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  1. Big mistake by the Als, imo
    6 points
  2. https://3downnation.com/2022/07/06/winnipeg-blue-bombers-to-induct-former-players-fred-reid-gavin-walls-into-hall-of-fame/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Love it. At the time didn't realize how lucky we were to go from Roberts to Reid. That 260 game was something else. Walls was fun to watch and made a lot of plays. Didn't know he stayed in Winnipeg after football.
    4 points
  3. If the Leos are missing both Lucky and Burnham that's a big break for us.
    4 points
  4. Reid has the highest single game rushing in club history while Walls was CFL ROTY and both guy can be found on club top 10 lists with other very prominent names - I have no problem with either guy in the Bombers HOF. It's not like we're talking about the Ring of Honour or the CFL HOF - neither guy is at that level (IMO).
    4 points
  5. Not sure what the criteria to make the Bomber HOF are but here's where they rank anyway: (Reid) ranks seventh on Winnipeg’s all-time rushing yardage list with 4,505 yards, behind Roberts (9,987), Leo Lewis (8,861), Willard Reaves (5,923), Jim Washington (5,736), Gerry James (5,541), and Andrew Harris (5,402). (Walls) made 47 sacks in 82 regular season games with the club, which puts him in a tie for fourth all-time in team history alongside Elfrid Payton and behind only Tyrone Jones (98), Tony Norman (59), and Doug Brown (52).
    4 points
  6. I believe Jovon will get a nomination in the next few years
    4 points
  7. If they want to represent that era of Bomber football I think Jovon Johnson would have been a good choice. He has boarderline CFL hall of fame numbers and won DOPY award in Winnipeg and was a key member of our 2011 Grey Cup run.
    4 points
  8. Amateur. I yelled at the tv and Bede missed the p.a.
    4 points
  9. Just a total knife in the back. Poor khari.
    3 points
  10. yup....quite the bone job there and no loyalty or any room to make things work....wrong move, but what can you do
    3 points
  11. Am I the only one who's underwhelmed? Neither of these guys have Hall of Fame resumes, imo. Reid had two good years.
    3 points
  12. Caesar also got betrayed and stabbed by his so called friends so really what the hell does he know!
    3 points
  13. Fred Reid was a bright spot on a rebuilding team in 2009, and 2010, averaging almost 7 yards a carry and 1400 yards rushing is actually pretty insane. I remember once he got through that initial 5-7 yards he could really flip the switch and get going. He was good for a couple of big runs each and every game.
    3 points
  14. Not a problem for me! This is legit my current cell phone. Right now, at this moment in time, July 6 2022:
    3 points
  15. yeah...he's not a locker room issue....and isnt dirty...played hard and fast, and has adapted to the new way of pummeling ball carriers....he would be an excellent pickup if Wilson is down for year....if there is a talented player available to improve our team...you grab them regardless of who/what u already have...thats how good teams stay good
    3 points
  16. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/patrick-brown-disqualified-conservative-leadership-1.6511407 What a dumpster fire of a party.
    3 points
  17. the watcher

    World Politics

    A good article I thought belonged in this sub as it crosses alot of borders.I believe it crosses alot of political lines as well. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/06/power-wealthy-earth-politics-democracy-plutocracy
    3 points
  18. Because that’s the primary job of everyone not rushing the QB in a league where 70% of the offensive plays are passing.
    3 points
  19. Just head over to the computer science lab at U of M...
    3 points
  20. Only 1 sack given up to Priester on a blitz, that's pretty good considering the personnel the Argos have on their D-line. Protection first, run blocking next.
    3 points
  21. Bighill spy, drop him into the safety spot to confuse… no one better in the league at it
    3 points
  22. This was just a matter of time. Macciocia wanted to be HC again and was just waiting for an excuse.
    2 points
  23. **** sakes, Als.... Khari got screwed.
    2 points
  24. Are you thinking of someone like Tobi Antigha maybe?
    2 points
  25. Played full year last yr...no fines or "dirtyness" as well as 10 games in 2019, as he was hurt for a bit.....so buy what u want....has played basically just as much as everyone else
    2 points
  26. There's a Hall of Famer. The best at what he did, no matter where you lined him up. His was an incredible return threat. Did it across multiple years.
    2 points
  27. Wow that is brutal. Way too young.
    2 points
  28. what are you talking about... 2009 we were all in baby! no rebuilding around these parts... we employed the smartest guy in the league, just ask the coach... he'll tell you it is being handled internally... the original Chris Jones
    2 points
  29. blue_gold_84

    Random Jets News

    2 points
  30. The difference so far this year has been an offense that doesn't chew up clock and throw up a lot of points to help the defense like it did last year. They'll need to play a bit better on Saturday for us to have a chance.
    2 points
  31. I love it. Ive had it damn near 10 years. Dropped a million times and keeps on ticking. No internet, just call+text. $20 a month. Very satisfying to slam shut when aggravated after a conversation. One of lifes small joys that a very small minority still get to enjoy.
    2 points
  32. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Seems a lot like the last Manitoba PC leadership debacle.
    2 points
  33. Definitely won't hurt us to bring him in,the more the merrier when it comes to trying to fill a crucial position.
    2 points
  34. Tracker

