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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-26 in Posts

  1. 7 points
  2. October 5 at 5 pm, but not sure which time zone.
    6 points
  3. Just a heads up, the boys are back on the field today in about 15 minutes. Should be some tweets incoming......
    4 points
  4. In fairness to the Riders (vomit), we had the exact thing happen last year and they seem to have handled it as swiftly as we did. Short of Dickenson opening his mouth and somehow making it worse, I don't think this incident alone can be held against them.
    4 points
  5. Those other times are useless to me, because I didn't see them. 😁
    4 points
  6. yuck about the back 6 tho...not a strong point at the moment...tho BA with another week of practice and game under is belt is a good thing...that Wil spot tho and the 2 rookies leaves a lot to be desired....blahh
    4 points
  7. I’ve heard Hardrick say multiple times that he is going to play until they rip the jersey off his back. That said, I’d expect he stays on his side. Why create two problems instead of one?
    4 points
  8. with 4 yrs age difference there I highly doubt it....Hardrick is having too much fun, and is still too damn good to be hanging them up anytime soon
    4 points
  9. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Jesus christ it is constantly whataboutism. This is why I have given up on the conservatives. They have no policy other than Trudeau bad! Which is **** policy and governance. No one hates Trudeau enough to overlook the crap conservatives are pushing.
    4 points
  10. He was 0-4 with his starting QB. Ironically enough, Lapo has never had a successful offence as a HC. The only time he won more than 4 games in a season is in 2011, when we had the swaggerville defence.
    3 points
  11. Saidin

    Playoff Update

    Man Farhan sure carries the water for BC. I forget if it was on Twitter or during the game that they said Rourke is already walking in a boot and could be seen this year... Like come on.
    3 points
  12. bearpants

    Playoff Update

    This is definitely not correct... Sask is a long way away from clinching a crossover spot... Ham can still finish 8-10, meaning Sask would have to be at 9 wins to clinch a crossover... and an Edm loss means nothing for the crossover... I think a win and Edm loss means Sask finishes no worse than 4th in the west... which means nothing.
    3 points
  13. If I was on the riders team I would drink too. Only I wouldn't climb on a tractor, car or my sister and go for a ride!
    2 points
  14. Spend your $ to help grifters grift. I mean who wouldn't want to take medical advice from Fleury, a guy who never finished high school.
    2 points
  15. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    A fool and their money.
    2 points
  16. lol....sorry....go off for a walk in the park and think about what you did..cleanse yourself of the situation then we never, ever bring it up again haha
    2 points
  17. No, no. Bring Lapo back, so we can then fire him ......yet again.
    2 points
  18. Without bringing everything from the past- on it's own, it should be noted (maybe even slightly applauded, because of their record of not doing the right thing right away) that they did the right thing. If we want them to be more accountable in the future- I don't think shitting on them when they "FINALLY" do the right thing in a very quick manner, is going help. Whatever- good on them doing the right thing. uhg, feel so gross man- @Booch you gotta stop making me defend them... off to take a silkwood shower.
    2 points
  19. Well I do know for a fact we lost out on 2 receivers in his time here....well because he was here and they didn't want to lessen their future earning power playing in his system, so yes I believe he isn't good for recievers...as for QB's who has he developed??..he stagnated Strev and tried to make him a gimmick....Nichols and Collaros were established, tho as time wore on here Lapo's system pretty much combined with Nichols injuries sent him down a downward spiral....he's had almost 2 seasons to develop Evans in Ottawa and if anything he has regressed... Bad decisions?....well proof is in pudding the last 2 years he is a horrible....Horrible game manager as a HC....his HC record is what 22 and 48?...god awful....and his play calling...well we all have seen that for the most part...at least here he won in spite of it, we were lucky to have some generational talent to make it work...dudes a nice guy, and "can" be a decent co-ordinator....but man, sooner or later the coaching gigs are gonna dry up...I think its closer to later here for him...
    2 points
  20. That team just can't stay out of their own way
    2 points
  21. You do realize multiple things can be true at once right? Lapo isn't a good HC, Mack was a train wreck as GM for the Bombers...the two of them together put out a horrible product. And YES...some of the blame for what is happening in OTT is on their GM. That's football, it's the ultimate team game. A good football team is never because of 1 person....a bad football team is never because of 1 person. Someone pointing that out doesn't mean they're running to lapos defense lol
    2 points
  22. Noeller


    Haven't you heard? It's all PP's doing, as per his Twitter..... 2 weeks on the job and he's given everyone their freedom back!
    2 points
  23. Amazing we haven't made a move for the playoff run yet, IMO. When is the trade deadline?
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. yeah not too sure who they gonna scare...especially when own HC said in media the= aren't very good....puzzling
    2 points
  26. According to Cody, if they get into the playoffs, some teams are going to be scared to play them.
    2 points
  27. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    I don't like the swing away from centre. Concerns me about the CPC, and it concerns me about the Liberals as well. I don't particularly care for the way politics are heading here, and in the US either. Polarization and shifting out to the extremes is not particularly helpful to anyone. I completely agree with Poilievre on some fiscal issues he is flogging, but I do not support the use of boogeyman politics by either the left or right of the political spectrum. I don't care for the "freedom" platform of Poilievre, just as I don't care for aspects of Liberal populism that have been flogged under Trudeau. I wish all parties would just get back to the business of running our country and quit virtue signalling to the extremes of their parties. I would hate to see Canada become as polarized as what is happening in the US, and I'm afraid we will head down that road if neither the CPC or Liberals step back to the middle. Whoever goes back to the middle will get my vote. Not closest to centrist politics but actual centrist politics, otherwise llke I did last election I will register a protest vote.
    2 points
  28. Booch

