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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-25 in Posts

  1. Your last line sums it up. Some people have no idea how good we have it in Canada. How dare Science and health professionals dictate what we need to do to get thru a pandemic. How dare I am free to make choices but certain choices if I make them will have consequences. How dare i am free I to jump on social media and spew anything I want to and then people disagree with my absurd drivel. How dare I can walk around freely in Canada with little restrictions.
    5 points
  2. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    PP has already hinted at his stance on freedom by not allowing questions after calling a press conference.
    4 points
  3. https://www.bluebombers.com/2022/09/25/blue-bombers-transactions-september-25-2022/ DL Bronson Massie- kansas
    3 points
  4. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Jesus christ it is constantly whataboutism. This is why I have given up on the conservatives. They have no policy other than Trudeau bad! Which is **** policy and governance. No one hates Trudeau enough to overlook the crap conservatives are pushing.
    3 points
  5. Oh I don't hate Lapo, I'm just not going to let people get away with gaslighting people about his ability.
    3 points
  6. Memo to Mike O'Shea. DON'T. BRING. LAPO. BACK.
    3 points
  7. What on earth was that all about Lapo?? TSN pans to a RedBlack fan throwing out the middle finger. Lol. As he was looking at his playlist.
    3 points
  8. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Answering questions requires more than just a sound bite.
    3 points
  9. With the decline of main stream media the politically illiterate population in Canada seems to be growing to match the US, these are people who are not at all interested in politics, never followed or understood our system of govt. and in fact hate the subject with passion. They simply react to dog whistles and bumper stickers and are enthusiastic to vote for any moron they don't currently hate to lead them over a cliff. The CPC understands this well, encourages it, and happily exploits it.
    3 points
  10. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Not entirely true. The percentage of non-Caucasian people in the US is growing and the racists are using the "I will not be replaced" Nazi slogan and other similar ones to stoke fears. Fear is all the right wing has these bigots have- fear of gays, coloured people, socialism, immigrants, authoritarian Democrat governments, certain books, media and on and on. Ironically, they seem very willing to submit to an authoritarian government that professes themselves to be guardians of freedom and are willing to force their minority views on the majority. Bizarre.
    2 points
  11. Lapo is done this yr.....prob keep him on till then and then they cut ties...I doubt he lands a HC gig...and if anything I see him in Sask...haha Pierce ain't going nowhere...I see 2 teams...Sask and Ott needed a new HC..that is it...and possibly MTL..I know the gnome says he not in it for the long haul...but I dont believe it.. I can see Khari in Ott next yr...I can see Riders try hard for Killam out of CGY or they may have same situation as with when they had no choice Dicklesson and go within...so promote their DC sa as not to lose him..unless he has no control of the idiots there either. Mass likely ends up in MTL in the ol recycle game of coaches unless they go way off the board...could see it
    2 points
  12. If you can honestly watch the team that Lapolice has built from scratch over two years in Ottawa and say you want that guy near a professional football team anytime soon you’re deranged. He’s got a 10 year minimum sentence at TSN to cleanse from this **** show he’s created. The guy can’t coach QBs. You can’t hand over a team or an offense in any level of football now to someone who can’t coach QBs. 2022 Masoli was his 2010-12 Buck Pierce.
    2 points
  13. I completely agree. It's over the top.
    2 points
  14. I’ll never get why the hate of him is so personal for some of you here. Like you want him to fail and revel in it. And root for him to get fired. It will happen and is part of the game, and his record shows he’s not a head coach, but the glee some post about his inevitable demise makes no sense to me. If people are bitter about the time he was here and didn’t deliver a win, it should have washed away in 2019. If he had a big character flaw like he beat his wife, quit on a contract and walked out, was demeaning to the media or fans, or got busted for drug use I might understand it. Why is your hate so personal?
    2 points
  15. I am praying that after he is inevitably fired from Ottawa that the riders hire him.
    2 points
  16. One half of the highest scoring siblings tandem in nhl history?
    2 points
  17. BC's offense is like watching paint......still sitting in the can....
    2 points
  18. Is that a break? Don't usually see them brace injuries like that.
    2 points
  19. Rodney Randle tweet... he is fine.
    2 points
  20. We have heard the death knell for Police's career as a coach in the CFL,
    2 points
  21. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Alberta handed the reigns to a similar guy in Jason kenney and it was nothing short of a disaster. I don't want to see both the province and federal government ****** up. Contrary to what some people think, "liberals and Trudeau are bad" makes for **** policy and governance.
    2 points
  22. RedBack fans deserve better. Much better. The team still has a theoretical shot at the playoffs, but its all theoretical.
    2 points
  23. Arbuckle continues to show all the signs of looking like a competent quarterback without actually being one.
    2 points
  24. One would love to disagree with this post, say you’re demonizing intelligent Canadians who just think different than you but I think unfortunately you’re bang on. There is no true well thought out conservative platforms here to help the average Canadian with diverse backgrounds. Easy access to social media and a narrow view on social and economic issues spells jackpot for guys like PP and his enablers who are following Trumps playbook to a tee. He’s already posted a video letting his mouth breathers know they’re ‘winning’. What a lazy **** he and his enablers are. Hope it blows up in their face.
    2 points
  25. I really don’t like the idea of rooting for Rittich.
    1 point
  26. Dan sounds like Paul Edmonds. Hopefully does not call it like Paul Edmonds.
    1 point
  27. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    That's a loaded question, but decisions the UCP have made regarding energy and insurance regulations are a direct cost to consumers based on their policies. It's not about cost of loving increases overall, it's about their decisions passing costs onto consumers.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    probably like everything they do, following the lead of the Republicans. 2020 us election. "The Republican Party took an unusual approach to writing its convention platform for 2020: It decided not to write one." as you said, doesn't seem to matter to a lot of people. lots of these crackpot people running for school trustee, municipal council in B.C. october election. its not easy to find out who they are either. media where I live are failing on this.
    1 point
  30. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    And government fatigue is a real thing, and with all the inflation happening right now any government is going to take a hit... but I don't see any ideas from the conservatives that would make things any better, and i have seen first hand what a Harper disciple has done in charge of Alberta and it's been nothing but making life more expensive for me.
    1 point
  31. Those polls that are showing a bump for the CPC also show that Trudeau is favoured over Pollievre as PM personally. So the bump may be in spite of Pierre rather than because of him, and is due to the CPC changing leaders and getting attention for their new direction (and claims of unity, despite an MP resigning right after). In any event, the election is 3 years away, so I don’t put much stock in a snapshot poll taken today having much significance about the national mood on the “fatigue of the Trudeau government”.
    1 point
  32. Have to say it's tough to consistently win without a qb. Just ask Belichick.
    1 point
  33. iHeart

