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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-02-04 in Posts

  1. This is laughable. Come on man. I’m a huge Andrew Harris guy. Turned this whole franchise around for us. Ring of Honour, Hall of Fame, statue out front of IGF, do it all for the guy. He deserves that and so much more. He’s also more or less finished. He’s at the end of a great career. Does he have something left in the tank? I don’t doubt it for a second, but there’s a reason the great teams are the teams that are a year early on these decisions instead of a year late. Harris is going to be 35 at the start of camp, he could barely practice last year, he’s becoming progressively more and more beat up and he can’t really be a full time back anymore. Had a hell of a run in the playoffs after taking a huge chunk of the year off and having a year off before that to heal up. How is it going to work for him when he doesn’t have the benefit of those variables? I hope we find a way to keep him, but he’s not the pulse of this offence anymore. He didn’t suit up for us for more than 4 games in a row last year. His playoff run was extraordinary, but let’s be honest with what it was. Those are conditions where you have to pound the rock and Hamilton/Saskatchewan were both missing good pieces of their run stopping D. He was coming off a ton of rest. That can’t be a long term solution for us and we have to look to keep this team together in ways where it leads to sustainable success. A 35 year old running back who probably doesn’t want to take the pay cut we’d need him to take may just not be an answer for us.
    12 points
  2. Dom Davis gets a deal in Montreal. How this guy keeps getting work in the pros is insane.
    8 points
  3. Bigblue204


    I've thought this many many times. Like IF this is the worst my generation has to go through, it's a ******* joke compared to what previous generations had to handle. Like they can't even be compared. Storming Normandy....or wearing a mask? Rationing your food....or ordering out instead of dinning in? Having your manufacturing business under the control of the government to help the war effort....or get a life saving medicine? and I know the comparisons are apples to apples....but if my grandfather had to listen to motherfuckers cry about masks and school closures and comparing it to what he did in the wars...I can't even imagine what he'd say....******* *******.
    7 points
  4. I am not throwing shade on Charlie Roberts, but Andrew Harris showed up in the playoffs and that's the difference to me.
    7 points
  5. Plus....you ****** off to the NFL for awhile and made millions (????)....came back at the end of your career when you could just as easily retire......and now you're gonna complain about "some foreigner" putting you out of a job? Get ******...
    7 points
  6. 7 points
  7. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Pierre is the lowest common dominator, so it's no wonder he's popular among a small group of cons.
    6 points
  8. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Pollievre is just a hack. Literally says anything and does not even understand basic economics. But, sure, put him in charge.
    6 points
  9. Noeller


    all of these complaining assholes would never have made it through the World Wars.... "rationing? Don't take away my freedom!!"
    6 points
  10. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    The MOU if the truckkker convoy is something else. Also, no truckers are involved, just racist trash and grifters.
    6 points
  11. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    the ONLY thing the Con's have is shitting on Trudeau! They've never offered up any real policy...just "we're not Trudeau". Scheer and O'Toole's campaigns were entirely about dog-whistles regarding Trudeau and it sunk them both.
    5 points
  12. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    If you say so. He will likely be the next leader and he will likely beat Trudeau.
    5 points
  13. Would hate to see him in Green but it would be amusing watching every single gapper trying to delete all the trash they've talked about Harris & PED's over the last 18 months.
    5 points
  14. Remember all those dominant years Calgary had? Remember how Wally was? You don't build and maintain dynasties with nostalgia and warm fuzzy feelings. You do the things that need to be done when they need to happen. I'll hate to see Andrew in another uniform, but I'd hate worse to see someone like Oliviera light it up for the next five or six years with another team. Personally, I'm glad to see that Walters has a bit of Wally in him.
    5 points
  15. Ok, man, back away from the cliff.
    5 points
  16. Yea and his approach is so accommodating and enticing to a diverse set of Canadians from varying backgrounds and experiences that would surely lead to him being the appropriate figure head to lead this great country of ours said no one ever who can put their own personal agendas aside. Trudeau is definitely an elitist who seems to place more favour on how he’s seen globally that in his own backyard and is a bit of a pompous ass but he does at least mimic an inclusive approach now and then. People (wingnuts) like PP come in hot at appeasing to very exclusive clientele.
    4 points
  17. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    The truckers who do show up are just useful idiots. "In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders."
    4 points
  18. If I was Rourke...I would be holding out...he has BC by the balls....
    4 points
  19. You can't be serious. Both focused on the Liberal leader and offered no substance to their platforms during the 2019 and 2021 election campaigns. In what universe is Poilievre a "very good" attack dog? The same one where Scheer and O'Toole were nice guys...?
    4 points
  20. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Pollievre and Lewis are both far right nutters, as far as I'm concerned. Too many crazy things tweeted by both for me to ever support them. MacKay and.,.......the lady whose name I can never remember........oh Rona Ambrose! ....those two are Con leaders I could, in theory, support....,
    4 points
  21. that's where the first one belongs....
    4 points
  22. Bigblue204


