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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-19 in Posts

  1. I don't know about that. It's not like Hamilton did anything different. Got the ball out quickly to their play makers to take the Dline out of the game. Our secondary just couldn't keep up. O had a bad day in term of turn overs. Take away a PIC and Collaros fumble and the game is different. Speaking of that. Collaros HAS to start protecting the ball better when under pressure. It's been an issue all year.
    5 points
  2. Relax Bubba ,we are talking about a GM that swung a last minute deal that brought us Collaros and 2 Grey Cups i guarantee you the Mafia is on this. Complacent?never!
    4 points
  3. Hamilton played better. No doubt about it. Every aspect. It happens
    3 points
  4. Walters also brought in a vet FG kicker, last year....who helped us win another cup...
    2 points
  5. The Bombers will announce some practice roster signings next week. Some other teams have already added to their practice rosters. However, the PR only expand for 30 days. So the longer teams wait to add players the longer into the season you can keep them around.
    2 points
  6. That is what everyone said about the Toronto loss last year. That said, last year's D was much better with less holes.
    2 points
  7. Yeah I haven't understood why they use so much less rotation this year. It was in my mind the biggest reason for their success last year.
    2 points
  8. yup....and when u look at it...our dlineman basically played the whole second half....nobody to rotate in really....just 1 extra guy, and we had to play Sayles out of position....compound that and 2 rookies in secondary, and basically just a place filler at WIL...and not a difference maker...well thats what you get...if anything we won't get caught outmanned on dline again going forward...or by next game they will be comfortable rotating in the 2 new guys they brought on 2 weeks ago...those di's cant be soley teamers, or thats utter waste of roster management and just plain piss poor roster management in general
    2 points
  9. yup....just cause we fans dont hear anything...doesnt mean anything....things are in the works, and people being contacted...believe it
    2 points
  10. Most pro-active gm in the league. He will do something.
    2 points
  11. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    There's a picture of the former interim leader of the Conservatives wearing a Maga hat. Goes completely with Candice Bergen's politics, so it should come as a surprise.
    2 points
  12. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Oh they are thick as thieves with Republicans. We got mlas in Alberta who were involved in Maga ****.
    2 points
  13. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    observation... I think the Canadian extreme right wing might be getting help from Americans. did anyone find out the source of the covid "convoy" donations? fox news was all over that. That means infiltrating everything public, starting at the local level. so vancouver island is having municipal elections. There are people running in my town, who are maga , supporters of polievre. the cagier of these people will lie, have no platform, hide their agenda, except for platitudes. it worked in the states, it will work here. so, pay attention to the local elections, and school boards. a look at candidate facebook etc, can be informative. someone is helping these people is my hunch. we best watch out for them and try to prevent a foothold.
    2 points
  14. BC wasn’t winning out with any QB but certainly not with the QB they have now. I think he is as fake as it comes
    2 points
  15. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    On Brand. I feel the irony is lost on the MAGA idiots
    1 point
  16. October 5th at 5:00pm EST https://www.cfl.ca/2022/02/14/cfl-combine-season-cfl-draft-highlight-2022-off-season-schedule/
    1 point
  17. The fumble wasn't really about Collaros being careless trying to make something happen while trying to avoid a sack - He was winding up to throw and didn't see the guy coming unblocked from his blind side (who got there just as he was pulling the ball back).
    1 point
  18. Tracker

    US Politics

    Apparently the Russian army has "donated" more operational tanks to the Ukrainian army than any other country. One of those abandoned/captured tanks was a T-92, a state of the art brand new tank that has been promptly given to the US. Similarly, the Ukrainian army has found massive amounts of ammunition rockets and missiles.
    1 point
  19. well....on the flip a smart coaching staff here will have seen the weakness....and will address it, so if next game a team tries the same scheme, and we switched ours to counter it...well then it becomes a positive for us....pretty sure we have that smart, and adaptive staff...we won't be caught off-guard again
    1 point
  20. Honestly the offense and special teams were good enough, the only issue was the defense. I believe that's an easier fix than if the offense was struggling.
    1 point
  21. Maybe if we occasionally bumped a receiver off his route it would give our D line a bit more time to get home… Or at least make the QB have to look for another option. I’m not saying we should go press man across the board, but a press/bump and run here and there with a DB or two, would seem to make our scheme a bit less predictable.
    1 point
  22. Hamilton out schemed us 100% and thats why they won...we made a nice comeback, but by then the defense was gassed due to poor roster management and we fell short....plain and simple...and nothing to freak about...the next couple byes, and being mainly at home will also help the nagging injury guys...as there are several on defense...and it's affecting thingsit's not that certain guys have lost it and are quickly regressing...it's injuries....huge player turn over and playing 3 raw rookies right now, and a Wil linebacker position that is weak and hurting us in the overall scheme
    1 point
  23. Parker's been getting picked on - I honestly think Rose getting blown past was a little bit of trying to do too much as well - instead of playing honest he was trying to "hit a homerun" spying the QB
    1 point
  24. Rich

