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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-12 in Posts

  1. I can tell you right now, I don't.....
    10 points
  2. We had a ton of defections and NFL losses last year. You are not happy with Dalton Shoen, Demerio Houston, Donald Rutledge etc. I am not sure what the hell you are talking about really. Our replacement of star players had been superb and are far above what's leftover in the cupboard material. Fact of the matter is that you are always going to have fringe CFLers primarily on your PR...these are the guys who will stick around for 500 bucks a week. However, we also have guys like Carlton Adugosi stewing for a season and a half ready to serve, so I am unclear what you are getting at. You are suggesting that we are not bringing along players through scouting or off our neg lists and that is flat out incorrect. We are, and have been emulating Calgary's system for a few years now and I think, based on results, doing a better job of it than them. Honestly our depth has been tested at almost every position this year and the win/loss column shows that we are a very deep team.
    8 points
  3. Bombers/Province announce they're bidding on either 2024 or 2025 GC, with the city kicking in 5.5m to help make it happen. Start planning the party!
    8 points
  4. I'd prefer Winnipeg just kicking the other team's ass.
    7 points
  5. Mcrae was brought on as he is a change of pace RB who has the skillset to be an actual...and effective receiver, and that makes our offence more diversified and hard to scheme against.than Harrison....BOLO can and does give us basically what Harrison would, with the better passport
    6 points
  6. Well of course you would! Don’t blame you for that. But as a neutral observer of the game, I cheer for competitiveness You must remember I watch Cofaj try and be a quarterback every week
    6 points
  7. I'd give Brady a half in this game...then maybe a quarter or so in last....or vice versa....allow him a legit chance to get his 1000 and also keep him fresh and injury free It still bugs me in Harris's first season how Osh shut him down in that last game when he was 26 yards shy of 1000...like wtf was that?
    5 points
  8. I wonder if we see a lot of Johnny Augustine and McCrae also?
    5 points
  9. HardCoreBlue


    Ahhhh not a rando like you sheep, blindly taking orders from the medical establishment dictators, I do my own research and take my advice, direction from Mr. Theo Fleury former NHL star, patriot and lover of freedom, advocate for those who still haven’t found their voice, best selling author thank you very much.
    5 points
  10. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    What's interesting is, with those comments, Danielle Smith clearly isn't trying to win any new voters. She's blowing the dog whistle for the ones who are already with her. If she plans to win a general election, she needs moderates, and comments like those are only going to scare them away. It's just not good strategy/policy.
    5 points
  11. Clements is a couple notches below Wilson... but still a couple notches above Gauthier and Briggs... having Clements back would be a nice boost to that position.
    4 points
  12. BOLO has been really solid. Like for your fifth option on O you can’t expect much more.
    4 points
  13. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    Example of gaslighting by Michael Taube, Troy Media on Danielle Smith: 'And, much like Ford, she prefers to build bridges with her opponents rather than tear them down unnecessarily'. Put in more simple terms, I throw something absurd, non factual, completely void of reality at sane person. Sane person reacts appropriately to this drivel. I respond with I'm just trying to build bridges here, why the hostility WOKESTER? What a world.
    4 points
  14. yeah I think this road trip will be a let the subs play for most part....last home game will be the tune up/refresher....then it's go time 2 weeks after...fresh...and ready
    4 points
  15. As Geebrr says, it really doesn't matter who we play...we'll come out and go 1-0 again that week. Having said that...if I had to pick a scenario: BC hosts the West Semi in their comfy cozy dome, and beats Calgary. Then they come to Winnipeg the next week where it's -10 at game time, with a layer of permafrost in the turf, and every single hit hurts 5x as much....
    4 points
  16. Danny Austin is that annoying message board poster who spews off smooth brain take after smooth brain take and then says he’s doing it just for laughs and discussion when he gets called out on it … but with media credentials Collaros and Schoen easily win MOP/MOR, Demski may or may not be the West Division nominee for MOC but if the season ended today, I’m probably voting for Gittens over him anyways. Demski is on an incredible hot streak, but Gittens is doing what he’s doing while drawing all the defensive attention in Toronto and his yardage numbers pace out slightly better than Demski’s even with more games played. I wouldn’t blame anyone for voting Demski but my vote would go to Gittens. Liegghio takes MOSTP easily, defence is a tough one but I think I’d probably give it to Nichols this year. He deserves it and even more than that, Bighill and Jefferson don’t.
    4 points
  17. Rutz is still very much in plans...they giving him some recharge time. Perfect time to get these other guys some reps and see where they fit in. I was thinking that I would not be shocked to see come last game and playoffs our DB's be Rose..Nichols..BA..Lawrence and Houston with Darby at SAM and Rutz being a DI taking reps in various spots..even off the edge in some sets....and if Houston cant go then Parker in his spot. Either scenario would be more than adequate tho I like the Houston playing option better
    4 points
  18. Adding Darby and Lawrence too.
    4 points
  19. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    David Staples: . . . But Smith said it’s important to listen to unconventional voices outside the mainstream, noting, “Albert Einstein had views that were outside the conventional mainstream at one point … It’s really those disruptors that have changed the world … It’s odd to me that we have a society that wants conformity, a society that wants to keep things exactly as they are … You never know someone who seems like they are a lunatic might end up turning out to be a genius.” . . . Maybe let's revisit our assumptions in thinking we are using the words unconventional, conformity, disruptor, mainstream, lunatic, genius in their appropriate contexts. With no real impactful checks and balances in place and having humans who lag measurably in the social and health determinants of life and are isolated behind a keyboard, a screen, a monitor with access to millions and millions of insane people and insane information has brought us to this moment in politicians pandering to this type of scenario.
    3 points
  20. bustamente

