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  1. Have you guys not noticed this Bomber team is better when they are counted out... My hope is that the bombers are never first in the meaningless power rankings... and are first place at the end of the season... just like 2019
    8 points
  2. Jpan85

    Week 2 thoughts

    TSN Broadcast - Dustin Nielson has been a breath of fresh air. Can see him being lead announcer in a few years.
    8 points
  3. rebusrankin

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Hey, Calgary is in two weeks, let's focus guys. Its all about Toronto and going 1-0 this week.
    6 points
  4. Bigblue204

    Week 2 thoughts

    I don't know what people have been watching if you don't think TO is a good team. They're solid on both sides of the ball. I expect a much closer game this week between them and the Bombers.
    6 points
  5. do or die

    Week 2 thoughts

    Much more physical team than Hamilton. If they get the QB'ing and cut down on the penalties.......they will be a tough out.
    5 points
  6. Ah yes, the annual, "We haven't beat anyone good yet" stance. I forgot how much I missed your posts. An opening month of CFL is not complete without this.
    5 points
  7. Bluto keeps it real tho...is respectful and calls it as it is....he's a lot different than the western neighbors
    5 points
  8. I don't understand why people are shitting on the rider fans that come to this board - of course they are going to pump the tires of their team when they are doing well... They are not being rude or insulting and singling people out... Anyways- lets be better than those certain chuckle heads on RF. C'mon, lets have have fun and not be assholes to one another- CFL is back and that is awesome, that is something we can ALL celebrate.
    5 points
  9. If you'd ever been to Fox Creek those words would never be said.
    4 points
  10. BomberfanMKS

    Week 2 thoughts

    Their run defense and LB play was real legit. That game would have been REALLY close if they had more discipline.
    4 points
  11. Rider fans are guilty until proven innocent.
    4 points

    Week 2 thoughts

    1. Riders: Faj-J-J is almost as good as the Riders fans think he is. The OL hasn't been a problem... yet. The injuries haven't either. Beat Hammy worse than we did. 2. Bombers: Haven't played a top half team yet. Our DL and OL are top units. Our kicking is still in flux. 3. Als: Only 1 game against a bottom level team, but looked great for the first game in forever. 4. Argos: 1 and 1 against Wpg and Cgy. Vet laden team with below average QB's. I expect them to drop next week. 5. Lions: Reilly is the difference maker and their coaching and D are way better this year. 6. redblacks: Got a win. 7. Ticats: Played the top 2 teams and lost both. Banks hasn't been the difference maker he was. 8. Stamps: BLM has been bad which makes the team bad. 9. Elks: Couldn't even beat Ottawa.
    4 points
  13. How many games have we had under O' Shea where we took more penalties than the other team? I honestly can't remember it ever happening. That to me is the foremost criteria that makes me believe he is the best Head Coach in the league.
    4 points
  14. Mike

    Week 2 thoughts

    That’s not how kicking works, you don’t just try and slam a chip shot to see how far you can kick it
    4 points
  15. I find that some of the fans here who gripe about fans from other sites coming here are also the ones who visit the rival sites themselves and criticize fans there of doing exactly what they themselves do here. I for one welcome fans from other sites. No one rags on Bluto for being here as an Argo fan. I get the knee jerk reaction to dump on all things Rider, but it doesn’t give us licence to be d*cks to individual people because they root for the green and we can hide behind a keyboard. If they become trolls, they will out themselves soon enough (see Migs, Zontar). But if we unilaterally kick off everyone who trolls, there would be a few Bomber fans here who would also qualify for termination. And rooting for another team is not the sole criteria for being a troll.
    4 points
  16. Mark F

    Week 2 thoughts

    yeah, think they could def. go regular season 15 16 wins, due to the greatness of their wins. NFL scouts are hovering in the wings! probably the best football team in a thousand years.
    4 points
  17. do or die

    Week 2 thoughts

    Gin fueled left handed stab at power rankings #1 Riders Generational team of destiny.....expect them to go 14-0.... or better #2 Bombers Rock solid O, D, ST, and coaching...built for playoff action #3 Montreal Kahari great motivator, Adams might be getting there #4 Toronto Physical team, plenty of talent, if they can harness it #5 Edmonton QB Harris is one of the CFL greats ....outside the red zone. #6 Calgary (rubs eyes) BLM has looked more like Little Bo Peep #7 BC Mysterious QB setup, lot of fresh faces #8 Ottawa D competes.....but that O....that QB situation #9 Hamilton Better that some of the above - on paper Injuries, lack of dept and under-performers
    4 points
  18. rebusrankin