    Lock of the Week 11

    There are still 6 weeks left in the regular season.
    1 point
  25. I like that idea very much... it suits his personality and skill set. He is like a mean bowling ball. It would take a few for him to adjust but the dividends would be huge. So go for it, and his Canadian status would allow more defensive rest and rotation! Still coaching on this team is not very innovative. They get caught in a narrow tunnel mindset - - that's the opposite of creativity. Dobson for NT ... go, go, go
    1 point
  26. For this season. Next year, BLM will be gone.
    1 point
  27. I completely understand that. I have good days and bad days being a lifelong hardcore Blue Bomber and Jet fan.
    1 point
  28. Sound advice- just a little triggered on part, due to 3 decades of futility... sports fan PTSD if you will.
    1 point
  29. bustamente

    US Politics

    How embarrassing.
    1 point
  30. Calgary has the best QB situation in the league by far. Maier backed up by BLM. It makes them the only team where an injury to the starting QB wouldn't make much if any difference. Every other team is one hit away from QB disaster.
    1 point
  31. ddanger

    Playoff Update

    Will BC run the table?? Unlikely.... Will Edmonton or Sask beat us at home?? Unlikely. We're gonna be fine and I'm gonna freeze my keester off at a home playoff game!
    1 point
  32. No need to really be nimble. BLM wasn't, ZC isn't.
    1 point
  33. Maier doesn't look like the most nimble qb out there but he gets the job done. All he really lacks is experience. I think Dickenson would be crazy to go back to Mitchell.
    1 point
  34. Oline was fine...u get constant blitzes and pressure from varied spots u gonna be hurried...hey we put up 31 and that's more than enough to win...defence was issue for part of the game...and the dline was right bagged out due to piss poor roster management...
    1 point
  35. Geebrr

    Playoff Update

    Well thanks for pointing out the most obvious things of all time. Also, I was responding to Noeller. I have no idea what point you are are failing at making.
    1 point
  36. Nor do I...not with Vaj...
    1 point
  37. Injuries and depleted depth bit us....that and a good game plan by Hamilton... chalk that up to part of any season....and at 12 and 2 we are in full control especially of our destiny. Better use of the roster tho is needed...and pretty sure that Osh and company realized that last game when we had basically all our dlineman play the whole second half..and one guy (Sayles) having to play out of position. We definitely tho have dropped the ball on getting an legit pile pushing middle plugging D-takle on the roster tho..would help out tonnes with our depleted Wil lb spot and an obvious not 100 percent Biggie. If we choose to dress 7 olineman again and refuse to use one...and not bring in a DT line plugged then use Dobson ala Eric wilson on the nose and DT spot to collapse the pocket...he's big enough and very athletic...I'm sure he would garner a couple Olineman attention...freeing up others
    1 point
  38. Stickem

