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  1. It’s fun to reminisce I think I started posting on OB when I was … 13? Crazy to think how it shapes your life. I’m 32 now, married to a former Bomber cheerleader I only ever met because of the Bombers. We had mutual friends and were all gathering for a lake weekend 9 years ago. My obsession with the Bombers meant I was the guy not driving out to Kenora until after the Friday night home game, she was the girl who had never been there before and didn’t want to make the drive out after the game alone through the night. We bought a house together less than a year and a half later. I made friends with a poster on OB after asking questions about the Labour Day bus tours. 11 years later, we’ve gone to every single one since together. We’ve gone on trips to Florida, Arizona, Minnesota, countless trips to Fargo and I could go on and on. We crashed at our friends house together to be there in the stands to see the Grey Cup win in Calgary. He was one of my groomsmen on my wedding day. We crush beers almost every weekend. Not only that - he’s also married now and met his wife on OB. Who knew becoming obsessed with getting into arguments with Morris Bay at the age of 15 would have such an impact on the rest of my life. Where the hell is SPuDS
    13 points
  2. reaaaaaaally eh? good to know. hey jamie nye, brendan mcguire, and luc mullinder: you're all absolutely brutal homers.
    10 points
  3. Some of the people I always got a kick out of were the ones who were completely full of **** but act like they were the absolute authority on everything... There was Tuscaloosa Blue a few years ago with the fake training camp reports... and then recently (I'm already forgetting his screen name - Thanks for reminding me it was Polar Bear) the guy Polar Bear who was an expert on covid, broadcasting, and regularly partied with the Bombers since he was Harris' neighbour... what a clown he was... my favourite post was when (I believe it was) @blue_gold_84 made a list of all the things Polar Bear claimed to be an expert on in the 2 weeks he posted here... I know these people are toxic for conversation and misrepresenting facts... but I always find their schtick funny Anyways, thanks to all of you guys here... when I talk to my family and friends I pretend like I'm some kind of expert on the Bombers b/c of the great knowledge and experience I read here... too many to list but guys like @Booch, @wbbfan, @Mikeand @SpeedFlex27 are so great for conversation and knowledge about the team we all love. Thanks guys!
    9 points
  4. Hahaha, you're a beauty, @Booch. 😆
    8 points
  5. I really liked the way CF developed during the season. Riders are lucky to have him. True leader.
    7 points
  6. Dee Alford is a boundary corner getting a CFL all-star selection yet isn't ROTY. 🙄
    7 points
  7. I will add my opinion...and not in a negative way...just the vibe I get
    7 points
  8. 4 Stripes and no stars... if Saskatchewan ever needs a new provincial flag, all they need to do is modify an American flag and they're all set.
    7 points
  9. The Riders and their fans aren't allowed to discuss Grey Cups. "You must be this tall to ride this ride". And they are done growing. It was fun to be at the stadium when the momentum started to swing. You could definitely feel it in the game and in the stands.
    7 points
  10. I’m sure Walters had an idea. The guy is a genius. He knows his football. He’s still so young when it’s all said and done he’s going to be one of the greatest GM’s of all time.
    7 points
  11. Fajardo is a better fit than Collaros in that it helps us.
    7 points
  12. 6 points
  13. I can hear the tears hitting the floor from here!
    6 points
  14. That is a great video! We all agree I think that without Sergio the outcome of the Grey Cup could have been a lot different. The other thing is the long snapper is to often taken for granted and under appreciated. Benson is one of the best in the game and I can't remember one bad snap (over the head, bounced, etc) all year. When he talks about sending darts back that is so true and a large part in limiting the amount of blocked kicks.
    6 points
  15. You guys all know me. I want everyone to know that I truly do appreciate all of you here. Just want to say thank you for allowing me to be part of this group.
    6 points
  16. No need to shudder, just hand it over.
    6 points
  17. 2 raw rookies as CFL all-stars....well done Walters....3/5ths of o-line....2 ends and right down the middle with Biggie and BA....Crazy good team Just realized as well...we made up 50% of the CFL defense
    5 points
  18. Another thing about Bailey, that should/could keep him here, is he has bounced around for so long, he's finally found a "home" and that's been really important for him. I don't see him leaving any time soon.
