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  1. Great add. Like an extra draft pick. Get him in camp before he goes to college to become draft eligible, finally use our territorial exemption. I was coaching in the U16 tryouts/Blue and Gold game when Luke came in off the street, literally had not played football, as a 14 year old Grade 8 and almost made the team against a bunch of guys who had played through their grade 10 year with private coaches and the machinery of schools like St Pauls, OP, VM. Maybe doesn't seem like such a feat but even all time greats like Demski and Harris barely played in high school until they were in Grade 11. He's a natural football player and he's only improved as a receiver in the last 7-8 years with development. Would not be surprised to see him dressed to chase kicks and backup on offense this week.
    10 points
  2. omg, Craig. Just oblivious.
    10 points
  3. Because they split the punishment into different crimes, it is not. He received a two game suspension for the hit. The fact that they were unwilling to raise the minimum suspension for a repeat offender (in only 12 games played) is baffling to me. Now that they've reinforced the precedent of two-games, are we going to see it again the next time he takes a player out for the season? Not to mention the one game suspension for making insults/comments about Masoli's heritage. "Diversity is Strength" my ass.
    10 points
  4. For a "young man" that is a real unfortunate hairline
    9 points
  5. Here is all his penalties over the last two seasons: Season Week Penalty Yards Against 2021 1 Offside 5 BC 2021 2 Roughness, General 15 Hamilton 2021 2 Offside 5 Hamilton 2021 6 Roughplay Disqualified 25 Winnipeg 2021 16 Roughing The Passer 14 Hamilton 2021 16 Roughness, General 12 Hamilton 2022 2 Objectionable Conduct 10 Edmonton 2022 3 Roughing The Passer 13 Montreal 2022 5 Holding 10 Ottawa 2022 5 Roughplay Disqualified 15 Ottawa
    7 points
  6. Yeah and the player isn't exactly Doug Brown. Why bother with all this? Cut the guy and bring the next one in.
    7 points
  7. 4 games is more than I expected. I like that the added on 2 additional games for differing reasons. Best they could do, altho not enough for the hits. Marino will be Dyson'd out of the CFL by the end of the year. Refs will be watching him like a hawk & Riders fans will whine every time he takes a penalty.
    7 points
  8. When Streveler swung his proverbial ******* and cock slapped a whole province. NVM was thinking 2019 Banjo Bowl.
    6 points
  9. Wasn’t Micah Johnson throwing punches to a guy pinned down and didn’t’ get a penalty?
    6 points
  10. When you read Dickenson comments, what comes to mind is
    6 points
  11. "If you throw this game out, he’s way down on penalties he’s taken this year.” said Dickenson.
    6 points
  12. LOL @ two of our offensive players making the week's top performers. Poor Sayles.
    6 points
  13. Was just thinking the same thing about DT... he could've taken a pay cut to come here (probably didn't)... and it would still be a massive promotion... As for The ass clown Marino... the guy has played 13 games in the CFL... he's been ejected twice, fined twice (correct me if I'm wrong on that one, might be mistaken) and now received the longest suspension in CFL history... in THIRTEEN GAMES!... that's just 2/3 of ONE SEASON.... get this trash out of our league for good...
    6 points
  14. Unless something has changed, two games is the maximum allowable under the CBA. Incredible. Can’t believe he could be that stupid.
    6 points
  15. No Lawler, no problem. Ellingson and Shoen currently sitting #3 and #5 in receiving yards 😁
    6 points
  16. what I remember most about that play is how upset Suitor was about the Bombers not getting an ejection on that play and even saying "Now I know everyone's going to say I'm rooting for the Riders here, but......" and I'm like "uh huh......"
    5 points
  17. Yep, this was the play: (02:34) S. MCGUIRE Run (1 yds), Touchdown, Penalty: Offside, Defence called on Saskatchewan Declined, Penalty: Roughness, General called on Saskatchewan (J. WOODARD) (15 yds.), Penalty: Roughness, General called on Winnipeg (P. NEUFELD) (15 yds.), Penalty: Rough Play, Disqualified called on Saskatchewan (A. HENDY) (25 yds.), Penalty: Roughness, General called on Winnipeg (A. HARRIS) (15 yds.), Penalty: Rough Play, Disqualified called on Saskatchewan (G. MARINO) (25 yds.), Penalty: Roughness, Gen
    5 points
  18. Yup. It is beyond parody at this point. https://3downnation.com/2022/07/12/riders-craig-dickenson-apologizes-for-racially-insensitive-and-irrelevant-comment-made-while-defending-garrett-marino/
    5 points
  19. There seems to be much more tolerance for racial insensitivity over at riderfans than here. Thanks to all of you who have played a role in pointing it out in the past and pretty much eliminating it from discussions on almost every topic - including racism - over here.
    5 points
  20. It would not surprise me in the least bit to find out Marino was at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021.
    5 points
  21. Was going to say this. I think we can all agree that Marino deserves a larger penalty but the League’s hands are somewhat tied by the CBA. That said, I’m encouraged that they didn’t lump the entire incident into one “punishable offence” and did what they could to ice this clown.