    Playoff Update

    The sky is not falling because of that miss step in Ham.....I think we've become a spoiled lot and expect the club to be perfect and a winner every game....ain't gonna happen....Certainly we could have had a better showing in Ham. but they came to play...we didn't...When you have had the kind of successes we've had in recent times people begin to 'expect' the best....sometimes it comes off the rails....I don't think we'll make a habit of it ....IF we do down the stretch, it won't bode well for the playoffs...We're better than that especially if and when we make a few tweaks and get a few players back off of the 6 game
    1 point
  39. A Richie Hall D requires consistent pressure. Last year, they had more outstanding talent in the backfield, to make up for lapses in pressure.
    1 point
  40. That's what happens when a bend don't break defence has a bad day. It becomes a bend and break defence. Nothing to see here unless it happens again next game, then we'd have a problem.
    1 point
  41. Wonder who or if Walter's has talked to who is free from nfl...I'd like to hear he been in james vaughters ears about a playoff push...a rotation with the Jeff's and him would be lethal...
    1 point
  42. Evans completes a couple.... Small with 52 yd FG. Ticats up 3-0 Bailey sweeps for FD, catches one for another.... ....grabs another FD for good measure... Zac play actions then finds Demski at the goal line.. TD! Nice sharp opening drive. 7-3 Bombers Evans flips it to Hills, who avoids tackles for big gain.. Evans goes to the back of end zone....just over the hands... ....of Rutledge, and into the hands of White for the TD. Not a sterling start for the D. 10-7 Cats.. Zac waits and waits....bombs it to Schoen, making leaping catch... ....for 47. Zac to Demski, to Ham 22. Drive stalls. Leggs makes it 10-10 Evans first down passes to Dunbar, Durant, and G-Gauthier.... DB Parker really leaving big cushion on the short stuff...... Small with 41 yard FG. Behind 13-10. Evans throwing the ball well....but Blue D with no pressure at all.... Zac has the ball stripped by the DE, who picks it up and has... ....clear sailing into the end zone. TD. Now 20-10 Hamilton... Bombers really need to start to get in gear, here..... Evans has ALL DAY to find White for 20. Couple runs by Hills... White takes hitch pass to the Blue 14. Evans throws a rainbow... ...to the end zone.....to Dunbar behind Parker for another TD. 27-11 Cats. Good start a distant memory....as this D is struggling... Zac finds Schoen across the middle for back to back FD's. Leggs 33 yd FG has it at 27-14 Hamilton.... Bighill in the trail position, and missing tackles Evans with time (again) launches it down the field....... ...as the rookie Smith runs right by a stationary Rose for long TD. 34-14 Starting to have Jim Daley flashbacks. Gawd awful. Micro: Zac is sacked by 2 blitzing Tigercats. Macro: Bombers are getting their asses kicked. Zac throws to OLO, for a couple of FDs. Leggs with FG. Evans completes to Hill and White. No pass rush at all.... Evans runs to the 4. Evans hits White for the TD. 41-17 Screen, Hitch, Slant, Hook, Fly.....does not matter what pattern.. ....Bomber D looking helpless against all of them.. Zac completes to OLO, Bailey, then OLO again.... ..nice to see Orangeman getting some work.... McCrae runs up the middle to the Ham 6. 3rd down pass incomplete but offsetting penalties give Blue another chance Zac to Bailey at the goal line.....he fights his way in for the TD! 41-31 Hamilton. 9:24 left. Love the CFL. Really need a D stop, now Hills runs for a FD. Thomas-Earlington converts another. Alexander hits head on turf and leaves under concussion protocol... White wide open down the middle for FD. Evans finally has pressure.... ....but avoids couple of Bombers and runs for another FD. Clock grinding away... Hills breaks another tackle to set up yet another FD. The D tackling is atrocious... Thomas-Earlington takes screen pass to Bomber 7. Evans just floats one.... ....into the end zone and has his 5th TD pass of the game. 48-31 Bomber D had a chance to redeem themselves on that drive. TOTAL FAIL. Zac over the middle and picked off. Fitting end to a horrible day. No rush, no coverage, no tackling....triple crown of futility. At least the Bombers are 12-2 At least Do or Die still has plenty of gin.
    1 point
  43. Booch

    Think of it this way…

    Defense needs reinforcements...and get back to the rotation they used in beginning of yr...and not dressing guys u dont use....plain and simple...not worried in the least with offence and st.
    1 point
  44. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    The MAGA/Antiaxxer movement has become a cult wherein the participants (except for the leaders) are completely emotionally and even financially invested in their beliefs much like evangelical adherents who, at the urging of their ministers, mortgage their homes and take out personal loans to donate to their churches. It closely resembles a form of mania, not responding to logic, facts or any evidence that things are not as they believe. I had a patient who was utterly convinced that his music (which was terrible) would be loved by any and all rock bands. He sold all his possessions and moved to the US, living in his car and going from one door to another until his money ran out. Even after he returned to Canada, he persisted in his beliefs.
    0 points
  45. Tracker


    Dreaded Side Effect Rears Its Ugly Head in Latest COVID Variant All over the world, the rates of death and hospitalization from COVID keep dropping. But our successful mitigation of the worst outcomes of the 33-month-old pandemic belie a growing crisis. More and more people are surviving COVID and staying out of the hospital, but more and more people are also living with long-term symptoms of COVID. Fatigue. Heart problems. Stomach problems. Lung problems. Confusion. Symptoms that can last for months or even a year or more after the infection clears. As many as 21 percent of Americans who caught the SARS-CoV-2 virus this summer ended up suffering from long COVID starting four weeks after infection, according to a new study from City University of New York. That’s up from 19 percent in figures the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in June. Compare those numbers to the recent rates of death and hospitalization from COVID in the U.S.—three percent and .3 percent, respectively. Long COVID is by far the likeliest serious outcome from any novel-coronavirus infection. And possibly getting likelier .This Could Be the Only Way to Beat COVID for Good: The CUNY study, which is not yet peer-reviewed, focused on American adults, but the results have implications for the whole world. Globally, long-term symptoms are partially replacing COVID deaths. After all, more COVID survivors means more people at risk of long-term symptoms. And long COVID is cumulative—people get sick and stay sick for a while. “Despite an increased level of protection against long COVID from vaccination, it may be that the total number of people with long COVID in the U.S. is increasing,” epidemiologist Denis Nash, the CUNY study’s lead author, told The Daily Beast. That is, every day more people catch long COVID than recover from long COVID. But understanding long COVID, to say nothing of preventing it, isn’t a priority in the global epidemiological establishment. That needs to change, Nash said. “I believe it is long past time to be focusing on long COVID in addition to preventing hospitalizations and deaths.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/scientists-warn-of-spike-in-long-covid-cases-across-the-united-states?ref=home
    0 points
  46. Goalie

    Think of it this way…

    Since 2019. Calgary put 41 up on us
    0 points
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