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  1. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Great response to Rebel Media reporter trying to make Rebel Media (and not the election) the main story.
    7 points
  2. One of the reasons I love going to the Banjo Bowl - seeing and interacting with Riders fans. In my experience, it's always been good natured and fun interactions. And, I do hope they will all need to drown their sorrows with Rum Hut beverages because the Bombers make it two wins in a row. Seems like it. I feel for him because seems like the surgery to his throwing arm did not solve the problem. And pre-surgery he had an average arm, average accuracy, so any deterioration really shows. Gotta say thanks to Matty N for his years as a Bomber. But, management made the right choice with Collaros. Looks like an MOP candidate so far.
    6 points
  3. MOBomberFan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Mayala is certainly off to a slow start considering how good he looked at the end of 2019 but sophomore slumps are common. Ambles would walk on to any roster in the league at the moment. I think CGY fans are a bit spoiled and just can't handle a losing record
    6 points
  4. Per Bauming, Nelson did not practiced today. McKnight was doing the returns. Here's hoping.
    5 points
  5. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Destroyed them...love it. Tide slowly turning back toward the LPC....
    5 points
  6. I think people overestimate how many Rider fans actually travel for this game. Lots, yes, but not as many that fill the stands. Media likes to say that Rider fans travel well but it's actually many Rider fans leave Saskatchewan and live elsewhere. Point being, there will still be lots of Rider green (and Rider tears) on Saturday.
    5 points
  7. almost laughable....but good...We like being disrespected...fuels the fire
    5 points
  8. Their game against the Bombers was closer than it needed to be - Lawler's TD should have counted.
    5 points
  9. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    This is also what happens when you have a good public education system and your religious dogma does not treat sex as a sin and dictate public policy. The USA does not have either of those things.
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. the watcher


    ......adopted a "disparaging and accusatory tone" toward the unvaccinated. "People refusing COVID-19 shots were painted as culpable for creating challenges to the health-care system," he wrote in a letter to constituents posted to his social media. And in other news people who run Stop signs may be culpable for creating accidents. Lol , these anti everything's are such bunch of entitled, whining wimps. Buck up, get the shot and shut up. It's a pandemic, do your part.
    5 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Noeller

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    So I'll just say a couple of things about what's been discussed: 1) Brown has never been anywhere close to awful. He was raw to start, and still uses too many big words, when a smaller one will do, but he is absolutely fabulous at what he does and gets better all the time. He has a bit of a crutch, and says "...right?" to finish off many of his statements. Likely doesn't even realize he's doing it. One of the only things I'd work with him on...otherwise he's extremely good when just being himself. 2) There is nothing finer on radio than Our Man Tait, DB97 and Bob Irving "BS-ing" about football in the CJOB pre-game. The enjoyment I get out of their conversations is incredible.
    4 points
  14. I would suspect the double vax requirement and proof of same to enter IG Field had a lot to do with that. And for all the Rider fans who were asking, no, having Ivermectin in your system was not a suitable alternative. That likely took out a ton of Saskatchewan attendance candidates.
    4 points
  15. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    So what you're saying is that they agree that climate change is real, but are unwilling to do what is needed to solve it? The party has a history of strongly rejecting climate science. They rejected a motion that would clearly separate them from their history of denying science. Real question - do you really think their carbon savings account is a better plan to address climate change than the Liberal or NDP plan?
    4 points
  16. I think Bob or maybe brown said after the last game the the riders have 7 of their last 8 games on the road... It's about bringing in the money. Not about who is the better team.
    4 points
  17. Somebody finally saw the light and gave the nod to McKnight....Now we aren't sure how well McKnight will fare BUT at least we're looking at something different than 'secure the ball and flop' ...We're going to find out ( IF the change is made) if it's our blocking, or our talent at the position....Go McKnight
    3 points
  18. Wilson would yeah I assume replace Brown on the roster and slots right back into his usual spot...beauty with him is he knows the system already so hits ground running Rocquemore I would expect be brought on in place of that extra Dlineman (Rose) he went out early anyway so our rotation with only 7 worked just fine. Makes more roster sense as well as he can back up Darby at SAM, or in case of injury in defensive back field Darby can play all positions, as well as safety almost on par with Alexander...so those 2 can swing around to wherever the injury need is...makes us really flexible
    3 points
  19. I'm guessing both Wilson & Rocquemore will come in place of Brown and Rose (injured)? That would be a good boost on the run D.
    3 points
  20. Mark F

