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  1. Good for him to get the opportunity... he's earned it. He's been a great Scout/AGM for us, and I'd hate to lose him, but he's earned a shot.
    5 points
  2. And I would rather be in that position than hoping to get everyone else's leftover.
    4 points
  3. https://3downnation.com/2021/12/17/elks-bringing-in-bombers-personnel-man-ted-goveia-for-general-manager-interview/
    4 points
  4. It's going to be awfully tough for other teams to try and sign our guys away. The only thing others can offer is more money (or a starting position for our backups), because our team culture, coaches, playoff $, fans, and stadium are all second to none.
    4 points
  5. This all sounds good until you realize there’s absolute nothing gained by the players in this proposal
    3 points
  6. Look at that QB room!: 18 Justin Goltz QB 15 Max Hall QB 16 Jason Boltus QB Couple of Bomber legends in 2013:
    3 points
  7. This is the same franchise founded 2 years after the Model T was created (the first mass produced automobile), that didnt win their first Grey Cup until 3 years before the first man landed on the moon (1966 first Grey Cup) right?
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. I remember watching an X-game against the Esks.......anticipating that Tom Wilkinson didn't have much left at QB. He played a half....and the new backup came in......some guy named Warren Moon. By the time that game ended.... was mightily depressed. This guy seriously didn't belong in this league....and would be the starter real soon.....and we would never beat these dudes. And that's what happened.....
    3 points
  11. Forget Liegghio. Tyler Crapigna is still lurking in the shadows.
    3 points
  12. Nobody runs a 2 back offense anymore. I have no idea what Nikota Kalinec did as a fullback to be a CFLPA All Star. To reflect the modern game, have another slot, no FB, just one RB & one more ST player selection. Not just returner, kicker & punter. The other STP would reflect a cover guy like Mike Miller who should be an all star.
    3 points
  13. Both sides have to do what's best for the league. It's time for egos to be put aside & make changes that benefit everyone.
    3 points
  14. The CBA expires before training camp. So, not only is the shortest offseason ever (hooray!!) but the league and the PA need to negotiate a new deal with the pandemic still hanging over us and the impact that has had on the finances of the league. Godspeed to the negotiators.
    3 points
  15. In other dumping-on-the-Riders news, consider THEIR longest Grey Cup drought was almost double the length of ours (1910 - 1966, 56 years)
    2 points
  16. I assume all players on the injured list get a GC ring. But what about guys on the suspended list at the end of the year? Also I cannot wait to see the new ring design already!
    2 points
  17. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    'Look at me I'm important, I like to be centre of attention, look how good I can talk and seem sincere when in fact I'm robbing you blind' GRIFTERS
    2 points
  18. bustamente

    Canadian Politics

    What we need is some capable and competent people to try their hands in politics, not bottom of the barrel dummies looking for a free ride for a few years
    2 points
  19. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    I did. The last thing this province needs right now is someone taking a flame thrower to the government. The last thing this province needs is Glover in command.
    2 points
  20. Yeah...but they had #1990 which they clung to..rallied around..cherished...so there's that
    2 points
  21. In 2 years,we've literally made up half the Riders total Championships in their 111 year history.....Oh,and P.S. they had a 20 year head start on us too!!!!
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. All kinds of players came up here from the 1950's to the early 80's. NFL stars like Bud Grant, D i c k Huffman, Neil Armstrong & Buddy Tinsley of the Bombers. Or college players like Ken Ploen, Jim Van Pelt, D i c k Shatto, Joe Theismann, Leo Lewis, Don Luzzi, Tom Brown, Joe Kapp, Jackie Parker, Jim Corrigal, Tim Anderson, Vic Washington, John Helton, Jim Stillwagon, Johnny Rodgers & a lot more. Even as late as 1980, the Als signed the top NFL draft pick of the Cleveland Browns by the name of MLB Tom Cousineau. These guys were all studs & legit NFL players & they all played up here. Lest I forget the Als also signed RB David Overstreet, WR Billy "White Shoes" Johnson, Rec Fred Biletnikoff, DL Keith Gary & WR James Scott who caught 81 passes for over 1,400 yards & 6 TD's in 1981 but returned to the Chicago Bears a year later.
    2 points
  24. Earlier than that NFL caliber QBs such as Glenn Dobbs came up here and were paid more than in the 4 down league. Even though he played for the Riders it's a great story. Top 10 games at Mosaic Stadium: Glenn Dobbs quarterbacked Roughriders to 1951 West title | Regina Leader Post
    2 points
  25. Tracker


    No doubt there are people in the department of Health that know exactly how to stem the problem. What we do not have is an administration wiling to do the rights things and risk alienating their yellow-dog supporters.
    2 points
  26. WildPath


    This is what has been keeping me as locked down as I have been since the start of the pandemic. Waiting till my 8 month old can get vaxxed. See how it turns out with producing an Omicron-specific vaccine for the little ones. On the plus side, I got my booster today! One of them cares the other one doesn't.
    2 points
  27. bustamente


