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  1. Air quality advisory issued for Regina and surrounding area due to the 'Riders blowing so much smoke out their ass in this debacle.
    9 points
  2. Everyone gets their wish Agudosi is starting
    7 points
  3. I just assumed that it was from the tire fire that is the Riders franchise...
    7 points
  4. Been hoping to see more of Lavigne. He recorded 6 tackles and a sack in the pre-season game against Sasky.
    6 points
  5. buddy of mine from S'Toon radio....
    5 points
  6. For Derek Denis’s sake I hope the Bombers don’t turn the fog machines before the game tomorrow.
    4 points
  7. Good thing the Bombers read MBB. Probably wouldn't have a cup, never mind two, without our help. Fewer blitzes, I guess?
    4 points
  8. Never played football with any players. In Saskatchewan played Sr Mens Basketball with Dressler and Shomari Williams. Dressler was as fast as you think he was. I would grab the rebound, I played Center, look up and could just launch the ball and Dressler would be behind their guys. It was crazy how fast and athletic he was. Now on the flip side, Shomari, was the softest player I have played against. Well in practice at least, I could push him around and get position in the post on him without trying.....it was actually pretty sad and likely why he did not have much of a career.
    4 points
  9. Gaudreau: American. Doesn't want to live in Calgary or Canada. Jets keep drafting Americans who bail to US teams as soon as they can. Cheveldayoff could have drafted at least one Manitoban or a Western Canada player from the WHL. But nope, why change when there's no accountability from ownership.
    4 points
  10. Given his history and the clubs current injury issues, Agudosi better be rolling into IGF like this:
    4 points
  11. Eternal optimist

    Elks @ MTL

    What: Probably bad football When: rn Why: Thursday Night Football! Join me in half hearted jokes, puns, and just general putdowns on two terrible football teams!
    3 points
  12. voodoochylde

    Elks @ MTL

    F*** the Als for doing Khari dirty. F*** Chris Jones and the Elks. Who’s ready for Thursday Night Football?! 😜
    3 points
  13. rebusrankin


    Still waiting for them to drop eligibility down from 50. Manitoba government sucks.
    3 points
  14. Not to mention the weather gets worse in November and December, there’s typically more wind, ball is harder to hold on to, the great thing about a balanced running game is that it tires the the defense out, especially late in the game, and it makes your offence harder to key onto. If you don’t have to worry about the run, if you play a team with good ends like Winnipeg they know they have free reign to rush the quarterback without having to worry about contain . Those are just some of the reasons why it’s important to establish a good or balanced running game.
    3 points
  15. Yeah they don’t really run the ball as anything but deception. Lots of jet sweeps. They like a back that’s basically a receiver and a couple receivers that are capable runners. He probably would fit better here assuming he can play some role on special teams if he’s getting on as a 2nd or 3rd tailback and that he can block reasonably well.
    3 points
  16. He did not apologize for trying to take out Boyds knees a few plays earlier, barely alluded to the hit that injured Masoli, made most of his apology about a "misunderstanding" of his racist comments, and made no apology for the grotesque victory lap he did knowing full well he ended a man's season and had just been ejected for it. This apology is almost condescending. How anyone could think this is a proper apology is beyond me. The Riders organization should have at least made sure their pre-written apology that they wrote for Marino contained an apology for each suspension. All he seems sorry for was the racist comments.
    3 points
  17. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    3 points
  18. Yup and Chariot would of be resigned had Chevy known that Buff was gonna blow up everything.
    3 points
  19. JCon

