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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-07 in Posts

  1. Whos got two thumbs and was randomly selected among the season ticket holder base to deliver the game ball on field at tonights game?? 👍👍 me.
    23 points
  2. Y'all be slackin.... Stumps roll in for a 7:30 kickoff tonight. Sun and cloud with a high of 21. Not a perfect day by any means, but better conditions than last week. Let's go!!
    13 points
  3. Got offered company tickets to the pinnacle club tonight! Catching my first home game of the year tonight. Should be a great time!
    12 points
  4. Hey guys - I finally defeated the AI ChatBot!
    11 points
  5. 10 points
  6. Mark F

    Elks at SSK

    happy honker to all of us who watched this entire game.
    9 points
  7. Is that the guy that married Britney Spears?
    9 points
  8. If ratio allowed the luxury of rostering both, it would be ideal to have McCrae and Agudosi sharing a single position, that way they could both contribute their specific skill sets in specific situations.
    7 points

    Elks at SSK

    The Riders are 3-1. First win on a goal line stand against Edm. 2nd win in OT because Maier didn't throw the ball away. 3rd win on a single late drive + 2 point convert + returner error for 1 against Edm. Worst 3-1 team ever.
    7 points
  10. thinking CGY is gonna feel the brunt of the team saying not in our house again.....
    6 points
  11. Are we forgetting the most legendary stamps qb? Kevin Feterik.
    6 points
  12. I see that bong has been making the rounds.
    5 points
  13. Camos are the worst and it's not close.
    5 points
  14. *Checks calendar* No wonder we lost the last Grey Cup!!!
    4 points
  15. Rumor has it that Dry Brown recently underwent a procedure to bid farewell to his rat tail
    4 points
  16. Tate once told a TSN reporter that he loved being the backup QB because he gets a game cheque and doesn't have to play and then followed that up with he really prefers not having to go into the game.
    4 points
  17. That actually sounds like perfect weather to me - and I think we will be over 30k tonight. Back to back home games in blue pants. I’m ready to burn everything from the thirds but the helmet.
    4 points
  18. WildPath

    The Winnipeg Thread

    I was there and I saw people that represented the huge diversity that exists within Canada/Winnipeg. Interesting how they seemed to feel included in the celebration. Indigenous culture is a huge part of Canada/Winnipeg and represents everyone who lives in this land as that is part of the history of the land and the country. For that to not be included in a celebration on Canada Day, as it has been in the past, would be hugely disrespectful, intentionally not inclusive, and not a reflection of the country. Finally, not everyone who lives in Winnipeg/Canada is a Canadian citizen, many are not.
    4 points
  19. Why are you blaming Tate in this scenario?... I don't recall the circumstances... but if this played out as you described and the team forced him out to play when he shouldn't have... he was likely still "off" during that half time interview and the team rightfully, should have been called out for unsafe player management... if Calgary took heat for this, they only have themselves to blame
    4 points
  20. After penalty on TD play for Elks their options are take the 15 on the kickoff, take 15 on a single PAT kick from 10, or take the ball on the 1 yard line for a 2 point PAT. They took it on the kickoff. 2 point PAT there makes it a 12-3 game. Rider TD at most would have made it 12-11 for the Elks. Major strategic failure.
    4 points
  21. The way Lauther was celebrating a single was over the top and all you need to know about that craptacular game!
    4 points
  22. IC Khari

    Elks at SSK

    Poor Elks fans are getting payback for all those years of success of the team formerly known as the E*****s ...
    4 points
  23. bustamente

    Elks at SSK

    Chris Jones is a freaking idiot
    4 points
  24. Booch

    Lock of the Week 5

    Prukop U should be banned for 2 weeks...shame on u
    4 points
  25. 4 points
  26. The Roughriders use white pants on their retro alts -- I know I'm gonna get manure piled on me for this but I think their alts look pretty nice, probably the best you can do with green and white. They look like real throwbacks and I bet they would pop on a telethon broadcast.
    3 points
  27. 1. Jake the Fake (or Jake the Flake) 2. Maierrhea 3. Jake “tuck ‘n’ run” Maier 4. “Mail it in”Maier 5. Bauer Sucks! Bonus entry: Bobo
    3 points
  28. GCn20

    Elks at SSK

    The only thing I enjoy watching as much as the Bombers playing good football is the Riders playing bad football. I thoroughly enjoyed last night's game...even though Edmonton gave them a hold by beer we are more useless win.
    3 points
  29. 5th cup in history doth runneth over in July
    3 points
  30. GCJenks

    Elks at SSK

    I don't know how many times I said to my wife "okay, this sucks, I'm going to bed" but never got up off my chair...
    3 points
  31. As my grandma use to say.." let's kick some ****** ass today!!!!"...................probably.
    3 points
  32. Little nervous. Say what you will about Maier but they guy always seems to put up 300+ yards against us and the games are usually close.
    3 points
  33. Riders 3-1 with 2 games so far vs. The L'ks.... slow clap.
    3 points
  34. Games like that, such ineptitude on both sides - I love this league but that's just embarrassing for the CFL.
    3 points
  35. And I don't think they are all that scary, either. Good set of receivers but a quarterback who is mediocre on a good day.
    3 points
  36. Maier McCheese is hilarious.
    3 points
  37. Good...but Maier McCheese is better. Props for attempting it tho
    3 points
  38. Jesse

    Elks at SSK

    I was thoroughly entertained the entire game.
    3 points
  39. In situations like these knowing that someone is going to "win" I always hope that they both look absolutely awful... so from that standpoint mission accomplished?
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. greenrider55

    Elks at SSK

    Hahaha… I have no words. That was the worst win I’ve ever seen in my life.
    3 points
  42. Tracker

    Manitoba Politics

    Poverty, broken families and communities, lack of education, poor housing, poor diet.
    3 points
  43. One thing is certain, in the cfl if the refs have a judgement call to make they won’t make the same one twice.
    3 points
  44. Yes...it is...Osh even said that on coaches show Tuesday
    3 points
  45. Schoen has that uncanny ability to pull away deep in his route or shield away the DB. Also really good at adjusting. I don't really consider him a jump ball guy. When Lawler comes back he has more of that to his game. But yeah without him I think Agudosi is the only one.
    3 points
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