    What I find frustrating is this sense that the entire world could be involved in a pandemic and there is some solution to it that wouldn't inconvenience or harm someone somewhere in some way. Like it's a ******* pandemic!! YEAH **** is gonna suck for a while!! It's gonna suck and or people are going to die...stop whining about it and help.
    4 points
  23. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    100% Stefanson will drop the vax card mandate by the spring if not earlier. And these hillbillys will claim it was there doing.
    4 points
  24. Hawaii and it's not even close.
    4 points
  25. Global punter did a better job than Ryan. Its not like the guy who replaced him was some bum.
    4 points
  26. I think we could fit them all in with Harris accepting somewhere in the 125...135k range....and a reduced role...to keep him fresh....now will he agree to that? Be sad to see us let another Bomber great go so close to the 10k rushing milestone in Bomber colors (Charles Roberts) Sure a good amount was with Leo's, but 10k for career none the less is big...especially with a local player, and likely prob never matched by a Canadian.....That in itself should be done in Wpg colors, and hopefully both sides can make that happen Worst case and crappiest scenario is you can release him after TC if he came in uninspired and having lost a step...give him his bonus contingent on making the roster....put that fire in him
    4 points
  27. Where are the comments about how he can be signed for under 500k? 800k? Why is 200k a reasonable number for an aging RB with health issues?
    4 points
  28. JCon

    The Environment Thread

    Conservatives lie with impunity. Example 1,549.
    4 points
  29. And where is the comment about needing to spend 200k to make that happen?
    4 points
  30. Harris is the best RB in Bomber history. He deserves another contract. That being said if the reports are true that he came in out of shape last year and not ready to play then he needs to consider that as well. I am sure the Bombers have asked him to take a cut, maybe not officially, but certainly unofficially. If Harris wants to be a Bomber I am sure he can be. The ball is in his court but by all accounts the big payday here is gone for him, and it sure sounds like this was at least partially his own doing. I wish him well if he wants to chase the pay day and I am sure Lapo has 20 touches a game reserved for him in Ottawa. We will be fine without him. FIFO.
    4 points
  31. Don't see why would would want to do that when we've been drafting and developing that as a Canadian position.
    4 points
  32. B.C's spending and cap allocation is bizarre.they havnt really addressed any of their concerns, yet, and if anything are weaker with the loss of Mike R and possibly giving almot 700k to receivers.. QB pool is getting thin now and if Rourke struggles or gets hurt behind that still weak O-line...then what?....and if they are targeting Richardson (and I sure he can be tied to all teams as I sure all have contacted his agent) thats gonna cost them and still isn't gonna save that defense alone. I think Stove may take the money if we cant come "close".....That being said Walker and Rose showed ok in limited play..Sayles will only get better and he is just fine vs the run as yr went on, and the dude can get the pressure on a QB, and there are 1 yr stop gaps we could land..vets with skills still that we wouldnt niss a beat, and likely will command less than last yr...I looking at you Nevis and Johnson....Heck maybe we go after Laurent, he might wanna win a Cup lol....BA is shelved for half a yr likely so his $$ wont be on the books...Rotate him and Fatboi as the Canadian starter and still go import at safety...lots of options for us to not skip a beat, offence too with Lawler
    3 points
  33. Masoli to Ottawa is a good move for them, he's good at moving from the pocket and throwing on the run. A significant upgrade over Nichols and Davis.
    3 points
  34. Masoli staying in Ontario so he can continue to take the bus to every game im kidding….sort of
    3 points
  35. Therein lies the difference between Winnipeg and Sask....our success...their flops...Our culture and guys wanting to stay here for less...and theirs where guys have no loyalty to each other or team....and bet he's not the only guy on that team with that thought process....they a long ways away in becoming what we have here, as they still employ many dbags
    3 points
  36. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    I lose what little respect I might have had for them the second I see the American flag there. I just don't get it.
    3 points
  37. I would guess both players wanted this and the teams didn't want to take a chance with FA. Tampering period does make for interesting times. This is a win for the CFL, IMO. Lapo made me do it.
    3 points
  38. That's an interesting development. When the Stamps make moves, it's significant. They are as much of a model as the Bombers but have been doing it longer.
    3 points
  39. You know as soon as he signs there that they'd be all over that. He's going to retire in rider green,he hates Winnipeg,he's finally on his dream team blah blah blah
    3 points
  40. So we don't want to sign him for a 1 day contract to retire as a Bomber
    3 points
  41. Well I think it’s likely Harris was going to have to take a major pay cut but I don’t blame him for not doing that. He’s 35 and like only has another 1-2 years left. If a team like Ottawa or BC could offer him the big money he was making with Winnipeg when we signed him I can’t really fault him. Really hate to see this but ultimately football is a business for both players and teams alike.
    3 points
  42. Is your source on this reliable?
    3 points
  43. So I saw your post. You don't get to run from that. Irresponsible media trying to be first rather than fact checking.
    3 points
  44. I feel dirty arguing this with you because, more than anything, I want him to be the 2017 -2019 model. With his age, last season’s overall performance, and other uses for his $, I think we move on. But if we find a way to sign him, I won’t be sad.
    3 points
  45. Have removed the posts speculating about players personal lives. Thanks all for self moderating and pointing these out.
    3 points
  46. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Wow. Just wow. Disturbing. These people are raising part of the next generation of Human Beings. For all you Bomber/Jet fan lurkers on this site who would support something like this or would say something like 'I get why they're doing this' show yourself. I know you're lurking around wanting to post your cleverness. Educate us dumb bots, us dumb libtards, us Wokestors, us sheeple who are the exact opposite of Maga supporters. Shine your light on the 'truth'. Show us your best Theo Fleury. Let's get into this if you're so confident in your 'research', you're acute ability to get at what's really going on here and anyone who counters is just plain stupid. FFS.
    3 points
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