    5 points
  19. Polar bear was that renegade poster (*cough* troll *cough*). If this is the post you mean, I’m glad you liked it, but credit to the whole board for drawing out his lies. It takes a village. On 2021-08-07 at 10:36 PM, PolarBear said: lol my god people here enjoy arguing. As do you apparently. For those scoring at home, in 12 hours we have learned from his own posts on various topics that Polar Bear: 1. Knows how to hack into live feeds of American networks to get free streaming of sports programming 2. Is a 20 year vet of Ebola and SARS research in a virology lab 3. Is connected to many major US broadcasters and therefore has insider rankings of most of not all sports play by play guys and their reputations within the industry 4. Has relatives at HNIC and therefore has access to management hiring memos 5. Spent time in New York in a top secret COVID lab under government control operating under a cone of silence unable to share his findings with the public 6. Is ostensibly a computer graphics specialist who knows how to debug in game productions 7. Has a trusted working relationship with a number of the Blue Bomber players and has the inside track on the injury situation with the club and because of his concern about the amount of arguing on a fan site, I can only assume - 8. Is an ebony pot having a conversation with a kettle 2021-08-08 at 1:56 AM, TrueBlue4eversaid: I’ll add that to the list. - Free streaming via network hacking - Undercover COVID lab tech - Long time Ebola scientist - Linked in with US broadcasters - On top of computer graphics - Family to HNIC staffers - Superior knowledge of US economy - Host of Bomber team parties - Immune or anti-masker - Trusted with neighbour’s injury status
    5 points
  20. We can thank Mike O'Shea,it isn't a team,its a family.
    5 points
  21. I think having Andrew Harris at tailback allowed us to start an American (Bond) at guard, for quite a while. Other teams don't have that advantage.
    5 points
  22. My mom just emailed to ask if I was taking my son to the GC party tonight. I said, I was. She said, good because it might be the last time he gets to celebrate for 30 years. Rider fans are the worst.
    5 points
  23. Bond in at g and hardrick moving to tackle. The first 5 games here for Harris he was averaging just over 10 carries a game. 3 of those games he had 1.6 2.4 and 2.8 yards per carry. 206 yards rushing in 5 game 41 per game. The next 3 games had his first 20 carry game first 2 100 yard games and one more tough day running. The Bond hardrick changes took us from a struggling ol to the start of a great ol. Id compare that to the day willy came and biggie and the return of ba and moving him to s. The mafia has shown a great knack for taking vets to another level.
    5 points
  24. I think the myth of Gabriel plays a lot into it. He was “the guy” in the league at that point, best player, Canadian to boot. Everyone in the entire stadium knew the pass was going to go to him and only him before the snap, it was the only chance Ottawa had to pull the game out, and there he is wide open beating a certain double or triple coverage. Imagine if in 2007 Dinwiddie’s final INT is instead a pass over the top to Stegall who gets behind cover to win the game in the final 20 seconds. A legendary finish by a legendary player, even if the play itself looks routine, the timing of it makes it special. That’s what I always remember hearing about that play from those who anoint it as great. Another example is Paul Henderson. Really a garbage goal from a stylistic perspective, but an all-time great moment in sports history.
    5 points
  25. I was at the game and my god it was glorious. Definitely felt a real brotherhood amongst Bombers fans --the amount of us there was surprising, you can hear us on the broadcast when the bombers made plays. I have to say that as the 4th quarter wore on the sense of dread I felt from the ticats fans kept cranking up. I was nervous of course, but not nearly at that same level. Even down 12 I never once actually contemplated us losing. That is just the energy our guys give off heading into crunch time. The stakes get higher and higher and the drama gets more and more intense and we just see if the other team can hang. That's the hallmark of a championship team. Amazing to celebrate after with all the bomber faithful. Just an amazing surreal night THANK YOU WADE MILLER, KYLE WALTERS, AND MIKE O'SHEA O'SHEA O'SHEA🎵
    5 points
  26. Exactly my memories as well. Have had season tickets for 40 years now and have never quit on the team, but was most depressed during the Reinbold years and most frustrated in the Mack years. After 2013 was in the Bomber Store and saw a ticket rep who asked what I thought about the new stadium and I went off on how frustrated I was with the product on the field and how the team was driven into the ground. He said “Yeah. So, are you renewing your tickets?” like nothing I just said resonated. I answered “Well I am, but I’m starting to feel like a sucker giving you guys my money every year”. His sheepish grin and shrug to that comment reinforced how little that regime cared about the fans and how bad that culture was. If Wade Miller was not in place and Mack not gone I may have cancelled on the spot. Fortunately, two weeks later Walters was bumped up to GM and two weeks after that O’Shea was brought in. Wade’s culture shift has meant everything as his attitude permeates through how the club operates. Loyalty, respect, character, and most importantly accountability matter again. Without the wins that may not mean much, but it is the foundation upon which long-term success is built. In hindsight Dave Ritchie’s re-build was more flash in the pan, this feels more like a dynasty in the making. Not without it’s bumps, people were still calling for O’Shea’s head (and Hall’s, and LaPo’s) as recently as halftime of the 2019 West semi-final. LaPo and Matt Nichols are two polarizing figures on this board, but their arrival really kick-started the upward trajectory once they replaced Bellefuille and Willy. We not only became contenders with them but crossed the goal line and became champions with them on board. I am indebted to them for their part in where this team is today. And I thank Mike O’Shea and Kyle Walters for displaying their loyalty to them when the “can’t win with them, get rid of them” noise built. Thrilled at not only the championships but the state of this franchise now, a team to be admired and one you can feel truly good to be a fan of, proud but humble, respect their opponents but never fear them, genuinely care for each other and their fans, a first class operation with no egos or boasting or trash talking, any troubles are addressed quickly and professionally and do not blow up into long term scandals. Love what this team now represents. Thanks gentlemen.
