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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-11-27 in Posts

  1. If I had one message foe walters it would be "keep up the great work"
    7 points
  2. I just don't see how schiltz is any better an option than brown...
    5 points
  3. Canadians are gold. You keep the elite ones. McCrae is nowhere near Demski. Not even sure he is on the team next year.
    4 points
  4. He's my "must" resign........
    4 points
  5. I think Demski and Schoen are the best YAC tandem in the league.
    3 points
  6. Even if that's the rule - the puck was behind the net - when his helmet came off.
    3 points
  7. Demski is the one guy they might have to really open the pocket book for....
    3 points
  8. So a guy who took forever and a day to show anything is better than a guy who took massive leaps in his 2nd year and looked half assed decent outside a few rookie mistakes in his first start? You are a strange one to figure out sometimes.... at the same points in their careers Brown is light years ahead of where Schiltz was and its debatable that schultz is currently any better anyway. No because when ever collaros has been unable to go it's Brown that goes in. Prukop being a runner more than a qb has a gimmick package they employ. It's basically some of the stuff they did with Streveler that Prukop is better suited to than Brown.
    3 points
  9. greenrider55

    Still Struggling

    Much respect to all the people putting their mental health issues out there. I myself struggle with anxiety/depression every day. It’s an important dialogue to leave open, especially among the male population. Last year when the Bombers beat the Riders in the WF, I was quite sad, and felt numb. I did question to myself why I was letting the outcome of a game I had no control over upset me so much, but as others have echoed here, our teams really do become a part of our identity. If anyone, and I mean this, ever needs a place to vent about mental health, anything like that, please DM me. I work with a mental health support group specifically for men, and would be happy to help.
    3 points
  10. I was taking a jab at the fact that Osh had to learn how to use tech, when he became an HC. He must have been selling on the 'non tech' side of medical supplies.
    2 points
  11. Did everyone see that interview with O'Shea last Sunday before the game? Very interesting. Osh was selling medical equipment after retiring as a player, and it was Barker who got him into coaching. Thank goodness for that. I can't even imagine Osh as a sales guy lol.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Shiltz doesn't do that. Brown has shown he can come in, under pressure and do whats needed to win against arguably the best defense in the league (CGY). He's also shown he can start and run the offense fairly well with only a week of practice. I see no reason why he would take a step back next year.
    2 points
  14. bustamente

    US Politics

    Does he really need a PA system, I guess it makes it seem more official, what a dumbass
    2 points
  15. I think Demski will.be a lifer Bomber. His passport and play this year gives him some serious leverage if he decides to test the market.
    2 points
  16. Tracker

    Still Struggling

    To give a different spin on this, the Buddhists say that our existences here are for three purposes: to wonder, to struggle and to grow. . I cannot recall who said it but everyone we meet is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Therefore, we should always be kind to all. Some time ago, I was on my way home from a long, hard night as an EMT, I pulled up beside a car that has stopped at light just as the sun was beginning to come up. The driver was on my right and as soon as the light changed, he hit the gas and hung a left turn right in front of me. I was tired and a bit slow starting off, which was fortunate, because I had to stand my car on its nose to avoid t-boning him. He had also hit his brakes, coming to a halt about a foot away. I was tired, and cranky, opened my door, got out and was fully prepared to tear him a new one. As I approached him, he rolled his window down and began to babble an apology, but with tears streaming down his face. He was obviously distraught and between sobs told me that he had just come from the hospital where his wife had just died. My anger immediately disappeared, and as I waved him off on his way home, I felt horrible and did for days. Be kind. Always.
    2 points
  17. The reality is that we become involved with sports teams as an escape and become emotionally invested in them -some of us obsessively so. When our personal lives become emmeshed with our teams or individuals, we enter a grey, potentially unbalanced state of mind. We follow our heroes for the drama- the soaring highs, the crashing lows and yes, the tensions. Our sports and even political attachments are often analogues for our lives and that is all well and good so long as we do not cross the line from entertainment into obsession. The sense of continuity and community that sports can offer can carry us through rough times and have value as long as we do not let the "us vs them" attitude does not become pathological.
    2 points
  18. Jesse

