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  1. bustamente


    Just another Hobo with a garbage bag
    5 points
  2. I would take him back. I'd even pick him up at the airport.
    4 points
  3. Super Duper Negatron


    And this is why removing the mask mandate the last three weeks was asinine.
    4 points
  4. Because its stupid. The Okay 👌 symbol existed long before it was coopted. If its a white power symbol, is MBB supporting white power movements by allowing me to do this emoji 👌??? Its dumb. Stop giving them the power. Take the power back in fact. This means Okay 👌
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. have u ever played football?...and realize u can't stop on a dime, or make an abrupt 90 degree turn?...you play the play....and shouldnt be penalized for it on a bang bang play...U can also see BA actually didn't fully follow through on that hit....used a perfect shoulder tackle, kept head and helmet out of it and didnt target the head...was a crap cheap call. If the ball was jarred loose with the same hit, and a turnover resulted would the player be flagged for being too mean and tough??..gimme a break...thats football man...hard nosed football...these players know what they signed up for...
    4 points
  7. Mark F


    speedflex relentless campaign against lirim has caused me to be strongly in the "no" group on this.
    4 points
  8. It's a shame he's hurt. I hope he's healthy and back soon. He's a hell of a player.
    4 points
  9. I dunno, if the argos with 40+ minutes TOP were still a couple big plays against from putting it away then isn't that a testament to the Bombers D actually keeping it close?
    4 points
  10. Stretch


    Very well then. I'll admit that I just want to be slapped in the face with this info and not have to go looking for it. 😀
    3 points
  11. You get off on talking about your posts. Yeah you add some actual content. The amount you talk about yourself outweighs that by a large content. A troll in blue and gold toilet paper.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Wednesday, August 25 – AT FIELD BESIDE WSF SOUTH Practice: 11:50 a.m.- 1:20 p.m. Thursday, August 26 Closed practice Friday, August 27 Practice: 11:35 a.m.- 12:45 p.m. Saturday, August 28 Walkthrough: 11:10 a.m. – 11:55 a.m. Sunday, August 29 Calgary Stampeders at Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 6:00 p.m. CT, IG Field, Winnipeg, MB Monday, August 30 – Tuesday, August 31 No practice/media availability
    2 points
  15. Seems like the league fines are out.....five of them all together and yet, Alexander for his hit in the T.O. game, isn't among them hmmmmmmm Guess it wasn't viewed as that much of a hit and a bullShit call as I suspected
    2 points
  16. bustamente


    Dr. Atwal pretty well spelled this out yesterday, there is nothing we can do certain people made their choice because they are the smart ones and now the rest will pay and the healthcare system will be stretched to the limit because of them. All I can do is be double vaccinated wear a mask and sanitize I'm not going to worry about new cases caused by the stupid they don't care about anyone but themselves, unfortunately kids under 12 will get caught up in the wash
    2 points
  17. blue_gold_84


    Thanks, covidiots.
    2 points
  18. Terrence Edwards was still a stud back in 2012, too.
    2 points
  19. He was a fan favorite after a strong early showing in buffalo. He got hurt and missed a chunk of time, and his release may involve some injury as well. Hes not just elite, imo duke at 100% is a top 2 wr in the league. And hes a big elite wr. Every team in the league should be in on a guy like duke. Its not about who you have, no team has a wr core soo good that he doesnt drastically make it better.
    2 points
  20. I don't think it was a dirty hit but not also not shocked it was flagged. That's a call that is going to be made in today's environment.
    2 points
  21. Duke Williams all day ..
    2 points
  22. I dont get why this was not an issue.
    2 points
  23. Exactly. Things happen so fast you can't just stop and avoid things when you've committed. Arbuckle has as much blame to share are BA. Leading his receiver into the middle like that is always a bad idea. The worst hit I've ever taken was in touch football. Coming across the middle I took a should to the chin and was seeing stars. I'm saying this because football is dangerous, even when ALL tackles are outlawed. You're still humans running around a field looking at a ball....**** is gonna happen. I hope Daniels recovers. I don't think it was dirty or cheap and I dont think you can get rid of that type of thing in football.
    2 points
  24. I thought you said Darvin Lawler Demski and Woli were as good a foursome as there is out there. Why then being in Duke?
    2 points
  25. Actually cut by the Cowboys and yes he would be an improvement on what we currently have here
    2 points
  26. I see him ending up in BC. I know they now have Jimmy “White Power” Camacho but they would drop him in a heart beat for Lirim. But would like to see him back here if we go with a 2 kicker system again.
    2 points
  27. Esp with all our injuries on D...definitely a testament in my book. Its called a bend but not break defense for a reason. A couple of breakdowns by rookie Dbs that if we fix might be a different game too...
    2 points
  28. Noeller