    2022 Week 5 Pick 'Ems

    Reality is a ***** but it won't go away.
    2 points
  35. TBH I thought the Oline was doing a pretty good job of pass blocking last night - It certainly didn't feel like Collaros was constantly running for his life. Biggest issue IMO was the screens and horizontal passes Collaros had 25 completions - out of those 11 were thrown to receivers who were between 0 and 2 yards from the LOS - our NET YARDS on those 11 passes was 13 YARDS. 7 of 11 of those LOS passes gained less than 2 yards (4 LOST yards) and we immediately had to surrender possession 4 times after those plays. Something wasn't working with their scheme on those quick passing horizontal plays - to my eye one issue looked like receivers not making their blocks.
    2 points
  36. Got them right where we want them.
    2 points
  37. Be an interesting match-up for sure....short rest...mounting injuries....jet-setting across the country in 2 opposite directions over 4 time zones, if anyone had cards against them it's this squad (But you won't hear that excuse here....Hi CoFaj) this team doesn't use excuses, or have built in pre-meditated reasons to fail.....I almost feel a bounce back statement game coming....not sure why....but I can't see this team laying down and surrendering....never gonna happen
    2 points
  38. We're dumping on a kid who was born and raised in Canada, who spent his last high school season in the US and then played college in the US for not being Canadian enough? There are a lot of talented Canadian kids who play college ball in the US or who even play part of high school in the US. Dallas Sims is a Winnipeg kid who is playing in the US now for high school and has multiple D1 offers. Is he not Canadian enough?
    2 points
  39. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    You know where else Brad Wall's strategic advice has been sought? - Brad Wall Hydro Report Brings Privatization Failures to Manitoba (policyfix.ca) I sure hope LeBreton is right and Canadians are still more reasonable than the loudest, most obnoxious ones try to convince otherwise. If our elections weren't basically Conservatives vs. all the other parties, they would have no chance. They are despised by many and only have a chance because they can unite the regressive members of society. They're having a hard time keeping it all under one tent and still having a chance to be the official opposition. Probably the best thing for the long term health of the party would be to come out strong against the ridiculous alt-right misinformation fueled elements and hope to stamp that out, but instead we get Maga Bergen and PP to steer the party forward (backward?).
    2 points
  40. Awe looks like he played it right. Let the (teeny tiny) bidding war comense!
    1 point
  41. If it worked this time that’s a big huzzah in my books. Maybe between your boisterous curses, Tracker’s voodoo rituals, and my silent incantations we can sway the football gods some more!
    1 point
  42. I am grateful anytime the commentators don't spend much of the 4th Q ignoring the play below and yapping on about anything and everything that pops into their heads, as if the football game isn't the sole reason we are tuned into to their broadcast. I guess that may have been a Rod Black specialty.
    1 point
  43. You needed a chicken sacrifice at dawn to make that really work.
    1 point
  44. yeah....no need to panic at all....we gave ourselves a nice 4-0 cushion to start season, know what we need to work on now after 4 games, and have the faith and belief that the powers that be see/know it too, and discussions are being had....the Oline brought back 4 all-stars...they didnt lose their ability and fall off a cliff from December when they last played...the game where Couture got hurt they were coming into form, and now will need a lil gel time...defense is fine tho the Wilson injury hurts, but then again a lot of time it allows a new guy to emerge, so in the end we could be even stronger if/when Wilson comes back. The issue we need to fix up is to bring in...or roster....and use properly a different style of receiver who is a downfield guy...fast and long and a threat from anywhere on the field....that and designate Johnny as the true RB1 for next game, and give full reps of 15 touches or more to get in game flow to see what he can/can't do as a actual full-time starter....and if it more of the same then time to rethink the ratio and bring in a RB in the mold of Carey or Standback and go that route....ratio wise we don't need that spot to be a Canadian player, and we can still use one of the young guys in rotation and in certain sets....we do that and we will be just fine. it's also where you are in oct/nov...not in june/july and as it stands now....we have wiggle room to figure it out as worst case scenario even if we only win say 3 more games here on out it's pretty much a lock to cross over with 7 wins...maybe 8...and this is probably the team that would be the one to cross over, and get to the Grey Cup, and win it...and wouldn't it be just icing on the cake to do that and thrash the Riders at IGWest...mind you i don't see them getting there regardless
    1 point
  45. do or die

    US Politics

    Fox probably has deep enough pockets..........OAN and some others do not. Georgia grand jury subpoenas Giuliani, other Trump allies in election probe https://thehill.com/regulation/3546574-georgia-grand-jury-subpoenas-giuliani-other-trump-allies-in-election-probe/
    1 point
  46. Now that's funny. Cuz you know they thought about it lol
    1 point
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