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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-05-12 in Posts

  1. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Source unknown: I was thinking of the "free exchange of ideas" last night. You know, it's not like a market, it's like a potluck. Everyone brings their own ideas and you sample others and some are familiar with a twist, some are interesting but not to your taste, some are bad, some are lifechanging. You can get into a discussion about recipes or technique, or what have you as people talk about the food. If someone brings mashed potatoes, you can debate the appropriateness for a potluck: is it too bland? Will it get cold on the table? Do potatoes make up too much of our diet? But if someone puts a steaming platter of dog **** on the table, we're not going to debate it. And when we tell them to take it off the table, it's not because we are afraid of eating their dog **** or we think that it's going to revolutionize lunch and we don't want that to happen. We tell them to get it off the table because there is no debate to be had. It's dog ****. It's not an open question, it's not a matter of palettes or picky eaters. That's why we don't engage with neo-nazis and white supremacists, and it's why we don't (or shouldn't) let them come to the potluck
    7 points
  2. The guy sounds like he has a head on his shoulders.
    6 points
  3. Love this by the way. Seems like a high character guy. Hopefully he has the talent and ability to be a capable back up QB. His maturity, hard work, and poise is a good start though.
    5 points
  4. Tracker


    It ain't over until its over. Still wearing my mask in stores.
    4 points
  5. https://www.tsn.ca/thomas-chabot-canada-world-championship-josh-anderson-pierre-luc-dubois-1.1798585 Dubois and Lowry are named alternate captains for Team Canada. Perhaps these guys should be part of the leadership team next year for the Jets.
    4 points
  6. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    They feel empowered by the CPC who are praising them. They cozied up the terrorists that occupied Ottawa and condoned the actions of those that harassed Trudeau in the last federal campaign. And, if you watched the debate, you know you can expect more from them.
    4 points
  7. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Oh, Murphy Brownshirt... You have lost your mind.
    4 points
  8. I'd think somebody like Greg Battle or Joe Poplawski goes in next, probably Cal Murphy too. Current Bombers that go in once they're no longer here: Mike O'Shea is at the top of that list without a doubt. Might actually be the only Bomber I'd currently put in there too. Bryant would be the other name I'd consider - Willie/Bighill/Collaros haven't been around long enough YET.
    3 points
  9. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    We moved out of grain in the mid 70's because there was no money in it, so I will have to take your word for it on the CWB after that time. The cost of hauling grain to market all depends how much further you have to go. In some areas it was minimal, but others it was quite expensive because the distance was further. My brother now has to haul almost 100k to sell his grain. My brother was the eldest and took over the farm. Our farm wasn't big enough to support multiple families so I went my own way. I think I made the right decision. To answer your question though, I loved cattle farming and hated grain farming. My brother operates a few head of cattle for me that I butcher and sell at auction each year, in exchange I look after the livestock for him a couple weeks each winter while he goes South somewhere.
    3 points
  10. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    Enough is enough, these stupid rednecks are fundamentally altering the way our political system operates. Social media has given them a platform to organize their protests, and unless steps are taken to crack down on this vulgar behaviour, public appearances by political representatives will revert to the Harper model, were public appearances are in fact private controlled events for invited guests only. Which would also exclude any press that might ask unscripted questions or shine a bad light on the political candidate. These idiots have nothing to contribute to democracy, other than spewing vitriol and white noise. "Stay the f*ck out of Peterborough": Jagmeet Singh harassed at NDP event https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/singh-peterborough-campaign-harrasment-1.6449729
    3 points
  11. We are going to be treated with some true Bomber legends as we head into the weekend and approach the (hopeful) start of main training camp. Today’s entry: Leo Lewis, “The Lincoln Locomotive”, the greatest player Bud Grant ever coached.
    3 points
  12. Comeback from down 2 goals in the first to win 5-2. Game 4 Friday.
    3 points
  13. Schoen sounds like a Canadian Mafia guy.
    3 points
  14. Good thing… Where else would he put his helmet?
    3 points
  15. The one season the award became a lifetime achievement award.
    2 points
  16. The absolute brilliance of getting him here as an FA, and then keeping him here for so many seasons, cannot be overstated It has been said before - he was one of the key components of the 'culture shift'
    2 points
  17. The bolded comments above are a bit of a contradiction in my mind. A difference of just around $750K between what his stats would dictate and his actual contract is more than made up for in the intangibles he brings to the team (leadership, size, grit, work ethic, etc).
    2 points
  18. Joe Pop, Cal Murphy or Battle would be great choices for the next few years. James Murphy is another good one. Longer term, Charles Roberts is a no brainer. Of the current/recent group, Bryant, MOS and Harris, with Bighill and Jefferson getting closer.
    2 points
  19. He also had a career 18.2 yard average per reception (to put that in perspective, of the other Bomber RB greats Roberts was 9.2, Harris 9.1, Reaves 10.6, and greatest receiver ever Stegall 17.7) and on kick returns had a 29.1 yard average (3rd best all-time in the CFL), topping 32 yards per return in 3 separate seasons.
    2 points
  20. bustamente