    The Environment Thread

    chances are oilco will create /become Wellcapco, and get paid to do it. basically they are arsonists. I thought we hated people that intentionally start fires. how they have escaped ANY responsibilty to this point shows the great depth of their control.
    3 points
  21. JCon


    3 points
  22. Tracker


    Ivermectin causes 'sterility' in 85% of males who take it: study Far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists, many of them anti-vaxxers, have been falsely claiming that Ivermectin — an antiparasitic drug typically given to animals — can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in response, has been warning Americans that taking animal-grade Ivermectin can be "highly dangerous." And the effects of Ivermectin on people have been studied in Nigeria, where researchers found that taking it is likely to cause sterility in men. Erin Coulehan, a reporter for WFLA-TV (an NBC affiliate in Tampa, Florida), explains, "The effects of Ivermectin therapy on human males can have an effect on men's reproductive health. Researchers at three universities in Nigeria studied the effects of Ivermectin, which is used to treat river blindness and other medical conditions in humans, on men's sperm counts. According to their study, 85% of men who take Ivermectin become sterilized." Coulehan adds, "Ivermectin is often used as an anthelmintic to combat parasites in animals, and some people have been using it to fight COVID-19 despite health experts' recommendations against it. The study conducted by researchers in Nigeria screened 385 patients with river blindness to investigate the effects of Ivermectin on sperm function; the researchers found that 85% of all male patients treated in a particular center with Ivermectin in the recent past who went to the laboratory for routine tests were discovered to have developed various forms, grades and degrees of sperm dysfunction."
    3 points
  23. WildPath

    The Environment Thread

    Don't worry, the governments will spend public funds to clean up the mess that companies have left behind😒
    3 points
  24. Cool Id appreciate the help ill hit you up about that after the game thanks! Yeah his segment was exactly what the modern young fans want to see. Now we've got some old dog barking cliches from the kids table its sad. The people in charge of CFL on TSN need to watch some NFL games, especially with romo calling. Football isnt hockey and you cant present it the same way. Its not a frenetic back n forth that you add quips to. Its a constant strategic battle. Hes like kevin fogg when he was here. Either getting burned or making turn overs. And he was only a turn over magnet for 1 year. I think pederson is probably the most prevalent podcast right now, bonfiresports is good too when bauming has time. I wish he'd dedicate more time to it. Defensive shifts are adjustments in alignment defenses make to cover up gaps, seams, stack the box etc. A lot of what we see right now against our offense is D's moving their DL into the gaps and ends over the offensive tackles, And bringing their saftey and defensive half backs up closer to the tackle box. When we play teams that dont run a lot or in passing downs our D is generally a 5 or 6 man box. 6 is the normal in the cfl. (depending how close the inside slot covered by the sam is playing) We mostly see 8 men in the box. And frequently, especially the riders last week, teams put their DHbs just out side the tackle box. (the tackle box is the linebackers area, from offensive tackle to tackle and back to Lbers depth) This crowding the middle of the field opens up play action, deep routes, the screen game and deeper out routes. 11 personnel is football formation terminology. It indicates 1 running back and 1 blocker at the TE spot. We usually have woli, miller or eli as our TE depending on if we substitute a heavy package in, or if its in the regular flow of our offense. The first number indicates the backs and the 2nd the number of extra blockers on the line. So 21 is 2 back 1 te. 12 1 back 2 tes etc. I played at a moderate junior level, but was a bust due to injuries on and off the field. So for the better part of 2 years I worked with the coaching staff and ended up switching to coaching. At first tracking plays, then coaching rbs, and OC'd in HS a bit. I ended up moving and worked with a us football scout for a bit, and while I did that I took the opportunity to attend a few major us coaching seminars. I ended up not having time to be involved in football for a hand full of years but still follow and use a bunch of football coaching tools. The evolution and strategy of the game have always fascinated me. https://3downnation.com/2021/09/09/riders-have-taken-notice-of-argos-blueprint-to-beat-blue-bombers/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=riders-have-taken-notice-of-argos-blueprint-to-beat-blue-bombers Better watch out, the riders have the blueprint to beat us now. 😆 The betting line in the cfl is always skewed. Those melon heads always thing they are the *&^% and bet on the riders no matter what. Just a reason to enjoy the soft betting lines when ever the riders are bad or on the fringe.
    3 points
  25. My sincere hope is that the tough sched going forward combined with the template we've shown everyone, will equal little to no wins the rest of the season.. Like a total tanking the rest of the way. **** those assholes so very very much.
    3 points
  26. Just realized that Saskatchewan only has 3 home games left already,theyre gonna be in tough the rest of the way now that most of their schedule is on the road.
    3 points
  27. Green Riders without the horses The Blue wave crashes on the shore Team unbeaten, only illusion
    3 points
  28. Not sure why the RIders didn't see that coming. His drop off in 2019 from 2018 was a big one as well.
    2 points
  29. wbbfan

