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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-06-08 in Posts

  1. The CFL needs to scrap this roster nonsense immediately. It is getting out of hand. $**) denotes left handed player with one parent of Polish heritage (#*^&@&&# denotes global player who once tried poutine, but didn't like it Give me a break.
    12 points
  2. 17to85

    week 1 talk

    9 points
  3. 9 points
  4. This board is putting a lot of pressure on Holm. He has the athletic pedigree of a Dan Clark sure, but does he have the poise?
    8 points
  5. Mike

    week 1 talk

    Walker can’t be a designated National, but what they could’ve done is started Haba, DA’d Jeffcoat and then rotated in Caleb Thomas 23 snaps for Jake Thomas.
    6 points
  6. Some here need to accept our Holm and Savior into their hearts. Praise Evan.
    6 points
  7. For Friday: Start Brendan O'Leary-Orange at SB and make Rasheed Bailey the DNA. Bailey plays the whole game and it allows Greg McCrae/Janarion Grant to play 23 snaps in place of Drew Wolitarsky, Brady Oliveira or Mike Miller. Start Celestin Haba at DE and make Jackson Jeffcoat the DNA. Then Haba could play 23 snaps in place of Jake Thomas in a 3 DE package + Ricky Walker. The Bombers would appear to have limited ways to benefit on D since they regularly start only 1 CDN there. When Lawler is back they could have a receiving corps of Lawler-Schoen-Demski-Bailey-Agudosi for 23 snaps a game. They would have to roster Grant/Agudosi as backups instead of Grant/McCrae costing them some flexibility.
    6 points
  8. Jesus Christ lol. Three straight Grey Cup appearances, two championships....think before hitting submit.
    5 points
  9. blue85gold

    week 1 talk

    Roster is up. As expected mostly. Grant is the the nationalized American so that means... something?
    5 points
  10. He can’t hear you with his two grey cup rings in his ears
    5 points
  11. Pat Robertson, the right-wing televangelist and former Republican presidential candidate who espoused racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, AIDSphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic bigotry on air for decades, has died.
    5 points
  12. 5 points
  13. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I'm waiting for all the apologies around here. Never going to happen because there is no shame.
    5 points
  14. "Mike O’Shea, a Hall of Famer who has been in the CFL as a player and coach for more than 30 years, said Evan Holm has the best feet of any defensive back he’s ever seen" "Veteran defensive co-ordinator Richie Hall, who has been in the CFL even longer, said Holm didn’t have a good training camp, but an outstanding one" "Dalton Schoen, one of the best receivers in the CFL, said Holm was the Winnipeg Blue Bombers’ best player in training camp"
    5 points
  15. 4 points
  16. Booch

    week 1 talk

    Or just flat out say if an Import is in his 4th year with same team...He can be Considered a Canadian starter...all game as the 8th...and you can sub an American DI in for any other Canadian on that side of the ball....freely...you can have one on offence...one on defence, and if you meet that restriction, you are allowed to roster an additional Canadian on your roster as a bonus
    4 points
  17. MOS will have his statue outside IGF one day. Doesn't mean he's perfect.
    4 points
  18. There may be a myriad of reasons behind the scenes which we have no idea about. MOS favor 's special teams and we are just not privy to his other decisions or reasons for such decisions. But since he is the best coach we have had in 2 decades i prefer to defer to his expertise over said posters on the venerable Morning Big Blue....😆
    4 points
  19. Mike

    week 1 talk

    Nothing like providing an inaccurate depth chart to kick off a season with brand new confusing rules.
    4 points
  20. JuranBoldenRules