    Still Struggling

    That's a fine line to walk - the more you know, the more realize realize how corrupt and terrible the world is and how little power we have to do anything to do about it. I've never been more mentally fragile than I was during covid and 90% of my time was spent reading the news and people commenting about virus this, masking that. My wife and I talk about staying in our bubble. Be good people, raise our children to be good people. Hope to leave more positive impacts than we do negative.
    2 points
  19. To be honest guys, this year stings but it doesn’t even come close to 2001 or 07. 2019 was very special, in that I got to see a cup win with my Dad. My Grandfather was one of the biggest Bomber fans. He and my Dad had a tough relationship at times but they always bonded over the Bombers. Granddad passed away in 1983, I could always tell it broke my Dads heart that they didn’t see 1984 together. I saw so many parallels during the drought, can’t describe how badly I wanted to see that 2019 victory with the old man. Not to mention seeing a guy I’ve known since nursery school (AH) helping end Winnipeg’s drought..So many special aspects of that win. 2021 was both the hardest and best year of my life. We had twins in September of that year, and unfortunately we lost one of my baby girls to heart disease at 3 weeks. After all the grief, and sleepless nights of raising a newborn, our family experiencing another cup win at that particular time..So grateful for that distraction. Seeing my Dad holding his granddaughter while watching the final OT play was another all time life moment. I try to keep all this in mind after this past one. Saying “I have perspective” is inaccurate. I’m still busted up over the team losing, but unlike 01 and 07 I’m not dwelling on it all winter. Again, thank you guys, especially @Zach Schnitzer and @Noeller Just remember when you’re down, you’re NEVER the only one. I’m sure you all have support in your real lives, but my PMs are always open if anyone here is suffering.
    2 points
  20. I used to take sports way, way too seriously and then about 25 years ago happened on a video essay by Ian Ross discussing the concept of Bread and Circuses. I cannot find it unfortunately, but here is a good summary of the concept: The idea that people can be pacified by food and entertainment when they should be rallying to their prescribed civic duties isn't a new one. In fact, the concept was first described in ancient times by the satirical Roman poet Juvenal, who penned the Latin term panem et circenses, which means "bread and circuses." "Two things only the people anxiously desire -- bread and circuses," he wrote, lamenting the failure of citizens to take action as the democratic Roman Republic fell and the heavy-handed Roman Empire began. Within a mere 100 years, Rome underwent massive governmental changes. What in 133 B.C.E. was a free republic that relied on a voting populace and an assembly system morphed into an embittered autocracy by the first century C.E. [source: Beard]. Thus, Juvenal's term, "bread and circuses" went viral, used by scores of people -- then and now -- to describe people who voluntarily trade their democratic freedoms in exchange for stable-yet-controlling government. Back then, the Roman government kept the Roman people pacified by offering them free food and rousing entertainment in the Roman Colosseum. Now, "bread and circuses" applies to any civic or governmental entity -- or any situation, really -- in which the masses willingly accept short-term solutions to ease their discontent. So, essentially sports is and has been used to distract us from what's really important in our lives. That's not to say that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be distracted, but we have to recognize it for the distraction that it is. As someone who takes the world far too seriously (and also suffers from depression) I struggle with thirsting to know everything I can about why things are the way they are. I appreciate the excitement of sport, the beauty of music and great stories (whether they be delivered in a book or by a television show or movie) if only to remember what it's like to feel something. That being said, those feelings are fleeting - perhaps by necessity - because I still try to care about the truly important things we all can get distracted from.
    2 points
  21. Don't ever apologize. It is incredibly helpful to "write it all down" and get it out there. I have zero issues talking about this stuff and just hope it's helpful to others. When my depression and anxiety are at their worst, my sleep goes to **** and everything gets even worse. I was nearly suicidal once a couple of years ago, and thankfully got help. About 5 or 6 weeks ago, I fell into that hole again but thankfully not quite as deep. I knew I needed help, but wasn't AS bad. Still, it required a weeks stay in hospital to keep an eye on me and make sure we got things back on track. The reason I bring this up is because this message board (and a group chat on FB with my best friends) kept me going through some dark times. I'm so appreciative of all the people here (yes, even TBurg and TB4E...) and the conversations every day!!
    2 points
  22. Arnold_Palmer

