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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-20 in Posts

  1. I wouldn’t hold my breath. It’s all empty rhetoric and rage-farming. There’s just no excuses anymore, for any decent human being to support the Conservative party in any way.
    7 points
  2. The team has added three players to the practice roster: • Raleigh Texada (DB) • Payton Muljo (OL) • Liam Fornadel (OL) 📝 » bit.ly/3dsRUjf #ForTheW
    6 points
  3. Yup. And for those that say I just plug my nose and vote for them because there’s no viable alternative, I call bull ****, you’re just not as vocal and forthright, self aware about you actually supporting this shite.
    6 points
  4. I'd like to see more DL and LB brought in.
    5 points
  5. The fact that it happened after the game should also be a factor in the punishment, IMO. During the game, in the heat of the moment is one thing, but biding your time and waiting until the game is done and his helmet is off? One game is not enough.
    4 points
  6. Agreed. Punching a helmetless player should be multiple games. Period.
    4 points
  7. He must be the younger brother of Ranthony Texada DB in Mtl., both born in Frisco Tx.
    4 points
  8. 3 points
  9. I'm not sure it was a weird one. Feels like I've seen it on replay throughout the year. Zack has ball security issues when getting tackled way too often for my liking.
    3 points
  10. That fumble sack was a weird one for ZC ... Cats rushed an extra man who was completely unblocked but ZC didn't realize he had an extra blitzer to deal with until it was too late. The way I understand it, if a man comes unblocked on a passing play, it's the QB's job to locate that guy and deal with him with a move or a quick throw ... ordinarily ZC is real good at that part of the game so that sack was surprising. I remember Doug Flutie telling his teammates "just tell me who my man is" on six-pack plays.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. I've noticed teams are following the Bombers lead and taking the run game a lot more seriously lately, quite a few teams have brought in fresh new RB's that run with power instead of recycling old worn out scat backs that mostly try to dodge tackles, as in years past. A number of good ones have made their appearance this season including Hills in Hamilton. Tuning up for the playoffs the Bombers are going to have to cut down on Bighill's other responsibilities so he can get back to MLB basics, shutting down RB's before they reach the secondary.
    3 points
  13. yup....just cause we fans dont hear anything...doesnt mean anything....things are in the works, and people being contacted...believe it
    3 points
  14. He purposely waited till the postgame. Premeditation should be a big factor here
    2 points
  15. Sucker punching someone is way worse than talking smack, even if it is about their Mommy.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Wideleft


    No, nothing like it has ever happened. [Public health measures during the flu pandemic in the period 1918-1920 in Spain] Abstract in English, Spanish Background: The 1918 influenza epidemic was an event of great social and health resonance, which caused high morbidity and mortality in the population. The rapidity in the development of symptoms, the extension to very large groups of the population and the lack of knowledge of the causative agent, were the factors that, added together, made the flu a major public health problem. The objective of this study was to review, through the Spanish written press, of the public health measures adopted as a consequence of the influenza epidemic of 1918. Methods: A selection of the Spanish press was carried out through the Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library (HDBN) of Spain, from January 1, 1918 to December 31, 1920; and the concept "flu" was searched, selecting those units of analysis that made reference to the public health measures adopted during the flu epidemic of 1918. Results: The newspapers analyzed reported the public health measures adopted by the health authorities of the different countries in order to reduce the spread of the epidemic, such as the closure of schools and the postponement of the opening of the academic year, disinfection of premises, quarantines, isolation, suspension, popular celebrations, disinfection and hygiene, border control, suspension of communications by train, as well as the creation and use of different vaccines and serums to immunize the population. Conclusions: The poor management of the epidemic could be one of the causes of the great impact of influenza in the first half of October 1918, as the decisions of the administration to promote public health measures were adopted with some delay. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33006327/
    2 points
  18. probably told him his mother wears army boots
    2 points
  19. Agree. We being in some imp ol every year at this point. I think it’s mostly early camp auditions though we are critically thin on ol depth right now. fornadel also isnt a guy brought in on a whim. He’s a bad dude. He was a part of one of the best pass blocking ols with the dukes. He has an incredibly strong upper body. Needs to be less reliant on it. But he does have good foot work too. He’s quicker than he tests he can get down field and keep the pile moving and he’s really nasty. Just how the mafia likes it. He’s a blue chip tackle prospect. I think he could project much better to the cfl game vs the nfl. Won’t see the huge des that are crazy athletes the yard off the ball might play into his style as well.
    2 points
  20. Tracker

    US Politics

    If you think that what is currently going on in the 11th district judicial system has anything to do with the law, precedent or convention, you would be wrong. It is all about obfuscation and delaying tactics to stem the revelations until after the mid-term elections. As an example of the insane premises by Trump's team of crack (interpret that as you will) lawyers, they are arguing that any document produced by any arm of the government and Trump has seen or night have seen is his to do with as he sees fit, and no longer can be the property of the government. Even "top secret" or "above top secret" documents. The firm that Trump has retained demanded and received a 3 million advance retainer, so that tells you that they expect to lose the case(s), which in the past meant Trump refused to pay his attorneys if they lost.
    2 points
  21. Ridiculous Mike Evans is probably going to get multiple games for shoving a guy in the NFL
    2 points
  22. One game for punching a helmetless player in the face is a joke.
    2 points
  23. Texada is an elite run jump athlete. Track guy in hs and college sounds like a high motor work ethic guy. https://www.nfldraftbuzz.com/Player/Raleigh-Texada-CB-Baylor https://www.si.com/nfl/packers/.amp/news/undrafted-free-agents-raleigh-texada-tre-sterling-could-add-depth-to-packers-secondary
    2 points
  24. JCon

