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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-28 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. see y'all real soon tells me he's talking to his Riders pals....well...if anything happy for the guy leaving that craphole and organization and getting to see how a legit pro one operates in Canada haha and if that not a kick to the nads and an indication of how things are in Regina then I don't know what is....so funny
    7 points
  3. I think the difference between the two is the BLM has a shoulder issue not a soft head issue. The problem Mitchell has is that he has lost a lot of the zip he used to have on the ball. Collaros was seen more as a one good hit and he needs a fat handled spoon to eat his jello for the rest of his life thing.
    6 points
  4. will be a lot of tickets coming up for grabs once those assholes get tossed early (if they even make it to playoffs)....
    5 points
  5. I think they are a bad team and we will beat them up. Wolitarsky is questionable? Sounds promising for a return soon
    4 points
  6. Problem was never getting tickets, it’s finding somewhere to stay. Shouldnt be allowed to host if you don’t have the hotel space.
    4 points
  7. I think it's going to be a WAY tougher game than that. We're severely depleted right now and think it's going to take a complete team effort to win this one. I'm actually scared of the last 4 games of the year, with our roster the way it is...
    4 points
  8. Wynton McManis will be the nominee for MODP in the East this year and will probably win the award, he's been an absolute beast, continuing on what he established in Calgary.
    4 points
  9. One of the American tackles would be getting reps with the 1’s if Bryant is out. Gray gets the reps if Bryant can play but can’t practice because he’s next up at LT if Bryant goes down in game.
    4 points
  10. WildPath


    I got my updated bivalent shot the day after bookings started. If you thought your wifi signal improved with the first one, just wait until you get some 2.0 running through your veins.
    4 points
  11. maybe it's because if Bryant was gonna be out, they'd be working one of the imports there for 1st team reps as his replacement...This is prob for in game reasons in case he gets knicked again....no need to make 2 changes on the line if you don't need to Bryant finished the last game just fine....resting the big fella won't hamper his game production...he needs no reps
    4 points
  12. Good point. Why are they even on there? Should be 6 gamed.
    3 points
  13. Considering Adams' limited reps, his stats are pretty decent. We shall see.
    3 points
  14. We have absolutely no clue what went down......but based on his tweets, it sure sounds like he wanted out of there. He really didn't like the culture in the room.
    3 points
  15. Regina is too small to hold a Grey Cup. They have like 2 decent hotels total.
    3 points
  16. amen. We HAD been planning on going, but just impossible to find a place to stay, so we said "**** it" and we're going to fly home for the West Final (if the boys can get their **** figured out soon) and make a whole weekend of that, and then just have a big GC party at the house the week after. **** staying in that smelly rectangle any longer than one needs to....
    3 points
  17. Can't wait for your weekly insider article lol
    3 points
  18. MBT is crazy in the head and he will never scare me as a full time QB. The Argos might be okay, but as long as MBT is their QB, I'm not terrified of playing them at any time...
    3 points
  19. I have this gut feeling the Bombers signed former Rider rush end Keion Adams No transaction report or anything but his cryptic tweets seem to hint that he’s signed with another team and Darren Cameron started to follow him on social media, which used to be a pretty telltale sign. We’ll see
    3 points
  20. Agreed. I think he has the skill set to be a damn good tackle. Slide Dobson in as guard in his spot. Should be good to go.......having said that . I think Big 66 aint gonna miss this one.
    3 points
  21. Great deal for Cornelius. Get money for suckling enough to get cut.
    2 points
  22. Gavin walls esq guy with similar upside. A bit more size and real pass rush polish is all that separates him from being elite. Love the talent, the riders are very deep at dl and we are incredibly thin. Makes a lot of sense. I don’t think they’d bring in a guy that’s toxic that’s pretty clear. Wanting out of that locker room is understandable. If he doesn’t fi he will fo real quick. I expect him to be rostered or cut with in a couple weeks.
    2 points
  23. yeah...if u remember he played last bit of 2019 and all playoffs with a brace....I figure he should be back sooner than later
    2 points
  24. Where did I say he asked for his release to sign with us? Fail
    2 points
  25. You might want to go easy on the “assholes” references to their faces when you try to scalp tickets from them. Might up the price.
