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  1. WBBFanWest

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Wow, it's almost like they knew something that we didn't. Funny how that works.
    6 points
  2. bearpants

    2018 CFL Draft

    Like most drafts... we can look back at it in a few years a determine how well the bombers did... for now I'll just have to trust our scouts and management...
    6 points
  3. JuranBoldenRules

    2018 CFL Draft

    Hodge is dumb. You need Canadians that can play all over the roster. I want to get a CFL GM so I can do an experiment and never draft an OL. I bet my team would be great. All American OL and a bunch of Canadians rotating through 7 spots elsewhere.
    5 points
  4. Mike

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Love how you’re always trying to get creative here but I really doubt we’re going to be seeing LaFrance as a receiver. Sometimes the simple solution is the right one. We’ll be starting one of Wolitarsky, Simonise or Petermann.
    4 points
  5. Floyd

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Finally 5 QBs on the roster and none of them ex-TiCats...!!! This is a great day
    4 points
  6. bustamente

    US Politics

    Speaking of which wouldn't be great if Trump started wearing military fatigues, he could regale everyone with some great Vietnam Stories ??
    4 points
  7. Jpan85

    2018 CFL Draft

    not sure if just drafted a Ultimate frisbee player?
    4 points
  8. wbbfan

    2018 CFL Draft

    another wr tyrone pierre calm down tburg DONT LOOK
    4 points
  9. Mike

    2018 CFL Draft

    Imagine TBURGESS being negative, I for one am shocked
    4 points
  10. Atomic

    2018 CFL Draft

    So you acknowledge we're shaky at receiver but upset we drafted two receivers.
    4 points
  11. Atomic

    2018 CFL Draft

    Demski and Coates start, Simonise and Wolitarsky backup. Petermann starts on the PR. Looks good.
    4 points
  12. wbbfan

    2018 CFL Draft

    be funny if we took petermann
    4 points
  13. Zontar

    2018 CFL Draft

    Riders pick next. Prediction: It's going to be great !
    4 points
  14. Atomic

    2018 CFL Draft

    Doesn't make sense to take the 8th best OL when the 2nd best receiver is still on the board, IMO.
    4 points
  15. Its May 4th and we haven't won a game yet in 2018. It is clearly time to talk regime change!
    3 points
  16. nate007

    Bomber Moves 2018

    A couple of years ago our Canadian receiver talent consisted of Kohlert and JFG. Those guys brought their lunch pails every day and gave us everything they had, but the upside was not super high. I have no issues with the resources we are throwing at improving our Canadian receiving depth, especially given the league-wide success rate of draft picks at that position.
    3 points
  17. bigg jay

    2018 CFL Draft

    Bowman is a good example for Simonise to follow. Bowman had to learn that just using his physical gifts aren't enough & that he still had to put in work to be successful. Hopefully he's able to pass that on to Simonise.
    3 points
  18. From top to bottom the Jets didn't have the energy needed to win, true enough. But maybe if the 3rd line was Ros/Little/Armia and the Lowry line was the 4th line the Jets could have actually played all four lines consistently and wore down Nashville as the game went on. Instead the Lowry line got 3rd line minutes and looked pretty worn down as the game went on, and the 4th line barely played 7 minutes. If Hendricks only plays 6 minutes and does nothing offensively and can't keep up to begin with then what's the point? If Nashville continues with this D first system we need speed and hard forechecking. And a full four line effort. Like what Nashville does. Put your best lineup in every night. And that means Roslo over Hendricks.
    3 points
  19. Yeah this one is totally on the fourth line... if only Roslo was in for Hendricks we would have blown them out.
    3 points
  20. Floyd

    2018 CFL Draft

    Like the luckiest man on earth to have even gotten a chance to play pro?
    3 points
  21. Atomic

    2018 CFL Draft

    3 OL, 3 WR and a DB. Beefing up the depth behind our Canadian starters.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. bearpants

    2018 CFL Draft

    Maybe those mock drafts of the bombers taking like 6 wrs aren't that far off...
    3 points

    2018 CFL Draft

    Simonise was likely the BPA. High upside. I like his his size and the fact that he's got a bit of NFL experience. I don't like that he hasn't played a lot of football lately, his drug tests, or his performance at the combine. A swing for the fences in the 2nd round picking a guy that wouldn't exactly be called an O'Shea or Walters kind of player. Will be interesting to see how he makes the conversion to the CFL.
    3 points
  25. wbbfan

