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  1. Breaking news, Willy Jefferson has officially been elected as the new mayor of Swaggerville. He ran un opposed and was anointed in an over night ceremony by Odell Willis.
    7 points
  2. I'm still working through some things. Maintenance mostly but I hope to be 100% before the playoffs. I've been keeping in game shape by yelling at the TV. Suitor has been a big help.
    5 points
  3. 17to85

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    Yep that's what it is. The game is the entertainment. Tsn does the very American thing where they think the broadcast is the entertainment and the game is the background noise. It's so stupid.
    5 points
  4. Yeah except for our dB telling the camera that Nichols was the "rookie of the year mother! mother ******* rookie of the year!" Put a camera on football players bad words are gonna happen
    5 points
  5. So.....seeing as A.C Leonard refused to provide a drug test, thats just blatant admitted of using something...wonder now if that dumb fan base will ride that to death like they did about Harris' issues in 2019....cheater....lost respect...et..etc....at least Harris submits his tests, as he had no reason not to....this just weakens their already weak team....more excuses for the loss I guess haha
    4 points
  6. well saturday is going to be interesting indeed, because at the same time the Banjo Bowl is happening Leyla Fernandez will be playing the US open Women's Championship final
    4 points
  7. Seedy B will sit pout the re-match. And no, those are not typos. https://www.tsn.ca/CFL/video/ticats-banks-to-miss-game-against-argos-on-friday~2278209
    3 points
  8. Hhahahaha....yeah good one....If a Bomber player had that excuse just imagine the fun Rider Nation would have with that... https://3downnation.com/2021/09/10/riders-a-c-leonard-waited-for-quite-a-while-but-made-a-decision-not-to-submit-urine-sample-for-drug-testing/
    3 points
  9. bustamente


    Hearing Pfizer is looking for approval for kids 5+ by fall
    3 points
  10. Gainey, Purifoy and Leonard are out.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. riders players undisciplined? i'm shocked, shocked i say!!!
    3 points
  13. I love the irony. Especially after the jones era when the riders had a rype group of convicts and ped users. I remember the UFC trying to test wanderlei silva and him jumping out a 2nd story window and running away bare foot in his gitch. I choose to imagine AC had a melon hat and rider pride gitch and did the same thing. Speedy b has been missing since the bombers deleted him in the GC.
    3 points
  14. Juiced up in the Grey Cup too? Oof
    3 points
  15. TSN would own the rights to the game both on TV and radio, as it has been for a long time. Local broadcasters do not get to broadcast that game. And they would have no say on their personnel being included or excluded on a broadcast crew. So unless something drastic changed in the standard operating procedure in 2019, Bauming’s lack of access to the sidelines would have had zero to do with a Bomber boycott and would simply be TSN employing their own crew. Besides, If CJOB had any pull to insert a member of their crew, Bob Irving certainly would have been plugged in as play-by-play voice.
    3 points
  16. JCon

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    What I really like about the Bob, Ed, Doug trio is that they're not trying to be provocative. One of the most off-putting things for me is when a broadcaster tries to sell everything or sounds like they're trying to get a reaction. I would accept that more from Doug because he adds perspective and colour. However, they don't do that. They don't need that to be engaging. Rod P does that. Everything for him is about reactions and it's horrible. He is the ef'n worst. Barf.
    3 points
  17. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Debate was terrible. That format doesn't work. Blow up the consortium.
    3 points
  18. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    For me Id call an RPO (run pass option). Inside or outside zone run with an audible to switch from one to the other. One wr in isolation (lawler) on one side and trips to the other side. He can run an option route where he either finds the soft spot in the zone, or runs a deep double move in single coverage. Thing about zone cover is if you run deep enough it becomes man or youre wide open. The isolation also helps to expose the Ds cover scheme to an extent (Instead of just with motion), or play a hybrid man and zone. On the trips side if the defense stacks the box you can flex the TE (eli) out to wr and throw a screen pass with darvin, woli, and eli blocking. If they show Double or even S shade to lawler or play cover 3 you run the ball. You can even motion woli in for extra blocking or have him run to block a Lber. You can run portions or all of the snag concept in the RPO to create a quick high percentage throw on the 3 wide side. If the dbs stack up front you go over the top of them. If the HB/hbs stay deep you have a big screen play advantage. If the D cheats to any thing with its alignment you audible to attack the opening. With a heavy line, and an un balanced split spread formation they have to give up some thing. Man to man on the iso, limited over the top on the trips, not enough bodies at the line for the screen, or bodies in the middle to fill gaps. Normally Ds might have a complex scheme like rotating coverage, but in a hurry up that isnt likely, and if it happens it isnt as likely to be effective. Its hard to call that in at the line. Usually you see base defenses vs hurry up. Either blitzing or dropping. The goal is to get an extra OL on the field that creates a miss match. But even running the hurry up with coverage line up dictating play call / audible can leave a D reeling. And with a guy like Eli who is a 2nd level monster with great mobility you have a considerable miss match vs the 5th DL in virtually any team. You can also do that with out the OL and use woli as a regular flex TE. Sam is the hardest position on the field to play. Even the better sam lbers in the league arent guys you want in the box getting hit by a level jumping OL. Blms production is a considerable product of his system. Reilly is a system changer. Hes a throw back qb. Id take him hurt over healthy BLM. Reilly doesnt rattle. He doesnt whine or cry or moan or blame his team mates first chance he gets. Hes a better arm talent and a tough SoB to bring down.
    3 points
  19. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    It really depends how you identify incentives. Sure, the CPC plan gives people all the money back they use on things that destroy the environment. I think that clearly is not a working plan to address climate change. You could see the Liberals plan for a price on carbon providing incentives to live a lower carbon lifestyle. Things will also be more expensive under the CPC plan, that could be considered penalizing. If you really want a plan that doesn't penalize for carbon producing, see the PPC. They're still in the camp that science doesn't agree on human climate change and we shouldn't do anything about it. Under the CPC plan I continue merrily along my way as normal, there's not really any reason for me to adjust my lifestyle (kind of the point). When I get enough money on my carbon points card I can spend it on... well, they don't really say, but maybe I can buy a new bike or whatever they eventually decide will be a good green item. Yup, that'll fix things. Even the Canadian Taxpayers Federation claims that the CPC plan "isn't a real solution". Under the Liberal's or most other carbon tax plans, people face daily incentives to live a less environmentally damaging lifestyle. I'm not promoting the Liberal plan, I don't think it goes far enough. But the CPC plan is a joke.
    3 points
  20. Vivian Santos removed as Winnipeg's acting deputy mayor after refusing to disclose vaccination status. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/vivian-santos-acting-mayor-vaccination-health-disclosure-bowman-1.6169978
    3 points
  21. Noeller

