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  1. Covid is the least of my worries for catching something in Saskatchewan
    13 points
  2. Demski’s issue on returns is ball security. O’Shea tried it and has shied away from it since. Also his role on O probably leads you to not want him to accumulate those hits on returns.
    9 points
  3. man...looking at things you gotta like this defense and the adjustments they make mid game...to date...we have given up 15 points in the 3rd quarter, and only 3 in the fourth all year...damn!! even from last game of 2019 through to grey cup we gave up 24 in 3rd and only 6th in 4th...Thats some impressive work
    8 points
  4. If you watch him on returns he stops and is hesitant as soon as a defender is a few yards away from him. It looks as if he doesn't want the contact. And that indecision and stutter stops any possibility of a larger return. And no, it isn't always the blocking, he could make more gains if he just went for it.
    8 points
  5. It's Nelson. He'd get an extra 5 yards per return if he just ran forward and eliminated his stutter steps.
    8 points
  6. 7 points
  7. https://www.bluebombers.com/2021/09/07/upon-review-wpg-23-ssk-8/ 😂😂😂
    7 points
  8. Honestly Nelson's averages aren't bad and he hasn't even really busted one yet. Look around the league, returns are down. I'd be more concerned if our D and O were worse, like yeah in a game like the @TO one you could use a big return as a spark, but on the whole I don't really want to play around throwing guys back there doing it part time not really practicing catching punts or trying it out for the first time in awhile. Ball security is priority, we'll win games with our O and D.
    6 points
  9. Nelson absolutely sucks, there’s literally no merit to his game back there Even his ball security makes me nervous, I know he doesn’t cough it up once he’s got possession but the eye test on the way he reads/fields the ball makes me nervous as hell
    6 points
  10. probably midway through the second quarter of the Banjo Bowl is my guess
    5 points
  11. This is a valid question, I asked my self it last week. I went back and watched clips of grant returning kicks last year. You can clearly see the first guys down field are tacklers not blockers frequently. He runs past them to the wall of blockers. The same as sask and other teams have done to us this year. If you just watch the 2 td returns in his debut you see Tacklers in position to wrap him up but as soon as he gets the ball he runs right past them and beats their angle. Honestly no amount of legal blocking is going to allow Nelson to catch the ball be at a dead stand still when the tacklers get into position then give him time to accelerate and find a seam. Grant follows his blocks well and sees the lanes well. But he also just gets it and runs right away so by the time the tacklers are down field he is a speed cut or pressure step from making a guy miss and hitting top gear. Nelsons style of running is like walking up to the hole and waiting till youre past the line backers to accelerate. Gotta hit it hard.
    5 points
  12. Yup...and why he has never made the next step...made it last yr by default..and had decent numbers...but not awe inspiring and caught teams off guard ..he was totally exposed for what he is Yeah if he hits Moore sure..but his lack of touch and pourous online didn't allow it to happen. Also if Darvin doesn't fumble and Demski doest gaff that deep shot we prob get points too...that's the thing with football...lots of ifs and buts...means jack ****
    5 points
  13. Yes. It’s pretty obvious (IMO) that he has no sense of where to go or natural instinct. Way too indecisive and not athletic enough to make up for it. And honestly as far as a replacement I’m not even sure Grant is the option, he’s dynamic but his ball security is a Q. give me a guy somewhere in between the two. I don’t need a return TD every second week but I’d like someone who’s ceiling is a little bit beyond a 4 yard return.
    4 points
  14. Maybe we just tread water in the return game until Grant is ready...problem solved,
    4 points
  15. Our special teams are not so special. - No kick return threat - Kicking is poor - and kick coverage is giving up big yardage. Need to fix it asap.
    4 points
  16. I know that Mike O stresses 'secure the ball' on returns and Nelson has done that, but the trade off is poor field position every time he attempts to run one back....Nelson experiment over ....he's no returner....That little McKnight guy is/was a returner....Get him on the field and see what he can do...We have to give Zack a better spot on the field to get our O going...tired of seeing them buried in our end
    4 points
  17. Well heavens to Betsy put Demski in. That stutter step Nelson does gets him tackled every time.
    4 points
  18. For those unaware, the pre-game tailgate area is re-opening for the Banjo Bowl. It's going to open at noon so that should help with the line-ups getting into the stadium and help reduce the beer lines inside.
    4 points
  19. Oh please yes. Would be a huge add
    4 points
  20. If I'm the Bombers D I'm prepping for more run heavy looks from the Riders and them using two backs, bring Morrow into the offense. There's nothing and no one in their pass game that concerns me. If they come out 5 wide I'm following the same scheme, make Fajardo try to be accurate downfield from the pocket vs the rush.
    4 points
  21. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I don't think "right wingers tend to be more practical" is apt. Famously and recently, the right wingers have split the old PC Party into the Reform/PC brands, later to merge. And, the Wild Rose party, at the provincial level, split the right vote that ushered in an NDP govt, which was unthinkable just a couple of years before. Edit. I think the Right struggles with the reality that their deepest desires just are not the preference of most Canadians. They see the success of the right in the US and wonder how they can get that too. But, there's a more rational, thoughtful small C conservative, who likes the current balance but want the needle pushed to the right - more privatization and smallert govt. They're just not sure that the party is working towards that too. PPC is just a protest vote now but could be more enticing if they could ditch their horrid leader. There are CPC heavyweights that worry about the direction of the party.
    4 points
  22. Keep Faj in the pocket and force him to be a passer, and they're toast. He's trash.
    4 points
  23. But that's exactly why it was a penalty. 1- Late 2- Head contact 3- Facemask grab and twist, actually pulls the QB to the ground by the facemask. That one is called 99 times out of 100.
    4 points
  24. However, when he said that he bought a new tie in Regina…well you couldn’t have pulled me away from the tv with the jaws of life. Deeply saddened that it didn’t look like the rolled up Ponderosa steakhouse bib I was hoping it would be.
    3 points
  25. bustamente