    US Politics

    Subpoena's issued thrown in the garbage by the current crop of Republicans, Democrats say when the Republicans take over and form their own committee's and issue subpoena's the Dems will ignore them. Silly Dems the Republicans will throw you in jail in a New York minute with their bought and paid for AG
    2 points
  21. Bryant is a no doubter 2 MOL (should of been 3) been here 7 season now? Wonder if they wait on Cal since he already has a statue outside the building.
    2 points
  22. One of the outstanding plays I ever witnessed or half witnessed cuz the fog was so thick, was the throw by Ploen, into what seemed like thick soup to Leo, who came up with a catch 30 yds down field.... Looked like Ploen just threw it up and Lewis ran out of the cloud bank ball in hand... Those two had to have had the best chemistry of any qb. and receiver ever.....They just knew by instinct where the other guy would be.... Leo could do it all....running or receiving.....Tough to stop and a good reason why we were racking up those Cup wins in the late 50's and early sixties
    2 points
  23. Mark F

    US Politics

    Soon Florida is going to pass a law making sea level rise a crime punishable by summary execution. "Fuc* Neptune" bumper stickers on sale now! call for Neptune firing squad volunteers crashes Florida state corrections dept. website! De Santos chides Biden for inaction on Neptune, while throwing billions into Ukraine! Trump tweets " I know Neptune well, very well, I did big deals with him, you're making mistake if you dont take him seriously" morons.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. These are his yards per carry over the first 10 years of his career. Dear god. Why did these Bomber teams even bother throwing the ball?!?!? 6.2 6.9 7.0 6.5 8.7 7.1 6.5 5.2 7.4 5.4
    2 points
  26. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    @the watcher this is mostly what I was referring to a ways back in the thread. Hostility like this, often based on conspiracies and misinformation, emboldened by many members of our opposition party. Like the US needed true Republicans to stamp out Trumpism and didn't, we need real conservatives to harshly criticize stuff like this and call it for what it is rather than use it for political gain.
    2 points
  27. No, just the new QB without experience with this club and 56 total passes in his career. A real vet!
    2 points
  28. #29. Leo Lewis. Another Bomber Legend and Hero. The sixth player added to the original Ring of Honour. One of the coolest nicknames I can recall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Lewis_(running_back)
    2 points
  29. Goalie

    Random Jets News

    I think bringing back the same guys again would be insanity. Time to move on from 55 and retain on 26 and move him out too. Not rebuild but retool. Leadership failed. The room is toxic.
    2 points
  30. Grant always said that Lewis could have played for any team down south ...he chose to stay in Winnipeg and the CFL.....He sure gave us some great football
    2 points
  31. Not rah rah like Rasheed Bailey but he has the same kind of drive.
    2 points
  32. Ive been reading up on this Dalton Schoen. Something about this guy.....Ive got a feeling he sticks and makes an impact this year, and hopefully beyond.
    2 points
  33. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    One of the costs that is rarely thought about is what all that traffic does to our roads. My property borders the highway and there was a massive change in the amount of semis on the road once we lost our rail line. And we are generally not keeping up to the wear on the highways any more. On top of the damage and wear to roads you could add in the cost to the environment .100s of trucks vs one train.
    2 points
  34. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    I think you mean 1850’s.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. Interesting that Montreal isnt even holding a rookie camp. Seems bizarre. Why wouldnt you want to get rookie Americans familiar with the CFL game?
    2 points
  37. SpeedFlex27