    Restaurant/food thread

    I've actually since had Dug and Betty's that's good ice cream so much variety
    1 point
  34. I didn’t say he was our starting LT next year. I acknowledged that he is one of a few tackles we’ve brought in this Year with a clear eye towards the future.
    1 point
  35. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    I think the part that they saw that worked was it won an election down there and all they are looking for is to have power for the sake of being able to say that they have power. There's no platform because it doesn't matter, if they can spew garbage and win, that's all that they want.
    1 point
  36. He could be as successful as Keith Gretzky!
    1 point
  37. Redblacks won the off season tho so...
    1 point
  38. The most lapoy thing that ever lapoed
    1 point
  39. Behar not fighting for extra yards. Would be nice if we could pry Acklin away from them to bolster our receiving core.
    1 point
  40. That dance just might be the highlight of the game. You can fool all of the people some of the time.... Yeah, LaPolice hasn't got whatever it takes to be a good head coach and needs to be given the sack, but he has had a succession of bad quarterbacks and pretty thin talent overall.
    1 point
  41. Reminded me of the whole Tim Burke era and Goltz taking a knee to go to OT rather than take a shot for the end zone. And Rich's brother being heard on TV yelling "take a knee!" in the OT lol. I feel for Ottawa's fans right now.
    1 point
  42. Uhg, I can live through another conservative majority- especially one that is following the MAGA doctrine of exploited rage... I thought Canada was better than this- here we are ******* faux populist leading a MAJOR political party. Freest country in the world- yeah, we so hard done by... ******* rage farmers.
    1 point
  43. Did Lapo just call a timeout to take a knee? Wtf?
    1 point
  44. captaincanuck12

    Random Jets News

    It's aight bruh. Let's grab a brewski and chill. Jets hockey is less than 48 hours away!
    1 point
  45. and we ended up getting the 1st rounder (Jon Oosterhuis) back!!
    1 point
  46. Elks delusion aside, that is a good question. What is the best trade for each franchise? Bombers first - a top 5 come to mind: 5. Matt Nichols for a 7th round conditional pick - team was a dumpster fire and he brought them back to contender status and ultimately a Grey Cup (albeit with him injured). And given the price this was an absolute steal. One of the two big trades (Pat Neufeld for Alex Hall being the other) that transformed the club. 4. Khari Jones, Moe Eliwonibi, and a draft pick for Chris Perez and a draft pick (two simultaneous trades) - Jones was the thrown-in part of the deal. An MOP, single season franchise records, 2001 Grey Cup appearance and the best QB-receiver combo in history with Stegall. Re-built the team from the depths of the Reinbold era (IMO the worst the franchise has ever been). Had he lasted longer than 4.5 years and won a Cup this would rank higher. 3. Tom Clements for Dieter Brock - a king’s ransom to get him, but Brock was not going to play here so this was a “how do we salvage something” move, and was pretty amazing considering the quality of QB we got back given our hand was forced. And then it turns out we got the better QB going forward. And an MOP award, and a Grey Cup. 2. Doug Brown - a first and third round pick for rights to a guy who might never have signed was a bit pricy if it didn’t pan out, but because it did this is a massive steal of a trade for one of the greatest Canadian defensive players ever. The backbone of the team for a decade. 1. Zach Collaros for a second round pick (turned into a first when he re-signed). Two Grey Cups (and front runners for a third), an MOP award (and front runner for a second), 29-3 in meaningful games since he got here. Yeah, I’d say this is the biggest steal in Bomber history.
    1 point
  47. I'm not even thinking of this year but also going forward .. no guarantee Jeffcoat comes back for another season after this and we have to start planning for the gradual turnover of our core players. Bring people in. Immerse them in the team culture while we have those leaders here.
    1 point
  48. ddanger

    Playoff Update

    Will BC run the table?? Unlikely.... Will Edmonton or Sask beat us at home?? Unlikely. We're gonna be fine and I'm gonna freeze my keester off at a home playoff game!
    1 point
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