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  1. Brandon Alexander moving to safety was one of the factors that totally transformed our defence. He can lay the hit stick and has the speed and cover abilities. Love the way he plays.
    10 points
  2. Legghio is the future....they're not done with him. I think they want to groom him yet, but having Castillo back would be a really nice get.
    7 points
  3. Was tired of living the in shadow of Mike O'Shea
    7 points
  4. Re-watching the game again, now that I can fully calm down knowing that we win - a lot has been said about the Ti-Cats taking a knee on the kick-off to make it 25-22, but what about the mental error on the previous kickoff after the Demski TD, where the Ti-Cat player tries to bat the ball out of the air (and unsuccessfully hits it as it goes by him) and then it sails through the end zone. If that player had been coached properly by his special teams coach Reinebold (lol) he would have let that ball sail through the end zone untouched, which according to CFL rules, would not have resulted in a rouge. As much as the knee to make it 25-22 was important, it wouldn't have been as big a deal had the Hamilton player not touched the ball on the previous kick-off before it went through the end zone. Mental errors. As I said previously, it's amazing to me how these games always boil down to a few important plays, that either make the difference due to superior human effort or mental error. Finally, due to an over-riding amount of talent and coaching, the Bombers, after being on the short-end of the stick for so long, are finally winning those battles on the important plays that make the difference. You can't tell me if the roles were reversed, that Janarion Grant, sitting back waiting for the kickoff with a strong wind in his face, would have touched the football before it went out of touch in a game that close. He would have been told by the coaches to let it go through the end zone without conceding a point. Because that's what good coaching in that situation would have advised, and Hamilton, in that situation, did not have good coaching. Thankfully, that's what we have. FINALLY. We out-coached Hamilton in every phase of the game. So great to see after so many years of other teams out-coaching us.
    7 points
  5. Disagree. He has a good leg.
    6 points
  6. We really need to be able to carry 3 QBs without penalty. It's the only way to have a vet back up AND groom the next generation.
    6 points
  7. Me and the Wife completed the trifecta today: Astrazeneca, Pfizer and topped off with Moderna.
    6 points
  8. Also, MOS said he was coming back for 2022 at the GC celebration. I think Arash was looking to get his name out there.
    5 points
  9. He was given it in 2022. There was no competition at the #2 spot. You keep Legghio. And you keep Castillo. One punts. The other kicks.
    5 points
  10. Listening to the press conference takes a lot to admit that he has taken them as far as he could.
    5 points
  11. We need to fivepeat so we can joke that our core guys have more rings than the Riders in their entire history.
    5 points
  12. Can confirm from a reputable source he has two Grey Cup Championship rings.
    5 points
  13. Stop making excuses! The backup qb played bad in his first ever start therefore he he trash and must be burned at the stake! McGuire had the deck stacked against him and judging him solely on that game is doing him a massive disservice.
    4 points
  14. Most of which were thrown in a rain storm.
    4 points
  15. Don't change the conversation to something that is not even remotely comparable to next year. We aren't talking about a non pre-season 2021. We are talking about a full pre-season 2022. It was perfectly reasonable to do what they did.
    4 points
  16. There's never a good time to resign/get fired during the NHL season. I suspect that the pressure was starting to build on him and agree with what others have a stated... resign or get fired. We needed a coaching change. On a side note, I feel bad for the human being that is Paul Maurice. Always tough to walk away/lose a job. I wish him nothing but the best going forward.
    4 points
  17. It's ridiculous for any of us to judge McGuire at this point. The ONLY thing we have to go on is the monsoon game in Montreal. We have no idea what he has or doesn't have.
    4 points
  18. I'm thinking that's the one area that Walters won't sacrifice. His commitment to having a quality OL, has been unwavering.
    4 points
  19. bustamente


    You can't shame the un shameable as I have said they don't care about any but themselves and they certainly don't care about front line workers who some will depend on to keep them alive
    3 points
  20. iHeart


    I am so sick of being punished for someone else's selfishness or stupidity
    3 points
  21. We almost have more rings in the last 2 GCs than most Rider fans have teeth.
    3 points
  22. I think the 90s Calgary string of QBs was pretty ridiculous and more like the Esks.
    3 points
  23. Matt Dunigan, wow what QB stable Edmonton had back then, crazy. I believe Damon Allen came later to as a backup to Dunigan..if my memory is right.( just saw last post forgot about Ham...)
