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  1. I for one am waiting for my raise from MBB
    6 points
  2. Super Duper Negatron


    The lack of foresight by the province regarding the need for rapid testing as a way out of this is stunning.
    5 points
  3. I didn't think anyone had a problem with the current overtime format.
    5 points
  4. Mark H.


    If rapid tests had been made widely available several months ago, it would have made a big difference I took a rapid test as soon as I noticed symptoms, tested positive, and immediately started isolating There was really no need to waste the time and resources of the medical system with a PCR test Rapid tests might give you a false negative, but if you're positive with a rapid test, you can be certain that you've got Covid
    4 points
  5. Was in the Bombers Store today picking up some merch and happy to report the place was bustling.... Doing very steady business!
    4 points
  6. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    FIFY These guys suck.
    3 points
  7. I read this in Bob's voice
    3 points
  8. Nope, I'll take our OT format over the NFL's. The winner of the coin toss down there is statistically the winner.
    3 points
  9. There is absolutely nothing embarrassing about a Bomber fan taking shots at the Riders. Good gravy man...think before you type.
    3 points
  10. I think most reasonable people see it as back to back. BTW, I still can't believe I survived a year without CFL football.
    3 points
  11. in the NFL since 1994: the team that lost the coin flip in OT hasn't even had a chance to touch the ball 25% of the time. Sudden death OT in football is garbage.
    3 points
  12. Mark H.


    Contact tracing has to be impossible at this point, so I have no idea, and I wouldn't do it unless my workplace required it.
    2 points
  13. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    We currently live in an era where people rightfully being getting called out for saying and doing really stupid dumb hurtful things think by this reaction they are 'owning the libs'. Thanks to social media and technology we are all guilty in varying degrees in promoting this by giving them platforms to giving credence to being really really dumb. My trusty goto sarcasm is no longer a match to thwarting this insanity. It's a virus that needs a different strategy to defend and shove back under the rock it came from.
    2 points
  14. Maybe both teams have shitty af defences? Then it just comes down to the coin flip. Hypothetically both teams could very easily score on the first drive. Football is a team game and NFL rules takes half the team out. CFL rules does the best in taking the coin flip out of the equation. And also gives both defenses and offenses an opportunity to play. I wouldn't mind moving the ball back for CFL rules as well though.
    2 points
  15. GCJenks


    I did some checking and you are correct. 30000 on Monday,180000 on Tuesday and over 200000 on Wednesday. Probably the scariest stat is not the 200000 but the exponential change from Monday to Tuesday.
    2 points
  16. Super Duper Negatron


    Asking people who test positive at home to go back for a PCR is hilarious. Why? For what reason?
    1 point
  17. WildPath


    The whole lack of preparation, yet again, is really frustrating. We can't even know the actual numbers because we aren't prepared to test for that many. This is despite saying we would see cases in the 1000s weeks ago. The continual playbook of hope for the best, plan for better than the best.... Despite this, and already having hospital backlogs, the new restrictions are pretty pathetic. This is what giving up looks like on a governmental level.
    1 point
  18. Mark F

    US Politics

    Deutsche bank should be wound up and closed. how do these people get to carry on? "The settlement comes after former U.S. Senator Carl Levin in 2014 detailed a practice in which Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE) and Barclays Plc (BARC.L) helped several hedge funds, including Renaissance, treat some capital gains as longer-term profits, attracting a lower tax rate, than gains made from trades on assets held for less than a year. The banks sold the funds options to help them achieve that outcome, the report said." seven billion dollar scam. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/renaissance-executives-pay-about-7-bln-settle-tax-probe-wsj-2021-09-02/
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I don't much like the OT format in the CFL or NFL. I'd like 2 5 minute half's. Real football with kickoffs and punts. No sudden death. Repeat if it's still tied.
    1 point
  21. Honestly I'm fine with the current OT format... if anything was to be changed, I'd say just don't allow field goals... but honestly I think the current format is a good balance between making sure you end up with a victor, and not just having the winner be the team that won the toss.
    1 point
  22. The NFL format is good and it isn't. A team that scores on an opening drive deserves the win,they're paid to score points and the defense is paid very well to stop them(I know it's captain obvious but it's the truth). I don't like the idea of starting at the 35 yard line,would like to see them maybe move the ball back to the 50 so they're not starting automatically in field goal range.
    1 point
  23. The NFL OT format sucks. A team that scores a TD on the 1st possession automatically wins. The other team doesn't even get a chance. So Roger Goodell like.
    1 point
  24. JCon