    Still Struggling

    It’s been hard me and my partner of 7 years broke up in September. Football is something I love deeply, I started a new career the same month that requires a lot of extra circulars outside of work hours; with courses to keep me busy to take my mind off things. I’ve buried myself into my work, and going to the gym in the evenings to try and get over it, nothing quite comforts me more then watching the Bombers play and to an extent the Jets play. As horrible of a feeling it was to lose in so thankful for every game I got to watch, every day I got to take my mind off and talk football with you fine folk, and most importantly I’m thankful for 2019 and 2021, the first two Grey cups of my entire life time. It’s sad that football season is over but as crushed as I am I can see the light and the good from it, as things slow down around here and there’s less courses and work to do I’ll have to confront my realization the love of my life and myself aren’t together but I want to let you guys know it’s been great to have this message board and the Bombers during these tough times. Sorry if this was all over the place I just wanted to speak my truth without going back to it before I lost my train of thoughts.
    2 points
  23. Great thread. I thought I'd share my thoughts now that we are a week removed from the game. I've actually been able to be pretty positive after the disappointing loss and I thought that maybe if I shared my reasons for that other people might be inspired as well. Everything you said was true Zach. These were all feelings I experienced to psychologically devastating effects in 2001, 2007 and 2011. This time was different though. This time we are coming off of back to back Grey Cup victories. This time instead of feeling crushed by losing the one big game I am elated that we won the previous two. I've been able to focus on all of the positives. The many, many positives. Having the most wins in the whole league since 2016, winning 2 straight cups, dominating our home games, having the best record in the league for two straight seasons, etc. The dynasty would have been epic beyond words but not getting the threepeat doesn't diminish what we have to celebrate. What every other team in the league wishes they had. In short, I'm having the best time of my life as a Bomber fan and the offseason can't end soon enough. I'll see you all at IGF in 2023. Go Blue!!!
    1 point
  24. iHeart

    Random News Items

    well at least Team Canada won A cup
    1 point
  25. My memory is hazy, but I believe Shiltz won a few games for the Als a few years back when they where struggling to win with Manziel, Pipkin and Drew Willy. He's been in the CFL for 5 years and has demonstrated he's a solid backup, but I don't think any team is going to anoint him their starter unless the Riders are left with no other options now that they've pissed off Fajardo.
    1 point
  26. the watcher

    Everything Soccer

    The 1st game showed we belong in the World Cup. This game showed we have a ways to go before we are any kind of a threat .
    1 point
  27. BomberBall

    Everything Soccer

    Poor back end possessions by Canada and loose defending leads to 2 against. Need to make a couple halftime adjustments for sure. I’d definitely pull Hutchinson off… He’s looked really sluggish today.
    1 point
  28. iHeart

    Everything Soccer

    At last 67 seconds in
    1 point
  29. White Out

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    I just realized that the throw made by Prukop is quite similair to the INT tossed by that ******* Dinwdiddie. **** him btw.
    1 point
  30. Johnny Bower got hit in the face all the time...lol
    1 point
  31. The very thought of potentially losing both scares the fecal matter outta me.
    1 point
  32. Guys, if some of you like 17to85 think I've lost my marbles then please remember that I'm just playing Devil's Advocate for discussion purposes. I presented a POV about Dru Brown that some or maybe all of you don't agree with. However, that's okay as it's all in fun. Maybe I stirred the pot a bit but that's why we're here, right? I don't feel I'm wrong but I won't defend my opinion like it's my life or anything else other than we're having a chat here. So again, if anyone disagrees it's just my opinion.
    1 point
  33. I would agree. When ZC has time, Demski and/or Schoen are almost impossoble to cover.
    1 point
  34. do or die

    US Politics

    As, far as Nick Fuentes goes..... Trump: "I don't know the guy" Translation: He knows the guy
    1 point
  35. We played better without him though
    1 point
  36. Rumor was that when the trade was going to happen. Walters had an extension ready to go for him...so I'm hopeful both parties are still able to agree to a contract.
    1 point
  37. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    The covidiots in the convoy were the biggest group of hateful people... between the white supremacist neo-nazis with their swastika flags and the F*ck Trudeau flag bearers, let alone whatever other groups were in there... Getting a vaccine is not living in fear, it's using well established science to help reduce the effects of a deadly virus. Wearing a mask is not living in fear, it's being courteous to your fellow citizens to protect each other from whatever sickness you may be carrying around... there was a reason why seasonal flu cases were down severely in the fall of 2020, because enough people were wearing masks and properly washing their hands. As for personal experience, I have a good friend who got Covid before the vaccines were available and although he didn't have to go to the hospital, he tells me that he felt like he was going to die. 2 years later, he got it again after having been vaccinated and he said that it was a night and day difference between the two.
    1 point
  38. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Well yes, it's a known fact that the older population is more vulnerable when it comes to viruses - that's a big factor I also know unvaccinated people in their 20's who didn't get sick at all - in spite of it being in their household But that doesn't equate to the vaccine not being effective
    1 point
  39. This. And that 4th quarter possession that ended with Prukop's brutal pick sums it up, IMO. How do you watch your tailback break off a 13-yard run and think "let's run an ostensibly complicated passing play on first down using our backup QB?" It boggles the mind.
    1 point
  40. Perhaps, not enough meaningful games at the end of the season - 2 byes in 4 weeks
    1 point
  41. Piggy 1

