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  1. I see two clear limits: 1. He is not being trotted out for long FGs. We punt instead. If the coaching staff had faith (ie. Medlock) he would make some attempts here and there. 2. He gets in his own head. When he misses one, he misses multiple (ie. The BC and Montreal games this year).
    6 points
  2. Serious question.... how many times have the Bombers been in position where a long field goal attempt might be feasible? Anecdotally it seems to me the Bombers offense either moves deep or gets stopped well short.
    5 points
  3. Im ok with letting Liegghio right the ship but if he starts shanking gimme field goals again down the stretch something needs to be done. Castillo was 5/5 in the Grey Cup last season. Anyone here think that were back-to-back champs right now if Liegghio was our kicker in the Grey Cup? I dont.
    5 points
  4. https://3downnation.com/2022/08/24/cfl-fines-two-including-riders-defensive-lineman-garrett-marino/ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    4 points
  5. Following medlock is a tough gig.
    4 points
  6. This is not the three-peat we're looking for.
    4 points
  7. Mudge was a very good O-lineman, especially for a Canuck, but Bryant has been nothing short of dominant. He will be very difficult to replace when the time comes.
    4 points
  8. Looking forward to finally seeing Rene on the roster...wondering if he will get any defensive snaps....sucks about Ellingson but may as well heal him up...now lets actually throw the ball at Harrison and see what that big body has out there
    4 points
  9. As much as I hate them, good on the Riders for turning a nice profit last year. The prairies show that this league can not just work, but thrive.
    4 points
  10. At some point you have to show faith in your guy and let him work through struggles. Not always be champing at the bit to bring in someone new.
    4 points
  11. So you wanted them to roster Hajrullahu, Castillo and Medlock? Medlock is the reason why those other two guys were gonzo.
    4 points
  12. Geebrr

    Grey Cup stuff

    Regina is too small to host a Grey Cup
    3 points
  13. Lirim was let go by us after having a brutal sophomore year and alot of fans were calling for his head. I think we stay the course this time with a young kicker...good thing MOS is probably the most patient coach i have ever seen.
    3 points
  14. I don't know how you could argue he doesn't have limitations. He's 50% between 30 and 40 yards, hasn't attempted anything longer than 47. Half of his made kicks are under 30 yards. The 90% figure is nice (82% now) but you can't evoke PAREDES who is 10-12 from 40 plus this season and 5-6 over 50 within that. Liegghio's range is a severe limitation. I don't mind him as a punter but he's incredibly slow at getting the ball to his foot which is always risky. I think if Liegghio wants to last as long as Paredes he probably has to pick one specialty and to my mind that would be punting. But he's really the only option we have right now because the personnel department didn't bring in competition. So it's a limitation they'll have to deal with. Like in the Als game...score a bloody TD and Liegghio doesn't matter.
    3 points
  15. Don't look at the last game....
    3 points
  16. Ellingson out long-term is pretty brutal. I think Schoen, Demski, Bailey, and Wolitarsky should be able to pick up the slack but it's still craptacular news.
    3 points
  17. Ai yi yi.... That's a tough pill to swallow re: Ellingson. If the OL can have a better game, hopefully Brady can grab some yards, open up play action a bit and not put a ton of pressure on Schoen and Demski for constant second and long production....
    3 points
  18. Nice to see as well a crowd that will be in excess of at least 28k too
    3 points
  19. Laughs in Willie Jefferson
    3 points
  20. Lapo 4-19 in Ottawa since 2021. 0-3 with Massoli. What's this about being some kind of great coach?? Even with Massoli healthy all season, he'd probably be 2-7 or 3-6. LaPo's a disaster.
    3 points
  21. Your last sentence sort of answers your own question of โ€œwhy wouldnโ€™t we?โ€ Cost and wanting to be here. And speaking of small sample sizes, Iโ€™d rather not chuck a young guy based on less than 10 games of kicking last year. The last time we did that too quickly, we scrambled to get him back (Castillo). The time before that, he went on to be a star elsewhere and now we are pining for him again (Hajrullahu). Kickers miss kicks, doesnโ€™t mean we run them out of town at the drop of a hat. Liegghio will learn, get better, and has made more game-winning pressure kicks (Calgary last year, Ottawa this year) than he has missed to cost us (Montreal this year).
    3 points
  22. Again, sure... but there's track records involved in both your guys thoughts. I don't think anybody is shouting at the rafters to cut legs. There is a reason we brought in another guy last year. I personally don't think that's the case this season. Mostly because "larry" will possibly find another NFL club and would command more money then we could shell out. To Liegghios credit aside from the Montreal mishaps, and "mishap" being a gentle way of putting it. He's done a good job in all three phases of his game I think the better question is why wouldn't we want the guy who's hung around the NFL, kicked for the cowboys, and had success at the CFL game too. Has legs kicked a 50 + yarder once this year? How about over the course of his career? I'm not being condescending I'm actually curious. I suppose it's possible I'm being a "fanatic" here but I'd prefer a sample size of more than 10 games to fully trust our kicker. I'll reiterate myself here. In a perfect world, one which the price was right and he wanted to come to winnipeg. Why wouldn't we want him? Since when did competition at any position become a problem
    3 points
  23. I'd much rather have BLM lobbing 50/50 balls... Maier is more elusive and did give us issues last year.
    3 points
  24. JCon


