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  1. Happy honker to Kamar Jorden for cradling that ball so gently to the turf while not letting it touch and putting just enough lift on it for Houston to grab it.
    12 points
  2. BTW we represented MBB at the game. Not a tonne of Bomber fans but maybe 30. We had a blast.
    10 points
  3. Crazy...won 3 games in 12 days...one in t.o...across country to b.c...back home...with what..2 actual practices? And how many starters out??...this team is so legit
    10 points
  4. Bombers win riders lose great weekend to be a bomber fan.
    8 points
  5. This is so hilarious now … https://3downnation.com/2019/11/01/no-the-bombers-shouldnt-re-sign-zach-collaros/
    8 points
  6. Horseshit. Dunigan didnt think it was PI either, and both him and Neilsen agreed that the DB sold it.
    8 points
  7. Today’s beauty is that Calgary lost more than we won.
    7 points
  8. We would be Grey Cup champions! Seriously though maybe he wasn't ready last year? Every receiver develops at their own pace. Agudosi even admitted he has grown a lot as a player since he's been here. I hope he sticks now tho.
    7 points
  9. Observations at the stadium tonight. It was corkin hot there. IG Field is magical for the Bombers and fans. Huge crowd. Loudest I’ve heard it. It was nuts, ear popping loud, in reacting to Houston’s int. Nobody, NO BODY was leaving the park during the last 3 minutes. Everyone stayed til the end. The game was that entertaining.
    7 points
  10. I'm going to start off my thoughts with this: Agudosi has surpassed Banks as my favourite Carlton.
    7 points
  11. Stands are packed, stands are hot.... Zac completes nice pass up the middle to Ellingson for 24 Leggs lines up for 49 yd try and just slips in in there..... Stamps punting.....Grant has the ball punched out.... .....Stamps recover deep in Blue territory... BLM has Begelton open in the middle of the field.... Bo has the time....and hits him for the quick 6. 7-3 Stamps.. Olivera stuffed on 2nd down run....no blocking interior OL... Stamps 2 and out.....punt is shanked + penalty... Zac is sacked on 2nd down...BLM takes the same from Thomas.... Grant bounces off of multiple Stamps on PR.....to Stamp 35.... Collaros finds Ellingson for a couple of first downs..... 2 incompletes leads to Leggs chip shot FG. 7-6 Calgary Bo has Henry wide open for big gain, deep into Blue end... 2nd down Jefferson flushes out Bo...Sayles with the sack.... Zac is pressured again...Neufeld having a rough go, so far.... Zac hit as he thows....Agudosi comes back for ball and 35 yd gain.... ....except it comes back on a iffy Stamps challenge. for the push off.. Henry with the 3rd drop from Stamps receivers so far.... Zac hits Agudosi up the middle for 21....and Ellingson for 15 Zac sidearms one to Agudosi for 9. Zac starting to look for him..... Collarlos hoists one up to the back of the end zone...... ...coverage is there, but Agudosi plays jump ball.... ...and comes down with it...TD! 13-10 Blue... BLM has 2 passes almost picked off.....feeling the heat a bit... With under 15 seconds in the half....Rush gets in on Leggs.... Who runs a bit and ruled down at Bomber 42. Turnover. Carey runs it for a FD with 1 second left....Paredes FG.... ...has this one 13-13 at the half. ST turnovers hurting us.. Bo loops one up long... to a wide open Begelton for big gain.... Carey rips through the line and runs it inside the 5.... ...down the field in 2 plays.. bit too much bending on D for my taste... Bo incomplete to Jordan, who should of caught it in the end zone.... 2nd down.....backup QB comes in to .....uh, throw a incomplete pass.... ....to cute by half....3rd down, Bo throws to 2 Stamp receivers.... ....who are almost standing together.....Taylor makes it a 3 car collision.. ....incomplete! Turnover! Grant takes reverse on KO for good gain.... Grant sweeps for FD Zac...tight window throw to Ellingson..... Collaros is pressured....Bombers with a holding call.... Leggo misses 36 yd FG....but Stamps call for tic-tac interference call Zac arcs one to Ellingson on side line for FD, down to Stamps 5.. Augustine runs it to the 1.....Brown sneaks in for the touchdown! Leggs x-point makes it 20-16 Bombers... Collaros finds Schoen for big first down and Ellingson yet again... Ellingson having a monster game.... Zac with some terrific passing on 2nd and longs..... Logan takes