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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-01-31 in Posts

  1. Please stop. Topic is "Don't look back" and I'm still in very deep denial.
    8 points
  2. Don't want top rehash the grey cup too much... but the final kick is not the play that bothers me... I keep thinking about having Tor at 2nd and 20 at a critical juncture of the game (5:56 left to play, Bombers up by 6)... and allowing them to so easily pick up the first down... that's the play that haunts me
    6 points
  3. I like Sayles but would prefer a Stove type NT in that spot.
    6 points
  4. I'd like to see Darby brought back before Casey Sayles....
    6 points
  5. His trip to the bathroom lasted longer than his free agency.
    5 points
  6. I really want to see a couple of receiver announcements this week especially Demski.
    5 points
  7. 4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. Agreed. Sayles has always been a big meh for me. Would much rather have a behemoth in the middle that eats up blockers. There were just so many bone-headed, piss-poor plays in that game. So many guys had their worst game of the season that day. We truly handed that game to the Argos. Makes it even harder to swallow.
    3 points
  10. I watched the kick over and over probably 100x now and that's my take away.... Sayles missed the block and allowed the kick to be blocked. I'm convinced the kick starts left and fades back in, if not for. The block. Sigh.
    3 points
  11. Sports fans are the most forgiving folk. What's a little cheating, beating, rape & murder when winning is the most important thing.
    3 points
  12. He probably could've/should've been starting in 2021. He is a damned good player. Believe he was ahead of gray on the depth chart then as well just for example.
    3 points
  13. Darby's versatility makes him a very valuable commodity.....Sayles though adequate looks average to me....'Maybe' we can do better in fa
    3 points
  14. Brandon

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    I cannot rationalize Bobby Hull being a good guy purely because he helped bring the Jets and NHL to town. I'm wired differently in that I can never give anyone a pass for beating and apparently nearly killing a woman he supposedly loved and even worse the mother of his children. I cringe for the day when OJ Simpson dies and when you rationalize what he did (allegedly) because he was a great football player and how it's only human nature to be jealous and that because he was on drugs it wasn't his fault.
    3 points
  15. bearpants

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    you pretty much nailed it with these last two statements... Was he a great and influential hockey player? Absolutely!.... Was he a great human being? Not even close
    3 points
  16. Brandon

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    I'm not sure why anyone would make excuses or try to use alcholism as an excuse for the guys life time of terrible behaviour. If anything I'd say Bobby Hull suffered from extreme forms of narcissism similar to a Peter Nygard where he would think that he is invincible and can do anything because he is above everyone else. If Bobby Hull was a regular 9-5 worker he would of been tossed into jail and nobody would revere him. His great hockey play is what gives him a minor pass for some people who don't want to think of their idol as being a scum bag. Hull - A+ hockey player, F level human being. RIP to his hockey legacy but I have zero respect for the guy as a human being and won't shed a tear for him at all.
    3 points
  17. Goalie

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    Hull. I guess rip to a Jets legend But long time ago someone told me to not say anything about ppl who die unless I'm going to be nice so I'll leave it at... RIP to a legendary Jet but not a great person who was a big deal before I was born Don't like talking **** to the dead, we all make mistakes and we all will be judged one day. What me you and everyone else thinks don't matter and don't change that a grandkid lost their grampa today and a family is in mourning so... RIP
    3 points
  18. GCJenks

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    Lost in all the Bobby Hull talk I think this was missed. We may not all know the name Barrett Strong but we all know some of the songs this Motown legend wrote. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/barrett-strong-dead-obit-1234670626/
    2 points
  19. You knew changes were coming to a roster that couldn't piss a drop in the last part of the season.
    2 points
  20. you know what haunts me? It's early in the game when Collaros just gunned a pass in to Oliveira I think that missed him. Maybe wouldn't have converted the first down but certainly could have made it close and a sure first down pass that Ellingson got his hands on and dropped. Think those were the first 2 series. Make those plays and the game might have gone differently from the outset.
    2 points
  21. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    We currently live in a world where there is a segment of the population no matter what he says or does who love and adore this man, attend his rallies, contribute to his 'causes', follow his words closely, emulate his persona, prop up others who support him etc etc. We currently live in a world where there is a segment of the population that believe people of many political backgrounds who think trump is absurd, a lunatic and is a danger to society are actually the divisive ones creating us versus them situations and are not listening to all 'sides' of the issues, one 'side' being that of Trump's 'perspectives'. We currently live in a world where there is a segment of the population that presents themselves as moderates believing everyone else of political and social influence are equally bad not just Trump and what he stands for. So if we go after Trump we must go after everyone else or we're blatant hypocrites. Insane.
    2 points
  22. I appreciated how JM got the crowd into it after scoring his first of the night.
    2 points
  23. Rich

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    It is a tough pill to swallow and dissapointing when it turns out that people we idolize and look up to aren't the people we hoped them to be. In any given population of people there is going to be a wide range of people from really horrible to really great (and everything in betwen). Being a hockey player, actor, or any kind of celebrity doesn't automatically make you a great person. It just makes you great at some things that happen to make you famous. At the end of the day, take care of yourself, be careful of who you idolize and make sure the people you choose to emulate are deserving, and represent the kind of person you want to be.
    2 points
  24. Yeah...Hoping we make it work with Darby this time...I know Maston is back to full training, but not sure banking on him again with the recent history is the smart play...tho would prob be very very cap friendly...and if he was 100 percent dude can ball....I'm sure the Bomber athletic therapists and surgeon are all over it and would know if he worth the time and money ...he is only just turned 30...so not like he is a relic by any stretch...
    2 points
  25. bustamente