    US Politics

    Alex Jones just got slapped upside the head to the turn of almost 1Billion dollars, cough it up you disgusting POS waste of skin A hole
    3 points
  21. Maybe but he was also 33, and dealing with lingering injuries. Don’t want any of our starters right playing too much, but I would give him that time to get to his milestone he’s only 25 with very little mileage on his body.
    3 points
  22. yup...rest....do some observing....he will probably be a DI and rotational piece
    3 points
  23. Week 19 update: this week’s playoff clinching scenarios (assuming no ties)- Winnipeg: Clinched 1st in the West. BC: Clinched a West playoff spot. No clinching scenarios this week. Need wins and Calgary losses totalling 3 to clinch 2nd. Calgary: Clinched a West playoff spot No clinching scenarios this week. Need wins and BC losses totalling 4 to clinch 2nd. Saskatchewan: Will finish 4th in the West. No clinching or elimination scenarios this week. Need two of these three scenarios to clinch a crossover playoff spot: wins and Montreal losses totalling 5, wins and Hamilton losses totalling 3, wins and Ottawa losses totalling 2. Edmonton: Will finish 5th in the West. Eliminated from playoff contention. There are no East crossover possibilities. Toronto: Clinched 2nd in the East and a home playoff game. Can clinch 1st in the East with a win and a Montreal loss. Montreal: Clinched 3rd in the East. Can clinch 2nd and a home playoff game with a win. Hamilton: Can finish no better than 2nd in the East. Can finish no better than 3rd with a loss OR a Montreal win. Ottawa: Can finish no better than 2nd in the East. Can finish no better than 3rd with a loss.
    3 points
  24. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    this is mostly true. SF27 likes to say it's "only 5% of Albertans", but the truth is, it's a LOT more than that. Edmonton votes predominantly NDP. Rural AB (outside of Edmonton/Calgary) votes predominantly Conservative, and Calgary is a toss-up. Whoever wins Calgary, wins the province. Calgary is becoming more and more progressive with their politics with each passing year. I'm not saying they'll save the province next spring, but there's at least a chance. While there are a lot of "I'll Always Vote Conservative No Matter What" types, I believe there's a growing number of those who see people like Trump, Pollievre and Smith as "one step too far" and will go to Notley just for a small dose of sanity.
    3 points
  25. I’m not worried about any level of healthy Rourke we play. We play who we play.
    3 points
  26. Harisson released the other three to the PR
    3 points
  27. I agree, and will add that I think our run game all around is much more suited to dominate in the cold...especially with all the options we run with, and that nasty o-line...big factor also is..been there..done that with basically this whole crew on offence...in butt ass cold weather going back to 2019 now...which will be huge...especially with all the comforst of your home stadium and facilities...getting first locked down is /was huge
    2 points
  28. CGY will give us more trouble, and we will need to play a error free game...If our offence keeps up this pace, I feel pretty good, especially if we have that defensive back filed situation figured out...if we go out there with what we have had last 3 games..I can see us getting evicerated and needing to have to put up 30+ points
    2 points
  29. I hope they are dumb enough to trot him out there..rusty...less than 100%....foot issue on his mind...cold weather compounding it...crowd making it impossible to communicate, let alone think...his basic lack of experience in a big pressure game...please please play him
    2 points
  30. I'm guessing he didn't want to be on the PR. Might not be the last we see of him. If no one else picks him up, I could see him potentially being in TC next year.
    2 points
  31. Things that will not stop him - Eating Mexican food the day before a game.
    2 points
  32. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    non vaccinated have taken a lot more than they have given. they are a burden. so is this new Alberta Premiere. According to new research, published in the Lancet. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(22)00320-6/fulltext "We aimed to quantify the global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination programmes. A mathematical model of COVID-19 transmission and vaccination was separately fit to reported COVID-19 mortality and all-cause excess mortality in 185 countries and territories. The impact of COVID-19 vaccination programmes was determined by estimating the additional lives lost if no vaccines had been distributed. We also estimated the additional deaths that would have been averted had the vaccination coverage targets of 20% set by COVAX and 40% set by WHO been achieved by the end of 2021. Findings Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021." I guess this might be too hard for Albertans to understand. maybe if we said "vaccinations built 14.4 million new giant pickup trucks and ski boats" they would be on board.
    2 points
  33. https://www.cfl.ca/2022/10/11/landrys-5-takeaways-from-thanksgiving-weekend/ 1 and 3 seem very, very unlikely.
    2 points
  34. Its been 7 years, 2024 or 2025 would make it 9-10. I am pumped for it already.
    2 points
  35. They must be making room for a number of players coming off the I.R. this week.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Mosaic Stadium filmed from Birtle.
    2 points
  38. LOL. 10th most Return yards in team history. How many times have returners had 8 kickoff returns in a game?
    2 points
  39. Interesting.. for the love of the game and the next great Canadian QB I hope they don’t rush Rourke back and cause further injury. Adam’s is capable enough in BC to take them as far as they’re going to go this year. I hope he has a healthy and long career, just seems foolish to bring him back this soon.
    2 points
  40. He's also under contract with us for 2023 so he's not going anywhere.
    2 points
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