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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-07-08 in Posts

  1. This is Lawler during a game... This is Lawler after a game...
    7 points
  2. With all the attention on our injuries, and the hype surrounding Rourke, I really believe that the real key to this game is going to be scoring more points than BC. If we can do that, I think we're going to be fine.
    6 points
  3. Need the O....to step up to the plate, in this one....
    5 points
  4. All those TD’s and Kadeem Carey gets none? WTF!!!
    5 points
  5. Chris Jones getting hammered. Couldn't be happening to a better guy.
    5 points
  6. JCon

    World Politics

    Sound on.
    4 points
  7. Elks rookie qb gets injured, Arbuckle ineffective, 3rd string is a receiver and Chris Jones is an idiot.
    4 points
  8. That’s awfully specific, lol. Let’s add 226 yards of punt returns including one for a TD for Grant while we are at it.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. hmmm....wonder if he could be lured back....that would be a huge addition
    3 points
  11. WildPath

    Random News Items

    Another reason to make sure the Rogers/Shaw merger doesn't happen.
    3 points
  12. Great point. They really seemed to be feeling out Mccrae vs toronto. They didnt just use him as a super sub to execute one or two specific packages. They threw him into pass pro, running, catching, and in some of demskis package. I wouldn't be surprised to see him go from splitting reps with BOO, back filling demskis spot, and instead see him as the primary back and see grant get some of demski's package. Which could be extremely dynamic. Imo wilson has been our and the leagues modp so far this year. But even at that, I don't see us missing a beat with clements. Both are pretty similar guys, very athletic and great at scrapping to the ball and getting in on the back end of down field plays. Clement was a tremendous pick up this off season.
    3 points
  13. Booch

    Week 5: Non Champs Games

    why in the world would u hire Jones is the first question haha
    3 points
  14. I think tomorrow we see the handing over the majority of the runs to the import...looking to spark things...
    3 points
  15. Yup like the addition of the extra dline guy again...hope to see an expanded role for McRae too...be interesting matchup for sure
    3 points
  16. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    That's just disgusting. He's disgusting.
    3 points
  17. Jones has to be... beyond the shadow of a doubt... the most overrated head coach & GM in the CFL.
    3 points
  18. bb1

    NHL Draft 2022

    Not sure but at this rate the NHL draft will last a week.
    3 points
  19. Noeller

    NHL Draft 2022

    Jets sure do love their Muricans....
    3 points
  20. Doesn't matter the team, I hate to see a young QB hurt their throwing arm so early in their career. Hope he's okay.
    3 points
  21. I sometimes think we overlook and take for granted how important Joe Pascucci’s impact is on the Blue Bomber legacy. Saved up all the old archival tapes from his time at Global (then CKND) and gives us a living history of the Bombers (and Jets) that otherwise would have been lost to the dustbin of time. Big shout out to him for seeing the value in the old footage and keeping the memories alive. And the best part of that video was the newspaper headline shown at the end. 🤣
    3 points
  22. I hope we occasionally have our DB’s press up on the receivers, to disrupt their timing. Don’t want the young QB to get into a rhythm with the quick underneath stuff.
    2 points
  23. A breakout game of 330 yards and maybe 3 TD's would be perfect,Bailey helps with 129 yards and a TD...
    2 points
  24. blue_gold_84

    Random News Items

    I'm sure the CRTC will have the best interests of consumers in mind - as always.
    2 points
  25. This right here is huge. I can see Rourke tossing some balls that Jefferson and his 12 foot wingspan just knock out of the sky.
    2 points
  26. 17to85

    Lock of the Week 5

    Because **** everyone who picked him in lock of the week that's why
    2 points
  27. in EDM tho...he kinda walked into the perfect spot...that team won and was built prior to him puttng his brubby hands on it...then he jilted them to the Riders....and did jack all there, if anything made them more of a joke than they were, and they still struggling in some areas from the stench he left, and he is mostly to blame for the shitacular culture still there and some of the holdover douchers still there running the asylum
    2 points
  28. Why in the world would you give Jones a 4 year deal?
    2 points
  29. I actually think Clements is quicker than Wilson to get out there...with some prep as the new number 1 guy now, I see no issues....and he also isnt a newbie...he knows the league and what teams run and basically what to look for from his time last year, and now Also Rourke and the BC O-line hasnt had to deal with a set of ends like we have, and a Biggie roaming around...I know its been yrs since he played there, and nobody really is left from his time there...but u can bet your life he will be extra amped up and on a mission....
    2 points
  30. Fatty Liver

    World Politics

    This caught my eye, incredible statistic. With a population of 125 million, the country had only 10 gun-related criminal cases last year, resulting in one death and four injuries, according to police. Eight of those cases were gang-related. Tokyo had no gun incidents, injuries or deaths in the same year, although 61 guns were seized. Guns are simply not allowed, what could possibly be the downside, just for the sake of argument?
    2 points
  31. https://theathletic.com/news/duncan-keith-retires-oilers-blackhawks/BsIiE5K3rttY/
    2 points
  32. Rich

    NHL Draft 2022

    2 points
  33. I feel like the bombers have been coasting by doing just enough to win. But a high level of execution would beat this bc team. I just don’t have a lot of faith in our ol run game or buck right now.
    2 points
  34. I actually feel rather positive...BC has proven nothing really....and maybe caught league off-guard at first...I think this team likes to rise to occasion...as we have shown it....and it might just be a take the youngin back to the woodshed for a lil somethin somethin....short week and cross country jetsetting and all
    2 points
  35. cuz you pluralized it 😄 Don't forget... Chris Jones promised to stay the length on the contract... starting to look more like a curse than anything...
    2 points
  36. blue_gold_84

    NHL Draft 2022

    2 points
  37. Put Lawler in at QB you idiots paid him enough to be one.
    2 points
  38. So glad I took Ford in fantasy because he was less expensive, son of a biscuit.
    2 points
  39. He’s soft (mentally and physically).
    2 points
  40. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Pierre Poilievre and his supporters are human garbage.
    2 points
  41. I know we like to use the next man up mentality here, and I have no problems with Clements stepping in to Wilsons spot as every indication has shown he more than capable, and also isnt a rookie and has experience in 2021...but who backs him up??....and seeing as we passed on Awe and the released Alloutte player perhaps team knows the Wilson injury isnt season ending and not as bad as many feared?...hopefully so as I know Osh says all guys on roster are there cause they are capable and starter quality, but last year when we used Gauthier and Briggs in that spot...we were significantly and noticeably weaker and less dominant
    2 points
  42. Noeller

    Week 5: Non Champs Games

    L'ks trailing Stumps 3-0 as I type this. L'ks had been marching but Ford got hurt and Arbuckle immediately goes 2 And Out....
    1 point
  43. Goalie

    NHL Draft 2022

    Dude appeared to be very happy so that's good.
    1 point
  44. Nothing he said was wrong, to be fair.
    1 point
  45. God I wish they'd drop the 2 in that record. Left the game with a lead and Brown lost that game. 23-1 is the real collaros record.
    1 point
  46. I have some memories spending many many hours in some basement lab with a machine that remoted into some a "supercomputer" cluster and anxiously watching it run an analysis we did with a Fortran based application for hours while we hoped we did it right
    1 point
  47. Noeller

    TSN's Panel & Crew

    true story: Most food you see on TV is raw and painted to look cooked. Fast food restaurants showing burgers and what not....raw and painted. Real, cooked food looks shitty under the lights, so they have to manufacture it.
    1 point
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