    2022 Free Agent Frenzy

    Calgary offered him more. He was leaving all the time.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. More like sorry he got caught...
    3 points
  22. This is a leaguewide embarrassment. And, it's during the high-profile Touchdown Atlantic week. What sort of embarrassment will the Riders be during the week of Grey Cup??
    3 points
  23. Apologies for the language but this was funny....
    3 points
  24. Right now with BA still out we don't need 2 national recievers...we can roll with 3 olineman..eh and Woli...Jake/Lawson and Thompson at safety...by the time BA is back Demski will be as well...so we go back to what we were doing...and we are just fine. Not sure of the extent or what BOLO injury was but he seemed fine on the sidelines...but I'd like to see us pluck a reciever from someone's PR tho...nice story picking up a local kid but if he has to come in for significant reps..well that's pretty much a wasted spot in the offence...dude will not be producing at be the pro level Worst case scenario in game if Woli goes down then BO and JA are in backfield together...in various ways and that in itself could be interesting and successful too
    3 points
  25. Maybe we can get back the legendary Rashaun Simonise from the Elks? On second thought, I'll stick with the Rifles kid.
    3 points
  26. I don't revel in things of this nature as it's bad for the league as a whole. I am embarrassed as a CFL fan that this idiocy is part of our league and there's seemingly nothing to be done beyond a BS suspension.
    3 points
  27. But that's exactly what you did with your "in fairness, all parties" comment. That's the definition of deflection. A bit of a useless rebuttal after five six days, BTW. Polls based on voting intent do mean little right now because there isn't a scheduled election on the horizon; plenty can and likely will change between now and October 2025. Especially with what's going on with the CPC and its "leadership" race, trying to draw conclusions from polls as though any party has an advantage over another seems pretty pointless. The CPC can barely function as legitimate opposition right now with Murphy Brownshirt running the show. Did you hear her inane comments on opposing the federal dental plan yesterday?
    3 points
  28. I'd bring in Irons for PR depth at a minimum.
    2 points
  29. The center position is more valuable than a winger. Strength down the middle is what good teams strive to have.
    2 points
  30. Think he’d be a good pickup if he wants to keep playing. We are extremely thin on O. Have been a little surprised we haven’t seen a back come in for the PR of any nationality.
    2 points
  31. Lots of injuries and almost 29. Don’t think the upside is huge he’s a play now guy. See if he starts to get some reps with BC at receiver. Turned the ball over a bunch last year the more opportunity he got.
    2 points
  32. And on a contract, playing for BC.
    2 points
  33. FrostyWinnipeg


    2 points
  34. https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-gives-20-billion-150458092.html
    2 points
  35. Marino issues apology, told cflpa to not appeal suspension. says masoli hit was unintentional. Might be that admitting it was intentional would be invitation to a law suit. looks like a lawyer drafted the thing. Guess well see whats next for this guy.
    2 points
  36. The thing is that every single player in this league knows it too, and are going to provoke the crap out of him. Does anyone believe he will grit his teeth and take it. I don't.
    2 points
  37. I've never even heard of this clown before. That would require me to pay attention to Rider players.
    2 points
  38. You love to see it.... Johnny hockey says "get me the **** outta this God forsaken province..."
    2 points
  39. So, after the apology by the Riders & Marino, if they appeal the suspension then what they say meant nothing.
    2 points
  40. Lol "I did not intend to injure him" Bull ******* ****. Dipshit there was hell bent on injuring someone back and that dive as he was being taken out of the play was meant only to put a hurt on Masoli. **** this fake apology and **** the riders for trying to save face after all the backpedalling.
    2 points
  41. How clueless and tone deaf is Craig Dickenson? Try this one on for size, I can barely type it out because it both astounds me and makes me laugh at the Riders at the same time. "Goodness gracious, it would be rough if we all were judged on our worst moment" - Craig "if the glove don't fit you must acquit" Dickenson Might be the dumbest comment I've heard in some time. Craig you realize that literally thousands of people a day go to court and then are sentenced to jail on the basis they are being judged on their worst moment? It is how we keep the humans on this rock called earth from devolving into complete anarchy. Ted Kasczinski? Solid professor that helped educate countless young men and women....misunderstood because of this little Unabomber thing...at least according to Dickie's logic. Craig do yourself a favor and just shut up now, the more you talk the more respect you are losing.
    2 points
  42. LOCKED. There is already ample discussion on this topic. Let's keep it respectful here, even when CFL people don't.
    2 points
  43. For a "young man" that is a real unfortunate hairline
    2 points
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