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JohnnyAbonny last won the day on July 2

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  1. Grainger might set the record for most times signed and released in the same season
  2. Missed the signings yesterday. I’m not sure what he has left in the tank but man I love some Nick Taylor. Watching him dance around after knocking down BLM’s deep shots in the 19 WSF is burned into my brain.
  3. The most honest I can be about it: I wish Chad Kelly was as shitty a quarterback as he is a person. He’s a good-great QB, in the context of the league right now, which sucks because he doesn’t in the least amount deserve the opportunity. Frankly, it really pisses me off. I don’t buy the comparison to Flutie at all. Way different style of player, plus Flutie was just flat out better. More like David Archer maybe if we’re going back that far. Michael Reilly-ish a bit too.
  4. I think it’s gonna be another physical game where neither team hits 20 points but this season’s been so unpredictable, who knows?
  5. Hoping this ^ . Last garbage loss to Toronto, Bombers won 8 straight after 🤷‍♂️
  6. He will be but I don’t really think he should be. Milanovich hasn’t done a thing since he was gifted Ricky Ray 12 years ago. I don’t get what the draw is.
  7. I think the CFL refs need far more training and pay. NFL Refs have off-season jobs, CFL Refs have in-season full time jobs, including gamedays sometimes. With the lack of training and time to concentrate on officiating, the skill level will never be close. I’d still say the oline play was by far the biggest factor in the Bombers losing that game, with missing 2 FGs being second. The third down call at the end I thought was wrong on the field, by rule, but (thanks to TSN) the camera angles couldn’t provide indisputable evidence to overturn. I have less of an issue with that one. However though. I’d argue that the Terry Wilson was over on goal line play was a horrendous call both on the field and by the command centre. You can see his helmet and the nose of the ball break the plane at 45:43 and again from closer at 46:37 of the video. I have an issue with this, as it completely changed momentum, and the dynamic of the entire game. This (imo) was a huge factor (but not the biggest) in the result of the game. Mike O’Shea himself had the same thoughts on the coaches show. Not even an implication, he flat out said “he was in” O’Shea very, very rarely makes definitive statements like that, especially regarding officiating. For example, he demurred in the same situation when DT had asked him about the terrible non-PI call at the end of the (other) Argo game and to me, that call was even more blatantly incorrect. Pretty telling imo
  8. @Yourface Maybe there isn’t anything wrong with what you said, maybe there is. I suppose it’s (like officiating) subjective to the knowledge level of the one reading/making the comments. Call me an idiot all you want, I’m not the one suggesting there’s little difference between the skill level of NFL and CFL officiating. That was a ridiculous statement and deserved to be mocked. In addition, you’re probably trolling but if not, you’re really coming across as a horses ass, especially for a new poster.
  9. “I don’t watch- but I have a hard time believing” = “Arguing with integrity” Poster of the year.
  10. If you don’t watch those other sports/leagues, then you just wrote 2 paragraphs after admitting you don’t know what you’re talking about.
  11. I think they gave it to him based off that one play, where Willie had him dead to rights and he got past and scrambled for the 1st. I only think Kelly played well if you compare his game to the past 2 months of QBs playing us. Agree with @SpeedFlex27 Both our lines sucked and that was the difference between winning or losing. Also missing Griffen was a bigger deal than anyone really mentioned imo. He’s been a difference maker when he’s on. Griffen is what most of us purport Brian Cole to be.
  12. Interesting. Now that you mention it, yeah the Willie or Malik Carney type bodied pass rushers seem to be dwindling. Lot of 6”3, 260ish guys having success lately.
  13. Great guy. Not a long term answer as HC in my opinion
  14. Sask is a good team, they’re not great, and I don’t like admitting it, but they’re a good football team. Toronto and Montreal are both very good football teams. To win the cup, I guess Bombers don’t technically *need* to beat Montreal next week, but they’ll have to beat Sask once more and either play TO or Montreal again (If Ottawa gets to the cup I’ll give you a Buffalo nickel) I’ll concede that they got absolutely pumped by the ticats at home near the end of 2019… It’s not over, I just feel like I’m watching a rerun here.
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