    ๐Ÿ‘Š WBB has already offered to swap with another game. First class.
    3 points
  25. Leggs was doing fine in all facets....kickers miss, and as long as its not a trend I am ok with it....u HAVE to trot him back out there and forge on...to work through it...which I a sure is nothing to work through anyway...**** happens....u yank him...or or test out some one else you will ruin him for the yr...We have a team built on offense and especially on defense where we dont have to rely on hitting 45 yard or more field goals all the time in order to have a chance to win
    2 points
  26. Sucks about Ellingston. Hopefully they make good use of Harrison and McCrae. Oh and as for the Bryant/Mudge discussion, Mudge was never seen as being on the same level as Bryant.
    2 points
  27. Mark F

    The Environment Thread

    yup, worse than that? that is dystopia. imagine this... "The Band-Aids keep getting bigger, and the time weโ€™ve bought with them keeps shrinking, because we still use much more water than the Colorado River can reliably produce. Weโ€™ve hit a crossroads: If we donโ€™t do a lot more to shrink this imbalance in 2023, the lakes are done." imagine the strife anger and violence when that happens. yet stiill irrigating desert to grow hay. Americans will certainly be looking for someone to blame, and it wont be right wing, stupid, so called, skeptics. Oil co will do what they always do, close up shop. walk away. sad to look at the history of this, right back to when Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the whitehouse roof, and ronald reagan, took them down. If they had started what they are doing now even ten years ago, the worst would have been averted. all so somebody could own a five hundred foot yacht. anyway change is coming, if you live Alberta sell your house now. "Zero emissions, nearly silent ferry The all-electric, battery-powered Ampere does not emit greenhouse gases or particulates, and its noise emissions are substantially lower than diesel-powered ferries. The vessel is over 80 metres long, and has a capacity of up to 120 cars, eight lorries and 350 passengers, and a maximum speed of 14 knots. Its batteries are recharged overnight in port using power from existing grid infrastructure.l" 53 orders for more. https://electrek.co/2018/02/03/all-electric-ferry-cuts-emission-cost/
    2 points
  28. They have had their moments this year for sure. In the 1st game, they had 4 sacks and held the Bombers rushing attack to under 50yrds I believe. In our 2nd game, Zack was not sacked and the Bombers had 150yrds on the ground. I'm hoping our ground game can keep up the same pace as the last few weeks and that Buck game plans to help Zack out with the blitzes which he struggled to do in MTL.
    2 points
  29. No Mudge was not ever considered the greatest lineman who has ever played in the CFL. He won MOOL 1 time. and then went on to have 1 more all star season. Hell if you're going to compare Bryant to anyone it should be Walby and even Walby has admitted that Bryant is the better of the two. There hasn't ever been a "Dave Mudge is the best OL this league has ever seen" conversation. And considering the Media plays a role on who gets the awards at the end of the year, you're wrong again. Who has been better than Bryant? I'll concede this isn't his best year. But acting like he's even remotely replaceable is, again, ridiculous. And yes on Heavy formations the 6th OL plays basically a TE blocking position....which is what happened all throughout Bryants career...
    2 points
