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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-09 in Posts

  1. Gotta say Parker was solid tonight...if we can get a vet in with him...we be alright...
    10 points
  2. You’re 100% right and I think most rider fans are getting on board with this too… but my advice to the riders would be to sign O’Day and Dickensen to long term extensions and make sure they get Fajardo locked up long term too… this current version of the riders is my most favourite version to watch
    9 points
  3. What a game! What a team! What else needs to be said?
    8 points
  4. 1. Schoen - is 98 yards away from setting an all-time Bombers rookie receiving record. Unreal. 2. Demski - Had like 80 yards from scrimmage in the first quarter alone 3. Collaros - started off 8 for 8. Just shredding defenses. So clutch on second down too. Went 12/12 on second down. Just gaudy. HH - President and CEO, Wade Miller who just added $1,000,000 to the bottom line by locking up the WF
    8 points
  5. Pretty sure you can just give Schoen the ROtY award right now
    8 points
  6. A pretty crazy stat... WPG only has 1 receiver in the top ten for passing attempts (Shoen at 10th) but 3 in the top ten for TDs
    7 points
  7. Yes generally the weekend falls between Thursday and Monday
    7 points
  8. I would have thought a flop like that would have been an unsportsman-like penalty
    7 points
  9. Dakota Purkop said on the post game show that Dru Brown drew the play up this week and brought it to Buck
    6 points
  10. Heh.... we only drove into the red zone once tonight.... Pierce has put together a helluva deep play offensive scheme
    6 points
  11. Happy honker to me who got to do the alumni ïjersey trivia in the first q. Bomber gift card for me! Got some great pics of that first TD!
    6 points
  12. 1. Schoen and Demski. Can't pick one. 2. Oline - no sacks allowed and every rostered QB threw a TD pass 3. Adams - thought he was good in his debut HH - leggs had a very good game Honorable mention to Kramdi for bringing the boom all game
    6 points
  13. No post game show despite a double header. Instead we go back to some rugby stuff. $&@* you tsn
    6 points
  14. 1 roadhouse td hatrick all the yards 2 collaros couldn’t be stopped till the game was over and we let up 3 demski the monster season continues hh maruo forces the fumble and all the d does a crane kick celebration block of the game yoshi down field on baileys big screen crunch Kramdi on back to back plays trying to break people in half
    5 points
  15. Prukop has looked good in his limited role but I think Dru Brown is better equipped upstairs when it comes to utilizing the full playbook and understanding the game. Prukop can hang around next year if he likes, or not, but the Rider starting job beckons with stellar enticements such as this. https://www.riderville.com/2022/10/07/week-18-trailer-we-all-we-got-we-all-we-need/ WE ALL WE GOT, WE ALL WE NEED Dan Clark would make an excellent waterbed.
    5 points
  16. As Darren Cameron said "what a day..."
    5 points
  17. I thought on the Adams gentle sack that he maybe thought corny got rid of the ball already and didn't want to take a penalty.
    5 points
  18. I really hope we don't lose Buck in the off-season.
    5 points
  19. ZC’s post game was an interesting look at how our coaching staff operates. He said that him and Brown go looking for plays in other leagues that they think could work for us, and Buck tries to put those plays into the playbook/game plan if they all agree it looks good. Specifically they noticed something about Edmonton’s front - brought it to Buck, suggested DP run the play- Buck put it in and it got a TD. I don’t think that is all too common a thing to give your players that kind of voice
    5 points
  20. Spent the day driving from Calgary to Seattle to see our son & daughter in law. Didn't know the score until a few minutes ago. All I can say is Wow! Then I saw BC lost to Toronto. Double Wow!! And we clinched first place. Triple Wow!!!
    5 points
  21. 5 points
  22. I'd say our defense isn't the crushingly oppressive beast it was last year, but our offense is much more dangerous
    5 points
  23. Wonder what changed prior to last season...
    5 points
  24. I can’t believe not that long ago we were the team that couldn’t find receivers. Now in back to back years we have two of the best unknowns in the league in Lawler then Schoen
    5 points
  25. I think Adam thought Corny was going down and was avoiding taking a penalty.
    5 points
  26. It really is incredible how much this regime is able to recognize talent and be patient bordering on stubborn to allow that talent to come to fruition (i.e. Brady, Legghio, even Kenny Lawler and Bailey fall in this category etc). Makes you wonder how many players out there could’ve made it if their teams had more patience. Easier to do when you’re winning, of course.
    5 points
  27. You’re runningback is visibly injured and you you give him a meaningless carry to end the half. Not a great look for the Elks.
    5 points
  28. O2L