    US Politics

    Trumps says he has more lawyers than mobster Capone, someone should tell him that's not something to brag about
    2 points
  26. Tracker

    US Politics

    Judge quashes Trump bid to hide money he paid to former staffer in nondisclosure agreement settlement Former President Donald Trump's effort to keep details of a settlement related to a past nondisclosure agreement lawsuit were dealt a setback on Monday. Bloomberg News reports that US District Judge Paul Gardephe has ruled that Trump must disclose the amount of money he's paying to former staffer Jessica Denson, who had filed a legal challenge to Trump's mandate that all campaign staffers sign NDAs as a precondition to working for him. "Under the settlement, the campaign agreed it would not enforce the nondisclosure and nondisparagement agreements going forward, and there was a financial component as well," according to Bloomberg's report. "Denson was set to receive an incentive fee for pursuing the case for years, and the campaign also would pay her lawyers’ fees. Those amounts were redacted in documents filed in court a few weeks ago." Attorneys representing Trump argued earlier this month that disclosing the terms of the settlement “would have a deleterious effect on, among other things, the Campaign’s future ability to negotiate similar agreements." However, Gardephe rejected this reasoning and said that the only piece of information in the deal that should not become public was Denson's bank account number. https://www.alternet.org/trump-judge/
    2 points
  27. Watch Walters bring back Demski and then also Harris/Evans for back up and the Riders absolutely lose it.
    2 points
  28. I turned this game on at the absolute best time... turned the TV on a few mins into the third and my first thought was "are we seriously going to get shut out, at home, by another bad team".... then about ten seconds later Morrissey scored. Had I watched the first two periods... I might've turned it off at that point.
    2 points
  29. Wideleft

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    He was a garbage human. Why should we let him rest in peace when he has 5 kids and 3 ex-wives who are still dealing with the trauma he dealt. Don't care how hard his slapshot was. "Then came a damning 2002 documentary on ESPN, which profiled his long history of alleged spousal abuse, among other issues. His first wife, Joanne, described several incidents of Hull physically beating her during their relationship, including once with a steel-heeled shoe. Their daughter, Michelle, a lawyer who works with victims of domestic crimes, described ugly scenes growing up in the home. “A lot of bad memories stem from how my dad acted when he was drinking. When he had been drinking, you’d just know that you didn’t want to be around here,” she said. Upon hearing what her father had told the Russian paper a few years earlier, she replied “that’s exactly like him.”" https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2023/01/30/hockey-hall-of-fame-human-hall-of-shame
    2 points
  30. Good to go out on a win before the break. Logan Stanley is Tyler Myers 2.0. Big guy but a gaffe machine. Jets play way better with him in the press box.
    2 points
  31. WildPath

    Manitoba Politics

    You're forgetting about Obby. The guy should be in charge of the department of government grants. Received the most Covid funding grants from the PCs while unsure which party he would join. Soon after receiving the grant he joins the PCs and his business is no more. Wondering if they are trying to add to the resume of some of these candidates to give them more credibility for the next election. I know Obby and Klein were tight in the byelections and I wouldn't be surprised to see Teitsma and Morley-Lecomte pushed too. I'm sure they'll all be front and centre giving away tax dollars making a ton of announcements over the next few months with Stefanson in preparation for the next election.
    2 points
  32. Then I’ll respond with “OK armchair GM, give me your Jets trade that would have landed Horvat?”
    2 points
  33. is it that grate though? I'll brie-lieve it when I see it. I see @Bubba Zanetti is either not fond of cheese puns or is lactose intolerant. 😂🤣
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. was just gonna say and alluded to that in a different thread...he's not an up young up and comer...has reached his peak...which is a career back-up depth guy, and I think was even out of football for a yr or 2...good depth role guy and landed in a good situation here, and yes played well....i would say adequately....he will be the 7th guy here and on the PR or the scratch....i'd be shocked beyond belief if he ends up ahead of Eli and Dobson when dust of TC settles....so we have him as nice depth now and know if injuries occur he can step in and not hamper us
    2 points
  36. Since it wasn’t started yet. Capobiancco in for Logan Stanley. So why do the Jets do about acknowledging Hull’s death? Nothing? Just moment of silence? Video tribute? Tribute but also a team donation to a woman’s shelter?
    1 point
  37. iHeart

    Game 52: Jets vs Blues

    I imagine they will do some sort of tribute no matter what
    1 point
  38. Desjarlais will look weird in an all-caps jersey. The blue cheese road unis still where it’s at.
    1 point
  39. "The Darren Cameron" has been pumping out Handled Internally podcasts like crazy, so I don't think that guy ever takes vacation time...
    1 point
  40. rebusrankin

    Manitoba Politics

    Josh Guenter is assisting with the budget and his educational and life resume is pretty weak as well.
    1 point
  41. Harris who might be retiring? I don't think that's a thing (Harris woo-ing Demski to TO)...... but it's absolutely possible Demski will chase the largest payday, wherever that might be...
    1 point
  42. When you're in the spot Ottawa is, you gotta overpay for some guys. Many thought the Bombers did it when they first signed Bryant. This is a solid move by Ottawa that will likely pay dividends moving forward (next few years I mean).
    1 point
  43. Seeing Desjarlais sign with Ottawa originally gave me sad feelings... but then I thought about the quality of interior linemen we currently have (Neufeld, Dobson, Eli, Gray) and it made me feel better... then seeing his salary... my thoughts have now changed to good for him, happy he got his payday... and I'm glad we passed on that amount.
    1 point
  44. Doesn't Drew know money goes much further in Regina and there are way more off the field opportunities? Big mistake... 😂
    1 point
  45. 1 point
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