punt right up the middle....then down the sideline.... ....all the way for the score......but called back on holding! Carey runs to the corner and is slung out of bounds by Bighill.... Carey is unhappy with it...slings the ball at the sideline judge.. ....and takes idiotic penalty....Stamps having some penalty issues .... Houston breaks up 2nd down pass to Henry...... Paredes nails 48 yard FG to make it 20-19 Bombers Zac avoids pressure again...and finds Woltman for FD... Augustine up the gut for nada....Neufeld and Grey struggling.... Zac rolls away from pressure...to Olivera, breaks tackle for FD.... Collaros is really got it....on these long 2nd down plays, alright..... Yet another 2nd down....Zac throws a perfect fade in corner of endzone... ....to that guy Agudosi, who hauls it in for his 2nd TD!! Seems that Agudosi's days on the PR, now numbered down to 0 Nice big target who can catch the ball on the outside..... Leggs misses the extra point! To keep it at 26-19 Blue.... These missed converts are becoming tiresome......3:30 left.. Plenty of sweating in the stands in more ways than one..... Bombers almost pick off another...and get big 2 and out... Holding on the KR puts Bombers back on the 18, 2:25 left. Olivera 2nd down run short of the marker (again) Stamps offside... ZAC is sacked....draw play is stuffed. Some boos for the call.... ....or perhaps the run game in general.....Blue punt with1:31 left. Jefferson sacks Bo....3rd and 14....Carey takes short pass for 15.... ....with roughing the passer tacked on...ball on Bomber 29. 56 seconds left....Bo goes long into the end zone........ Jordan is behind Nichols and the ball is right in there..... ....for the Stamps TD....but Jordan has the ball bounce up... ..from his body.......a hustling Houston dives and picks it off!!!!!! Dreaded Command Center takes a look and the play stands!! INT. Turnover, Ballgame. Stadium explodes as Bombers run out the clock..... ...and stand at 6 and O. Zac with yet another win as our starter... Both teams had plenty of good plays...plenty of mistakes... Bombers tend to have the opponent make the last mistake I tend to have myself make the last gin....
    6 points
  12. Couple thoughts on that shittshow...the riders are a joke of an organization and that head coach has zero control and obvious gets zero respect... embarrassing to say the least for the league.. How Douchewilliams wasn't ejected is baffling...and if he isn't suspended...and multiple games when u factor in the spitting....again...then something is wrong....just a total garbage human....and I see why he backed Marino as they cut out of the same cloth...guy yaps all game...is a dirty p.o.s and ain't worth the headaches...or that 275k...that's the funny part. Faj...is the biggest pussssie in the league....a whiner....a good actor on his major injury and basically a weak loser...plain and simple Never seen a team Yap...take after whistle penalties..and just act like classless losers more than them..T.O is a close second....but Sask is embarassing...I actually feel for AH going from here..to that..poor guy...c'mon pinball do the right thing and trade him home Suitor needs to go...he's a joke...and should be out out to pasture....Jake Thomas gets grabbed and thrown into a QB...and that RTP because he needs to be in control of his body at all time...but Lanier can launch himself....on his own like a torpedo...at MBT after he throws a pass....but that shouldn't have been RTP?? Can't have it both ways loser...that alone is proof he's a) and idiot b) a Homer or c) has no clue what he says game to game...and Oakman...tackled to ground as the Faj steps into him...so all he has is legs to tackle .what .he supposed to just let him run by?? ..what a moron Sask will win nothing with that online..it's also embarrassing..and their DBs are pourous....T.O can actually be good if they loose the stupidity and play like pros....Sask can't cause they full of holes and flaws .a lot of it character . ..and a big flaw wears the head set...that game was just pathetic..but ended gloriously lol
    6 points
  13. Pretty sure if I swung a helmet at some dudes head I could get charged with attempted murder.
    6 points
  14. Yeah, this is the author's bio: Ryan Ballantine is a lifelong Stamps fan and host of the Horsemen Radio Podcast. He has been covering the team since 2008. Insert eye roll
    6 points
  15. Booch

