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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-17 in Posts

  1. In Manitoba, it's a game where you throw a bean bag through a hole. In Saskatchewan, it's part of the honeymoon/family reunion.
    12 points
  2. 10 points
  3. Better to have moved on a year too early than a year too late. As per usual, Walters and co got it right.
    10 points
  4. **** sakes....feel terrible for the guy. I mean, **** the Argos, but man I feel bad for Harris. If this is the end of the road, here's to a 1-day contract signing (with Matty Ice, please...) and well deserved retirement in Blue and Gold.
    8 points
  5. Love how they're spending the bye...
    7 points
  6. Noeller

    Kicking Discussion

    You have to show faith in your 90% kicker to make a 32 yarder. There's absolutely no reason not to.
    6 points
  7. Family is overrated and he has a whole stadium full of friends!
    6 points
  8. I recognize that I personally need some time and space before I feel the same way about Andrew as I did - but I know these feelings will pass and I’m just gonna remember what he did for the organization as opposed to how he left it. Absolute dog **** way to end a career - but for a guy like Andrew, I doubt he was gonna leave the game before he was forced to. Wish him the best.
    5 points
  9. I forgot to post that the other day.
    5 points
  10. Early on in his time here I remember him playing and hobbling with the ball not even able to run. A lot can be said about Harris and you can question various aspects but his on the field determination and toughness is not surpassed.
    5 points
  11. I want to see him get his NFL pension so bad.
    5 points
  12. What do you have against the word yikes?
    4 points
  13. We call it Testee Toss and if you play it on a dock it improves your accuracy really quick.
    4 points
  14. Wife and I were super into beer pong for awhile, then it was ladder golf, and now the bean bag toss thing..... we want to get a Bombers logo-ed set, with blue and gold bean bags. Got a buddy who works in digital print, and trying to find out if his company can do something for us. It's fun. Playing at the Kilter Brew Co anniversary event in June, along the banks of the Seine (??) River....that was a damn good night.
    4 points
  15. do or die

    US Politics

    A lot of them old guard Republicans have turned out to be moral cowards.....
    4 points
  16. Any injury is potentially career threatening at his age, particularly since he is a RB. After last year's injuries and him coming into camp out of shape it was really a no brainer to move on. As much as our sentimentality wants to block that reality, it was pretty apparent.
    4 points
  17. ....and Father TIme remains undefeated. Andrew took him to the 10th round though.
    4 points
  18. I’m afraid to ask what the “corn hole” activity is.
    4 points
  19. I thought it was pretty big that all those guys stayed on the off week. First time all year they could get home. Texans know how to deal with and beat the heat. The fact they had a group event in mb instead is a great statement about the dedication of this squad.
    4 points
  20. Yeah, for sure. That first year in 1997, we were snagging master anglers before our jig even hit the bottom of the lake. Years later the fish were much smaller and much less frequent. Still pretty good compared to other lakes, but not as legendary. Back on topic: Banjo Bowl officially sold out!
    4 points
  21. Rich

    Random Jets News

    Teppo played 8 seasons in Winnipeg. Doan only played his rookie season in Winnipeg before the team moved....
    4 points
  22. Really depends on severity.
    4 points
  23. You made a comment & didn't get the reaction you expected. Welcome our world here. It's happened to eveyone. I've been a member here at Morning Big Blue since it started a decade ago & the old site Our Bombers before that. It still happens to me. You have to develop a tougher skin than you seem to have to survive around here. Don't relate criticism to hatred, non positivity or bad fans here. The members here are passionate about the Bombers. We disagree & we fight. Sometimes it gets down & dirty which is okay as the Mods are here to keep everything on the straight & narrow. At the end of the day we are hard core fans & we are proud of the team we love. If you want to leave then leave but don't announce as we don't care. Better yet, stick around, take some lumps for what you posted & expect more of the same in the future. You may find the discussion here is worth a few bruises.
    4 points
  24. It's ******* absurd. Absolutely ******* absurd. Harris was disappointed by the Bombers not re-signing him, was vocal about it, and so his injury is deserved...?
    3 points
  25. bustamente

