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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-02 in Posts

  1. "Saskatchewan has lost each of its past six games at IG Field, by a combined score of — please read this while sitting down — 205-69." https://leaderpost.com/sports/football/cfl/saskatchewan-roughriders/rob-vanstone-roughriders-fill-bingo-card-after-coming-up-empty-again#Echobox=1664638733
    8 points
  2. I'm not sure what year you think it is.....
    6 points
  3. Yip...there is a difference...both physical...but Brady punishes intentionally...looks to go through you and inflict a hit...Harris would be more elusive..and try to like said take an angle away..but was physical in he rarely went down at first contact.. and had knack to get those extra yards...similar backs...but different In cold weather games I can see Oliviera being a real pain to play against and defensive players not enjoying it...
    6 points
  4. It's honestly not even close. And I'm not sure this team is as good as last year's.
    5 points
  5. Alford just sealed the game for Falcons with a Int
    4 points
  6. As Noeller said, Duke has not been elite since his NFL return, Evans hasn't played up to his 2019 level since and Moore is a meh. An elite trio would be Schoen, Demski, Ellingston.
    4 points
  7. Sure. Not my job though. My job is to ***** and moan why I can't buy tickets for the West Final yet.
    4 points
  8. The state of QBing in the league is so dire, they need to hang off the guys that don't suck...
    4 points
  9. With all due respect to @EdTait, Rob Vanstone may be my new favorite CFL reporter. That article was an absolute delight to read. 😂
    4 points
  10. Also depends if Ellingson is a one and done here too...or if he comes in cheaper next yr due to his injury issues this yr and age....Schoen as well I not so sure about, his walk on stautus...non-drafted...2 failed attempts already and being a CFL defectee are all things against him in the stupid politics of the NFL...and he is also going to be 26 on the 13th....and going onto 27 next yr....so theres that too....not many teams are gonna wanna develop a 27 yr old next yr...so we may luck out... A corp of Lawler...Schoen..Demski..Bailey, Woli..BOLO...Agudosi and sprinkle in Mcrae next yr would be lit doubt Buck is or would leave here to be honest
    3 points
  11. rebusrankin


    I got my Biavelent booster yesterday. That's 4 and I have not turned magnetic. I don't have a 5G hookup and I didn't die in a year. Its almost as if you can't trust random people on the internet.
    3 points
  12. Just for starters, Duke Williams hasn't been particularly good, let alone "elite", since he came back from the NFL. He's heavy, slow and prone to drops.
    3 points
  13. I almost have a sense he is back here
    3 points
  14. Its possible Toronto beats BC and we beat Edmonton next Saturday and clinch another home WF.
    3 points
  15. Lose to Wpg by 2, Wpg by 7, BC with Rourke by 3, Riders & lose Masoli in game. Most teams in the CFL would be 0-4 in that situation. That's close games with the two best teams in the league at the time then lose your starting QB. I don't think most teams win with Caleb Evens as the QB.
    3 points
  16. This. The current team has more talent as a group. Also, the current OL is much better - it's not even close.
    3 points
  17. Reckon with Ritchie Hall being as old as he is we could keep younger as our DC if we really wanted to.
    3 points
  18. Lapo and Fajardo......match made in heaven.
    3 points
  19. I thought a nose tackle caught that INT. It was Muamba. More-amba....
    3 points
  20. Suitor is playing the contrarian card a lot this game and has more horrible takes than usual.
    3 points
  21. I am also quite a bit heavier than I was at 22.
    3 points
  22. Mark H.


    You need to do more research...on youtube.
    2 points
  23. DB97 was joking that it's gotta have shorts and a hoodie or tshirt...
    2 points
  24. Maybe if you replaced one of them with KSB.
    2 points
  25. Rich


