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Atomic last won the day on July 1 2019

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About Atomic

  • Birthday 1987-07-08

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  1. I can usually make some sense of any signing, at least to see the club's point of view, but this one has me stumped. It's weird to bring him in now. He's always been a halfback as far as I know. I figure they'd have a look at someone in-house first if they were looking at replacing BA or Kramdi. If it's just a depth signing then what are Griffin, Bridges and McGhee still doing here? This is a weird one. Hard to imagine he's still got anything in the tank. Coming back from major knee issues at 33... Yikes. But maybe he's just a freak and he's gonna come in and be a star again? Maybe he wowed everyone in a workout and that's why he is here? That's the best case scenario but it seems like a longshot.
  2. The spreadsheet looks a little funky. It's not sorted by who has the most picks correct anymore. It also looks like I got credited with a zero but I did pick Hamilton correctly. Edit: Never mind, I just saw your note that the last two games aren't tallied yet.
  3. That's pretty debatable, the Bombers knelt with 6 seconds left just last week
  4. I wonder if the opponent has anything to do with Tony Jones coming onto the roster. We'll have to wait and see if he gets any reps on D.
  5. If you said it? Yeah for sure, because you are a joke
  6. IN: Kody Case, Tony Jones, Tyjuan Garbutt, Noah Hallett OUT: Myron Mitchell, Chris Smith, Lucky Ogbevoen, Michael Chris-Ike
  7. Let's be honest Booch is old and broken he'd get his ass beat... With all due respect of course
  8. I do find it interesting that O'Shea made a point of mentioning missed tackles as an issue after the last two games and Tony Jones is now coming onto the roster. Could he split time with Biggie on D? Probably a long shot but there is something going on there.
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