    Playoff Update

    The way it looks, and could go I dont see SSK getting the crossover...Sask has a game here in Wpg...they are in Hamilton and then have back to back against CGY who will be fighting for a home playoff date with B.C...so they will be going guns a blazing. Ham has the SSK game coming off a bye...they in CGY and then home and home against Ottawa...so that game against Riders will be huge, especially if we do Ham a fovour and take out our anger on that last loss against the Riders this week...which pretty sure happens Sask I can actually see losing out the rest of the season and end at 6 and 12, so Hamilton needs 2 wins out of those 4 games, and with Ott twice and that Sask I like their chances...be interesting to see these last 4 weeks play out. we need to go .500 in our final 4 to guarantee 1st...and not have to schedule watch...I like our chances
    2 points
  29. do or die

    US Politics

    Gosh, this is terrible. Better send this guy some money...
    2 points
  30. I think the Bombers will pursue all CFL FA opportunities or trade first before handing the LT position to any inexperienced rookie.
    2 points
  31. I know Argo running back A.J. Ouellette isn't a Natl., but he sure reminds me of a backup Natl. RB trying harder to show he could become a starter. Much like Litre now on the Elks, the only physical talent he possesses is extra grunt.
    2 points
  32. kelownabomberfan

    Playoff Update

    2 points
  33. Lapo is done this yr.....prob keep him on till then and then they cut ties...I doubt he lands a HC gig...and if anything I see him in Sask...haha Pierce ain't going nowhere...I see 2 teams...Sask and Ott needed a new HC..that is it...and possibly MTL..I know the gnome says he not in it for the long haul...but I dont believe it.. I can see Khari in Ott next yr...I can see Riders try hard for Killam out of CGY or they may have same situation as with when they had no choice Dicklesson and go within...so promote their DC sa as not to lose him..unless he has no control of the idiots there either. Mass likely ends up in MTL in the ol recycle game of coaches unless they go way off the board...could see it
    2 points
  34. Oh I don't hate Lapo, I'm just not going to let people get away with gaslighting people about his ability.
    2 points
  35. I’ll never get why the hate of him is so personal for some of you here. Like you want him to fail and revel in it. And root for him to get fired. It will happen and is part of the game, and his record shows he’s not a head coach, but the glee some post about his inevitable demise makes no sense to me. If people are bitter about the time he was here and didn’t deliver a win, it should have washed away in 2019. If he had a big character flaw like he beat his wife, quit on a contract and walked out, was demeaning to the media or fans, or got busted for drug use I might understand it. Why is your hate so personal?
    2 points
  36. Sorry, but Father Time is the GOAT. Undefeated.
    1 point
  37. blue_gold_84


    1 point
  38. Can I ask. What's the point in posts like this? It adds nothing and makes you look like a complete dumbass who nobody should ever take seriously
    1 point
  39. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Despite winning elections, racism has been isolated as a significant factor that directly led to Obama receiving less votes than expected results. Trump and all the politicians that have since jumped on the Trump bandwagon also do better than expected amongst racists. Any increase in minorities plays poorly for them in polling, but good for them in terms of inflaming voters that immigrants are the cause of their problems. There is some interesting stats/analysis on this in the book "Everybody Lies" by Seth Stevens-Davidowitz. Interesting to say for someone that has basically been a Pollievre parrot with lines like "JUSTINFLATION" would say this. One of the big problems with PP is that his followers have little care or little ability to comprehend facts. If political popularity were decided by good policy and facts, PP would have no chance and wouldn't come close to leading anything but the PPC. I'd assume most people critical of PP/CPC on this forum take issue with the embrace of misinformation and lack of legitimate policies way more than his annoying personality. What specific concerns you about the direction the CPC is heading?
    1 point
  40. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Not entirely true. The percentage of non-Caucasian people in the US is growing and the racists are using the "I will not be replaced" Nazi slogan and other similar ones to stoke fears. Fear is all the right wing has these bigots have- fear of gays, coloured people, socialism, immigrants, authoritarian Democrat governments, certain books, media and on and on. Ironically, they seem very willing to submit to an authoritarian government that professes themselves to be guardians of freedom and are willing to force their minority views on the majority. Bizarre.
    1 point
  41. He red shirted in 2019 this is his 3rd season. Generally you get 5 years to play 4 seasons of your sport. He could play another year. Idk if he’s eligible for a Covid bonus redshirt year. His production to this point wasn’t strong. I would expect him to go another year unless his team is aging out or he really has a huge year and gets nfl interest
    1 point
  42. Don't think Oshea can coach QB's???
    1 point
  43. I am praying that after he is inevitably fired from Ottawa that the riders hire him.
    1 point
  44. Tracker

    The RIP 2022 Thread

    Bill was a kind, moral man and generous with his time, but time waits for no man. RIP Bill and condolences to his family- the world is a poorer place today.
    1 point
  45. If I'm 25, I'm going for it now tho cuz reality Is if I don't make it now they won't give me another chance. This is my shot to live my dream. I'd be happy to come back to the CFL but I wouldn't come until I've exhausted all My nfl options first.
    1 point
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