like back in the day where everyone had a Selanne or Hawerchuk jersey.
  9. Kramdi should have a bit of a leash , but I'd hope the team would not settle with him and would be on the lookout for an upgrade.
  10. Bede I always thought was the big leg guy who missed the important kicks. Never a guy who struggled and shaky. A guy who would nail 50 yarders with room to spare. He was a guy who wasn't known as being clutch.
  11. I agree, the issue is that some players degrade from injuries and physically just cant come back. Bighill and BA indent believe can physically return to form. I wouldn't care if they brought in 30 year olds with experience if those guys had fresh legs and could give one or two good quality seasons. Thomas isn't as bad as people are making him out to be. I think his issue isn't health related and more so talent related... he's a depth guy and not a full time player.
  12. Damn he would of done a bad trade to get rid of Ford Watch Jones take over Hamilton in a few weeks!
  13. Jones likes making insane moves... can we dump some of our veteran crap for Ford?
  14. If they won't outright cut him... could they at least 6 game - thorax him? I'd much rather they give those reps to a guy with upside and have those growing pains rather then watching someone rapidly decline week in and week out who is holding the team back big time with his play.
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