  30. I think Maier is more of a threat to beat us right now. While BLM is still a smart QB the who usually makes the right reads he wont beat you with his arm anymore. Maier can really throw it. Should be a great matchup up tomorrow!
    2 points
  31. Other interesting piece is that 2 imports leave the roster and only 1 import is added. They added a global in Machino as the 7th OL. He can sub for anyone. We have 3 globals on the roster. Interested to see if Machino gets some action, otherwise might question why they didn't add an import OL or DL instead.
    2 points
  32. McCrae and Harrison could be a very interesting platoon if they actually let Harrison cross the line.
    2 points
  33. Agreed. I kinds knee-jerk jumped at the prospect of Lirim returning but at some point you gotta dance with the gal you brought to the party. Lets give our soph kicker a chance to redeem himself. Everybody screws up once in a while.
    2 points
  34. I would think of any of the clowns there they would...or should keep Shivers as their DC....maybe even hand the team over to him....I can see players respecting him....CD tho....I think he never ever had much.....Younger I would think if teams were sniffing around would get an additional title added to is position here, and a bump in pay...
    2 points
  35. Man, Ellingson on 6 game now. Going into the Labour Day and Banjo Bowl . That sucks.
    2 points
  36. I hope our boys had the sting of that loss nagging at them through the entire bye week, and come out focused and pissed off.
    2 points
  37. Looking forward to this game. Bye weeks suck as a fan. Looking forward to the Bombers trouncing the Stamps.
    2 points
  38. Hope he's ready to catch punts in a live game.
    2 points
  39. Why the **** does anyone think that Larry Arugula, being cut again and again and again, is gonna be the answer rather than our 90% CFL (and all time CIS record holder) kicker........??
    2 points
  40. Man fajardo is an MOP level puss.
    2 points
  41. Wonder whatโ€™s up with that! Hasn't BLM beat the Bombers thousands of times?
    2 points
  42. 3down nation reporting maier to get the nod against us this week
    2 points
  43. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about Fajardo
    2 points
  44. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    Bivalent vaccine in weeks!
    2 points
  45. Roy Shivers & Danny Barrett started the culture we see today over 20 years ago. Shivers always was a loudmouth as a GM. He created this "Us Against Them" mentality with the Rider fans. Barrett as a HC as well. Shivers used to make a big deal about his skin colour. Shivers proudly used to announce that he only scouted black players. You'd think the **** show Shivers created would have gone away once he left but it didn't & it's still going strong today with that fanbase & team. Guys like Thug Garrett Marino, AC Leonard, Nick Marshall & Pete Robertson screaming with elation on the sidelines as Nathan Rourke lay injured on the Mosaic Stadium turf. It was a clean hit but there he was screaming nonetheless. Never seen a team act as badly as the Riders do. I know a few Rider fans who are getting tired of the circus act.
    2 points
  46. I'd be more impressed if he could find a few Rider fans with full sets of teeth.
    2 points
  47. This is almost funny...yet sad....Obviously the Rider Coaching staff are clueless, or just idiots. OPoor lil Cody....was hurt...boo hooo hoo https://3downnation.com/2022/08/22/it-really-hurts-to-stand-on-the-sideline-riders-qb-cody-fajardo-motivated-by-benching-that-wasnt-easy-to-deal-with/
    2 points
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