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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-28 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. I don't know if anyone brings more fire and passion (visually) than Bailey, guy is always jacked up in twitter, on field,dudes just a good teammate and player.
    6 points
  3. I would wager it has more to do with how poorly the team has done over the last couple of seasons than a name change. Winning solves a lot of those things.
    6 points
  4. This is definitely Migs CoFaj is trash and the Gappers are a poverty dumpster fire franchise on every level “Cody” 😂😂 No Bomber fan has ever referred to this bum as Cody
    5 points
  5. What’s with the “we” business! You sound like a hillbilly fan faking to be a bomber fan. Bomber fans don’t refer to the ass wipe of a SK qb as “Cody”, nor is he effective. “we” rarely give warm regards and suggest “serious trouble” to any SK c*** named “Hinton” that plays for any bastard organization.
    5 points
  6. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    The disappointing thing is this guy has his wife's complete support instead of her utter disapproval for being a lout and a public embarrassment, any half intelligent female should hold a veto over male stupidity, something is broken. Together people of this ilk are raising a future generation of complete morons. I love the irony of these "Freedumb!" idiots throwing around the term traitor at the drop of a hat, when their modus operandi pretty much revolves around ultimately committing treason to secure all the rights they seem to think have been violated.
    5 points
  7. The NFL Network has the Jets / Giants game at noon today.
    4 points
  8. Their shitty team is a bigger reason IMO.
    4 points
  9. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    If Garland doesn’t indict him, precedent set, free for all.
    4 points
  10. Always the highlight of the regular season calendar, hope some of the boys come back healthy, Sask got some motivation after last night and I can't wait for us to crush their souls once again.
    3 points
  11. A team is a sum of its parts...both us and sask are equally as banged up...I would say our losses are more significant than theirs....one team is barely over 500...another is 10-1...I like our chances to sweep...factor in discipline and better coaching and culture...its a slam dunk
    3 points
  12. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Short of moving the capital of Canada from Ottawa to Red Deer, and probably not even then, nothing is going to satisfy these malcontents. They are just shadows of the Qanon/GOP cabal in hte US with fewer guns and less influence.
    3 points
  13. Cause bc had zero ability at QB...
    3 points
  14. Fact: we have a contrarian arguing that an called incomplete pass should not end the play. I guess he thinks that they should always wait until the ball stops rolling around on the ground "just in case".
    3 points
  15. I think you are seriously underestimating how bad their OL and QB are Our DL is so bad that we have given up like 2 rushing TDs this year
    3 points
  16. The Jets should cut Flacco and keep Strevy
    3 points
  17. Some people are slow learners. See: Colin Robinson from "What we do in the Shadows" to get an idea of how TBurg operates.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. When Litre is your come back option you're going to lose
    3 points
  20. They haven't had a winning season since 2017 and haven't won at home in nearly three years. Losing turns people away.
    3 points
  21. Pretty much nothing is going right for the Ungulates tonight.
    3 points
  22. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Imagine berating another human because you're an ignorant, uninformed, gullible, scared sociopath piece of **** and then being proud about what you did. And then there's his oxygen thief wife/partner encouraging him as he does it, filming the whole thing on her phone. Disgusting human beings.
    3 points
  23. Any incomplete pass is whistled dead...immediately...always...u dont give a 3 count and then blow it just in case. Everyone and their dog...commentators...and prob everyone watching thought it was an incomplete pass...until first replays were shown ...in slow mo was it realized...but was already whistled dead before an immediate recovery...and the 2 cgy players close botched it and didnt secure it...Grey was standing right over the ball almost and let up...at the whistle...he only reacted a bit when he saw the 2 cgy guys scrambling...so the call...review and result was as per rules...nothing to see here
    3 points
  24. Our special teams cover and run D need to learn a lot from the Calgary game.
    3 points
  25. The amount of pride they took out of narrowly beating a team using their 3rd string QB was adorable
    3 points
  26. The NFL pension isn't anything crazy either, it's like under $50,000 USD per year once someone is vested. Actually kind of a joke when you think most guys on the 53 man are hauling in 7 figures. They need to make their own investments. Streveler has already made over $1.5 million USD in the NFL. The bigger part of it is the 401k they get access to but obviously like any of us that means they are contributing their own income today into that, and they need to stay on the active roster to keep contributing.