    5 points
  27. After what is happening with the Omicron variant, I'm just glad the CFL was able to get the full season with minimal disruption. We might be seeing pro sports leagues shutting things down or not allowing fans into games to watch.
    5 points
  28. Luc Mullinder (of all people for several reasons) made a good observation about the block Harris made on Davis that allowed Collaros to find Adams for the OT TD. LM pointed out that HAM brought 5, moved Davis over Couture. Davis beat Couture pretty clean and Harris read and reacted beautifully. LM may have stole that take from someone else, but he was the first I heard point it out.
    5 points
  29. If you need more proof, Derek Taylor used "mollywhopped" during his show this week. Hi, DT. I actually think you are a good guy, but you have been told that your opinion needs to fit the mandate. I guarantee you that he reads this site.
    4 points
  30. If people knew who all read this site, the things they say would probably change in a hurry. Virtually all of the Winnipeg based CFL writers are lurkers, and I suspect some players and their families. There are a LOT of lurkers that people don't realize are here.
    4 points
  31. Best team of my lifetime without a doubt!
    4 points
  32. NCB was Tuscaloosa I am pretty sure. Just populated the forum with several accounts so he could talk to himself. I would go back occasionally just to read his insane babbling.
    4 points
  33. it's Llamicus and Furbelly that I miss most on the boards, but I like to think Dave and I fill that role now, to a certain degree, tho those shoes can never adequately be filled.
    4 points
  34. Odds and Sods - 2019 Grey Cup - Bombers at TigerCats 😄
    4 points
  35. I guess you can't pick your wife's friends, I know I've tried. Jebus it amazes me that 2 sons of Rider fans have learned to spell and use the computer competently on the same forum. The odds on that have to be astronomical.
    4 points
  36. I have lake friends out in Lake of the Woods area who are Rider fans. Every Labour Day we put on a block party, so no chance to travel to Regina for the big game. But every Sunday our house hosts the Labour Day classic on TV. Half Bomber fans, half Rider fans. And every year have to hear about how bad the Bombers record was on Labour Day. Last year when they walked in in their green, trash talking, I just quietly pulled out a replica Grey Cup and put it in front of the TV. They didn’t say a word after that. A life well lived is truly the best revenge.
    4 points
  37. Did you remind her about the four cups in over a 100 years? 😀
    4 points
  38. You may need to adjust your spam filter.
    4 points
  39. 4 points
  40. Do you mean the play where the nose of the football touching the ground knocked him out cold?
    4 points
  41. 4 points
  42. Thank God his boss knew football and knew to be patient. And, thankfully, the Board didn't panic and try to change anything.
    4 points
  43. Kevin Glenn’s arm, Dunnigan’s pass off the upright, Khari getting driven into the turf. Nate Davis pantomiming taking a piss on our logo and that godforsaken boat.. I don’t feel bad for any other CFL fanbase ever. Everyone else can suck an egg.
    4 points
  44. There was a Gary Lawless article shortly after Osh was hired, and he said "if you can withstand the first few years of a rebuild and show some patience, these guys WILL win you a Grey Cup"..... I will never forget that. He knew from the beginning.
    4 points
  45. Growing up in Manitoba I my personal top two ways to retire would be A) winning the cup at home, winning the cup in Regina. I hope Harris has one more year to go in and try win it all in front of the fans who hate us the most
    4 points
  46. Quietly, BB have been introducing their rooks to the field all year. Obviously Legghio had a lot of eyes on him and was under a ton of pressure to follow up on Money's play. But, if he survived 2021, he will only improve next year. Then there is Kramdi, O'Leary-Orange, and Cadwallader. These guys, (especially Cad, who played in 14 games) are all going to hit the ground running in 2022. Even Kolankowski played (although not a rook) and could make an impact next year.
    4 points
  47. Before every down, Duke runs up and down the DL poking them all in the eye...
    3 points
  48. It happened far before my time so I never really got the big deal either. I just mentioned it in there cause it’s been shown 19 million times, and Saskatchewan loses. "I'm sick to my stomach," Banks said. "I don't know, it's hard to put into words. It's a sick feeling. Obviously the only thing that can heal this is time."😂 At least for his sake, this time his stomach doesn’t hurt from Mike Jones giving him a hernia.
    3 points
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