    The Retirement Thread

    I thought he retired years ago.
    2 points
  25. And my local Conservative MP predictably falling in line with a nice photo shoot of him and PP in our local paper saying how united they are. I hope it unites him right out office next election. I don’t hold my breath though but one can hope.
    2 points
  26. bearpants

    Playoff Update

    Interesting thought about this Hamilton win... will it project them to a strong final third of the season to lock up a playoff spot?... I've been thinking for a while that Sask is all but assured the cross over... but that's when I thought they'd finish 9-9 or 8-10... now it's entirely possibly Sask doesn't win again this year... they play in Winnipeg, in Hamilton and the a back-to-back with Calgary... if Calgary has any hope at second, I see them taking both of those games... even if Sask ends up 7-11, Hamilton needs to finish the season 3-2 and Montreal 2-4 to block the cross over...
    2 points
  27. The Bombers will announce some practice roster signings next week. Some other teams have already added to their practice rosters. However, the PR only expand for 30 days. So the longer teams wait to add players the longer into the season you can keep them around.
    2 points
  28. October 5th at 5:00pm EST https://www.cfl.ca/2022/02/14/cfl-combine-season-cfl-draft-highlight-2022-off-season-schedule/
    2 points
  29. I don't know about that. It's not like Hamilton did anything different. Got the ball out quickly to their play makers to take the Dline out of the game. Our secondary just couldn't keep up. O had a bad day in term of turn overs. Take away a PIC and Collaros fumble and the game is different. Speaking of that. Collaros HAS to start protecting the ball better when under pressure. It's been an issue all year.
    2 points
  30. Most pro-active gm in the league. He will do something.
    2 points
  31. Relax Bubba ,we are talking about a GM that swung a last minute deal that brought us Collaros and 2 Grey Cups i guarantee you the Mafia is on this. Complacent?never!
    2 points
  32. Rich

    Lock of the Week 11

    There are still 6 weeks left in the regular season.
    2 points
  33. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    observation... I think the Canadian extreme right wing might be getting help from Americans. did anyone find out the source of the covid "convoy" donations? fox news was all over that. That means infiltrating everything public, starting at the local level. so vancouver island is having municipal elections. There are people running in my town, who are maga , supporters of polievre. the cagier of these people will lie, have no platform, hide their agenda, except for platitudes. it worked in the states, it will work here. so, pay attention to the local elections, and school boards. a look at candidate facebook etc, can be informative. someone is helping these people is my hunch. we best watch out for them and try to prevent a foothold.
    2 points
  34. JCon

    Random News Items

    Because we've gutted the funding something something woke. Ask the mouth breathers.
    1 point
  35. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    On Brand. I feel the irony is lost on the MAGA idiots
    1 point
  36. Walters also brought in a vet FG kicker, last year....who helped us win another cup...
    1 point
  37. well....on the flip a smart coaching staff here will have seen the weakness....and will address it, so if next game a team tries the same scheme, and we switched ours to counter it...well then it becomes a positive for us....pretty sure we have that smart, and adaptive staff...we won't be caught off-guard again
    1 point
  38. Yeah I haven't understood why they use so much less rotation this year. It was in my mind the biggest reason for their success last year.
    1 point
  39. Honestly the offense and special teams were good enough, the only issue was the defense. I believe that's an easier fix than if the offense was struggling.
    1 point
  40. Im seeing lots of player transactions/signings from other teams today. Walters better be on the phone. Standing pat aint gonna cut it after last weekends s**t show.
    1 point
  41. That was the biggest issue last game. No pressure all game. The Front 7 had nothing left in that final Ti Cat drive. Gassed.
    1 point
  42. I like that idea very much... it suits his personality and skill set. He is like a mean bowling ball. It would take a few for him to adjust but the dividends would be huge. So go for it, and his Canadian status would allow more defensive rest and rotation! Still coaching on this team is not very innovative. They get caught in a narrow tunnel mindset - - that's the opposite of creativity. Dobson for NT ... go, go, go
    1 point
  43. Agreed, we still hung +30 points on them. You take away the 14 off of turnovers and we still come away with a loss. Ticats going +45 points and pretty much scoring at will. That game is 100% on the Defense.
    1 point
  44. That's what happens when a bend don't break defence has a bad day. It becomes a bend and break defence. Nothing to see here unless it happens again next game, then we'd have a problem.
    1 point
  45. Considering an assault is a criminal offence, The Calgary team has a decision to make concerning, wait for it, the poor judge-ment.
    1 point
  46. Wonder who or if Walter's has talked to who is free from nfl...I'd like to hear he been in james vaughters ears about a playoff push...a rotation with the Jeff's and him would be lethal...
    1 point
  47. And Sask OL isn't even screwing up really. They make a pocket, the OT's ride the ends out of the play, Fajardo looks downfield and can't decide what to do vs 9 in coverage and just starts spinning around until he's bumping into his own guys and getting sacked.
    1 point
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