    3 points
  24. Not everyone will be able to appreciate the rain storm factor. Or the OL playing it's worst game of the year. Or, key starters out.
    3 points
  25. Having finished a 14 game season, I didn't hate it. 18 games seems like a lot. If financials were not the biggest factor, all things being equal, I would be good playing 16 games and having the season end 2 weeks earlier.
    3 points
  26. If the Bombers want to bring back McGuire I'm OK with that but it would be monumentally risky not to try upgrade at that position. He's a 3rd year guy, we should bring in a vet to either push him or unseat him at backup.
    3 points
  27. Love Maurice...always have, always will. Great hockey mind, great orator on hockey. I think he's a leader of men. But every coach is hired to eventually be fired one day. At some point, every coach turns into Charlie Brown's Teacher, and you need a new voice to get their attention again. Such a shame...Winnipeg just lost a really good one.
    3 points
  28. PoMo did what his bosses didn't have the courage to do.
    3 points
  29. That ties the record for most CFL all-stars from one team.
    3 points
  30. I think Liegghio has turned into a very good punter. There's a lot more to punting than distance. Directional punting and hang time are just or maybe even more important and I thought he was getting pretty good at that.
    3 points
  31. I guess I was ahead of my time. I never cheered for the green team. Although I hated the Edmonton green team even more. How could they have a high school kid kicking punts? Not fair at all. (timeline is a bit off here but there has been a lot of beer and stuff between that time and now)
    3 points
  32. If you want to know why the Bombers were the class of the league this year, watch that BA interview. It says everything.
    3 points
  33. Don't worry, he'll be wrong many many more times in the very near future.
    3 points
  34. I was always partial to a hail marie for a phrase, but throwing fajardos is an absolute winner.
    3 points
  35. Yeah I think we see a bit of aqb carousel this off season
    3 points
  36. Brandon Alexander said some unbelievably awesome stuff about playing here, the fans at home and on the road, when he was on Winnipeg Sports Talk yesterday. I love BA. I encourage y'all to listen.
    3 points
  37. 3 points
  38. I thought for a long time that BLM would end up in Toronto. I'm not sure now given that Dickenson didn't make a change when it was clear that BLM could only throw Fajardos during the season.
    3 points
  39. 33 Teams are ranked. 30. Winnipeg. The CFL Blue Bombers won their second consecutive Grey Cup and 12th in their history last weekend with a 33-25 overtime victory over the Hamilton Tiger-Cars. That gave Winnipeg DE Jackson Jeffcoat as many championship rings (2) as his father Jim, who played defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys in the 1990s. Last week: Unranked
    3 points
  40. I just said he shouldn't just be given the #2 QB position again. He needs to EARN it. Which also means that he'll be brought back.
    2 points
  41. Congrats to the 11 Blue Bombers named to the CFL All Star Team!!
    2 points
  42. I agree. Another stupid Randy Ambrosie initiative to cut costs that affecting play as well as scoring. A QB driven league & we can't have competent backups or develop young third stringers.
    2 points
  43. Newfound rocky exoplanet has a year less than 8 hours long
    2 points
  44. Twenty seconds left in the game. Ottawa down 20-16. Saskatchewan was the heavy favourite. Clements was a second year pro qb while Lancaster was a 17 year veteran. Then busted coverage in the Roughrider secondary at the worst possible time. Gabriel wide freaking open. A 35 yard clutch throw & catch from Clements to Gabriel for the win 23-20. I remember just how big that play was. It was classic!!
    2 points
  45. We also have the shortest off season ever in the CFL this year.
    2 points
  46. Somewhere in Winnipeg there is a young stud football player looking at what Harris and Demski have done and have a dream of also leading the Bombers to a Grey Cup. They see how they are celebrated but that they also came back and committed to this franchise. Harris and Demski (and Oliveira next) have not only brought Grey Cups to the fanbase but have also sparked a new generation who will see the benefit of playing here in Winnipeg. They are truly the gift that keeps on giving.
    2 points
  47. If we were to lose ZC to either retirement/free agency...which I highly doubt in both regards, I would hope we be all over Reilly...I'm sure we will have our oline intact...with depth again, and him being able to sit in the comfy spot...move around if need be....he'd rip may a team a new arse.....prob put up numbers that make Zack's look pedestrian (No offence to Zack) He would be the perfect stop gap in that case to actually have that back to back to back repeat
    2 points
  48. 2 points
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