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    I've been saying Crappy all along so that's the correct one. Hashtag Never Wrong.
    2 points
  29. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    They should make Restaurants and non essential stores require you to be fully vaxxed. All entertainment where a group of people congregate... fully vaxxed. And those with a serious medical exemption... by serious, I mean a legit one... not someone going to a doctor and just getting an exemption because of depression or something...
    2 points
  30. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Maybe I'll make it bigger for you,... But, he said, “It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement or an ideology.” Should I highlight it too or are we good?
    2 points
  31. Same here. I prefer touchdowns to field goals.
    2 points
  32. What, TBurg can read mind and intentions?
    2 points
  33. 5-man CFL PR - we have 4 currently, so 1 must go there. 13-man PR - we have 11 currently, so we have room for 2.
    1 point
  34. If you want to look at this from another angle.........a more typical effort would of brought us a win. Which spotlights the multiple areas in which we played pretty bad......
    1 point
  35. WINNIPEG, MB., August 25, 2021 – The Winnipeg Blue Bombers today announce the following roster transactions: Added to roster: American defensive back Mike Hampton (6-1, 190, South Florida) American offensive lineman Jalen Burks (6-5, 305, Wisconsin-Stevens Point) Both players have been placed on the suspended list while they complete travel requirements.
    1 point
  36. rebusrankin


    I'd be curious how many are partially vaccinated and how many vaccinated. Southern Health however is a total mess and its going to be worse when schools reopen.
    1 point
  37. wbbfan


    Proud boys are half trollish them self. If you starve groups like that they go away. If you feed them they grow. Thats how it went from a silly trollish group of sheep to what it is. Allowing them to change and impact society is giving them far too much power. Thats a good point too. I see a ton of NBA players do it after nailing a 3.
    1 point
  38. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    Yeah it's Stefanson's race to lose but they were obviously hoping nobody would challenge them when they set the requirements the way they did.
    1 point
  39. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    Often the target of dislike/ blame / anger has been aimed directly at Pallister himself. This could really benefit his replacement .Especially if they come across as more central, less hard line right wing.
    1 point
  40. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I don't see Glover as much competition to Stefanson. There will be an element of the party that will want a "fresh start" away from current crop of MLAs/Ministers but I don't think it will be big enough. I would gladly take Heather over Shelly. The PCs are not in as bad shape as everyone thinks.
    1 point
  41. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    He did. Lawler and woli both had much better games. Lawler had 2 drop but still was hands down better. Lawler was catching balls down field. Bailey was all short tosses. Mcknight was better though not spectacular by any means.
    1 point
  42. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Its not a one game thing. Hes taken 3 horrible holding penalties that cost us. He has had bad drops in each game. The difference in week 3 is a few guys had the dropsies. But yes not all the incompletions where on the wrs. Collaros threw a fist full of balls low and behind targets. Darvin had a much worse game, but bailey was dropping short passes. And going back to last year has been the weakest of our current wrs. Bailey was 4/8 with 2-3 bad drops.
    1 point
  43. I played safety, coach defense, and can 100% say when that type of play happened, vulnerable WR, there was some "intent" on my part to rock the WR. And it was a choice. Split second, but still a choice. Wrap up, proper tackle - or try to take someone's head off with my shoulder. And I know it's not popular to agree with TBurg on this forum, but he's right about D-linemen learning to let up because of rule changes, particularly in the NFL. Watch old NFL QB clips. Split second they let go of the ball they are f'ing rocked every time. Every NFL lineman now knows how to let up a bit when the ball is released. Wrap up, take them to the ground. Versus take their head off with your shoulder. So why can't a DB make a choice? Still hard contact, but he could have chosen a proper technique tackle, versus just a hockey shoulder pop to the head. And a hockey body check is not a "perfect shoulder tackle". That's terrible tackling technique overall. Where's the wrap up? Where's the getting low, between thighs and ribs and driving through the ball carrier? And if Alexander used proper tackling technique he may still have hurt Daniels - because football is, and should be a physical game - but probably wouldn't have given him a concussion. At the end of the day, not sure what we're debating. Penalty or not? No debate. As number one Keith Urban fan Suits said about the Loffler hit, "in today's game, that's going to be called".
    1 point
  44. Noeller


    Was sitting in a breakfast joint in Brandon when the new mask mandate was announced and I actually cheered right out loud. Phenomenal news for you guys and gals... Alberta can't even imagine leadership like this. Been in the province a couple days and I'd say 75-90% mask use everywhere I've been so far in WestMan. Really really impressed.
    1 point
  45. I honestly think both NY teams and Boston would complain that Hartford is too close to their markets. Believe its about a two hour drive from Hartford to both cities.
    1 point
  46. Ah, the Whalers had Ron Francis, Kevin Dineen, Jeff Sanderson and this sweet logo: They're also too close to the Boston and NY market.
    1 point
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