    3 stars plus hh holy cow

    IG Feild is by far the most electric and crazy atmosphere in the league..and not even close...the team feeds off it and must just love playing for these fans...who woudnt
    6 points
  16. The demise of CGY was way premature....they are a really good team...their defense is no joke...and they have weapons on offence...if BLM stays healthy they are a tough team. Last night was undisputed who the 2 top teams are and by a large margin...I can't see who can hang with them...mayyybee BC... And to think...we will get 5 top end starters back at some point...and most likely an NFL returnee...or 2...that's gotta scare the crap outta teams
    6 points
  17. Brandon

    3 stars plus hh holy cow

    Same three that everyone else has picked. HH - Matt Dunigan for being even more excited then myself watching the game. The guy really has a blast doing games and he's a great listen!
    6 points
  18. Houston over Glass has really worked out
    6 points
  19. He did throw the winning TD pass. East has two wins against the west and both are over the melonheads. Got to love it.
    5 points
  20. Off to Riderfans. I’m sure there will plenty of mature, insightful analysis after this result.
    5 points
  21. Hahahaha classic Faj Watch the limp come back
    5 points
  22. Yuuuuup Holy ****! Mojito is wearing a knee brace? Has this been mentioned anywhere ever?
    5 points
  23. Special shout-out to that section 141 that hosts all the brand new Bomber fans claiming to be amazing super fans, yet don’t even know enough to shut up when the offence is in the red zone. @Zach Schnitzer maybe time to teach your friends a few things lol
    5 points
  24. Absolutely one of the most entertaining games I've watched in many years, goes to show the CFL doesn't need drastic rule changes to make it exciting.
    5 points
  25. That guy is delusional. Game rarely felt as close to me as the score indicated. We had the ball for 15 minutes more FFS Yup, total blinders. Plus our DL destroyed their OL “Covering” Yeah, sure thing. Slobbering over maybe.
    5 points
  26. For every Calgary receiver drop our D dropped a pick. Don't think BLM really did anything. One big play, Carey had two big runs.
    5 points
  27. 17to85

    3 stars plus hh holy cow

    Collaros is just a killer out there. He can hit some tight windows accurately and has some amazing awareness in the pocket and escapability. Now you gave him a 6'6 target who can win jump balls... lol cfl is ******.
    5 points
  28. Well we gave up our shot to draft Rourke by re-signing him. I'm sure that's what Hodge was thinking 😂
    5 points
  29. HM to my wife, who hid my cowbell somewhere in our house during the offseason (for "storage"), but apologized and bought me an even bigger one for the game last night.
    5 points
  30. Jpan85

    3 stars plus hh holy cow

    HH to Bailey and Olivera for their efforts on the last TD drive to convert those 2nd downs when they looked like they would be stopped short.
    5 points
  31. Yeah they've had lots of chances. We have the rings, they have the feeling they can take us.
    5 points
  32. amazing game by collaros. not good protection, no run game, doesnt matter.
    5 points
  33. BBlink

    3 stars plus hh holy cow

    Agudosi being everything we need to compliment our receiving core makes me smile. Collaros is worth every penny and more considering we have no run game and an oline that is struggling more than it has in recent memory. Ellingson is money in the bank Willie bringing an extra gear near the end of the game was scary
    5 points
  34. one of the best picks Ive ever seen. he was ten feet from Jordan when the ball arrived. these guys are unreal athletes,
    5 points
  35. What's the standard for OPI now? BC scored two TD's on us last weekend where the receiver literally had a two handed grasp on the DB and dropped the guy just in time to make the catch.
    5 points
  36. 1. Zac Collaros His ability to extend plays and face tough 2nd down situations is something else. No run game and facing steady pressure.....Zac just finds ways to get it done. Over 300 again, and his win -loss record here.....speaks for itself. 2. Ellingson Him and Zac seem to have some form of ESP. No matter what the situation, these guys just find ways to hook up. Huge game from Greg, tonight. 3. Agudosi, Carlton If this guy still has anything lying around, back on the Practice Roster - he can just send it forward. Great height and reach, and can catch the pigskin. Another red zone threat for Zac.
    4 points
  37. Just got back,my observations; -Oliveira isn't a starting running back,runs into piles of guys,it's been 1/3 of the season,start johnny -our defense no matter who comes in is an oiled machine and is getting better and better. - Ellingson is so reliable and very good...Darvin who?????? - fans were phenomenal and very very loud. -Zach is playing very very well,very smart -Rasheed may be in trouble with how well Agudosi played tonight
    4 points
  38. Ellingson is a ridiculous football player. Our run game is the runny poops.
    4 points
  39. Agudosi....is everything I figured he would be...nice first game...hope Bryant's knee ain't too bad...he played through it but u could see it affected him Did McRae get hurt? Didn't see him last part of game at all
    4 points
  40. Go for 2 on the last TD and convert game is over.
    4 points
  41. BLM only completed 12 passes in that entire game. Couple Carey runs kept them in it.
    4 points
  42. Trust Collaros more...he's better than you Buck.
    4 points
  43. Eat it touch down Atlantic. is tsn skipping the post game again? Collaros > all.
    4 points
  44. 4 points
  45. 4 points
  46. Agudosi has been on the PR so long, makes you wonder why we were dressing Romby Bryant.
    4 points
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