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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-11-22 in Posts

  1. some interesting stuff here about an American TV deal incoming.......
    8 points
  2. Once thing that makes me feel better about our situation is the trust I have in Walters and MOS.
    8 points
  3. That's a polite way of saying you're going to have to give me so much money, you won't be able to afford Lawler.
    7 points
  4. Noeller

    Still love this team

    Well, that's a good fit, because I don't think Saskatchewan is above last on players lists of places to play..
    7 points
  5. Come on, O'Day, lock this oline up. Please!
    7 points
  6. Dr Zaius

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    It was the worst crowd the Grey Cup has seen in years
    7 points
  7. One thing I know for sure is, with ageing vets or not. Walter's is damn good at his job and I have complete faith he's got a plan In Kyle we trust
    7 points
  8. I'm already sick and tired of hearing about the Argos winning and the Bombers losing. I am in dire need of some good news. Let's get some coaching/management/player contract signing news going.......
    6 points
  9. 17to85

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    I see people in sask lamenting why Bombers fans didn't fill up the place... they really don't understand that their podunk little city doesn't have the required accommodations for such a large event.
    6 points
  10. We lost to the Argos- not the riders. It will be IG field West until we get beat regularly by the riders. The Bomber curse continues.
    6 points
  11. Geebrr

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    Unreal- dude is a baller!
    5 points
  12. The offence was actually better without him in the lineup
    5 points
  13. Zero interest in Ellingson being back. Pay the other guys and recruit if Kenny doesn’t want to come home (he will) We don’t need Ellingson I wouldn’t bring him back at any amount.
    5 points
  14. 17to85

    Still love this team

    The fact that playing like ass is only a 1 point loss should terrify the rest of the league.
    5 points
  15. That kick was at the line, going left and no more than 6 feet in the air. It was maybe going about 10 yards further than it would have after it got blocked and way wide. The ball is pinned in the middle of the field and the kick over 7 yards is in the gap outside the LT already. Something was very wrong with the kick right off the foot. On paper Liegghio is a good kicker in all aspects. But he’s unreliable. It’s not just one kick, it’s not just two kicks. His punting was awful in that game including putting one right down the hash mark to set up a big return and the go-ahead TD. I can’t imagine a coach having a lot of trust with that player as in feeling confident putting him on the field really ever. To me it’s very similar to Hajrullahu’s final days here except the stakes were so much higher for Liegghio’s screwups. Maybe he needs to focus on one job and at the start of this year I would have said punting but now I might say placekicking because his punting was very erratic this year too.
    5 points
  16. That breaks my heart and pisses me off.
    5 points
  17. I would like to see us add some depth on the DL, especially a non-import. I really believe losing Kongbo, then Hansen hurt our push up front big time. I like the rotation, keeping guys fresh.
    5 points
  18. Had to wait a day to chill out but now I can say that in my opinion, there is no reason at all to hang this on Liegghio. Sure he could have made that convert, but this loss was a team losss. I said in the week leading up to this game that the only team that could beat the Bombers was the Bombers themselves. That's exactly what happened yesterday. They had a bad game as a team, especially on the O. If they play even an average game, they win. It sucks, but for 2 points, this is still the top team in the league. We're going to be fine. I took at the Bombers from 1958 to 1962. Win 2 GC, lose 1, then win 2 more. I'd be fine with that again.
    5 points
  19. All these have parts of them counting towards the 2022 cap- so bring it on. I imagine MOS is letting the players get their moment first and then it is his announcement.
    4 points
  20. bigg jay

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    Nope, it was just another loss for the home team at Mosaic, you should be used to that by now. Things will go back to normal next season when we're back in the visitors locker room.
    4 points
  21. Winston Rose is 28 - same age as Nichols Both very much in quality years left territory.
    4 points
  22. Hodge says Jeffcoat and Hardrick are coming back, along with Willie. I assume Big Stan is also a lock.
    4 points
  23. at some point, Cam Lawson will take Jake's spot....
    4 points
  24. Noeller

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    4 points
  25. ask them if they wish they were "lucky" enough to be the winningest team over the past six seasons with 2 grey cups to show for it... based on history, in another 200 years or so... they might catch the Bombers current GC total
    4 points
  26. Geebrr

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    LOL you wish, Migs. The Bombers are still the home team there
    4 points
  27. GCn20

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    It's not cold or miserable mid May to June in Winnipeg? I'm only in my 50s but the weather in mid May to June is actually really nice, and infinitely better than late October and November. May and June actually have very little average precipitation or days with rain on average than July. It's August and September that are historically our driest months.
    4 points
  28. HardCoreBlue