    5 points
  22. Given the math this is really the minimum they could have given him. Especially considering if he had the two "intent to injure" hits in separate games he'd be looking at even more. Then you have the fact that he got a 1 game suspension for being a racist *******. That's enough to sit you down for the year. This is Canada not the deep south. ****
    5 points
  23. Great publicity for the Riders ahead of TD Atlantic.
    4 points
  24. If you haven't seen that game in awhile, it's worth rewatching via that YT link I posted...
    4 points
  25. The fact is that it actually makes what Marino did worse because it was premeditated head (leg) hunting.
    4 points
  26. Dickenson couldn't go to reporters with this out of fear the CFL might place him in concussion protocol after the reporters inevitably ask him if he bumped his head on the way in. The more I hear from Dickenson, the more i am coming to the conclusion that maybe he is a big part of the problem too. He might be somebody that the league needs to get rid of too. Coaches that defend crap like this and don't take action need to be persona non grata too.
    4 points
  27. I don't even like this game anyways!!!
    4 points
  28. I, for one, couldn't be happier that the hillbilly capital of Canada is represented by the likes of Marino, Ballsy, Dickenson. Keep 'em coming, Saskabush!
    4 points
  29. true...and don't they whine and use the it's cause it's the Rider's on pretty much everything??..they have this mindset that it has to be tougher on the Riders cause they are so much better than everyone and it's a leveling of the the playing field move....stupidest fan base....ever
    4 points
  30. Their radio guy is also using the same excuse... trash organization, inside and out.
    4 points
  31. Clements uncanny ability to extend plays was the same as Collaros. Both were/are so much fun to watch.
    4 points
  32. The racist thing may be worse than the hit. There was enough evidence of him saying racist things that they could suspend him, must have been pretty bad. How do you keep a guy around after that? If a Bomber did this, I feel the mafia would cut him the next day. It is the Rider Clown Show so suspect they will rally to support him.
    4 points
  33. The throwing accurately and with velocity to an open receiver 8 yards downfield at the sideline while falling down is definitely a ZC thing that BLM wouldn't do.
    4 points
  34. Like the "trade" or not, the RedBlacks really had no choice. I have no bone to pick with Arbuckle- he has just never had the same supporting cast he had back in Cowgary.
    4 points
  35. In fairness to the league, it IS the biggest suspension they have ever handed down apparently....
    4 points
  36. Dickenson is locked and loaded, my friend.
    4 points
  37. I am impressed that there are posters here that are good enough to play v Demski, coombs. even in a fun league. I know Booch played much higher than that. think I will limit myself to likes, and weather stuff.
    4 points
  38. Dickenson said what some and I will emphasize some of their fans were saying. Clueless comments.
    3 points
  39. Marino is Dickenson's guy. Trash organization from top to bottom. No class, no clue.
    3 points
  40. Pretty much confirmed what an idiot Dickieboi is ..good grief
    3 points
  41. I'd really like to see the Bombers do something to get Bailey going. I recall seeing a post from the Toronto game day thread that DT noted that 90% of his production came from the waggle (h/t Bigblue204) and he doesn't seem to be doing much at the boundary WR spot. Minimal targets and minimal receptions. Any chance we move Woli out that way and bring Bailey back to the slot where he belongs? I can't imagine moving Ellingson or Schoen out that way given their production but I wonder if Bailey can occupy that third slot, at least until Demski is back?
    3 points
  42. Suitor was saying Saturday that Collaros reminds him of Doug Flutie, If I was going to compare ZC to any qb of the past, it's Tom Clements hands down. They play the game very similar.
    3 points
  43. In fairness my buddy only played against Wes Lysack. He's coached against the others. Funny story. My buddy was a pretty good QB back in the day and extremely fast. But every time he played against Lysack the guy would intercept atleast one pass per game minimum. So one game he throws a sideline pass and ofcourse Lysack picks it off and my buddy soon realizes he's the last man back. The way he tells it is he had the angle on Lysack and planned to just push him out of bounds. So he starts running full speed and the angle is slowly disappearing(Lysack was wicked fast), its going, going, going, gone, so he lunges at Lysack only to get hurdled for a pick six TD. He's pretty sure he was on Lysack's highlight tape for college lol.
    3 points
  44. Is it just me or does it seem like we have a lot of good slot guys but we don't have many WR types on this team? I don't know how Bailey beats out Schoen/Ellingson as import slots in our lineup so he's forced to play more WR which I don't think is his strength.
    3 points
  45. Rhymes isn't making huge money...he less than Burnham who is 165ish I believe...on par with Begleton and probably Ellingson....it was the stupidity of the money tossed at Lucky....Dirty Duke....and Lawler....none of whom are earning it...at this point far better value with Ellingson and Schoen and when you look at the stats way more production, and thats with our offence just starting to click.....
    3 points
  46. My dad and i watched the game together and took great delight in watching BC's defensive coordinator Ryan Phillips lose his s**t every time the camera was on him lol!
    3 points
  47. I'm just going to say it to make sure it gets said, but **** Duke Williams and **** the Riders.....
    3 points
  48. I’m just going to say it to make sure it gets said, because he takes a lot of (needless) criticism on here. Props to Duke Williams for stepping up and speaking up about the Marino hit and publicly saying it’s not okay. I hate to say it because I’d rather the Riders just be an absolute tire fire, but that’s a good sign of leadership they’ve been missing for a while. Good for him.
    3 points
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