    Week 2 thoughts

    This is an upgrade over Boyko at tackle.
    3 points
  19. 17to85

    Week 2 thoughts

    Back to back asskickings by the Bombers really seems to have broken that team.
    3 points
  20. Cash is way better for the bottom line of any business. It'll happen eventually.
    3 points
  21. wbbfan

    Week 2 thoughts

    Glad fmb is getting another chance. We beat 2 top half teams. We knocked the cats down several pegs that's better than beating a top team. Idk how people see the carcass that went to ssk as the same group that we beat. They went from super confident about to avenge the Grey Cup unbeatable monster super team to tame ole puddy tats. We didn't just beat them We broke them.
    3 points
  22. Doublezero

    Week 2 thoughts

    I'd like to see Johnny Augustine get some carries in the tailback spot next game.
    3 points
  23. 17to85

    Week 2 thoughts

    Ok so who are top half teams? Because we haven't played the riders or the Als it doesn't matter how good the D has played? It's been 2 ******* weeks and you want to go on about top half vs bottom half? Get ****** that's a dumb ******* comment and you know it. Couple glorified Preseason games and we already know top half vs. Bottom half. Good lord.
    3 points
  24. Mike

    Week 2 thoughts

    Ah yes. I remember this old argument. ”haven’t beaten anybody good yet”, yet you don’t mention that for the Riders despite one common opponent and a win over (in your own quoted opinion) a lesser opponent than who we beat. Never change.
    3 points
  25. Specialty plates (non-member) (mpi.mb.ca)
    3 points
  26. Mark H.

    Week 2 thoughts

    They stopped the run but gave up 300 passing yards. Stop 6 of one, give up half a dozen of the other.
    3 points
  27. TrueBlue4ever

    Week 2 thoughts

    Another take: 1. Sask (up from 2)- Even if some Bomber fans don’t want to see it, Riders are playing well and Fajardo is compensating for the patchwork o-line with his scrambling and quick release to a talented receiving corps. Ball hawking secondary and solid kicking game so far. They get top spot because they have done a better job at getting big leads. Big question, are they built for the playoffs? 2. Wpg (down from 1) - Even if some Bomber fans don’t want to see it, the offence isn’t quite there yet, and we lack trust in our kicking game. But the best o-line on the league helps the offence a lot, and the best defensive front 7 in the league is making this the most dominant defence seen in years. Still susceptible to letting an opponent hang around and steal a victory, but if defence wins championships the road to the Cup goes through them right now. 3. Tor (up from 4) - Took out perennial powers Calgary at home, and hung with the Bombers and won the run game battle. Had they started their better QB, they might be 2-0. 4. Mtl (up from 5) - looked impressive, but need to beat a better calibre of team than the Elks before they can be ranked ahead of the others. 5. BC (up from 7) - Still trying to figure them out. Do they fight back in week 1 or did Sask get complacent and give them garbage yards? Did they shut down BLM with great D or is Calgary falling apart? Michael Reilly gives them a good chance any given week, their kicking game at present does not. 6. Ham (down from 3)- Only the facts that they have lost to the clear top 2 teams in the league, had to play road games to start, and the ineptitude of the teams below them gives them a ranking this high. Their offence has not impressed, they are undisciplined, and they appear to be still trying to live off their press clippings rather than playing tough football and earning the praise thrown their way before the season started. 7. Cal (down from 6) - Ranked behind Hamilton because of who they lost to and due to losing both at home. Something off about BLM, but until he owns his own mistakes, acknowledges the talent of his opponents rather than expecting them to bow down to his greatness, and accepts his new teammates, or gets properly healed with all of his mystery ailments, not sure if they will be in the right headspace to climb out of this. 8. Ott (up from 9) - Yes they are 1-0 and ranked below winless teams, but they were really impotent in week 1 and should have lost. Still on track to be the worst team by year’s end. 9. Edm (down from 8. - Week 1 may have been a fluke, but week 2 left little doubt that this team is bad, and Trevor Harris couldn’t be bothered to put up misleading fancy stats this week. How all that supposed offensive talent on paper can be so ineffective is inexplicable.
    3 points
  28. 17to85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Because Kyle walters puts in the legwork to find out about guys. Seriously in my estimation he is the hardest working gm out there.
    3 points
  29. Bluto is NOT some deranged melon head... He's a veteran of the message boards and, for lack of a better term, "gets it"...
    3 points
  30. Booch

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    i agree....our globals in now way hurt us...actually contribute
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. 17to85