    Think of it this way…

    Well great, now my erection has an erection.
    4 points
  29. When playoffs and likely last game I bet we see Darby..Parker and Lawrence all on roster...Holm sitting ...and Darby playing SAM and some HB..Mixing in Rutz and Kramdi for certain sets...and I bet we see a lot of fronts with the Jeff's..Adam's and Sayles..causing havoc
    4 points
  30. we're running out of dort license plates
    4 points
  31. and buck gets a lot of shots here for his play calling. guess collaros disagrees. another thing..... twice Bomber d players restrained themselves when a play was not quite over, jeffersen didnt do the usual push at the sideline corny going out of bounds new guy 54 gentle sack of corny... actually held him up. I appreciated both plays... smart and respectful. I hate the push when a guy is going out of bounds. only possible purpose is to injure.
    4 points
  32. First possession.....Zac drops back.....Demski beats man coverage... ... Collaros puts the ball right in there for 30 yd TD. Just like that..7-0 Next possession....Prukop comes in on 2nd down and........runs play action... ...throws to Demski wide open over the middle...to Elks 25. ZC has time to double clutch.....before spotting Schoen on crossing... ....pattern at the goal line. Ball right on target. TD! Now 14-0 Parker with nice knock down, to end Elks possession....... Zac over the middle to Demski for 19. Zac under throws screen pass.... ....but Olivera makes nice diving catch....gets up and rumbles for 22. Collaros goes deep again. Schoen as usual is open....ball again on target.... ....for 25 yard TD! 3 possessions, 3 TD passes from Collaros...... 21-1 Really working the middle of the Elks D backfield. Cornelius goes long with nice throw the Mitchell, who is behind Rose.... ....for long TD reception. Tough year, overall for Rose. 21-8 Bombers Demski runs sweep for 12, McCrae sweeps for another 18 Nice mix of plays from Buck.....and well executed, as well...... Zac hits Schoen for FD. Prukop in on a 2nd and 4 who.... ...drops back and lobs it down the sideline to a (you guessed it)... wide open Olivera for another TD!! 28-8 Bombers... 4 possessions - 4 TDs. Bomber O is on fire!! Next series....Rose comes back and breaks up 2nd down pass to Michell... but challenged by Jones for PI. And....gets...it....for, uh ten yard gain... Brown runs for 5, then limps off the field.... Cornelius scrambles for FD, then throws to Mitchell for another..... but his hitch pass is too heavy, juggled and tackled for 8 yd loss.. Cornelius belted by Rutledge.....ball incomplete..... Elks ate up a lot of clock.....but no points. Treading water.... Zac is pressured and belted in the back field Collaros pressured again, but gets it away to OLO for nice FD. Olivera hard running for 7, Demski sweep for another FD. Zac sees blitz yet again, tosses ball up to no one in particular. Interception - the only blemish in a terrific first half - 28-8 Blue Cornelius throws FD to Michell, runs for 9...couple run plays for another First down on Bomber 9 - Cornelius overthrows Walker, twice..... Field goal has it 28-11 Blue. Took the Elks over 7 minutes to get 3 points... 6 more of those should do the job. Whatever. Hallett hammers returner on KR. Cornelius pressured into 2 incompletions Grant looking real hesitant on our KRs. Olivera runs for 9, then coverts FD. Demski and Olivera team up for another.. Bombers outscored 3-0 in 3rd quarter. Zac completes to Bailey and Schoen... ...Zac beats blitz with hot pass to Bailey, who gets nice blocks and 24 yard gain... ...down the the Elks 3. Next play, Oliveria barges in for the TD! Now 35-11 Salsbury takes another heavy hit on kick return. Cornelius getting some steady... pressure, but keeps breaking contain. Annoying. But another Elks punt forced... ....and Salsbury has the ball stripped....Parker recovers. Turnover. Parker's best game so far. Zac is still in there.....why? Leggs hits 42 yard FG. We are up 38-11. Gearing up for first place celebration... Bombers rush 3 and Adams sacks Cornelius..... Grant finally with nice punt return, up the middle.... Finally, Dre Brown is in. He bombs away to that guy Schoen, on a deep slant... ...nice throw and Schoen has it for 55 yd TD!! 3 TD catches for him.... This guy is rookie of the year, by miles and miles..... 45-11 Bombers. Hallett with another crunching ST tackle.... Cornelius hit from behind by Adams.... Bombers recover.... Minute and a half left....crowd rises with great ovation for the team... Leggs with 37 yard FG......48-11. 14-2!! Bombers roll to first place! Gin has DOD along for the ride....
    4 points
  33. About 500 all in, for the wife and I. Just booked. In Thursday night, out Monday afternoon. That is going to be a weekend!!
    4 points
  34. Brady actually deserves Honorable mention too. 16 touches 107 combined yards 2 tds. as said the ok played great. Adams looked really good at de can’t wait to see him rotate with jj and Wj. Sayles actually has improved a lot as a de rotation guy too. Young dbs played better and nichols as always played great. Biggie was making some plays. It was a great team win.
    4 points
  35. Jets play 82 games that don't matter as much as this 1 game means. Stadium will be full regardless of Jets game. They play Seattle in Seattle tho. Who cares
    4 points
  36. Good thing he (barely) escaped the lynch mob a while back.
    4 points
  37. been a nice stretch of home game ass kicking for the fans at the games.
    4 points
  38. If ZC wasnt his QB he could be a MOP candidate on most teams
    4 points
  39. I am just tuning in due to family obligations. Looks like we kicked ass again.
    4 points
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
  42. 3 points
  43. He got beat straight up in man and dove. It was a pitch and catch because he lost his leverage right at the receivers break.
    3 points
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