    2018 CFL Draft

    maybe maybe not. he didnt hissy fit after being cut in the nfl so who knows. its all gonna be about how he acts and re acts now that he is finally pro.
    3 points
  26. Mr. Bowman, I'd like you to meet your new student. Like you, at his age...he may have a little growing up to do.
    3 points
  27. Bigblue204

    2018 CFL Draft

    And some think the sky is falling
    3 points
  28. Just say NO to thread necro. /end
    3 points
  29. Mike

    Bomber Moves 2018

    Streveler is a guy they’ve wanted a look at for a while. I think he’s got a good shot. Very CFL style QB.
    2 points
  30. Kudos Kyle, on a job...done...
    2 points
  31. Had the chance to put the foot down .... might be the turning point of this series.
    2 points
  32. Very disappointed on coaching and leadership tonight. That’s not how you play at home when you can take a stranglehold. Get it together.
    2 points
  33. Jets look flat. No energy. Nash playing boring heavy D.. Have taken the crowd out of it completely. Not sure theres a comeback tonight.. They just look off.
    2 points
  34. Goalie

    2018 CFL Draft

    Depth is good.
    2 points
  35. Floyd

    2018 CFL Draft

    It’s actually three receivers when you include wolitarsky... ha
    2 points
  36. bearpants

    2018 CFL Draft

    Seems like the bombers are going BPA... no matter what position...
    2 points
  37. Bigblue204

    2018 CFL Draft

    I'm telling you, since Hodge has gone to 3rdown. He tries to mask his homerism for the bombers by making odd arguments against some of the moves they make.
    2 points
  38. Tracker

    2018 CFL Draft

    If the Bomber staff do not fall at his feet in training camp, he may throw a hissy-fit and bolt.
    2 points
  39. Tracker

    2018 CFL Draft

    Simonise looked like he was just not pushing himself. Not a good showing.
    2 points
  40. I don't know about the character stuff, testing positive, leaving school before that. All I know is that he'll have to earn any playing time he gets here and that bodes well for us. He's got guys like Harris and Bowman who weren't the brightest bulbs when they were young either to take notes from.
    2 points
  41. wbbfan

    2018 CFL Draft

    Of every one drafted today, no one has been in the mix to be a high pick for soo many years. Idk how any one can hate coming out of the draft with a 2nd round pick getting you probably the highest upside guy available. Hes a guy we could use on teams potentially. He and wolitarski give us the biggest up side among young NI wrs that weve seen in decades.
    2 points
  42. Mark F

    2018 CFL Draft

    simonise didn't look that good at the combine I thought. Or am I misremembering?
    2 points
  43. Booch

    2018 CFL Draft

    i like this pick
    2 points
  44. rebusrankin

    2018 CFL Draft

    I like the pick. I was hoping for another WR and hey why not swing for the fences and try to hit a home run. At worst, you add depth and your 4 game day NI receiver, at best you add a stud NI WR.
    2 points
  45. wbbfan

    2018 CFL Draft

    not too surprising. funny weve talked about him for soo many years on here now we got him haha. the best potential of any one left by a mile so its not too surprising. Not exactly the typical character guy we go for though.
    2 points
  46. JuranBoldenRules

    2018 CFL Draft

    These OL runs in CFL Drafts are basically a meme now. There's a few guys in this draft who are high end who aren't OL, and there's a few of these OL who are going to bust hard. But everyone just takes OL.
    2 points
  47. Looking good for the Bombers to have their pick of receiver, DB or RB at 12.
    2 points
  48. rebusrankin

    2018 CFL Draft

    Chapman to the Tigercats, Rutherford to the Als. No surprises so far.
    2 points
  49. Last game was such an extreme of highs and lows... from abject misery and an endless string of cursing, to untold heights of delirious joy. Here in Edmonton, I’m sure my neighbours would have called the cops, except they knew I was home watching a Jets game lol.
    2 points
  50. Roslovic is clearly the better player than Hendricks at this point, the only thing I can really guess at is that Hendricks is a left shot and Roslovic a right shot, so Armia comes in for Roslovic. But that's pretty soft.
    2 points
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