    Week 2 thoughts

    Is it too soon to ask if fajardo is better than Doug Flutie?
    3 points
  33. As it was, as it is, and as it ever shall be.
    3 points
  34. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    I think think the conservatives will have big losses with a lot of that support being people holding their noses and voting for Trudeau. Trudeau is a dope but the liberals as a whole have been their usual selves so I don't think Trudeau is so disliked people will vote against him.
    2 points
  35. This is the CFL. Which consists of the Bombers and a number of other teams. Any fan from elsewhere, who can give information about their team, contribute to rational discussion, or add different some perceptions.....should always be welcomed. Of course, some may not fall into any of the above categories.......but have trust, that our excellent mods would deal with it.
    2 points
  36. Fair point. So how about we figure out what type of fans Fox Creek and Steve the3rd actually are before sh*ting on them and telling them to leave. Because we haven’t seen enough yet of either type of extreme to make a conclusion.
    2 points
  37. Noeller

    Week 2 thoughts

    I think it's super cute that anyone would question Mike O'Shea on Special Teams..........that's Mike O'Shea........one of the greatest ST coaches in the history of the 3 down loop......
    2 points
  38. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    The Liberals are a progressive party in name / lip service only - this has been the case since about 1995.
    2 points
  39. Dodge and Burn

    Week 2 thoughts

    Sorry but our oline got a slap on the face this week. They run blitzed us to the ground. It worked. Pass pro was great. They are a good team. If we dont get more push from our interior DL goin forward it will cost us.
    2 points
  40. Name one disrespectful thing Fox Creek has said here. Has actually been quite complementary about the Bombers, and taken the good natured jabs with good humour. And for that, is being told to leave and go back to the inbred site and stop posting here. And yet you complain about the Rider trash dumping on rival fans on their site like we are so superior here. Every fan base has their jerks, but how about we give our new visitors a chance to enhance this board before painting them with the same brush we reserve for the worst of them. And yet from day one here Bluto was given the benefit of the doubt here, veteran or not. Just because we don’t like the Rider team and can cherry pick certain fans who are a problem (they exist on every team, BTW, even our own), no need to instantly drive away a rival fan who wants to engage in football talk and unfairly label them as deranged because they like the colour green and for no other reason.
    2 points
  41. Serious question, why come though? I have zero interest in going to any other teams sites.
    2 points
  42. wbbfan

    Week 2 thoughts

    Yeah. Thankfully some of the other guys gotta age out at some point.
    2 points
  43. Jpan85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    We are playing two global Hanson and Mauro
    2 points
  44. Yup it’s gonna be another classic between the 2 excellent teams . I really enjoyed watching your Bombers they have a dominating defence as do the Riders it’s gonna be fun .
    2 points
  45. Yeah but Migs was worse than Lyle so the Riders win that contest.
    2 points
  46. Agree but the Riders do suck no matter what.
    2 points
  47. These are the same Saskatchewan Roughriders that lost a Grey Cup for being unable to count (i) ? The ones that took multiple consecutive offside penalties from their own 1 yard line last night (ii)? The ones whose mascot was lambasted for going overboard on a stuffed lion, committing a sexually explicit act at a family event (iii)? The same team that overspent and broke rules regarding the salary cap and committed roster violations, in order to go 5-13 (iv)? The same 'Riders founded before World War 1 (in 1910), but didn't win a Grey Cup until after mankind successfully reached space (v)? The same Riders that have the same number of Grey Cup wins as the University of Toronto Varsity Blues, a defunct team that hasn't played in the Grey Cup since 1926 (vi), which was the same year the first SAT was administered (vii)? This is the franchise you're complaining isn't being given respect? On their biggest rivals' forum? Are the 2021 Saskatchewan Roughriders the real deal? Maybe. Historically speaking though, as a franchise, you guys are trash. Sources: (i) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77L3gNDCUnw (ii) This was last night, I'm not sourcing it. (iii) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/sexual-assault-advocates-gainer-reaction-1.5222683 (iv) https://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/cfl/saskatchewan-roughriders-roster-violations-1.3717687 (v) The first man to reach outer space was Yuri Gagarin, which happened in April 11, 1961. Your first Grey Cup was in 1966. (vi) https://varsityblues.ca/sports/2008/7/28/FIGURE_0728085342.aspx?path=football (vii) https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/where/timeline.html
    2 points
  48. Same answer to both, league wants a successful Toronto team. 2 pretty blatant misses by the officials. Or the refs just flat out suck. That is a very real possibility too.
    2 points
  49. Tracker


    Thank God for free speech! Otherwise, how would we know who the idiots among us are?
    2 points
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