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    I’d still take a bad ZC over most if not all current CFL qb’s.
    4 points
  29. ddanger

    Still love this team

    Wishing your family members a speedy recovery. I had my 3 year old grandson in Childrens' ER for the game yesterday, asthma and this stupid flu suck. It's a team game, and almost all facets of the team played well below the standard we have come to expect. I'd like to take a moment and thank all a ya'll for another great season!
    4 points
  30. At the end of the day, despite all the drama, angst and hyperbole, it was just a game. I have two members of my extended family currently in hospital fighting for their lives and I have followed the Bombers for about 50 years but we do need keep a perspective. For some, there will not be a next year.
    4 points
  31. saying we don't need Lawler back is asinine. Also, I would be SHOCKED if Sheed wasn't back next year.
    3 points
  32. According to 3DownNation, Agudosi is still under contract, so I hope we bring him back.
    3 points
  33. Two players I absolutely love... but are becoming such a durability concern... Jeffcoat and Wilson... I'm torn on what we should do with these guys because they are so good and such difference makers... when healthy... and healthy is becoming less and less often the last couple seasons @Colin Unger mentioned that the defense changed when Jeffcoat got hurt.. and I completely agree... he was our best player up to that point and as soon as he went down, the D wasn't the same... no chance we give up that ugly 2nd 15 conversation with the right players in the line up... a healthy Jeffcoat and Wilson would've been the difference in this game
    3 points
  34. GCn20

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    I have gone to several LDCs and always had a great time, in a normally priced hotel room, with taxi and food availability. Come Grey Cup that whole city goes kaflooey and tries to cash in and it ruins the event. I have had the pleasure of attending a Grey Cup in every CFL city and Regina is the only place this happens....and that'sTWICE now even after all the criticism they got last time.
    3 points
  35. It was the coaching! The talent is there!
    3 points
  36. I watched the replay a few times and I thought it looked low (which is a function of kicking longer FGs) and to the left... of course, I have no idea what would've happened... Leggs said he liked the kick and thought it would've been good without the block, but we'll never know... But for people who want to blame the block on Leigghio... are they also blaming the Hallett block on Bede or all credit to Hallett?... it works both ways
    3 points
  37. Geebrr

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    The game should not go back there until the market can handle it. Nobody wants to go unless their team is in, including people who live there. Embarrassing.
    3 points
  38. GCn20

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    And your point is what exactly. End of the day Winnipegers attended., That's the bottom line. We didn't sulk and stay home. There would have easily been another 5k in Bomber fans if they had hotels and infrastructure to accommodate. Just bush league putting this event in a tiny city like Regina. Keep acting like the broken clock you are Migs. It's laughable. By far. An embarrassment.
    3 points
  39. always remember.... 58, 59, 61, 62.....
    3 points
  40. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-former-harper-adviser-denounces-poilievre-drug-policy-unveiled-in/ It's kinda fun watching Poilievre continue to dig his own political grave since becoming leader of the rudderless "opposition" party. And good on Perrin for calling out Poilievre and his never-ending list of bad ideas to "fix" Canada.
    3 points
  41. I think biggie is fine if not in a position where he has to be the Barrin Simpson mlber and instead can be the wil to a guy that stops the run and plays gaps. Not many lbers can wheel back into deep cover like him. he is good you seldom get a great kicker off a great season. Medlock stunk up the nfl remember. I’m all for bringing in real competition. But I’m not worried about him continuing to grow and become a elite cfl kicker. every one wants to keep playing on grey cup week. The physical reality of the off season prep and another training camp is what pushes guys into retirement. Thanks. I think grant will be a serious flight risk. No one wanted to pay him last year and he re signed real late. This year he’s gonna get a lot more offers.
    3 points
  42. Legs is young. He's cheap. He ain't that good. More reason to keep him & then we deserve all the bad that comes with a decision like that. Like blowing another championship. I don't want a cheap kicker. I want a kicker that kicks good.
    3 points
  43. Because CSIS is deep state because Theo and Jamie said.
    3 points
  44. Liegghio .was not THE problem, but he was part of the problem
    3 points
  45. Rich

    Everything Soccer

    An interesting documentary on the history of FIFA and charting the rise and fall of Joseph Blatter https://www.netflix.com/ca/title/80221113
    3 points
  46. I wish I cared more about the Jets, because it will be a long winter.
    3 points
  47. 3 points
  48. HardCoreBlue

    Grey Cup 2022 GDT

    You rewatched the game? Wow. I’m still trying to flush it from my memory.
    3 points
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