    Allergic to Reality is my new go to saying to the insanity going on
    3 points
  26. maybe the owner is a Bomber fan in Regina?
    3 points
  27. I will give him credit for one thing. He catches the ball. Even just a few turnovers from fumbling on a punt can change the whole game around.
    3 points
  28. And the next question is how stupid do you have to be to post that. Any legitimate party would bounce his ass to the curb.
    3 points
  29. Yup I share the sentiment, Nelson needs to sit. Also, what are the assurance that once Grant comes back (if he comes back) he will be the same as before? He could end up the same as Nelson. Try what we have in WR McKnight and RB Williams.
    3 points
  30. I wouldn't be against this. Assuming Grant is ready in a week or two max.
    3 points
  31. Over-doing ripping on the Rider fan base after such a dominating performance... What a wonderful problem to have.
    3 points
  32. It's not even a stutter step at times... on one of his returns last game he hopped straight up. The guy is indecisive.
    3 points
  33. HH to whoever edited the Riders wiki:
    3 points
  34. Woli badly needs to be moved to slot and involved more. We got our offense out of sync and went away from the runs, we were slow to sasks adjustments to the run game but once we did it was lights out again. Nelson was the usual utility quick guy in chip kellys oregeon zone running read option system. He ran the ball, caught the ball, returned and played some db. But primarily his skill set is wr/kr. And if he is doing soo poorly at his primary skill set I sure wouldnt wanna see him out there at db.
    3 points
  35. I was just going to ask hasn't SOMEONE on this team returned kicks before, at least in college ? It's the biggest issue on this team right now in my opinion. Every time Collaros takes the field he's looking at acres of turf between him and the goal line.
    3 points
  36. Imo demski could return kicks. Our best current roster return guy would probably be nick taylor. Hes ran low 4.3 and high 4.2 times, scored 2 defensive tds. Hes returned 2 kicks for us and a couple in the AFL. Iirc he did some returning in college too. In order to keep him fresh we'd need to DI another DB to give him more breaks.
    3 points
  37. 1 - Bighill 2 - Jeffcoat/Willie 3 - Alexander HH - Zach No idea on why people are crapping on our kicker... I'd complain much more about Nelson returning kicks and doing a hop in the air and then trying to move after hopping.... I'm perfectly fine if we replace Nelson as our returner
    3 points
  38. Booch

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Haha..and he shuns the Riders...classic
    3 points
  39. We have Mitchell money still sitting there...I'm sure we can fit him in the budget...Rose..Jones..Taylor..Alexander..Darby as the starting 5 with Nichols and Alford...damn!!
    3 points
  40. BBlink

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    Stove, Wilson and getting Rose back and then good luck scoring anymore points on us
    3 points
  41. Saskatchewan announced 393 cases of Covid today. Anybody else glad they were not there yesterday?
    3 points
  42. Me thinks its going to be a full house! Checking ticketmaster and it looks like well under 1000 tickets still available.
    3 points
  43. Havent seen how many tickets have sold but im hoping its a strong and blue crowd. Normally in a back to back series you have to put in pretty significant adjustments as the both teams should be well prepared for what they saw last. But if fajardo cant complete 20 yards plus and their OL cant block not much change will be needed on D. Itd be great too if stove, rocq, and or wilson got healthy. Theyre all on the 1 game so if they practice early its a good sign. I would also think we are close to getting an update on jenarion grant who has been on the 6 game for 4 games now.
    3 points
  44. We need to follow this up with another dominating win next week. Winning in the LDC in Regina is incredibly difficult but following it up with back-to-back wins will be an even bigger challenge. They've got nothing to lose.
    3 points
  45. If he doesn't have NFL interest, then back the Brinks truck up. Whatever it takes. If the Argos can do it, then so can we.
    2 points
  46. JCon

    LDC - Non-Champ Games

    Holy geez, I hadn't realized.
    2 points
  47. It's so easy to hate Rod Black. It's so easy to hate Rod Black. People say that Rod's a fool. Here I go knowing it's all true. It's so easy. (It's so easy, it's so easy, it's so easy). Whoaaaa, So damned easy (It's so easy, It's so easy. It's so easy). Whoaaaa so doggone easy. (It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy). My heart can't learn when Rod's concerned. It's so easy to hate Rod Black. It's so easy to hate Rod Black.
    2 points
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