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    So I'll just say a couple of things about what's been discussed: 1) Brown has never been anywhere close to awful. He was raw to start, and still uses too many big words, when a smaller one will do, but he is absolutely fabulous at what he does and gets better all the time. He has a bit of a crutch, and says "...right?" to finish off many of his statements. Likely doesn't even realize he's doing it. One of the only things I'd work with him on...otherwise he's extremely good when just being himself. 2) There is nothing finer on radio than Our Man Tait, DB97 and Bob Irving "BS-ing" about football in the CJOB pre-game. The enjoyment I get out of their conversations is incredible.
    3 points
  22. JCon


    3 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I don’t care if people “working from home” spend their day here instead (hey, is that a mirror?), but I can do without the “people of Walmart” centrefold pics.
    2 points
  26. Oh shoot, teacher is here... look busy everyone. (I'm just kidding. )
    2 points
  27. good point. tho i listen to ppl like bill burr, who is v popular. all he does is yak about his day and ppl eat it up. i think in this time of salesmanship and overstimulation, ppl are craving just some normal chatter. ?
    2 points
  28. Yes correct, but he could slide in there...dude was a safety so he has cover skills and we run fronts with Briggs and Gauthier as is...so he can manage it just fine they already over there relegating to that scenario...babbling about too bad that they couldn't be playing healthy...failing to remember we playing without our starting will and sam...dt...dinged up receiving corp...2 raw rookies in DB backfield...it's called depth...something they have been razor thin with the last few years and luckily skated by....and they missing a starter for cheating....shame shame hahahaha...
    2 points
  29. I agree and this benefits us obviously or any team but it would be great to see the Bombers absolutely blow up the score board,points matter quite a bit right now with a shortened season and standings at the end.
    2 points
  30. No sense of adventure, eh? There's always going alfresco.
    2 points
  31. If I ever hear that they turned into a thong, I'm outta here
    2 points
  32. Riders looked beat up on D, hope we take advantage. Heck I'm mean, hopefully by half time Fajardo has gone through 3-4 pairs of under roos.
    2 points
  33. Sask looks pretty beat up
    2 points
  34. WildPath

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    I never realized it until you said it, but definitely this. I think it comes down to them believing that the game is entertaining as is, without the need to be provocative and add intrigue. Even the segments they have pregame, its rarely about identifying one big thing about the game and amplifying it. Merely setting the stage for fans who enjoy football as is.
    2 points
  35. Lol at gitch, and more importantly: how does it differ from gotch?
    2 points
  36. like I said....Dickenson has no control of that group of me first players....
    2 points
  37. Noeller

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    quite the accusation from them anyhow......and I know there was a lot of mis-information going around the week of the GC, saying that CJOB/Irving were upset about not having broadcast rights to the game (which Irving cleared up later, stating it was patently false that he was upset...he understands broadcast rights agreements as well as anyone) so I'm wondering if that rumour-mongering carried its way to "the Bombers hate Bauming". I have no doubts that there were some hurt feelings over how Bauming (and Jeff Hamilton!) chose to vote in the team-specific awards, but I'd have a hard time believing that they'd be so petty as to ban Bauming from the sideline. The truth, I suppose, will be lost to the ether.....
    2 points
  38. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    I don't know if it was the moderating or just the format overall. I legitimately got a headache from it that has lasted until this morning. Didn't hear anything substantive from anyone really. Just launch a quick attack and then try to get a quick defense. I can't imagine that debate was useful for undecided Canadians that care about policy.
    2 points
  39. JCon

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    There is something about Darren's delivery. I am not a fan. Also, it always feels as though he's trying to sell me something. I like him and think he provides good insight but I do not care for his delivery.
    2 points
  40. Anyone old enough to remember the brilliant idea the CBC had to mic up the penalty box on HNIC back in the mid 70's & an upset Bobby Clarke swore a blue streak on live TV knowing he was on camera? Apparently there were thousands of complaints across Canada after that happened. They only mic'd the penalty box that one time & never again. Sorry but I know what I'll be watching & it won't be tennis.
    2 points
  41. "Quick Six horse is bored" needs to be in a haiku, thank you.
    2 points
  42. Wilson was limited yesterday did not practice today. The healthy scratches are put on the injury report.
    2 points
  43. They can choose to keep Couture in the 45 and be the healthy scratch. Unless, of course, he will be out for a while.
    2 points
  44. yup....Idiot number 1 out of the core of 4 there....as u could clearly see the ball roll on ground under him....but yeah..BS call hahaha
    2 points
  45. JCon

    US Politics

    OMG. 🤣 "Say neigh to the FDA!" 🤣
    2 points
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