    But think of the money you’d save on cell phone bills if you did get a 5G hookup.
    2 points
  26. Pretty sure Osh is a coach through and through and thats all he wants to be....and will be HC here until he decides to retire, or he becomes real dumb...starts to be weird and do stupid things and we become...the Ro=iders...which I don't see happening Buck has lots of ties here now...family...business...team...I could see him at some point if teams are sniffing around get that ASt. Coach tiltle, and a pay bump....I see Younger as well getting the eventual DC position, and if we have to an extra tile added to him with a pay increase. I'm not too worried about us losing any important coaches at all, and if we were to, I see us have no prob getting an established guy to come here...like who wouldnt want to?
    2 points
  27. It feels like Fajardo always has a stat line of high completion % but only 5 - 7 yards per completion. It was like that last game until the 3rd quarter as well. I can't imagine the guy being able to play a cold weather game and having to push the ball down the field late in a game.
    2 points
  28. Moore has never been elite. He has the potential....but that's it. I'm actually curious as to why you think he's elite. The others at the very least have had great/solid seasons in the past, so I can understand your thinking on those. I disagree as I think both are past their prime. But Moore is a "if only he could reach his potential" type. To quote the Mighty Ducks, "you're not even a has been, you're a never was"
    2 points
  29. yeah...not anymore....and really in the 2 yrs duke been back has really done noting...Moore is average...there are lots of Moores in the league and Evans I think is on the down swing I don't think he showed enough this yr to get that look...maybe based on physical tools....and partly from last yr, but seems this yr he has kinda regressed a bit, tho prob more a product of his environment he stuck in too
    2 points
  30. Ya I'd bet Lawler is BC or Wpg next year, at a more reasonable cap hit.
    2 points
  31. Have to think that lawler is done in Edmonton at this point. Who ever goes in to rebuild isn’t gonna be spending 300k to retain him. I wonder if bc jumps back in on him. Wonder if they move on from lucky to make room too. Lawler been just as good this year as last with terrible qbing. If he had stayed here he’d a had stupid numbers. https://3downnation.com/2022/10/02/theres-a-lot-of-people-going-to-be-calling-for-my-head-riders-qb-cody-fajardo-sees-dealing-with-fan-negativity-as-part-of-playing-in-regina/ he isn’t wrong, it’s true of most any starting qb but even more so on a passionate fan base team. But damn is it stupid to say it. Especially when he’s just lead his team to yet another loss to the blue lost 4 in a row and gone from above .500 to three games under. They are on the fringe of the cross over spot and he doesn’t have a contract next year. What positive effect does he think this could have on his team or the fan base? He’s about as bright as dicker. I bet he goes into camp as the no2 qb in Hamilton next year.
    2 points
  32. In the last 7 games against the Riders Fajardo has thrown 1 TD pass
    2 points
  33. If they latch onto BLM as their saviour, they're heading in the wrong direction.
    2 points
  34. That Hamilton game sticks in my craw. Win that one and we are one win against the Elks away from wrapping up the division.
    2 points
  35. Yeah, I can’t imagine any proven vets being in a hurry to sign there and could see a few of theirs leave. I don’t think they like living there, so if the team has no real chance , why would you sign?
    2 points
  36. O’Shea and Walters should be locks, Stanley next, and then tough to keep Collaros out if he wins another MOP award, and a third Grey Cup. That’s pretty elite numbers. I think Jefferson, Biggie, and Hardrick you can easily make cases for as well but I would put those 4 in first.
    2 points
  37. Mike Miller should be but won’t he is literally the best to what he does in the history of the league.
    2 points
  38. Bombers are in a position in the standings that players that could play don't have to and the Bombers keep on winning, next man up has really worked for them. Playoff roster should see most back and that could be frightening for opponents.
    2 points
  39. Never good when a guy calls for the trainers on his own immediately Masoli would have Ottawa in third and the gappers out of a playoff spot at least
    2 points
  40. Thing is...these guys could and can be doing conditioning and technical work after practice...and in their rehab sessions...
    2 points
  41. WildPath

    The Winnipeg Thread

    I think it is still a legitimate point. A name like Murray gets off to strong start due to name recognition and knowledge that he is a known commodity that didn't completely mess up the city already. As people get closer to the election and realize they need to do some research (like myself), they gain knowledge of other candidates. If they see Murray with a commanding lead already, they see little point to choose either Gillingham or Loney thinking that it is already decided. Fortunately it seems like Klein and Motkaluk don't have a chance. I feel like I can't even consider Gillingham - anyone that has even flirted with the current Manitoba PC's is pretty much automatically disqualified for me.
    2 points
  42. Since it’s all hypothetical, add back Kyrie, Houston, Ellingson and Woli… it gets way closer but the ‘21 team was all-time.
    2 points
  43. This one...as they dont have any cocky guys who believe the hype...
    2 points
  44. Toronto still the best team in the east IMO.
    2 points
  45. Osh ain't leaving...not for some time...why would he...he has a legacy here he is building and will go down as one of the if not the all time great in a storied franchise...he knows that and hes not dumb enough to leave a good thing for the chance to tarnish his reputation. The T.O thing is over played...that's not his home and he has more ties here now than he does there...I doubt Buck leaves...and again why would he...this is home to him as well now....for a long time...has a good thing going and if someone kicks his tires...then add assistant head coach to his title...as he would be the seamless successor to osh when the time comes he wants to retire...which I see right now as the only reason he leaves here...Younger too...if he gets approached you add assistant dc to him as an eventual Hall successor...I dont think Hall has HC aspirations anymore. I have no doubts the coaches we want back wont be back
    2 points
  46. Its due to gravity increasing.
    2 points
  47. Some thoughts after attending tonight's game and have a quick browse through tonight's comments in the thread: - Some people REALLY need to breathe and relax. There's going to be lulls whether it be for a quarter, a half, or even a full game. This team is 30-5 in their last 35 games including the playoffs. They've shown more often than not they'll get the job done, even if it's not a masterpiece - That said, in those down moments, I wish we'd rely more on those X factor type players to try and get momentum back. Let's run McCrae on a reverse, or a quick crosser over the middle and see if we can generate some momentum with speed. - I believe it was JBR that mentioned it, but our special teams coverage is very concerning right now. Way too many big returns going the other way right now. - Not Janarion Grant's best game, but he'll be fine. - CoFaj missing that pass in the flats for a walk in tudder was hilarious - Bailey, Demski, and Schoen - studs. Good for Bailey too after a very quiet start to the season...But also needs to be considered in context given what our receiving core looks like when fully healthy and the fact that there's only one ball to go around. - Brady O: Beauty cuts today, especially as we were grinding the clock down in the fourth quarter. - Had the thought today, upon the sell out announcement that the team is going to have one hell of a nice profit this year - Some of the non-calls on cut and dry holding penalties were baffling - Great work by our D on third down - Leggs: Solid night at the office. - 13-2. Elks next week. Let's wrap up first, get healthy, and get ready for another party in November. Go Blue.
    2 points
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