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    During the 1974 season, Don Jonas was unhappy with new Head Coach Bud Riley taking the play calling away from him & giving it to his OC. Riley said qbs had enough things to worry about on the field & playcalling shouldn't be one of them. Besides, Riley said that the game was changing & more responsibilities were being given to coaches when it came to play calling. Turns out Riley was right as today no qb calls his own game. But Jonas was a throwback to another time & he felt he was the one who should call the plays not an assistant on the sidelines so there was a major clash there. With the Bombers struggling on the field, GM Earl Lunsford felt it was his duty to open his big yap of a pie hole to the local media & he too criticized Jonas for throwing some ill timed interceptions early in that 1974 season. Jonas took exception to that & in an article published by the Winnipeg Tribune's Sports Editor & Bomber beat writer jack Matheson in mid August, he criticized Riley for changing the playcalling from what he was used to. When it came to Lunsford in the same article, Jonas was quoted by Matheson as saying something about Lunsford not having a clue about how the offense worked, not knowing the plays, never sitting in on film or qb meetings, that he should stick to managing the team & mind his own business. Lunsford was angered & set out to trade Jonas just to show him Who Was The Boss. A couple of weeks later, the trade was made & he was off to Hamilton for Chuck Ealey. One thing a player didn't do was cross Lunsford as he was a vindictive man. A number of players including Jonas found that out. Jonas knew something was up. About a week before the trade was consumated he went in to talk to Lunsford to try to smooth the waters. He said he was willing to step aside as the starter to play Brock. That he would like to mentor the young QB as a player-coach & that he wanted to end his career as a Bomber. Lunsford had made up his mind to trade what he felt was the "malcontent" veteran qb & nothing Jonas said made a difference.
    2 points
  38. Would be neat if they did a statue at some point with the three Canadian Mafia
    1 point
  39. Am I mis-remembering? Big Stan won the MOOL with the Bombers in 2017, 2018 and 2021......no? He did not win with Calgary, I don't think... CFL's Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman Award winners 2021 – Stanley Bryant (OT), Winnipeg Blue Bombers. 2020 – season cancelled - covid 19. 2019 - Chris Van Zeyl (OT), Hamilton Tiger-Cats. 2018 – Stanley Bryant (OT), Winnipeg Blue Bombers. 2017 – Stanley Bryant (OT), Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
    1 point
  40. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    Lowry anywhere under 5m is a deal, IMO. That guy is an all-hustle leader. Every single team wants a guy like that. They're definitely not overpaying him.
    1 point
  41. 3 MOOL and should have been 4 As an aside (speaking of players who won a lot of individual awards) I was just reading this book about CFL in the 90s and it said Doug Flutie was in the league 8 seasons and won the CFL MOP 6x. That is insane. Okay back to Ring Of Honour!
    1 point
  42. Tracker

    The Tech Thread

    You've not old until you get referred to a paleontologist for your annual checkup.
    1 point
  43. Bryant without a doubt gets in. I wanted to make the case for Harris as well but he only played 5 seasons in Winnipeg, obviously feels longer with the pandemic lost year.
    1 point
  44. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    Lowry has Captain written all over him. One of the few guys who seemingly never takes a shift off.
    1 point
  45. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Fair comment. One difference I would point out: fewer large semis vs. many small grain trucks
    1 point
  46. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/russia-ukraine-war-1.6446322 What a clown show.
    1 point
  47. I dunno, I feel like a few other people will make it before Bob. Ken Ploen, Gerry James, Milt Stegall, Dieter Brock, Leo Lewis, Bud Grant, Herb Gray, Doug Brown, Jack Jacobs, Fritz Hanson and Bob Cameron come to mind... Maybe even in that exact order!
    1 point
  48. Okay, let's expand IG Field to 55,000 seats to accomodate all the honourees.
    1 point
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