    Still Struggling

    Your a class act ,Bluto. Anytime your in Toba ,I'd be happy to cook you some bacon.
    1 point
  42. This is the 3rd post in the thread. This is your reply to that exact post. To you finally saying the same thing. Pertinent parts bolded. 6 pages of you arguing nonsense only to finally agree with what everyone has been saying from the start. Unfucking believable.
    1 point
  43. bearpants

    Still Struggling

    Thanks for the article @Zach Schnitzer... good read and I identified with a lot going on there. This one definitely hurt more... because it wasn't juts a loss, or even just a championship loss... it was a loss on what would've been an historic win.... and all compiled by the fact that despite playing a below average, the Bombers had the ball in their hands and a very good chance to take home the win... this version of the Bomber gets it done in those situations... so, to see it not happen... just hit so much harder.... I keep telling people "I honestly wish I could care less"... but I know I can't I consider myself fortunate I don't struggle with mental health the way some do... but I also didn't couldn't sleep much Sunday night... and while this loss isn't hurting me too much 4 days later... I still can't help but replay that final drive in my head over and over and wonder where it went wrong
    1 point
  44. Prukop had a role to play in terms of widening out the D and threatening the edge. Have no problem with him coming in to run some option run stuff. Guy should not be throwing the ball. Maybe in July or August, not in November when it's -4 and grip is damn near impossible on top of all his other shortcomings as a passer. That call is unforgivable. You use him as a running QB and you don't even really need the threat of him passing because all you're doing is using misdirection to create one vertical gap where Prukop or Oliviera or Demski get a shot 1 on 1 vs a LB or DB. Our gameplan did not utilize the run enough....and that's why we lost. It's why our O is struggling in playoffs generally. A ball you think is gonna go 35 yards is probably going to go 28 or 32 and that's why you can't be safe throwing the ball downfield in November.
    1 point
  45. I can feel this, I stepped back from sports in general in 1996 when Jets 1.0 packed up, the Rough Riders folded (I was in Ottawa then) and the CFL -- my original sports true love -- was just about dead. Prior to that I was a massive sports fan, really into everything. I've never really been bothered by teams winning and losing -- that's cyclical -- but the ongoing existence of the league is where my anxiety would go if I let it. So nowadays I tune out all mention of the CFL's economic health and management and just watch the games on TSN (occasionally live too). I'm thankful for every kickoff and I actually kinda can't believe the CFL still exists in the same form it did when I first fell in love with it. since it's USA thanksgiving tomorrow, ought to note I'm thankful for MBB too, this place really helps me feel the bomber love, the strange, ineffable thrill I get from watching the blue and gold kick ass. this place really keeps my fandom alive. thanks folks.
    1 point
  46. At the end of the day, despite all the drama, angst and hyperbole, it was just a game. I have two members of my extended family currently in hospital fighting for their lives and I have followed the Bombers for about 50 years but we do need keep a perspective. For some, there will not be a next year.
    1 point
  47. GCn20

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    Let me just vent a little about how poor it looked that half the stadium was empty. Regina has no business ever hosting this game again. We have been told ad nauseum that Saskatchewan is the heart beat of the CFL. BALONEY. They couldn't even be bothered to show up to a game in their own back yard. Sad effort Rider fans! Terrible look on you and a black eye for the league. I get it that your team wasn't in it, and that selling your tickets to someone who might want to attend from out of town was tough because you don't have the accommodations and infrastructure to properly host the game but you guys should be cognizant of that. If your team is ever to host a Grey Cup again, get off your asses and attend the game and quit acting like a bunch of sucky babies.
    1 point
  48. Have to give credit to Argos defence there. Bomber passing game never found a rhythm there and sometimes you have to tip your hat to the opposition. It’s the 2 INTs that get me pissed off. The Prukop play was a needless play call by Buck there. Ahead by 10 and the ground game going well, should’ve just stuck to basic simple football. Brady ran20 times in the WCF, he should have run for 20 in the GC, not 15.
    1 point
  49. About as retired as Matt Stegall and Calgary Jones are.
    1 point
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