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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-05-29 in Posts

  1. It doesn’t matter if she changes her mind when they are already in bed. No means no, stop means stop. Full stop end of story. He he doesn’t like it tough ****, you need to accept it and leave not beat her up.
    7 points
  2. Went to the game last night and fought it out with the line-up card that was provided. Here's my 2 pennies.... Really liked 76 Berner ( DL ) and 69 Machino (OL). Both looked like players to me. I also was impressed with 36 Thompson at safety. Watch out! I thought Prukop was hanging onto the ball for far too long in the second half. It should be noted that our O'line in the 2nd half was all rookies/new guys. Same on the DL. Berner played in the 1st half, and after an injury in the 2nd he played that well. Brown looked really good even with the rookie o'line. Mourtada had the one convert hit the post, but he looked very solid. Leggs can punt, and do kick offs, but I don't think his leg is as strong. Augustine is so fast, a very different dimension from Oliviera. Felt bad for the returner 31 Holm. Was lucky he didn't get killed on his first return, but settled in after that.
    4 points
  3. I know many, many people who aren't fans of the CFL. None of those people complain about the Canadians. To me this would indicate that if you want to attract those fans, you are looking at the wrong problem.
    4 points
  4. Here is the website with the Championship collection from Baron rings: https://bluebombersring.com
    3 points
  5. I think its a tandem with Oliveria starting as the more power back, who gains consistent yardage and starts to wear down the defence and then Augustine comes in as the more explosive home run hitter. So an updated version of Millington and Philpot in BC aka Thunder and Lightning.
    3 points
  6. It WAS built in Winnipeg…..in 1955. Tim Horton’s was modelled after Canadinns because that’s what their budget allowed for. when IG Field was being constructed I spoke with one of the project managers for the club when I got to view my potential new seats, and he said both Hamilton and Sask sent reps to see what they could learn from the build. Sask learned that their build would cost triple what the Bombers paid, and Hamilton learned that for the same price as IG Field all they could afford was a design similar to Canadinns but with no end zone seats. They were very jealous of the deal we struck. Of course, we paid for our sweet deal once construction deficiencies and repairs upped the true cost.
    3 points
  7. Fun fact. Blake and Sam Wheeler were at My daughters dance recital today. I guess their daughter goes to the same dance school as mine. Really tall guy in real life. Pretty nice guy too really. Now that I've met him in real life and he gave my daughter a fist bump, I take back everything I've ever said about him.
    3 points
  8. He is just trying to give opposing players a fair chance.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. MAY 28 CAR 2-5 NYR : Rangers one win away from a second 1st round pick for the Jets 🥰
    2 points
  11. That's why pre-season doesn't draw and isn't televised as much. Cuz its meaningless Fans know this, or should by now
    2 points
  12. The upper decks on both sides just look like they stopped because they ran out of money. Caretaker Bob is a billionaire. Did he put any of his money into the thing? With Hamilton Ti Cats history, tradition & establishment in the community TH Field should be 30,000 seats. If Young didn't help finance the construction & it was supposed to be a bigger & nicer stadium then something is wrong. The losers are the fans. I'm grateful & proud of IG Field.
    2 points
  13. Tracker

    The TV Thread

    Good series except for the captain sporting a 'do that would take him about two hours before he emerged from his cabin.
    2 points
  14. Re: Brown vs Miller. They're teammates and more than that, they have a personal relationship. If you ever get the chance, get Doug to tell you about Miller talking him (and others) into moving his hot tub... These guys have a lot of history.
    2 points
  15. I really liked his post game interview. Talked about his performance and some things he should have done better. But also addressed last years CGY game and how he was trying to be so careful with the ball to not create turnovers and hiw that mindset led to mistakes and Ultimately turnovers. I thought he looked far better than prukop and I expect him to be the #2 this year.
    2 points
  16. That's a whole lot of words to say, "I have no idea what the Bombers know".
    2 points
  17. Re: Saunders' culpability is irrelevant. Being associated with a player accused of domestic violence when part of league branding is standing up against it is hypocritical. I have no problem with his release. Part of being a football player is being in the public eye, rightly or wrongly, they are often held to a higher standard than the rest of us.
    1 point
  18. Went to fan fest today. I totally Mourtada'd a FG kick. Boink, off the upright! I've cut myself already.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Noooooooo ....for cripes sake we don't need him out of the lineup....I hope to hell it's just an ankle tweak....bugger
    1 point
  21. bustamente