    US Politics

    They're not technically burning books but that's some really fascist stuff going on down south. What a horrid place. Too bad we have so many alt-right losers up here too.
    1 point
  25. They way I see it..Collaros led league in TD throws... efficiency....wins...2 grey cups...is what..18-2...as a starter with us....minimal interceptions other than the wtf going on In playoffs So basically...musta made a lot of bigtime throws....and was top of his league as he did win a reward did he not? Haha
    1 point
  26. Only stat that matters to me Back to back Champs By definition we have been the best 2 years in a row *not counting canceled season Personally I look it as back to back to back.
    1 point
  27. Agree in principle. It's a little annoying though, when after back to back cups. The so-called professional journalists can't bring themselves to put a little respect on the Bombers name.
    1 point
  28. Honestly, it's like looking at "big time" saves for a goalie. But if the goalie was in the proper position most of the time, he doesn't *need* to make the big time save. I don't understand why some people need to twist things to be a slight against us. Enough with the inferiority complex.
    1 point
  29. We DID draft a Canadian kicker... Who hit 96% or some damn thing...in college. Legghio is the future.
    1 point
  30. BomberBall

    Random Jets News

    It’s definitely the money. They don’t want empty arenas, so they’re postponing games in cities where restrictions don’t allow fans. Unfortunately, I’m not sure kicking the can down the road will make much difference… I don’t see this cloud suddenly lifting on Jan. 11th.
    1 point
  31. TrueBlue4ever

    Random Jets News

    So they are postponing games in Winnipeg until the pandemic restrictions end on the 11th, and they are postponing the Calgary game. But they are still crossing the border into the US for Vegas and Phoenix. So is the shutdown really for COVID or is it the economics of playing In an empty arena?
    1 point
  32. Mark H.


    The same thing was true with Delta. They need to start reporting on the effectiveness of preventing severe outcomes - that's what really matters.
    1 point
  33. Hopefully against the Nice Trycats
    1 point
  34. Yeah but now you got the 'ronas...
    0 points
  35. Entire tournament scrapped now. https://www.tsn.ca/iihf-world-junior-hockey-championship-edmonton-red-deer-cancellation-1.1739952
    0 points
  36. FrostyWinnipeg


    Manitoba announced 947 new cases of #COVID19 and 1 more death on Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2021. Active cases: 7,488* Total caseload: 77,485 Recovered: 68,613 Deaths: 1,384 *Overstated due to backlog in designating active cases recovered, but also understated due to testing shortage That 947 figure is another new single-day case-count record. The seven-day average daily #COVID19 case count in Manitoba rises to 746. That too is a new record for the running average. Manitoba #COVID19 patients in hospital: 183 (up 16) In ICU: 29 (up 4) Total patients in ICU (COVID and non-COVID): Not yet available. Roussin says rapid test distribution will be expanded in the coming days. Says TP is higher than usual because testing centres are screening out some who will test negative. Five-day Manitoba #COVID19 test-positivity rate: 24.2 per cent (up 2.3 points) Tests completed Tuesday: 3,852 Regional test-positivity rates (obtained by CBC News): Winnipeg 26.2% Prairie Mountain 25.9% Interlake-Eastern 25.8% Southern 24.6% Northern 9.6% Reimer asks Manitobans to get their third doses if they are eligible. The most recent 6 Manitobans to succumb to #COVID19: - A Winnipeg woman in her 40s - A Winnipeg woman in her 50s - A Southern woman in her 50s - A Winnipeg man in his 70s - A Winnipeg woman in her 80s - A Winnipeg man in his 80s Regional breakdown of new Manitoba #COVID19 cases: 667 Winnipeg 99 Prairie Mountain 91 Interlake-Eastern 82 Southern 8 Northern Manitoba reaches deal with private lab to expand COVID testing capacity
    0 points
  37. Complaining about a guy starting his first ever pro game in a championship (a game he would have won with competent video review) is just so insane.....
    0 points
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