    US Politics

    So American politicians can now threaten the AG of the United States, truly that country is headed to **** hole status and all because of a buffoon with the intellect of a 5 year old
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. It's just such a weird take because the riders are 1-1 against Montreal (who also did manage to beat winnipeg too) and 0-2 against the argos... so where is this tougher team hiding?
    3 points
  28. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Canadian mayor profanely taunts QAnon 'imbeciles' who tried to perform citizens arrests on her police. A group of QAnon believers over the weekend tried to conduct citizens arrests of police officers in the city of Peterborough, Ontario -- and then promptly got thrown into the slammer themselves. As Vice News reports, the QAnon faithful were in the city at the behest of Romana Didulo, the so-called "QAnon Queen" who earlier this year declared herself to be the "Leader of the World" during an event at a campground parking lot. Didulo instructed her supporters to arrest the Peterborough officers for enforcing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions such as mask requirements. As Vice News recounts, Didulo's plan resulted in one follower being "charged with two counts of assaulting police" another follower being slapped with "charges of mischief and resisting arrest" and a third being "arrested and charged with a myriad of charges, including assaulting a peace officer with a weapon." Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien took to Twitter on Tuesday to profanely mock the QAnon believers who thought they could get away with arresting her city's police officers. "People have been asking me to comment on the events of the past weekend," she wrote. "I hate giving airtime/spotlight to these imbeciles. Here is my comment: f*ck off, you f*ckwads." https://www.alternet.org/2022/08/canadian-mayor-profanely-qanon-imbeciles/
    3 points
  29. Sad to see Harris's season end this way. Great Bomber, future member of the ring of honour, etc, etc.
    3 points
  30. It feels like we've imported it from the US. We never called it that growing up, that's for sure. Bean bag toss.
    3 points
  31. Not to derail a thread either, but Kississing Lake is the ultimate. You get to fight some big ass lake trout, and there are places where eater sized walleye litetally jump into your boat.
    3 points
  32. With the war in Ukraine, this in western Europe , weather issues in North America the last 2 years and supply chain issues world wide I could foresee food shortages where there have been none before.
    3 points
  33. so glad we made that game part of our mini pack of season tickets! Haven't been to one since 2006.... PUMPED!!
    3 points
  34. Goalie

    Random Jets News

    Teppo was a winnipeg Jets legend not a Coyotes legend like Doan. Teemu and Teppo deserve their numbers in the rafters in Winnipeg
    3 points
  35. JCon

    Random Jets News

    Are they retiring Teemu and Teppo's jersey numbers?
    3 points
  36. Actually, it is more often than it is not. 60% of the time in the last 20 years first place has been decided in the last or second last week of the season. It is better to measure the loss column in determine how far back a team is. BC has 2 games in hand on Winnipeg and is tied in the loss column. Calgary is two losses behind with two games in hand. Now, you do have to win the games in hand, but Winnipeg’s lead isn’t as huge as the current point spread might suggest. Lots of season to go before the West is settled.
    3 points
  37. I think he's in a good spot to be the active backup. Their starter is a RPO guy, Flacco is useless and a pocket guy, Mike White is a pocket guy. I think they need a RPO guy on the game roster behind Wilson and if he's hurt they can flip to the pocket guys. If he gets cut he'll have 4-5 teams at least after him.
    3 points
  38. TrueBlue4ever

    Random News Items

    Brilliant Twitter guy to follow. This Twitter post launched him into stardom:
    2 points
  39. Too bad for Harris. Time to hang up the football helmet for good.
    2 points
  40. Yeah, he could really use the money. His wardrobe looks a little thin. Can’t even afford a shirt or long pants.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. I'd suspect Wilson misses time and Strev sticks.
    2 points
  43. I know almost nothing about the NFL, but I'm told by someone who does that Alford is a lock to start with the Falcons because they are one of the worst teams in the league this year, and that Streveler has a legitimate shot because the Jets young back-up is injured and out long term, so there's definitely an opening there. Here's hoping all our "alumni" make it down south and lock up that $$$...
    2 points
  44. bearpants

    Kicking Discussion

    I'm impressed Walby managed to spell MARC LIEGGHIO's first AND last name wrong in the same tweet...
    2 points
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