    The Winnipeg Thread

    This city looks like it will be setting a record for homicides this year, just a reminder when the police bosses and union get up and say they need more officers. You need to get to the route of the problems which include mental illness, poverty and drug use and unfortunately all three seem to be intertwined.
    1 point
  22. Already picked my up at the bomber store Friday night… haven’t had a chance to go through it yet
    1 point
  23. Tracker

    The TV Thread

    Shhhhsssss- you'll ruin it for the rest of us.
    1 point
  24. Might be more cuts coming.
    1 point
  25. I thought they had to release more than just 6 guys. But none of those names are surprising.
    1 point
  26. JCon

    US Politics

    It's totally not a racist thing to be obsessed with guns to "defend" yourself.
    1 point
  27. Mostly that the CFL isn't the top football league, the product and coverage can be bad, sometimes things like rules or reffing. To these folks, who only want to watch "the best," it doesn't matter if there are 7 or 0 Canadians playing. They aren't going to watch and the league is unlikely to draw them in, in my opinion. The CFL should still try to attract new fans obviously, but you also don't want to lose the ones you have.
    1 point
  28. What about Bo Levi Mitchell going 3/10 with 2 ints?
    1 point
  29. I agree with your comments. Even the really long one. Whether or not this ends in a warrant for his arrest is yet to be determined, and a finding of guilty or innocent is miles away.
    1 point
  30. 17to85

    The TV Thread

    I made it through the week without being spoiled... and yeah.... that's something.
    1 point
  31. Yes but it starts next year. Idk if they are counting the cancelled season either. glass has played 3 seasons so this is 4 and next would be 5 in the league which qualifies. Dbs with 5 years of service would go up in value as a dime / nickel. Brown is also a legend with heavy media connections and an incredibly high value for the role he fills. Getting him fired would be a very bad look for the blue and then you’d likely see him in a similar satellite role with tsn and or 3dn.
    1 point
  32. Neither does anyone who has already assumed him to be guilty.
    1 point
  33. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    If Kenney was so popular, why did he have to cheat to win the UCP leadership? What he has in common with Stefanson is that they've both shown themselves to be uncaring, incompetent and out of touch.
    1 point
  34. JCon

    2022 NHL Playoffs

    We have lots of fans at Bomber games dress up. They're obviously doing it for attention and, yet, they are men! Shocking that people of all genders do things to get attention.
    1 point
  35. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    She had an easy opportunity to raise her and her party's popularity and she failed at it spectacularly. She gave in to the right wingnuts and that's why her popularity is so low. I don't disagree that the unpopularity of her party isn't helping her, but she's not doing herself any favours either.
    1 point
  36. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    Not to mention never actually giving a straight answer to any question in the press briefings during her early days.
    1 point
  37. JCon

    2022 NHL Playoffs

    Rangers and AVs win cups with more than 6 teams in the league. The Leafs are entirely in a class of their own.
    1 point
  38. This is what needs to be done rather than cutting taxes on gas (Alberta). Use the funds that the ultra-rich are benefitting from to support increased prices rather than taking it out of public coffers and encouraging more use of a limited resource. Do not understand how people anyone outside the upper class celebrate less money going into public funds like education property tax rebate (Manitoba) and gas tax cut (Alberta) when there is no plan to replace the funds.
    1 point
  39. iHeart


    in a rather unexpected twist I got my second COVID booster today
    1 point
  40. bustamente

    The Winnipeg Thread

    The PC government does not want anyone poking around the police HQ shenanigans.
    1 point
  41. Brandon


    Once again... nobody wants to see this.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, TSN pre-half-post stuff is atrocious....thank Christ for 'OB.
    1 point
  43. Personally, I love it when Suitor pumps their tires in a win and makes excuses for them in a loss. It helps keep the delusions alive in Riderville and it makes it hurt more when we beat them for the umpteenth time in a row in the playoffs. That's when the reality sets in, and I like reality to set in at the same time as the pain for them.
    1 point
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