    week 1 talk

    I guess but literally all they had to do was have Haba play the first defensive snap with Jeffcoat on the sideline to give a bunch of flexibility in case they need it.
    4 points
  21. yeah they can be...but in said game we had an import receiver go down....and he still didnt get to see the field....that was the baffling part of it, and I know full well guys can get rewarded for putting in the effort...thats how guys surpass others...but also....to waste a roster spot in a game...basically for nothing and possible detriment to the outcome...is ...well stupid and so not neccessary
    4 points
  22. Man this board needs some real game action to talk about instead of all the other non-sense that has been taking up space this week. I can't imagine what our first bye week will be like if yesterday was an example of what we turn to on a closed practice day...
    4 points
  23. Q is Evan Holm. The storm is coming.
    4 points
  24. Apparently the team that uses the most true nationalists get an extra pick a the end of the 2nd round.
    4 points
  25. Knowing the rule is one thing, maximizing it is another. Love me some Mike O’Shea, but his roster usage has been puzzling at times.
    4 points
  26. "Mike O’Shea, a Hall of Famer who has been in the CFL as a player and coach for more than 30 years, said Tanner Schmekel has a real nice smile."
    4 points
  27. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    No surprise whatsoever - I wonder what the QP topic of the day will be now? One would think all 3 opposition parties would have done more research, before going all in on this issue.
    4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. If that happens, I'll streak naked down my street whilst drinking a glass of champagne and get a Holm tattoo on my ass, that's how confident I am that it will not happen* *Please don't bookmark this post just in case.
    4 points
  30. It really has been. And just like I hinted at yesterday, the depth chart came out and he’s making absolutely no effective use of this new rule at all. The roster management has been awful and the talent has carried us. I like O’Shea a lot, but his roster decisions leave more than just a little bit to be desired.
    3 points
  31. and the way this team is constructed...and self policed....every player is busting their ass....regardless of roster status...or they would be in house addressed...and or cut he was here all yr...if he wasnt ready for a game...then wtf was he still even here for then?....that logic makes no sense to me
    3 points
  32. If you zoom in a bit, you can see Ryan Gossling.
    3 points
  33. if guys aren't busting their ass off day in and day out...they should be cut....plain and simple....getting a "reward" for trying super hard, at the expense of a player who had use on the roster...is a stupid as stupid thing you could do....and can work in reverse and cause at times opposite reaction from players....no matter how tight a room is....players...especially vets dont like coaches playing "favorites"...seen it first hand....you may not hear about it...or see it...but the rumblings and underlaying player reaction is there
    3 points
  34. Wideleft

    US Politics

    Naive optimism? Guilty as charged.
    3 points
  35. I've pruned a few recent messages in this thread that provided no value to the discussion whatsoever. I like to think you are all adults and can play nicely together in this sandbox .. please do that.
    3 points
  36. blue_gold_84

    Random Jets News

    He seemed pretty stoked to join it back when he was acquired in early 2021. Turns out he was being disingenuous. He only wants to play for the Habs. This is the same **** he pulled in Columbus. Too many entitled divas in the NHL these days.
    3 points
  37. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Why go public with unfounded allegations, then? Rhetorical question, to be clear. I know the answer - Global News sabotaged its own credibility and this drives home that facts don't matter in the age of clickbait, sensationalized narratives, and profit-driven media. It's pretty reprehensible, IMO. It's undermined our democratic institutions, compromised careers and reputations, and poured more fuel on the raging fires of division in this country. Great contribution to the discussion. - Nobody Ever
    3 points
  38. that was a real baffling one....
    3 points
  39. I don't get the complaining about his roster usage. It's not like he'd roster a import WR for a couple weeks.... just to have him never see the field at all, not even special teams....That's not the MOS I know!
    3 points
  40. You doubt MOS, who regularly educates the refs on the rules, will learn the rule? MOS not only learned the rule, he has probably put in countless hours of thought into it. MOS not knowing the rules is about the last thing I would have expected anyone to say, if there is one thing besides winning that MOS has demonstrated it is that he has encyclopaedic understanding of the rule book. I am pretty shocked at everyone turning on MOS for not doing something, that he literally has had no opportunity to do yet. If you guys think that MOS hasn't looked at this rule, studied it, looked at every conceivable way it can be implemented to our advantage, and then won't do it and will play Maruo instead that's just crazy. The guy wants to win, and this is an opportunity to have another very good player on the field you normally couldn't have. He will use it. Geez Louise.
    3 points
  41. If you call Bomber Nation the small group of die hards that cares to follow roster moves, then yes, I agree with you.
    3 points
  42. Noeller

    Upcoming Movies

    Cage is a lunatic.... His "doesn't care about being in Hollywood blockbusters" is more like "can't get cast in a Hollywood blockbuster anymore"
    3 points
  43. Tracker

    Upcoming Movies

    Nic Cage's judgement is very open to question. He once sued his business manager for mismanaging his money. Cage lost the case when the manager produced volumes of receipts detailing Cage's extravagant spending buying, among other things, a herd of emus that were allowed to roam free and John Merrick's skeleton.
    3 points
  44. For the record, I have nothing against Holm. Clement on the other hand.....
    3 points
  45. I think that’s clements this year.
    3 points
  46. It can only be hidden for so long.
    3 points
  47. Evan Holm, the "Ivory Interceptor" 😉
    3 points
  48. bustamente

    US Politics

    That fat slop and former Trump bootlicker Chris Christie has had his come to Jesus moment and is trying to make everyone forget how much he enabled Trump and all the crazy **** that is going on in politics.
    3 points
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