    2 points
  27. Yup... but u know that will never happen....ever...Strevs has done well... but also against 3rd and 4th stringers so is def behind 8 ball...and he gets no pensionable games credit on a PR...if he gets released he should come up for a prorated salary with an out clause in case injury occurs after season starts at some point where he could get on a roster as a backup...gets some reps and more film up here...make some cash..
    2 points
  28. What was the tweet? His last tweet sounds like someone close to him died.
    2 points
  29. So its three days later and despite ample discussion, @TBURGESS continues to argue the same points. I have to ask, why man? You keep stating the same things over again and its clear you're not going to convince most people here. Move on.
    2 points
  30. This is our impasse. You are declaring these facts as if the whistle didn’t happen - but it did. You might wish that the refs have allowed the play to continue - but they didn’t.
    2 points
  31. And the politicians condemning this behaviour need also to say this isn’t a case of having differing political platforms. This is wingnut behaviour not associated to any sane political beliefs. They don’t hold political beliefs. They are against everything that doesn’t think, feel and look like them. We’re way past the point in thinking civil discourse with most of these knuckle draggers will broaden their perspectives.
    2 points
  32. Fact: If Calgary would have made a clean recovery of the fumble the whistle is moot. They didn't so it's not a turnover.
    2 points
  33. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    There were so many lies told in that referendum. On an AG end the separatists told Quebec Dairy farmers they would remain part of the CANADIAN Dairy marketing board. They basicly campaigned say I g they would keep whatever they wanted ( things that would benefit them) and toss whatever they didnt want. As if it would be their choice alone. And people bought what they were selling. The other massive issue was what would have happened on 1st nations. I distinctly remember The head of the Northern Chiefs saying " Nobody is telling us what country we belong to " .A yes vote would have been one hell of a disaster.
    2 points
  34. Cornelius was 4 for 18 at one point.... yikes. I have to say Suitor was correct in many parts of the game tonight. Why in the heck were they not targetting Acklin more often, he was being covered by 2 jabroni's and was open many times. LaPo calling a weird game and also he knew they were one player short on defense on that one late bomb and yet he didn't call the Time out? Also that last series by the Redblacks with Evans in at QB... how could they be so confused on 2nd and long? Why not run an option play where Evans either keeps the ball or pitches it out? So weird. At least Arbuckle looked competent and clearly is light years better then Evans... only took LaPo a month and a bit to realize this.
    2 points
  35. every time I see the Elks I just think about how on earth anyone would give Chris Jones 4 years as your GM/coach/DC. massive massive albatross.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. In my opinion the people promising never to be back were likely not buying tickets anyways. Edmonton just flat out sucks and that's going to hurt the ticket sales more than anything else.
    2 points
  38. Behar can be on my team anytime.
    2 points
  39. It used to be that Edmonton had 35000 minimum every game. The name change seems to have really pissed off that fanbase. Lots of complaints on social media about it. Whether you agree a name change was needed or not, there's no doubt it did turn off a lot of fans. Looks like they won't be back until this team is a Grey Cup contender. The previoius management really did a crap job.
    2 points
  40. Lawler was not really open. Double covered in fact. Cool story, Glen.
    2 points
  41. Maaaaan, what a ******* catch by Lawler. That guy can ball!
    2 points
  42. It was “dress up as a green seat” night tonight apparently. Makes Toronto look like a flash mob by comparison.
    2 points
  43. I think he started the season well enough but lately I've been missing Wilson more and more.
    2 points
  44. “Not even in the honorable mentions” “he’s better than wade miller” you’re cherry picking to create reasons to be angry, again.
    2 points
  45. This is wrong. The players on the field heard the whistle and stopped playing. We don't know who might have got possession if the whistles were not blown. The whistles were blown - appropriately in everyone's mind but yours - and nothing should have been done differently after that point.
    2 points
  46. He missed half of last season, all of this season so far, not sure he'd do them much good sitting on the 6 game. More time to throw lemons, we all need more time to explore lemons and bubbles apparently.
    2 points
  47. If he signed a 1 year deal with the Lions then get him back here next year. Throw a stove with turkeys, chicken, pork, roast beef, casseroles, apple pies & lots of $$$, whatever it takes to get him back here. Convince him that cold is just a state of mind.
    2 points
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