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    Brown is an under appreciated gem in the CFL. Honestly, he should be on the TSN panel. He'd be the best guy hands down.
    2 points
  30. Noeller

    Blue Bombers Podcast

    the Bombers own "Handled Internally" podcast is pretty well done. The Doug Brown one is probably my favourite so far...some really great stories.
    2 points
  31. https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/oil-coal-study-1.6169239
    2 points
  32. Mike Edem showed a lot of class yelling, "Bullshit call" into the camera. Deal with it, idiot.
    2 points
  33. He has 6 defensive tackles each on those 2 games. Same total with Biggie.
    2 points
  34. ??? He was back at the corner and Darby was at the SAM since the CGY game.
    2 points
  35. yup, 100%, you wonder why he's known as a playmaker? Because teams figure it's worth the risk to throw at him all game, it works out more often than not. speaking of that, since Mike Jones has moved to LB he's getting less love from the camera and the stats man, he's not accumulating the hits and highlights like he was as a DB. Is he locking his area down? Are teams not throwing at him? Much as I like to see him bring the wood on the Bankses, I like the idea of Mike Jones Invisible Shutdown Cover Man even better.
    2 points
  36. LMK if you want any help pulling video of specific plays for that post. As a lifelong fan who's only ever played mens league flag ball, that Xs and Os stuff is fascinating to me too. there's so much art and science in it that's impossible for me to understand at game speed, and the commentators are only rarely helpful. I thought that Lapos' segments on the TSN panel where he broke down plays in detail were the best thing that TSN ever ran during halftime -- wish Jim Barker would do something like that, although Lapo strikes me as a better teacher. this is why I don't have a lot of patience for the "Lapo always calls a five-yard pass play on 2nd and 10." thing that we'd hear here back in the day. Lapo didn't have an xbox controller wired to Nichols' brain ... if Nichols was always checking down after going through his reads, either our receivers aren't getting open or Nichols is having trouble making his reads from the pocket.
    2 points
  37. Tracker

    The Winnipeg Thread

    Oooh,,,a Technology Commercialization Hall of Fame....sounds like a real bodice ripper.
    2 points
  38. Gainey being out means nothing. Most overrated db in the west. Now it just means someone else is going to take a PI in the endzone.
    2 points
  39. The crowd will go insane if Nelson busts one for 9 yards. I might fall from the second level.
    2 points
  40. Very tough to beat any team back to back so we have our work cut out for us. Let's go Blue!
    2 points
  41. Just establish things from the get-go: Get Harris going early, and set up some play action passes. Smack Commander Cody, early.......that hit by Bighill, got him nervous in the service... Run a punt back for more than 5 yards Tighten up on the kick return coverage Bring the serious noise.....bust the decibel meter
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. If we had Streveler he’d prob play the whole game in nothing but a fur coat.
    2 points
  44. I am underwhelmed from what I have seen from Nelson thus far, and if Grant is a long term thing then we should be looking at other returners in practice. That being said, I don't feel there is any rush to get him out the door either. I don't mind him as a placeholder for Grant. I really want Grant back though. Our offence and punting game almost require us to have a dynamic returner that can flip the field once of twice a game and our defence is good enough that I trust they can minimize any damage from the odd fumble every few games. This is a season where the best team will be the one that can play winter ball. I like our chances. I would like our chance better with an elusive returner that demonstrated in 2019 he can play in the cold. This is a year like no other. Regular season games are going to be played into late November. I can't wait to see which teams wilt in the cold weather.
    2 points
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