    2 points
  26. and it's called throwing up a Faj....in lieu of lame duck...get it right! haha
    2 points
  27. This roster has more issues with having quality Americans to start with than needing to move the ratio around to get them on the field. We had 3 DI’s on D last week who didn’t even play a down on D
    2 points
  28. Theyve got a very good D though, ill give them that. They are the only eastern team that concerns me.
    2 points
  29. Reading that article doesnt lead me to believe he is starting....but we will see...regardless of who's there this week I think we take care of business handily
    2 points
  30. Eatin' has been tough in Regina since Bonanza closed.
    2 points
  31. I thought the Riders were a first class organization. They can't spring for the Red Barn?
    2 points
  32. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    We live with the stupidest people and, for some reason, send them to represent us. This is totally on form for an MP from the Battlefords.
    2 points
  33. What about my rights and my family rights to feel safe in our community? I guess the rights to own an assault weapon are more important than someone getting their hands on one to do damage. Yes you will yell your a responsible gun owner your rights don't stop at my fears with an added bonus of F Trudeau for good measure.
    2 points
  34. I don't think BLM has worn out his welcome, and it seems pretty obvious as to why he is 2nd string. I am sure that a lot of Stamps fans still like him, and appreciate him, you just can't deny the obvious. BLM is not the same QB he used to be prior to his shoulder injury. I am sure that BLM being a ****** canoe made this transition much easier for them though...that and the fact that Maier is balling. Make no mistake, even nice guys have little sympathy shown for them when their game goes South. I would expect that if Zach ever starts tossing up lame ducks, and wobblers with regularity there will be a good number of Bomber fans all too ready to run him out of town. Such is the life of a CFL QB.
    2 points
  35. One thing I've noticed about the Bo Levi situation here in Calgary. He seems to have worn out his welcome here. Not many fans are sad to see the guy demoted to second string. Same as when he got hurt in 2019 & Nick Arbuckle took over. Then last season with the broken leg & this season when Maier finally replaced Mitchell. Not many fans are saying, "Poor Bo". Or, "We're gonna miss him". I don't see very much sympathy directed towards the guy considering how much he's won. I do get a sense that fans are excited for Jake Maier as he seems to be a quiet & likeable chap who lets his play on the field do the talking. There doesn't seem to be any attitude & arrogance from Maier. Unlike Bo, who needed to pump himself up by talking out of his ass half the time. Turns out, not a lot of friends outside of the team. I don't think he'll be missed if he leaves. Which is sad as Bo's been the starter here for nearly a decade. Not a lot of love in this city for the guy. I guess that's what arrogance & a big mouth will get you. It turns people off.
    2 points
  36. Is it just me or does this counter need to roll back to 0 already?
    2 points
  37. But you gotta think they're pretty committed to VAJ at this point, after making their big move a month ago..... not sure they're going to cut bait already.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. Imagine BLM in Regina. It would take a half before he started yelling at that OL and maybe a game before he punches out Gainer.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. He's subbed in for Bryant at LT at least 3 times including almost an entire game replacing Richmond late last season against the Stamps, he's looked great in that time and did not allow any sacks.
    2 points
  42. man....had almost forgot about Harris and his irrelevance now...had he stayed here and swallowed some pride....been happy with a rotational/situational guy, he'd likely still be playing....having a nice yr and in the thick of a 3rd straight cup and further cementing his place here in Bomber lore...and being very relevant...in an extremely relevant market....sad how it played out
    2 points
  43. Wilcots practiced with the 1st team yesterday, drawing in off the PR. Not super impressed with the D-line recruiting this season, no one has shown they can make much of a direct impact or help distract attention away from Willy and Jeffcoat. It would be great if Hansen was able to return for the playoffs, at least he adds a steady push.
    2 points
  44. He's definitely a Top-10 starting centre in this league.
    2 points
  45. Those other times are useless to me, because I didn't see them. 😁
    2 points
  46. do you know that for a fact?
    1 point
  47. Outstanding detective work Mike. And I appreciate you sourcing your evidence to explain your assumptions. Gives your prediction more credibility than the standard “people are saying” or the anonymous “I know a guy” gossip. Thanks for the insider info!
    1 point
  48. So a player attacks his head coach on Instagram, and the head coach apologizes? Yikes. How the hell did Noeller like my post twice? Witchcraft!
    1 point
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