    For everyone except those in the Southern health area
    2 points
  28. I can’t see Mike O’Shea leaving for Edmonton. He made a commitment through 2022 and I think that means something to him. He’s not Chris Jones. From the Insiders article on 3D Nation.
    2 points
  29. Do you mean the play where the nose of the football touching the ground knocked him out cold?
    2 points
  30. I think that was Wade's first order of business.
    1 point
  31. Yep wanted Reilly and Collaros back then. Not a chance they were going to come into that mess. Not even if we over paid. We’ve come a long way.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Not sure why league can't work a partial guarantee into contracts...reduce the signing bonus in lieu of more salary..and if u dump a guy prior to contract completion...player gets a percentage of his signed deal... Kind of inline with what the signing bonus would/ could have been if done the old way. I am sure that players would agree to smaller signing bonus if it allowed for a bigger actually salary...with the agreement that If they cut/releaed prior to contract expiration they will recieve a singing bonus type compensation. Would make teams less Apt to sign rental type one yr fix type guys...allow for true team building and consistency...and also if I guy is dumped likely be more able to catch on somewhere else without throwing that teams sms into the crapper cause that player could conceivably sign for less as he doesn't have to make up for what he may have budgeted making that yr as he was let go with compensation With this as well I'm talking in a player's second deal...not rookie entry deals as technically u don't want to hamstring a team with compensation for new players who don't pan out...veterans...
    1 point
  34. Ha...rather successful organization lol
    1 point
  35. They want to look at everything. My ideas: 3 downs. Same number of guaranteed Canadian starting spots. X Americans, Y Canadians, Z Globals. QB's don't have special rules. Canadian QB's are Canadians, roster as many or as few as you want. QB's can play any position and more than one can be on the field at the same time. Eliminate the 3 or 4 year Americans who become pseudo-Canadian backups. Minimum 2 year contracts, not guaranteed. NFL window from day after GC to January 15th. CFL retains players rights if they come back from the NFL for the contract length. SMS goes down to current low limit. No change to bonuses. 16 game season. Every team plays every other team twice. (Lower SMS = less games) Longer than 4 hour work days. More contact practices. Single division. No east/west. No cross-over. The top 4 teams get home playoff games. No waiting for both teams to make changes before starting the play clock, unless there is an injury, set the ball, whistle time in. Eliminate triple headers by playing on Thursday thru Sunday until NFL starts, then Thursday thru Saturday with a double header on Saturday. Grey Cup on the same week as Remembrance day every year. Saturday playoff games. Sunday Grey Cup.
    1 point
  36. And guaranteed money fixed. It's a pretty terrible situation for them. The cfl has a short off season coming up will need a new cba that hopefully fixes contracts and they think they have time to fully review all of the unique rules for the cfl. Crazy.
    1 point
  37. He's gonna show up to get his ring and Get 50 percent of 1.
    1 point
  38. Congratulations to @Fox Creek AB Rider Fan for winning this years Pick 'Ems!
    1 point
  39. Noeller


    I like the reduction in indoor capacity limits. I'm coming home for a week after Christmas, and will feel a lot safer going into restaurants, etc with the reduced capacity limits. As it is, I'm double-masking in AB right now (with one of those N95 masks as my base layer) just to be on the safe side. Until I'm eligible for a booster, I don't trust anyone with Omicron around....
    1 point
  40. We already have three times as many as they do.
    1 point
  41. No, I'd say it doesn't. No fan (hater, armchair coach, etc.) has access to the inner workings of the team and for anyone to claim otherwise isn't reasonable. Social media has given a voice to anyone who wishes to use it, including fans who can't put their emotions aside when it comes to their favourite team(s). Typically, the pendulum swings both ways rather extremely and objective analysis of a team simply doesn't happen. To add to it, those types tend to be the most "vocal" when it comes to their displeasure or dislike of players and/or coaches, making things personal or whatnot. Three years ago, two years, even a year ago... the Jets were a winning team considerably more often than not and amongst the best in the entire conference. A bad loss here or an ugly streak there during that time was never justification to just axe the head coach, especially when you consider the roster challenges prior to the past off-season. That inaction falls at the feet of Cheveldayoff, anyway. Prior to last off-season, he did very little to address glaring deficiencies after the losses of Chiarot, Myers, Tanev - just to name a few off the top of my head. The leadership on this roster hasn't been stepping up this season, which seems to indicate they stopped buying whatever Maurice was selling. Their sub .500 play as of late demonstrates that, with losses to bottom feeders, Tuesday's being the most recent and embarrassing - on home ice, no less. Maurice likely saw the writing on the wall. The Jets appear to be a bubble team at best and they'll be hard pressed to make the playoffs, much less go on a run, IMO. He was the first to admit things haven't been working this season and that it was time for a change. I'd say good on him for holding himself accountable and being honest about it. I wish the same could be said for the GM right now. I don't know how the rest of the season shakes out for the Jets. There are too many variables at play right now to even try and guess. But the overly critical, sometimes harsh fans got what they wanted. I just hope they temper their expectations as there is little reason, at least objectively, to feel optimistic about the remainder of the 2021-22 season.
    1 point
  42. We almost have more rings in the last 2 GCs than most Rider fans have teeth.
    1 point
  43. And that my friends is what you call character.
    1 point
  44. Honestly he is the absolute best. I love that dude beyond what is reasonable, and his wife and entire family seem great as well. We are lucky to have them.
    1 point
  45. This is why players run through walls for this guy. Imagine Belichick or Andy Reid doing this after a Superbowl celebration?
    1 point
  46. TEP is an AWFUL layout. It's like a Geocities site from 98 or something. This place is about as good as it gets...
    1 point
  47. Before every down, Duke runs up and down the DL poking them all in the eye...
    1 point
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